Chapter 36

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After the show Harry and I made our way back through the metal door and back to the same room where we saw Ed. I was still buzzing from the show, my mind on overdrive. It was my first Ed Sheeran concert and it was absolutely fantastic. I think having that experience with Harry made it even better.

Harry led me over to a couch that was in the back of the room. There were a few other people standing around and I assumed they were friends of Eds or they worked with him. Harry nodded to them as we passed them. He kept hold of my hand the whole time, as a matter of fact, his hands never left me the whole show. He was always touching me, holding my hand, arms around my waist, touching my cheek, hands on my hips. I loved it.

We took a seat and I cuddled up to Harry's side.

"How did you like the show?" Harry's deep voice breaks the silence.

"I loved it! Not as awesome as your shows but it was right up there," I couldn't help but smile and feel all giddy.

"What was your favorite part?" Harry asks, taking my hand and placing it in his lap, playing with my fingers.

I look at him like he's crazy for not already knowing, "it was when you sang to me," I smile sheepishly at him.

I see a smile break out on his face, his dimples making my heart stop. "Do you like it when I sing to you?"

"Yes," I don't hesitate to answer. He brings my hand up and kisses the back of my hand.

"I'll have to do it more often then," he smirks.

"You better," i tease.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight," he whispers in my ear, his warm breath against my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm a mess. I'm sure I stink to," I protest.

"You don't stink, love," he laughs.

"Whatever you say," I roll my eyes, laughing as he pokes my side. I swat his hand away and he places on my thigh, a little higher than necessary , considering we were in a room full of people.

"Harry," I warned. He smirked at me, bringing his had a little higher and squeezing. I close my eyes, trying to ignore the ache building between my legs. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"What? Is something wrong?" He asks innocently. I glare up at him.

"Oh you know exactly what you're doing."

"I didn't know what you mean?" He asks again, bringing his hand up even further, his pinky touching the thin fabric between my legs. I look over at the other people in the room and I was thankful that they all seemed to busy to notice Harry and his wandering hands. "It's a shame you're on your period. The things I could do to you..." I shiver at his words, aching even more.

I look around once more to make sure nobody is watching and then I place my hand right over the bulge in his pants. I could tell he was getting turned on by the way he was squirming a little. Two can play at that game Harold.

"I know, it's such a shame. You could be bending me over right now..." I whisper, moving my hand and making him squirm even more.

I hear him growl and watch as he glances up real quick to make sure we aren't being watched, "Hazel, this teasing is killing me." He wines, squeezing my thigh some more, his pinky brushing against my center.

"Do you want to bend me over, Harry?" I ask, looking at him all innocent like. I watch as his eyes darken as they fill with desire.

"I would love to, but..."

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