Are You The One For Me?

By xxNovelLoverxx

558 50 6

Callista Ashley Brown. Sometimes known as: Callisto, Cal, Calli, Brown, Brownie, The Bear, Cally Baby, and C... More

Are You The One For Me? (Prologue) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (1) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (2) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (3) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (4) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (6) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (7) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (8) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (9) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (10) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (11) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (12) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (13) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (14) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (15) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (16) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (17) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (18) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (19) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (20) - Edited.
Are You The One For Me? (21) - Edited.

Are You The One For Me? (5) - Edited.

13 3 0
By xxNovelLoverxx


In Mr. Hills' room, the three of us, Eric, Grant and I were all placed in separate chairs a few feet away from each other.

It was my first time being in Mr. Hills' room - ever - and I was nervous as hell. For some reason, I felt like I would end up being in trouble the most, even though I was a part of it by a fraction.

"Now, I want to know how all this happened," Mr. Hills got right to the point. "Start from the beginning."

Both Eric and Grant started talking at the same time, which led to another argument and caused Mr. Hills to start yelling again.

"First, Callista, you speak," Mr. Hills ordered. "And you two better keep quiet." he gave them both the evil eye before turning back to me.

I gulped and cleared my throat. I told Mr. Hills everything that had happened from the beginning to the end. I left nothing out and there were times when Grant had tried to jump in and "correct me", which made Eric angry, and Mr. Hills even furious because if that continued, we'd be going nowhere.

After that was done, Mr. Hills decided he wanted to hear the guys' side of the story. But, there was one problem. He wanted to hear the story by himself and it was hard figuring out how to separate us.

It was like a game of crossing the river with the fox, hen, and egg. Grant and I couldn't be together. because he'd definitely try to start something with me. Grant and Eric couldn't be together because no doubt they were going to start fighting again.

So, in the end, it was decided that Eric and I would wait outside and Grant would be the first to speak with Mr. Hills. After that, Mr. Hills would give me a late pass and I would be able to go to class while Eric got his turn afterwards.

Eric and I were seated outside the main office on a single wooden bench. I chose to sit as far away from Eric as humanely possible. I was inches from the edge and had to hold on to the arm to keep myself from sliding off.

Eric sighed deeply and lowered his body to rest his head against the back of the bench. He began to softly hit the wall with the back of his head.

I couldn't stand the silence between us and I still needed answers to the questions that were swimming around in my head.

"What was the need-" I started and at the same time Eric said, "I'm sorry."

I sighed this time and turned my head towards him.

"For what?" I wanted to know.

"For getting you in trouble. I'm sure you've never even had to step inside the Principle's office in your whole life before today." he muttered.

"Vice Principle," I felt the need to correct. "And I actually have. In the fifth grade after I got third place in the yearly Spelling Bee, I came to collect my reward."

God, I sound like such a huge nerd, I groaned to myself. Why can't I just know when to stop? Jeez-us!

Eric smiled. "That's cool."

Why does he keep saying that? It's not cool! I complained to myself.

I noticed that when Eric smiled, that the skin around his lips cracked and a small trickle of blood started pouring out.

"Your mouth is bleeding." I stated simply.

"Is it?" he pressed a finger to his lower lip and held it for two seconds before bringing it back in front of his face. "Hmm. I suppose it is."

I sighed in exasperation. "What was the need to do all that, anyway?"

Eric swung his head at me and I noticed his features changing. He was growing angry again. I could hope at the time that he wouldn't strike out on me as well.

"How long has it been?" Eric scrunched his eyebrows.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"How long have you been bullied or made fun of like that?"

I froze. Not many people saw Grant and others like him as bullies. What they did were just "harmless jokes" and friendly taunting; it didn't mean anything.

I gulped and whispered, "Six. Years."

Eric shut his eyes. "So since you were eight years old. Right?"

"Yeah." I heard my voice cracking and no doubt Eric did too.

"And has anyone ever stood up for you? Or made them stop?"

I wanted to say: yes, that Niya did stand up for me, that Niya did make them stop. But, that was only half the truth. More than a few times she would join them in laughing along and jeering them on.

I shook my head. "Not really." I finally answered.

"That's why." Eric opened his eyes and searched my face.

