The Runaway - Phan - New Vers...

By OldStories

46.8K 1.9K 620

Rewritten Version! Phil ran away from home, but on his first evening in London, he's run over by a car and f... More

The Runaway - Phan - New Version
On My Way - Part 1
He Woke Up... But Was It The Best? - Part 2 (and old part 3)
This Time I Woke Up For Real - Part 3 (old 4,5&6)
I Regret Nothing - Part 4 (7&8)
Let's Do This - Part 5 (9&10)
I Simply Hate Homework... - Part 7 (14&15)
Christmas Is Truly Magical - Part 8 (16,17&18)
A Secret For Two - Part 9 (19&20)
Project Mum - Part 10 (21,22&23)
An Unexpected Visitor - Part 11 (24,25&26)
This Is Worse Than Bad News - Part 12 (27&28)
It Had To Happen - Part 13 (29&30)
I Wont Give In - Part 14 (31&32)
Déjà Vu - Part 15 (33&34)
All Stories Need To End Somewhere - Part 16 (35)

Moving In - Part 6 (11,12&13)

3K 120 40
By OldStories

Dan's POV

Phil had to stay in the hospital for about three weeks more before they finally decided to release him. I felt so bad for him, they still failed to find his family and identity. Phil's memory hadn't returned yet either and my mind was still a huge mess. But since he didn't have anywhere to live, and the doctors wouldn't put him into the system since they didn't believe that his mind could bear all the switching family all the time, he came and lived with us. He had to wait a week from he was actually good enough to leave the hospital till my mom decided to take him in. I admit, I was both overly happy about it and completely frightened... I still had troubles controlling my mind but Phil had grown on me and become my best friend. November 29th he moved in, around five weeks after the accident.

Phil POV

"I really don't want to be a bother... Are you sure about this." I asked ms Howell, standing behind her while she was about to open a door in front of us, showing me the extra room I should stay in. I felt like I was troublesome, they didn't have to take me in like this, I mean, they already saved my life, I would never be able to pay back what they'd done for me.

"No, you're not a bother dear" she smiled at me "Dan and I are happy to have you, I've even signet you up for Dan's school, so when your arm is healed, you can attend school with him, Chris and PJ." Yeah.. Dan. That's another thing I would never be able to pay back, what he'd given me trough our friendship was indescribable.

I looked at my arm, it was still in a cast but luckily I was able to walk again. My legs had healed incredibly fast and my rips only gave me a few problems sometimes. Right now my biggest problem was my mind and my arm. I let out a confused sigh and smiled thankful at ms Howell.

"You've done so much for me... Thank you" I mumbled, she simply smiled.

"No problem honey, you'll just call if you need something, okay?" I nodded and ms Howell opened the door, letting me peak inside in the small room. I instantly loved this room, I couldn't help but feeling guilty about the bed and desk which was clearly new... They'd even bought new furniture for me?! Even though all they knew about me... All I knew about me was my name, and honestly, we wasn't even sure if it was my name or not, most likely just a nickname.

"Should I show you around, Hun?" Ms Howell asked, snapping me out of my thoughts and guilty feelings. I smiled at her with a quiet nod.

Ms Howell smiled, displaying those dimples, Dan's dimples... I couldn't help but smile, I looked forward to Dan getting home from school, this was our first day where we could hang out without being in a stupid hospital all the time.

"Well, here's the bathroom" she pointed at a door, "kitchen there, living room there and my room there" she opened the different doors for me to gaze in quickly while she mentioned them. She stopped in front of the last door, "and this is Dan's room, which is really messy" she laughed, she had a nice laugh, just like Dan... It was actually quiet disturbing how much alike they were...

I peeked trough the door as ms Howell opened it for me to get a quick look. His walls was covered in different posters; Fall Out Boy, Muse and other bands. The shelves was filled with different video games, cd's and movies and his clothes lay messy all over the room. I had to keep myself from laughing,this was definitely Dan's room and I kinda just wanted to stay in there forever. Ms Howell closed the door' again snapping me back to reality with her nice smile.

"So you think you'll be able to find your way around?" She asked me and I nodded with another thankful smile. Ms Howell pulled me into a tight hug and padded my back lovingly before she left me to myself and I hurried to what was now my room.

