Happier [l.s one shot] ✔

By ohcuddleharry

4.3K 151 249

Louis Tomlinson, a depressed and wealthy businessman finds his life changing after he meets Harry Styles, a s... More

Part One.

Part Two.

1K 58 137
By ohcuddleharry

Nine Months Later.

Scene 1.

[Conference Hall, The Tomlinson Enterprises, London, 12:48 pm, Special.]

(Louis is in a meeting with his clients)

Louis: (signs the documents) "The deal is final."(everyone smiles) "Mr. Storm, all decisions regarding this project will be taken by Ms. Johannah."(everyone's face falls open in shock)

Johannah: (shell-shocked, whispers) "What?"

Louis: (smiles) "Yes, contact my mother if there are any queries. She will be handling the project from now on."(stands up, smiling) "Now, thank you, Gentlemen. We look forward to working with you."(nods and leaves the room)

(After ten minutes, Johannah knocks on Louis' office door)

Louis: "Come in."(sees that it's Johannah) "Oh, Hello Mum."

Johannah: (takes a seat, shocked) "You-You're calling me mum."

Louis: "Well, you are my mum."

Johannah: (opens her mouth but then closes it, after a minute) "Why did you give the project to me?"

Louis: "You and Dad both built this company up. You have more right over this company than me."

Johannah: (looks down) "I-I don't deserve this."(ashamed) "Not after what I did with your father."

Louis: (frowns) "Whatever you did with my father was your choice. I can't deny your right on the company because of that."(smiles) "And someone told me that everything's fair in love."

Johannah: (smiles) "And that someone must be special if you believe that."

Louis: (smiles fondly) "Very special."

Scene 2.

[Zayn's Cabin, The Tomlinson Enterprises, London, 5:17 pm, Entrepreneur.]

(Louis is sitting and playing his guitar)

Zayn: "You do know that you have to attend an award show tonight, don't you?"

Louis: "Chill, Zayn. Enjoy my song."

Zayn: (sits down, smiles) "That Harry guy totally changed you, man."

Louis: "He didn't change me Zayn. He taught me how to live."(puts his guitar to the side, smiles) "You know sometimes when I'm alone, I imagine him sitting infront of me...talking, laughing...just being with me."(pause) "Loving me. I imagine him loving me, Zayn."

Scene 3.

[Living Room, The Styles' Residency, 9:24 pm, Louis Tomlinson?]

(August is sitting in the living room and watching the award show, Louis gets awarded The Entrepreneur of The Year)

August: (sees Louis walking up the stage, gasps loudly) "Uncle Louis?!"(shouts) "Uncle Liam, Aunt Jane, Grandpa, Uncle Louis is on the TV!"

(Liam, Harry's Dad and Anne come running into the room)

Liam: (sees Louis' name on the screen, shocked) "Louis...Louis Tomlinson?"

Robin: (sits on the couch) "He is not Louis Scott."(pause) "He is not a singer...he is The Louis Tomlinson."

(Louis dedicates his award to Harry)

Liam: (furious, yells on the TV) "You Bastard, I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

Robin: (tense, rubs his hands on his face) "Let's..book our tickets to London, Liam."

Scene 4.

[The Tomlinson Enterprises, London, 9:03 am, Nine Months?]

(Liam and Robin are waiting in the reception, Louis hasn't arrived yet)

Liam: (pacing back and forth) "I'm going to kill him, Dad. That fucking bastard!"

(After ten minutes, Louis enters the office, he doesn't notice Liam and Robin)

Louis: (happily) "Hello Everyone!"

Liam: (strides towards him, turns him around, fists his collar)
"Louis Tomlinson."

Louis: (shell-shocked) "Liam?"

Liam: (slams him against the wall, Louis winces, Liam shouts) "You fucking bastard, where is Harry?!"(Louis frowns)

Robin: (tries to pull Liam back) "Liam, control yourself!"

(Security guards come and pull away Robin and Liam away)

Louis: (pushes the security guards back) "Hey, leave them!"(still shocked, looks at them) "Let's...let's talk in my cabin."

(After five minutes, Louis, Liam and Robin are sitting in Louis' cabin)

Louis: (gulps) "Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee?"

Liam: "We don't want anything!"(slams his hand on the table) "Where is Harry?"

Louis: (frowns) "Harry...Harry's not with me."

Liam: "What do you mean Harry's not with you?! Both of you ran away together, didn't you?!"

Robin: (after a minute, voice cracks) "Is-Is he alright, Louis?"(sobs a little) "It has been nine months since I've seen his face. P-Please tell me that he's alright."(Liam puts his arm around his shoulder)

Louis: "Nine months?! Harry has not been home since nine months?"

Robin: (sniffles) "No."

