Chapter 4

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The last thing I expected when I went to this party at Sidney's was seeing Hazel. The shock on her face was evident when she locked eyes with me. I'm guess Sidney never told her she knew us. I wonder why? Maybe they haven't been friends long? They were roommates though, they've must have known each other for awhile. I'll have to ask. Niall realized who she was when we were introduced to her, recognizing her from the photo I showed them all after I got back from the hospital. They have been giving me trouble ever since then because I haven't been able to stop talking about her. She was captivating.

A little girl just came up and dragged her way to go see someone named Chloe.

I liked making her blush and I liked how she would look down when she got shy but then would look back up at me, making eye contact. Her eyes were beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. Her legs, my word, her legs were sexy. Wonder what it would be like having those legs wrapped around me... Get a grip Styles and get your head out of the gutter. It was definitely different seeing her something other than scrubs. I'm excited to get to know her and see of she's just as beautiful on the inside.

I find Liam and Louis talking to Mike and Brian, who run a recording studio in Nashville. I walk over and say hi. We talk about the tour and how things are going. I a movement of red catches my eye and Hazel walks to the living room holding an adorable little girl, she tickles her side making her giggle, causing Hazel so smile smile and laugh. Who is that little girl? She looks just like Hazel....

"Harry! Earth to Harry!" Louis is waving his hand in front of my face and I push it away.

"What?" I ask, realizing Mike and Brian have left. Damn, I'll have to apologizing for being rude and spacing out.

"How strange is it that the nurse you have been obsessing over is friends with Sidney?" Louis chuckles.

"Very strange. I'm glad though because now I can actually see her and not have to make a fool out of myself and send myself back to the hospital." We all laugh.

"She seems like a nice girl, though she looked pretty angry at Sidney," Liam says, laughing.

"Yeah I don't think Hazel knew Sidney was friends with us," I tell them.

"So what now? You going to ask her out?" Louis asks, taking a sip from the golden liquid in his glass.

"I think so, I want to get to know her more." Red catches my eye once again, and Sidney stands talking with a couple of people. She would laugh every now and then, her eyes lighting up when she did. Louis and Liam say they are going to get another drink and ask if I want anything. I hold up my glass, half full of vodka and cranberry juice, and tell them I'm good. I lean back against the door frame and continue to watch this beautiful girl who captivated me.

"Who are you staring at?" I'm jolted out of my daze. I look over and Sidney smirking at me. She knows exactly who I was looking at.

"Hazel. Though you knew that already." I smile.

"She made quite the impression on you, huh?" She asks, I just nod.

"She's quite the catch. She's an amazing person, inside and out." Se tells me, matter of fact.

"I would really like to get to know her more, maybe ask her out? What do you think? What do you think she would like to do?" I ask, knowing she was hazels best friend and would know more about her.

"Well... I think she would like anything romantic. Something where you guys could talk and get to know each other. She's pretty easy going so I think she would go for anything." She tells me.

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