I tossed myself on th-my bed. One of those stupid smiles were stuck on my face, I was going to live with Dan for a long time... I was going to live with Dan! He'd turned into my best friend in literally no time and I couldn't deny that I wanted to be with him all the time. I loved being near him more than anything. I couldn't help but think about how beautiful Dan was either, or how happy I felt when I was near him, how special I felt... I loved Dan, I truly did. I loved Dan more than anything else, but I was confused. I'd reached a point where I didn't know how I liked him, did I love Dan like a brother and a best friend or had my feelings evolved into something else? Something more? I found Lion in my sports bag and crushed him in a hug, he was the only one I could tell everyone.

"What do you think, Lion? Can I really be in like love love with Dan." I whispered, my heart flicked, speeding up at the thought and I smiled, hugging Lion again.

"I really DO love him, don't I?"


Well then this was the day I'd been looking forward to since my mom came home last week and told me that Phil would move in with us... And then I was forced to be at school when he got home, no fair. But that meant that Phil would be there when I got home so that's good and I literally can wait! Even though my thoughts were still confusing and fucked up, I'd learned to live with it and the weird feelings too... I actually kinda enjoyed them, I loved those feelings I had around him, they were nice, they made me feel warm inside.

I literally ran home and ripped the door open, walking into the living room after a few minutes of catching my breath. I only found my mom in the living room though, reading a book. I guess she enjoyed the amount of time 'off', since she was ordered to stay home with Phil and watch over him till he was ready to attend school. She smiled at me as I casually walked into the living room, kinda disappointed over Phil not being there, he must be in his room then.

"You're home rather fast today, in a hurry?" Did I ever mention that my mom loved to tease me? Stupid woman. The worst, yet best thing about my mom was how much alike we were, she was like a older, female version of me... Sometimes it was hilarious, sometimes it was horrible.

I stuck out my tongue at her and walked trough to my own room where I dropped off my backpack and walked to Phil's room. I stopped in front of the door, panicking slightly, unsure if I should knock the door or just walk in... Maybe he was asleep? Maybe he just wanted to be alone?

I decided upon knocking the door first, so I knocked twice but Phil didn't respond. I don't know why, but a sudden fear just hit me, I didn't know what Phil might do when he was alone, I mean, it must be hard not remembering yourself. I opened the door without thinking about it, finding Phil curled up on his bed, sound asleep with the little lion teddy in his arms, gosh he looked adorable when he was sleeping, innocent and free. I guess Phil looked innocent, adorable and free all the time but even more when he was asleep. I felt this weird urge to hug him, kiss his forehead softly and snuggle up next to him... I didn't do that though, it would be too weird and really inappropriate, right? I walked out of the room slowly, leaving him in his sleep and closing the door behind myself and walking to the living room again, dropping down on the couch next to my mom and resting my head on her shoulder. I knew she was smirking, that woman was in a teasing mode today but I didn't care, sometimes you just need a short time where you can curl up next to your mom and go back the childhood where nothing mattered and problems was a myth.

"I thought you'd barge into Phil's room in the moment you got home, too scared?" she teased me, running a hand trough my hair, probably keeping the teasing to a minimum cause I obviously wasn't in the mood for it.

"He was asleep mom, I thought I'd let him" I mumbled with a sigh and closed my eyes, I fell asleep soon after and my mom woke me and Phil up around dinner time where we ordered pizza and watched Avatar before we went back to sleep again.


I woke up at the sound of a scream and found myself looking confused about until I realised where the scream came from; Phil. He was screaming and crying either in his sleep or cause he woke up.

I jumped out of bed, despite normally being a morning potato. Running trough the apartment in PJ's and hobbit-hair I stopped in front of his door. He'd stopped screaming but I could still hear the sobbing. I grabbed the door handle and hurried inside.

Phil was sat in the corner of the room, curled into a ball and sobbing uncontrollably. I hurried over to him and sat down next to him, pulling him into a comforting embrace and stroking his back softly. Phil rested his head on my shoulder and and his sobs died out a bit, slowing down till they stopped entirely. Phil sat up and pulled away from me a bit so there was like 8 inches between our faces, I wiped his tears away with my tombs and pulled him into a hug again.

"Sorry" he mumbled in a vague tone and looked down, he looked so broken and tired.

"Don't apologise Phil, it's okay, what happened?"

"I.. had a dream, but it was just so real, it hurt so much..." Phil mumbled and fear struck me again as the boy in my arms started to cry again, something was wrong, something was really wrong.

"Do you want to tell me 'bout it? I'll listen no matter what." I told him, stroking his back again.