Louis: (crouches down in front of Robin, puts his hands on his knees) "Harry is perfectly fine, Robin. Nothing has happened to him."

Liam: "How do you know that he's fine? You said that he's not with you."

Louis: (closes his eyes, gulps) "He is with me."(Liam gasps) "I-I'll bring him back. Give me ten days, Robin. I'll bring him back to you. Safely."

Liam: "How can we believe you, Louis Tomlinson?! You're a bloody liar!"

Louis: (ignores him, to Robin) "Trust me. Please. Ten days, just give me ten days."

Robin: (wipes his tears, nods) "Ten days, Louis."

(After twenty minutes, Liam and Robin have left)

Zayn: (enters the cabin, sees that Louis is sitting and staring at the wall) "Louis?"(Louis looks up) "Who were those people?"

Louis: "Harry's brother and dad."

Zayn: "Is everything alright? His brother looked ready to kill you."

Louis: (after a minute, gets up) "I'm going to Brighton."

Zayn: "What?!"

Scene 5.

[Grimshaw Resorts, Brighton, 1:58 pm, Cheap.]

(Louis enters the resort with a bouquet of flowers and a small gift in his hands)

Louis: (to the receptionist) "Hi. Where can I find Nick Grimshaw?"

Receptionist: "Second door on the left, Sir."

Louis: "Thank you."

(Louis enters Nick's office, Nick is watching a football match)

Louis: (goes up to him, smiling) "Uhm..Nick?"

Nick: (gets up, confused) "Yes?"

Louis: (shakes his hand, smiling) "I'm Louis Tomlinson."(offers him the bouquet and the gift) "This is a small gift from me for you both."

Nick: (still very confused) "Thank you."(keeps the bouquet aside) "Please have a seat."

Louis: (sits down, removes his glasses, smiles) "I've heard a lot about you, Nick."(Nick frowns, Louis chuckles) "And I'm sure that you must have heard about me. From the same source, ofcourse."

Nick: (after a minute) "You're the entrepreneur, right?"

Louis: "Yes."(joins his hands, smiles awkwardly) "Well, Nick, I was wondering when you and Harry will go home...his parents are a bit worried actually."

Nick: "Who Harry?"

Louis: (frowns) "How many Harrys do you know, Nick?"

(After fifteen minutes, Louis and Nick are sitting outside)

Louis: (blinks back tears, rubs hands on his face, shocked) "You sent him back...h-how? How can you do that, Nick?"

Nick: (puts his hand up in surrender) "Don't make me feel guilty about it. I didn't tell him to come here. It was his stupid decision."

Louis: (still trying to process everything) "Then too he came to meet you Nick. He left behind his whole world...why-"

Nick: "Why? Because he's mad! If you know him then you must also know how childish he is! He is always in his dream world. He thinks that things will always go according to him!"

Louis: "And you proved that his dream world doesn't exist."(closes his eyes in pain, shouts) "Because people like you are in his world, Nick!"

Nick: "Look, you're a really big man. But this is my personal matter. I don't need to give you any explanations."

Louis: (nods) "Right. After all that you've done to him, there's no need for explanations. Everything is damn clear."

Nick: (smirks) "But what is between you and him is not clear. Harry never mentioned you, still you came so far looking for him. What's the scene, man?"

Louis: "I surely would've told you what's between me and Harry but a cheap person like you can never understand that."

Nick: "What? What did you call me?"

Louis: (stands up) "Cheap. Down grade. Shameless."

Nick: (gets up, loud) "How can you call me cheap?! You're talking as if I was the one who promised to marry him and then took advantage of it! I didn't even take the name of marriage! He was the one mad about it."(huffs, mocking) "We'll do this after marriage, we'll do that after marriage. This house, that balcony, those curtains!"(pause, Louis balls his fist) "I told him to go back to Edinburgh. When he used to call from Manchester, then also I told him the same thing. But he doesn't listen to anyone!"

Louis: (blinks back his tears, yells) "Harry has not gone home since nine months Nick! Nine months! He's alone somewhere! God knows what is his condition, what kind of days he has seen, how many difficulties he has faced..just because you said no to him! And if you really don't care Nick, everything's that happened to him is right because he should be punished to love a person like you so much!"(wipes his tears, laughs at himself) "This...This is the infamous Nick."(walks away)

Scene 6.

[Louis' Car, Brighton, 2:32 pm, Find.]

(Louis is sitting in his car and crying, his phone starts ringing)

Louis: (picks up his phone) "Zayn."

Zayn: "Louis, are you crying? Did you meet Harry? Is he alright?"

Louis: "He's...He's not here Zayn."(drinks a sip of water) "He's in Manchester."

Zayn: "Manchester?"

