The Crimson Assassin

By stickynote101

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Elentiya Savie is a 17 year old, first class assassin. She's been known to have a sharp-tongue and not follow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note

Chapter 13

248 11 5
By stickynote101

Ok so I realised I can't actually be bothered to change the last chapter - sorry :(

Hope you like this chapter, there's a bit more action xD


Training took place in the weapons room again. To say that Elentiya wasn't a bit nervous was an under statement - the last time she was here with Castol he tried to kill her. "I'm not going to try to kill you again," Castol sighed, picking up on Elentiya's nervousness.

"Whatever, I'll be able to save myself this time," Elentiya replied, "so what are we doing today?" Castol walked over to the weapons rack; scanning for the right one. His eyes finally landed on something and picked up a dagger.

"Today we will be working on aim and precision," Castol explained, pointing at the one of straw dummies spread across the hall. "Come up and collect a few," he said whilst leaning against the wall and twirling the dagger between his fingers.

Elentiya didn't budge and just said, "Don't worry I'll be fine - I have some of my own." His eyes narrowed, obviously needing an explanation. Elentiya flicked her wrists outwards and two daggers dropped into the palm of her hands. Castol didn't seem shocked, but a little angry.

"Where did you get them from and how many do you have on you?" He sighed.

"I stole them from some stupid men flaunting them around on their belts - they didn't deserve them. They were probably just for show... I have eight on me right now - I'm not going to tell you about the others." She smiled innocently, which caused Castol to groan.

"Forget I asked. Just throw and we'll take it from there. We'll see how long it takes you to hit every target."

Elentiya walked to the spot Castol wanted her to start from and took a deep breath. She knew she was good at throwing daggers, but it had been a while. She closed her eyes for a brief second and took in her surroundings - then she began.

First she decided to take out the dummy to her right. It only took a second for her to aim and release - hitting it dead in the centre of the target. Then she continued running at a fast pace to the dummy in front of her and released the dagger from about eight metres away. She immediately spun, facing behind her and threw another dagger. It landed on the head of the dummy right beside Castol, but that didn't put her off. She moved with the grace and poise of a dancer. She noticed another dummy pinned high up on the wall and ran full speed at the wall adjacent to it. Then she jumped and whilst bouncing off the wall she chucked another dagger landing in the target area.

Elentiya paused quickly, noticing that there were still four more targets. She removed two daggers from her boots, as she had run out of hidden daggers. Being lazy, she decided to take out two dummies at the same time. She stood halfway between both dummies and drew the daggers across as though she was going to wrap her arms around herself, and swiftly released them - hitting both targets.

Two targets remained and they were a bit more difficult to reach. One was directly above her, meaning if she threw it and it didn't land tip first in the dummy, it would come hurtling down towards her. The other dummy was a lot smaller and swaying side to side. It wasn't fixed to the ground properly. Elentiya removed the two hair pins from her bun, revealing them as smaller daggers and unraveling her naturally red hair.

She took a chance and threw her dagger directly above her, but quickly moved away. The dagger hung from the straw dummy's chest. She noticed that the last dummy swayed at a regular interval. She counted in her head to six, "1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.." She threw the dagger straight when she thought the number six and hit the dummy right between where a humans eyes would be.

A clapping noise came from behind her. "I'm impressed," Castol announced. "You seemed like you were in a world of your own... We don't need to do much work with daggers now - that's great! You'll definitely pass any challenges involving daggers."

"You're in a fine mood," Elentiya said in between pants, "Only just a minute ago you were wishing me dead."

If Elentiya wasn't mistaken, she would say that Castol was blushing. Maybe not, but either way he seemed embarrassed. "I'm sorry about my previous actions and words... I just assumed that if I was horrible towards you Hollin would understand and back off - usually it works, but I guess yesterday wasn't the best time to do it."

"Why would you do that, I consider him my friend. Unless you wanted me all for yourself," Elentiya smirked.

"You know that isn't the reason," Castol sighed, "I need to protect him - I mean it is my job to protect him."

"Whatever, so what happened yesterday?" She questioned.

"You really haven't been here before..." he muttered, "Yesterday was the anniversary of his sister's assassination. She wasn't of royal blood, but she was looked after by the Royal family. Ever since she was killed, Hollin developed an unhealthy obsession with assassins and so desperately wanted to meet his father's elites, but was never allowed to see them... Now that I think about it you do remind me of Emeline. You both have the same fiery, yet playful personalities."

When Castol looked at Elentiya with such sorrow, she also noticed the nostalgia behind his eyes.

"Ok, let's back to training. You only have nine days left. Can use any blades?"

"Bowie knifes are my favourite!" She exclaimed.

"Tough!" Castol said, "You need to learn to use small weapons in your advantage. Many of your opponents are going to be larger than you and from our last fight you wouldn't be able to handle it."

"Well sorry," Elentiya retorted, dripping with sarcasm, "I'm an assassin remember, confrontation is the last thing I need. If I wanted to fight people often I would be a soldier instead."

"As an elite, you will be expected to fight square on, instead of using cheap tricks to kill your opponent."

"Sometimes those cheap tricks work!" Elentiya fought back.

"For the love of gods! Let's just leave it, alright?... Also forget about choosing a blade, we're going to work on your strength."

Elentiya whined and pouted, but knew she had to get on with it even if she wanted to go to the library tonight. The next four hours were spent doing upper body strength exercises: including pull ups. Elentiya whined the most during that, "I already do pull ups, you moron!" However Castol chose to ignore most of it.

"See, it wasn't that bad." Castol cooed in an effort to calm Elentiya's rage - she really hated the training.

"Just take me to the library, so I can get some new books, then take me to my room." She said, without any life.

"I thought you didn't like me carrying you?" He smirked.

"Yes, but thanks to you I can't move anymore." She whined, like a little girl, "Just carry me you... turnip." She was too tired to even come up with a decent insult.

Castol laughed, then shook his head, "If you're going to be like that - I don't think I'll help you." He turned and started walking towards the exit.

"Wait, please!" Elentiya almost cried, to Castol's surprise. She looked so helpless. She reminded him of Emeline seeking for help. He could never refuse Emeline's pleas.

Castol took her in his arms with worry. He wondered if he pushed her too hard. His thoughts were confirmed when Elentiya spoke again. "I got you!" She laughed.

"You know, I could just drop you," he threatened.

She nodded, "that's why I have this," then she drew out a hidden dagger. "I'll stab you if you try anything funny."

"Where in the hell did you get that?" Castol groaned, looking at the dummies that still had the daggers intact.

She chuckled in his arms, "I lied - cheap tricks, remember?"


After going to the library, Castol returned Elentiya to her room. He sighed a relief when he saw that the Prince was gone. He didn't mind being mean to Elentiya to a certain extent, but he wasn't very fond of being rude or nasty to anyone.

He noticed that Elentiya was asleep in his arms. "Elentiya," he whispered in her ear.

She swatted at him and mumbled, "Let me sleep, Tyair."

He listened to her wishes and gently placed her down in her bed, wondering who Tyair was. He didn't know what to think and wanted to ask her, but knew he would learn nothing from her in her state.

As Castol turned to leave the room, he was stopped by a small whisper. "Goodnight, Tyair," Elentiya smiled.

"Goodnight Elentiya," he said back, feeling compelled to do so.

"Nooo!" She whined, "Call me Ely, like you always do."

Seriously, who is this Tyair?, Castol thought to himself. "Goodnight Ely," Castol cooed, trying to get her to sleep. She needed her rest as they had a lot tougher training sessions coming up. There was only nine days left until the Exhibition.


So what did ya think??

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