"He... he just kept on hitting me Dan, i-it hurt so much." He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding onto me desperately, "I was too skinny, and I didn't act like other boys, so he hit me, and it hurt... it hurt." I knew something was wrong, but what was wrong I couldn't figure out, who hit him? Who treated him wrong?

"Who was it that hurt you?" I whispered, squeezing him a bit.

"I... I don't know, it was just his disgust filled and hateful eyes, and the pain.." He'd been trough something horrible before... I stoke his back again.

"It's okay now, he can't hurt you as long as I'm in your life" I whispered into Phil's ear.

Phil calmed down, and after a while he was able to go back to sleep again, I stayed in the room until I was certain that Phil fell asleep and I even stayed after that and fell asleep with my arms wrapped protecting around Phil... I felt so right with him in my arms...

I couldn't shook the thoughts out of my head though, what if Phil's dreams weren't just dreams, but memories? And then who was the man?

Phil POV

The nightmares appeared less and less trough the next time, but when they finally appeared, I tried not to scream or cry cause I didn't want to bother Dan more than I'd already done, I always woke him up though and he came running, calming me down with a hug and promising me that everything would be okay again. My arm finally healed and soon after I was ready to start school again. Dan and I spend all the time together when he was home and I honestly could've sworn that I fell more and more in love with him for every day that passed by. The season soon turned to winter and I was supposed to have my first day in school December 13th.

"Dan, are you sure 'bout this? I don't need to borrow some of your clothes I can use my own." I whined while Dan searched trough his depths of clothes after a shirt he wanted to wear, he'd already thrown a tee in my face and demanded me to wear it.

"Yep, I'm sure, you have to wear something nice, Peej doesn't turn 17 every day you know" Dan laughed and pulled out the shirt he'd been looking for, taking his other t-shirt off in front of me and pulling this one on, I couldn't help but admire his chest, sue me. As he smiled widely at me, I let out a sigh and a faint smile, apparently Dan had something for parties and he was in a great mood at the moment.

After we'd gotten changed and straightened our hair etc, the two of us heated out and Dan nearly jumped all the way there, I couldn't help but laugh, he was so amazing.

"It's gonna be so much fun!" Dan laughed smiling, showing those dimples of his. I looked up in the sky to avoid blushing or at least hide it.

"Sure, but what if they don't like me? There's going to be a lot of people aren't there?" I asked and bit my lip before giving Dan a shy smile.

"Probably around 20, but they'll love you Phil, everybody does." Dan grabbed my arm and dragged me the last way to the place PJ held his party, he wasn't allowed to hold the party at home, cause his parents were afraid they'd break something. It was actually Dan's idea to throw a party, and PJ only did it because of me. So I could try to attend to a party, but if I had to be honest, I didn't want to go... At all.

I let out a sigh as Dan opened the door and greeted everyone in the room, pulling me with him inside and started introducing me to everyone. I felt so uncomfortable and uneasy but I wanted to make Dan happy so I just joined in with a smile and greeted everyone back despite the shyness.

PJ and Chris came running towards us with huge smiles, it seemed like they'd already had a bit to drink.

"Congrats mate!" Dan laughed and pulled PJ in for a hug.

"Thanks" he laughed back and let go of Dan pulling me in for a hug, "glad you could come!"

"Sure, congrats" I said and smiled, getting pulled into another hug by Chris after Peej let go.

I actually enjoyed the first few hours, laughing with Dan but at one point he got pretty drunk and his interest in me disappeared more or less since I wasn't drinking. Dan came back to me though, with a beer in his hand.

"C'mon Phil, let's dance!" he sang and took another sip of the alcohol. I blushed, Dan was actually asking me to dance, but it was only the alcohol. He pulled my arm and gave me a begging smile.

"Don't you think we should go home instead, you're getting really drunk?" I asked and looked worried at Dan, I honestly didn't want Dan to do anything stupid when he was drunk, and I really just wanted to go home.

"But I dun't wannah go hooome!" Dan laughed and pulled my arm again "Phiiiiiil, I wanna dance!"

I shook my head and took Dan by the arm "let's go home instead" Dan sighted and followed me as I dragged him over to PJ to say goodbye, before we left the party.

Dan grabbed my arm as we headed home, apparently he couldn't keep his balance, so he had to hold onto someone.

I felt my heart skip a beat, as I looked at the beautiful, and now drunk boy beside me.

"What do you think your mom's going to say when we get home?" I asked in a teasing way and smiled at Dan.

Dan stopped up and gave me a slightly panicked look "oh... fuck."

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