Louis: (closes his eyes for a minute, speaks slowly) "After I left him, he went inside to meet Nick. Nick was angry that he came to meet him without telling him. When Harry told him about his plan of marriage and meeting his parents, Nick blew up. He screamed at him and then broke up with him saying that he was mad for even thinking about it."(wipes his tears) "Harry cried and begged him but he didn't budge. He sent him away."(sobs) "Harry came to him with tears in his eyes everyday but he didn't care. He didn't care if he cried or if he was alright. He didn't care, Zayn!"(pause) "Some days later, Harry left. He went to Manchester."(rubs his face) "I don't know where to find him in Manchester! I don't know what to do, Zayn!"

Zayn: (clears his throat) "Don't worry, Louis. I'll do everything that I can do to find him, okay? I'll book a flight and a hotel for you in Manchester. Just-Just take care, alright?"

Scene 6.

[Costa Café, Manchester, 7:17 pm, Hurt.]

(Louis is sitting alone in Costa and drinking a coffee)

Louis: (rubs his forehead) "Where do I find you, Harry?"

(Just then, the door opens and Harry steps inside, Louis gasps as he sees his appearance, Harry doesn't look around, he keeps his head low and walks to the counter)

Louis: (shocked, keeps a hand on his mouth, tears pool in his eyes) "Oh my god."

(Harry is much skinnier, he is wearing an oversized jumper, his eyes are sunken in and teary, his cheeks are hollowed in and the smile that he gives the barista is empty, Harry takes the muffin and walks outside, Louis follows him)

Louis: (follows him, Harry doesn't look back and keeps walking with his head hung low) "What has happened to him?"

(After walking for fifteen minutes, Harry reaches a dingy building, Louis finally decides to make his presence known)

Louis: (clears his throat loudly) "Harold?"

Harry: (turns around, shocked, smiles) "Louis? Hi! What a surprise. How come you're here?"

Louis: (shrugs) "I came to know that you're here so I came to meet you."(Harry smiles) "So, how are you?"

Harry: (fake grins) "Good!"

Louis: "Yeah?"(Harry nods) "Great."(licks his lips) "Is everyone good?"

Harry: (nods, smiles) "Everyone's good. Perfectly fine!"

Louis: (crosses his arms, after a minute, teary-eyed) "You've really hurt me Harry."(Harry frowns) "You couldn't have told me? You couldn't give me a call?"(Harry looks down) "Now pack your bags and come with me. You're not staying here."

Harry: (shakes his head, teary-eyed) "You should go Louis."

Louis: "Look, Harry, I'm already really angry right now. Don't make it worse."

Harry: "No, Louis. I've chosen this lifestyle for myself. I'll live like this."

Louis: (grits his teeth) "Harry, please keep these self depreciating philosophies to yourself, alright? Right now, you're coming with me."

Harry: "You cannot force me, Louis!"

Louis: "Ofcourse I can Harry!"(Harry turns around and starts walking inside, Louis grabs his arm) "Harry!"

Harry: (loud) "Damn it, Louis! Leave me! What the hell are you doing?!"

Louis: "Harry, listen to me! You're comin-"

Harry: (frees his arm, screams) "What do you think of yourself, Louis?! Who do you think you are!"(teary-eyed, shouts) "Just because all of this happened to me, doesn't mean that it's your chance now! Do you understand that?!"

Louis: (crosses his arms) "Understood. I'll keep that in mind. Now can we go?"

Harry: (huffs, wipes his tears) "Why-Why are you doing this, Louis?"

Louis: "The reason is not important right now. Pack your bags and come with me."

Harry: (sobs a little) "No, Louis."(pause) "I can't take any more favours from you. You've already done so much for me. I-"

Louis: (incredulous) "I've done so much for you? I've done so much for you? If I'm alive today it's because you, you fool! I'm standing here because this is my second life which you have given me! Do you know how successful I am today? Today my company is at such a position that my Dad could never achieve! I've started three new industries, I don't know how many brands I have launched! Everything is going perfect. Whatever I am today its because of you!"(wipes his tears) "Whenever I am in a problem, I stop and think, what would Harry do if he was here and I do that and..."(huffs, crosses his arms again) "Can we go now or do you have to do more drama? This is my life, go away. Leave me alone bla bla bla."

Harry: (stares at Louis with his mouth open, blinks back tears, smiles slightly, nods) "I-I'll bring my bags."

Scene 7.

[The Grand Suite, Radisson Blu Edwardian, Manchester, 1:06 am, Stupid.]

(Louis is sitting on the bed with his back pressed to the headboard, Harry is lying with his head on Louis' lap)

Louis: (softly running his hand through Harry's hair) "I don't know how I found you. I thought I was never going to see you again."

Harry: (flat) "You're not going to get rid of me."

Louis: (frowns, stops) "I don't want to get rid of you, Harry. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

Harry: (smiles softly) "Keep doing that. Feels good."(Louis is confused, Harry huffs and puts Louis' hand on his hair)

Louis: (smirks) "Oh, for a second I forgot that you aren't a cat."(runs his hand through his hair and pets him) "A cat who likes to be petted all the time."

Harry: (removes Louis' glasses and puts it on himself, smiles) "Meow."

Louis: "Why do you like my glasses so much? You always wear them."

Harry: "I always wanted to wear glasses! But my eyes are unfortunately really good at doing their work."

Louis: (chuckles, after a minute) "You've got knots in your hair, Harry. You like your hair brushed all the time.."

Harry: (shrugs) "I don't like that now."

Louis: (rolls his eyes) "Bullshit."(gets up, brings back a brush, puts Harry's head in his lap again)

Harry: (confused) "What are you doing?"

Louis: (starts brushing his hair, grins) "Tomlinson Hair Service."

Harry: "Where's my angry young man?"(chuckles) "What happened to you?"

Louis: (smiles, kisses his forehead) "You."

(The next morning, both of them are having brunch in their room)

Louis: (puts his fork aside) "Harry, you seriously aren't eating anything."

Harry: "I am."

Louis: (gets up and sits beside him) "Should I order something else? Do you want pancakes?"

Harry: (throws his fork on the plate, gets up) "I don't want to eat anything. I'm not hungry."(sits on the bed)

Louis: (after a minute, stands up) "Do you remember our night in Northumberland?"

Harry: (rolls his eyes fondly) "How can I forget?"

Louis: (smiles) "Remember that hotel?"

Harry: (smiles) "Hotel Decent."

Louis: (smirking) "You know, the manager thought that you were a prostitute."

Harry: (gasps, amused) "No! Seriously?!"

Louis: (laughs) "Remember when I told you to shut up and let me talk and you said that three hours were more than enough?"

Harry: (laughs) "Oh my god I was so stupid! So stupid."(stops laughing, looks down, whispers) "This is why all of this happening to me, right? Because I am so damn stupid."

Louis: (huffs, gets up) "Enough now."(puts hands on his waist) "Why are you moping around for him? He doesn't even care about you!"

Harry: (frowns, gets up) "Did you meet Nick?"(Louis nods) "What did he say? Did he ask about me?"

Louis: (looks at him softly) "Harry...he-he doesn't...you don't matter to him now. He doesn't care."(Harry slumps down on the bed) "He doesn't deserve you, Harry. He doesn't."

Harry: (teary-eyed, whispers) "This is all my fault. This is all my stupidity! I'm such a fucking idiot."

Louis: (loud) "Enough of this now, Curly! You need to get over him."(paces back and forth, finally gets an idea) "Go and flush his photo! It really does fucking work!"

Harry: (wipes his tears, confused) "I don't have his photo?"

Louis: "Shit!"(thinks) "Okay, fine, I know what to do!"(walks towards the couch)

Harry: (follows him) "What are you doing, Louis!"(Louis picks up Harry's phone and grins) "What the fuck?"

Louis: (grins) "We'll call him and you'll curse him, alright? You need to take your frustration out."

Harry: (shakes his head in horror) "No! I can't do that Louis!"

Louis: (starts dialing his number) "Yes you can! Think of all the curse words that you know."

Harry: (gulps, Louis puts the phone at his ear) "Louis, please! I can't....Louis!"

(Nick picks up the phone, Harry gasps)

Louis: (puts his hand on Harry's mouth to shut him up) "Hello, Nick?"

Nick: "Yes?"

Louis: (winks at Harry, Harry is frantic) "Wait a second, Harry here wants to say something to you."(gives the phone to Harry)

Harry: (scared, pushes the phone back, whispers) "Louis, no, please!"

Louis: (puts the phone at Harry's ear, whispers) "Come on, you can do it!"

Harry: (gulps, holds the phone) "Nick?"

Nick: "Harry? Was that Louis Tomlinson's voice?"

Harry: "Yes..um.."(Louis is constantly provoking him) "I wanted to say that..."(Louis grins and mouths a go on, Harry gulps) "Bastard."

Nick: (startled) "What?"

(Louis fist pumps the air and pats his back, encourages Harry)

Harry: (grins slightly, speaks a little louder, provoked) "Bastard. You fucking asshole!"(Nick gasps) "What did you think, you motherfucker? That I will suffer because your shitass left me?! No! It's you who will suffer you cunt!"(shouts) "You! You fucking son of a bitch-"

(Nick gasps cuts the phone, Harry grins at Louis)

Louis: (extremely happy, grinning) "Feeling awesome?"

Harry: (nods, smiling widely) "T-Thanks."

Louis: (winks, smiles softly) "Any time."

(Harry tackles him in a hug, Louis gasps and hugs him back, Harry presses his face in Louis' neck and mumbles something, Louis pulls Harry's face back, puts both of his hands on Harry's face and smiles)

Harry: (whispers) "Why are you so amazing?"

Louis: "I'm not-"

(Harry kisses him, Louis instantly relaxes under his touch and kisses him back, Harry puts his hands on Louis' neck and Louis is delicately holding Harry's face, they kiss softly for another minute but then Louis realises what he's doing)

Louis: (releases his grip, pulls away, breathless) "H-Harry...I thin-"

Harry: (widens his eyes, realises, backs away) "I-I didn't...I'm sorr-"

Louis: (moves towards the table, chuckles awkwardly, not looking Harry in the eye) "Hey, it's alright. It happens. Things like this...happen."(voice cracks slightly, covers up with a chuckle) "It didn't matter, right?"(Harry stays silent) "Come on now, Curly, don't go sad on me again. Let's forget this happened..."(pause) "You need to show me Manchester! C'mon let's go!"

Scene 8.

[Radisson Blu Edwardian, Manchester, 9:56 pm, Happiness.]

(Harry and Louis are in the car, returning back to their hotel)

Louis: "You're going to Edinburgh with me, Harry. It's been nine months."

Harry: (after a minute, voice cracks) "I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed of myself, Louis. I left my family, my everything for a person who doesn't even care about me."

Louis: (puts his hand on top of Harry's) "Why are you ashamed? It's Nick who should be ashamed!"(smiles softly) "Your family loves you and misses you so much. What you're doing right now is not fair to them, Harry. You need to go back home."

Harry: (frowns) "I'm scared of what they will say."

Louis: (tilts Harry's face towards himself) "Hey, Harry, this line in your forehead, the frown, doesn't look good on you at all. You know when you look beautiful?"(Harry raises his eyebrows, Louis grins widely) "When you are grinning like this stupidly. C'mon now, show me!"

Harry: (smiles shyly but then grins) "Like this?"

Louis: (smiling) "Exactly!"

Harry: (stares at him for a minute, speaks softly) "You really like me, don't you?"

Louis: (smiles, puts his arm around Harry's shoulder) "Very much. I like you very much."

(They reach the hotel ten minutes later.)

Harry: (sees Nick sitting in the lobby, gasps, immediately gets behind Louis) "What is he doing here?"

Nick: (notices them, frowns as he sees Harry hiding behind Louis) "Hi, Harry. Louis."

Louis: "Hey."

Nick: (looks at Harry) "Can I talk to you for a minute?"(Harry grabs Louis' arm) "Alone."

Louis: (looks at Harry, smiles, brings him forward) "Go, talk to him Harry."

Harry: (realises, shakes his head) "You-You called him?"(Louis smiles sadly) "Why?"

Louis: (leaves Harry's hand) "I'll...I'll be in the room, alright? Talk to him."

(Harry and Nick move to a corner while Louis goes to his room)

Nick: "Harry, I'm really really sorry. I-I've been thinking and now I realise how much of a douche I have been. I love you, Harry. I always have."(Harry looks away) "I was blinded, Harry. I-I don't know how to say this...but I was scared. You came all of a sudden...and I couldn't handle it. I was scared of my parents and the society-"

Harry: "Why now, Nick? Why now?"

Nick: (holds Harry's hand) "Because I don't care now! I don't care about what they say! I love you and I want to marry you. Let's go to Edinburgh and then I'll do everything that I can do to convince your parents, alright? I love you, Harry. I really do."(goes in for a kiss)

Harry: (moves his face to the side, doesn't kiss him) "I-I'm...really tired right now."

(Five minutes later, Louis comes down to check on them, he blinks back his tears as he sees their joined hands)

Louis: (plasters a smile on his face, clears his throat, both of them look at him) "Everything alright, Gentlemen?"

Nick: (smiles) "Yes."

Louis: (looks at Harry, smiles) "So, Nick are you going to stay here with Harry? Should I book a room?"

Harry: (speaks before Nick can, walks towards Louis) "No, Nick is already staying at a hotel."(Nick frowns) "C'mon Louis, let's go. I'm really tired, I want to sleep."

(Ten minutes later, Harry and Louis are sitting on their bed, Harry has his head on Louis' shoulder)

Harry: "Why did you call him, Louis?"

Louis: "I told you I'd do anything for you, Harry."(tucks Harry's strand of hair behind his ear, soft) "If he makes my Curly happy then why would I not call him?"

Harry: (deep sigh) "Something doesn't feel right."

Louis: "What?"

Harry: (closes his eyes) "I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right. I...I feel scared....suffocated...I don't know..."

Louis: (hugs him) "I'm here for you. It'll all be okay."

(Twenty minutes later, Harry has fallen asleep, Louis moves to the side and calls Robin)

Louis: "Hello, Robin. How are you?"

Robin: "I'm alright, Louis. Is..um is Harry with you? Is he alright?"

Louis: (smiles, looks at Harry) "He is perfectly fine, Robin. He is sleeping right now. We'll be coming to Edinburgh tomorrow. I've booked the tickets and all. The flight will arrive there at two pm so..yeah."

Robin: (smiles widely, relieved) "Tomorrow? You're bringing him back tomorrow?"(calls Liam, extremely happy) "Liam, Harry is coming home tomorrow!"(wipes his slight tears) "Thank you, Louis. Thank you so much, son."

Scene 9.

[The Styles' Residency, Edinburgh, 4:03 pm, Celebrations.]

(Louis, Harry and Nick arrive there in the car. Harry and Louis are sitting in the back, Nick is sitting on the passenger's seat next to the driver)

Nick: (sees all the decorations and flowers) "Harry, what is happening here?"

Harry: (confused himself) "I don't know? Why have they decorated the house so much?"

Louis: (furrows his eyebrows) "Maybe....maybe you have returned after so many months, so they're....celebrating?"

Harry: (groans, slaps his forehead) "They've really overdone it this time."

(All of Harry's family gathers outside the next minute, Liam and Robin open Harry and Louis' door)

Liam: (hugs Harry immediately) "Where were you Harry?"(checks Harry's face) "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Harry: (chuckles, stops Liam) "I'm alright, Liam. What will happen to me?"

Anne: (hugs Harry, cries) "My baby. Why did you do this to us Harry, we were so worried!"

Robin: (hugs Louis) "Thank you, Louis. We owe you so much."

Jane: (hugs Harry tightly, sobs) "You're such an idiot!"

Liam: (smiles) "I'm sorry, Louis."

Louis: (pulls Liam in a hug) "It's okay. I would've done the same."

Josh: (notices someone sitting in the car) "Hey, there's someone in the car!"

Liam: "Is he your friend, Louis?"

Louis: (both he and Harry look at each other) "Yeah..yeah he's my friend."

Josh: (brings Nick out of the car) "Hey, man!"

Nick: (very confused, smiles awkwardly) "Hi?"

Liam: (smiles politely) "Hey! Feel at home, man! Louis' friend is our friend."(Nick frowns and Louis chuckles nervously)

(All of them move towards the door, Harry and Louis are standing next to each other)

Jane: (stops them from going inside) "Uh hun. Do you think you can enter that easily?"(squints her eyes) "Both of you ran together holding each other's hands right?"(Nick frowns and looks at them, Louis nods) "Well, if you ran away holding hands then it's only fair that you enter the house holding hands too."(everyone cheers)

Louis: (nervous, looks around, takes Harry's hand in his) "Okay, done."

Harry: (shows his joined hands to Jane) "See? Can we go in now?"

Jane: (moves aside, smiling) "You may."

(After five minutes, Jane pulls Louis to the side)

Jane: (puts hands on her waist, smirks) "Weren't you supposed to marry me, Louis? What happened?"

Louis: (smirks, leans in) "That was the initial plan, Jane, I was supposed to run away with you. But it was night time so I couldn't notice."(whispers) "I thought it was you but then in the morning I got to know that it's Harry!"

Jane: (laughs) "Oh, poor me!"(leans in, whispers) "Listen, who's that friend of your's?"(Louis turns to look at Nick, Jane smirks) "Is he my complimentary gift?"(Louis laughs)

Robin: (pulls Harry and Louis to the side) "Come here, both of you."

Harry: "Dad, what is all this? Why is the house decorated?"

Robin: "Look, we know that you both are already married but this is for our satisfaction."(Harry gasps and Louis chokes on air) "Are you both alright with it? It will be a really small wedding, in our back yard only."

Harry: (hears Anne calling him) "I-I need to go. Mum is calling me."(runs away)

Robin: "Louis? Is it okay? We want to see our son getting married."

Louis: (scared, gulps) "I-I think you should to talk to Harry once."

Robin: "Harry will be okay. He loves weddings. You tell?"

Louis: "I just...I think you should talk to Harry."

Liam: (walks towards them) "Louis, c'mon, Gramps wants to see you."

Louis: (extremely scared, to himself, whispers) "Oh god."(follows Liam)

Nick: (stops Louis, whisper yells) "Louis, what the fuck is happening here?! You and Harry ran together with your hands joined? Where?! What the hell is going on!"

Louis: "I-I'll explain everything to you later, Nick. I need to go right now."

(Two minutes later, Harry and Louis are standing infront of Harry's Grandfather, he is sitting on the same recliner)

Will: (crosses his arms, looks at both of them) "I told you. At my age, all I need is one glance to tell what is going on between two people."(Louis gulps) "The moment I saw you, I knew that something was up between you two. Why did you lie to us?"

Harry: (looking down) "Sorry, Gramps."

Will: (pulls them both in a hug) "C'mon, what happened now cannot be changed. I'm happy for you both."

Louis: (smiling awkwardly, looks at Harry) "Thank you."

Will: (sees Nick, to Harry) "Who's this?"

Harry: "He is um...Louis' friend."

Will: (smiles) "Oh."(to Josh and Sandy) "You both help him freshen up, yeah? The poor guy looks as if he has seen a ghost. Take him to the guest room."

Sandy: (grabs Nick's arm) "C'mon!"

Nick: (awkwardly) "No, no, I'm alright."(looks at Louis and Harry pleadingly) "I'm fine. I don't need to freshen up."

Liam: "You should go, Nick. You'll feel good!"

(Josh and Sandy take Nick out of the room, Louis pulls Harry out of the room towards a corner)

Louis: "Harry, what is happening here?! Why do they think that we're married? We don't even have rings!"

Harry: (rubs his face, huffs) "I don't know, Louis. They...I don't know...they are not very observant people."

Louis: (huffs loudly) "How..how are we going to tell them? I..I can't talk to Robin. I can't. And Nick is going to kill me!"

Harry: (rolls his eyes, after a minute) "I'll talk to mum. I'll try to explain everything."

Louis: (nods) "Okay. Talk to her. I'll...I'll go handle Nick, alright?"

Harry: (hugs Louis) "Okay."(walks away)

Scene 10.

[Guest Room, The Styles' Residency, Edinburgh, 5:19 pm, Misunderstanding.]

(Nick is in the bathroom, Louis is waiting for him)

Nick: (comes out, drying his hair) "Louis?"

Louis: (stands up) "Nick."(takes a deep breath) "Look, there has been a small misunderstanding."(Nick raises his eyebrows) "They...they think that Harry and I are married."

Nick: (gasps, yells) "What?!"(Louis tries shush him up) "How is this a small misunderstanding?! I am supposed to marry Harry, not you! What the fuck?!"(paces back and forth) "I am going to tell his parents right now-"

Louis: "No! There are a lot of people here, you can't tell his parents right now. Harry has gone to talk to Anne. He's going to explain everything to her. Have patience, alright!"

Nick: (takes a deep breath, nods) "Okay."

Scene 11.

[Harry's Room, The Styles' Residency, Edinburgh, 5:40 pm, Stars.]

(Harry pulls Anne inside the room and locks the door)

Harry: (sits on the bed) "Mum, I want to talk to you about something."

Anne: (sits beside him, confused) "Is everything alright, sweetie?"

Harry: (shakes his head, speaks after a minute) "Something...something doesn't feel right. I-"

Anne: (worried) "Are you happy with Louis, Harry? Does he take care of you?"(Harry frowns) "Doesn't he treat you right?"

Harry: (chuckles, looks down) "He-he takes better care of me than you, Mum. He'll do anything for me. If I tell him I want the stars, he'll bring the whole universe for me. He's mad."

Anne: (smiles) "Does he love you, Harry?"

Harry: (smiles sadly, voice cracks) "Very much. The most in this world, more than he loves anything."

Anne: (hugs him) "I'm so happy for you, Harry."(Robin calls her) "I need to go, Harry. Take some rest, okay? You look really tired."

Scene 12.

[Guest Room, The Styles' Residency, Edinburgh, 12:13 am, Thief.]

(Louis and Nick are sleeping on two separate beds, someone knocks on the door)

Louis: (gets up, yawns, opens the door, blinks) "Harry?"

Harry: (gets inside, shuts the door, turns on the light) "Hi."

Louis: (yawns) "It's midnight, what are you doing here? And as per our joke of a wedding, we can't see each other tonight."

Harry: (rolls his eyes fondly) "Shut up."

Louis: "Did you talk to Anne?"

Harry: (huffs) "I..I couldn't...I couldn't tell her. What will we do now?"(looks at Nick's sleeping figure) "What was he saying?"

Louis: "He wanted to talk to you. You can wake him up."

Harry: "No, it's alright. I'll talk to him tomorrow morning."

Louis: (nods) "I'll tell him. At the field right?"

Jane: (knocks on the door) "Harry are you in there?!"(Harry groans loudly) "I know you're in there!"

Harry: (Louis laughs, Harry whisper yells) "Shit!"

Jane: (opens the door, smirks) "Harry, you can't be here!"(grabs his arm, smirking) "What were you two doing? Grandma said that its bad if you see each other before marriage!"

Harry: "Jane, please, I need to talk to him, it's importan-"

Jane: "No!"(looks at Nick, amused, to Louis) "You both...infront of your friend too, Louis?"

Harry: (slaps her head) "Jane!"

Jane: (drags Harry out of the room, calls) "Bye, Louis! Have a good night!"

Harry: (runs back to the room, pulls off Louis' glasses and puts them on himself, grins) "Good night!"(pecks him on the cheek and runs back)

Louis: (shocked, happy, calls) "Bye, you thief!"

Nick: (stirs awake, confused) "What's happening?"

Louis: "Oh, Harry just came. He said that he'll talk to you in the morning."

Nick: (slurs) "Did he talk to Anne?"

Louis: "No, he couldn't. You need to meet him at the field at six alright?"

Nick: "Six?!"(Louis nods, Nick groans loudly and falls back to sleep)

Scene 12.

[Field, Behind Styles' Residency, Edinburgh, 6:01 am, Just one favour.]

(Louis and Nick are standing beside the tractor, waiting for Harry)

Louis: (checks his watch) "It's six, Nick. Harry will be here anytime. I-I'll be leaving now."

Nick: "Okay."

Louis: (starts walking) "Bye."(Nick turns away and looks for Harry)

(Louis walks for two minutes but then come across Harry)

Harry: (smiles) "Hi, Louis."

Louis: (smiles, teary-eyed) "Hi, Harold. You're late, Nick is waiting for you."

Harry: "I'm going."(realises, confused) "Where are you going?"

Louis: (chuckles) "I'm going back to London."

Harry: "You're leaving? Now?!"

Louis: (nods, blinks back tears, smiles) "Nick is waiting, Harry."

Harry: (sad, lost for words) "Why are you not staying?"

Louis: (hugs him tightly, a sob escapes his lips, he buries his face in Harry's neck) "I-I can't be here now. Not anymore."(kisses his forehead) "Take care, okay? And keep that grin of yours all the time."

Harry: (doesn't let go, tears pool in his eyes) "Don't go. Not now."

Louis: (pulls away, smiling sadly) "Hey, what did I tell about that frown of yours? It's ugly!"(touches Harry's frown) "Make this go away."

Harry: (takes out Louis' glasses from his pocket, holds it out to him, extremely sad) "Sorry, I took them away."

Louis: (smiles, puts them on Harry) "Keep them."(voice cracks terribly) "Maybe that way you'll not forget me, yeah?"(wipes his tears) "Bye, Curly."(starts walking away)

(Harry stares at him for a minute and starts walking towards Nick)

Nick: (Harry stands infront of him) "Hi, Harry."(Harry stays silent) "You couldn't talk to your mum? That's alright. I have the whole plan. We'll go and talk to them together."(Harry stares ahead and zooms out) "We'll tell them that you love me instead of Louis and that all arrangements will be the same, everything will be the same. The difference will be that I will stand at the altar instead of Louis-"

(Harry stops listening completely, moments of him and Louis starts playing in his head, after a minute, Harry slightly smiles at himself and starts running)

Nick: (stops talking, startled) "Harry?"

(Harry keeps running wipes his tears and laughs at himself)

Nick: (runs after Harry, confused) "Harry, stop!"(huffs) "Are you going to tell them now?"(Harry runs even faster) "Harry! Stop, wait! We'll tell them together!"(Nicks pants and runs after him)

(Finally Harry spots Louis playing with August, August notices Harry and runs away inside)

Harry: (stops infront of Louis, pants) "Is he coming?"

Louis: (confused) "Who?"

Harry: "Nick!"

Louis: (sees Nick running, confused) "Yes."

Harry: (grins) "Is he looking here?"

Louis: "Yes?"

(Harry lunges forward and kisses Louis, Louis gasps, Nick stops dead in his tracks)

Harry: (happy tears, smiling, puts his hands on Louis' face) "I am now just under one favour from you. Just one."(Louis frowns) "That you brought Nick back to me. Or else, I would've never realised what I really want."

(Nick curses and kicks the soil repeatedly)

Harry: (smiles, wipes away Louis' tears) "Now I'm going to do what my heart says, Louis."(kisses him again, grinning) "I love you, Louis. I love you!"

Louis: (sobs happily, kisses him) "I love you so much. I love you so so much, Harry."

(Nick slumps down on the ground and pulls his hair)

Harry: (screams, grinning) "I love you, Louis!"

Louis: (doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, hugs him tightly, extremely happy) "I love you, Harry."

The End.


That's it! It's finished! :D

I hope you liked it!

What was your favorite part of the story?

All the love. N xx

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