I bit down on my lip to keep a sob from escaping and blinked rapidly to keep the tears in.

The door across from us open and Mr. Hills poked his head out.

"Let's go, Eric. And here you are, Callista."

I got up and took the note Mr. Hills held in his extended hand. I gave one last fleeting look at Eric as he strode back into Mr. Hills' room with his head held high and his shoulders tense.


I didn't see Eric again until the next day at lunch. Grant was absent for the day, but from Niya, I heard he got in trouble with his parents for fighting at school even though he wasn't the one who started it.

Niya was beyond pissed and disliked Eric even more now. The only reason she put up with him was because of me - or so she said.

I hadn't looked at Eric the whole period; I was still wary of him because of yesterday. He was such a complex guy and I shouldn't get mixed up with him - Niya's words, not mine.

But, there was just something about him that wouldn't let me forget him. Maybe it was the fact that he was so nurturing and cared so much about me. Or maybe it was the fact that he was so different from anyone else I've ever met. But, I liked who he was and there was nothing he or anyone else could say or do to make me stop.

"But, I like him, Niya," I heard myself saying. "And I want to be with him. Like really be with him."

"Aw, Calli, I'm so proud of you!" Niya clapped her hands and smiled broadly. Huh? I thought she'd be upset and start cursing Eric out or something. I didn't think she'd be so ecstatic. "You're finally moving on!"

That reminded me of the one problem that came with hanging out with Eric though. Dylan.

"But, what am I going to do about Dylan? You know how he feels about me and it's not the same as the way Eric does." I said.

"Just get him alone then," Niya shrugged. She grinned all of a sudden. "And then confess your undying love for him!"

I gave her an 'are-you-serious' look. "Come on, Niya, this is important!"

She huffed. "I know, I know. Ugh, there's always something or the other wrong when it comes to you."

I tried not to let her words hurt me and focused on the task at hand.

"There's no way I can ever get him alone," I explained. "They're both in the same class and like best friends. I bet it practically tore his soul apart when Eric joined me for lunch yesterday instead of being with him."

Niya giggled. "See, this is why I told you not to get all hung up on Dylan in the first. He's got a real thirst for man-bananas!"

"Niya!" I scolded, but I still couldn't help laughing along with her.

After our laughter had subsided, Niya sighed and looked at me sadly.

"But, you are quite in a predicament." she said to me.

I lowered my eyes. "Maybe I should just stay away from him. I mean, it's bad enough that Eric's a bit weird and he's not like the other guys - no doubt he'll change over time though - what's worse is that Dylan hates me enough and I don't want to give him anymore reasons to dislike me farther," Niya opened her mouth to say something, when I cut in again. "And plus, Dylan's probably been telling Eric all kinds of things about me. In a few day's time, Eric won't even be able to recognize me anymore. And I rather live with the fact that I let go of Eric, instead of the other way around." I was so tired of it being the other way around.

Niya jumped up and walked around the table, stopping next to me.

"Are you seriously going to let go of guy that's ever gone to Clovesroad just because his best friend doesn't want him to be around you?!" she sputtered. I gaped up at her. I thought Niya didn't like Eric, so where was all this coming from? "Yeah, I know he's not the greatest guy and he did beat up poor Grant and didn't get suspended for it or in trouble or anything, but it's not like Grant didn't deserve it and if he makes you happy, then that's the perfect reason for me to like him. Yeah, Grant was being stupid and I regret not stopping him, but you shouldn't let Eric go just 'cause he's got a little temper problem. He hit Grant and risked suspension for you, Callista, and if that's not a guy worth keeping, then I don't know what is."

"I get all that, Niya, but..." I stood up myself, so I wouldn't have to keep looking up at her while she spoke. I was already living in her shadows; this was just too much. "But, Dylan's not gonna let me anywhere near Eric!"

"You don't know that!" Niya threw her hands up in the air. "You could be wrong and just over thinking and-!"

"I know I'm right, Niya! And you know this too! How? Because this has already happened countless times before! Dylan hates me! Half that class hates me! Most of this whole school hates me! You might as well start hating me now too."

I knew it was silly to think that the whole world was out to get me, but it wasn't like I was just saying it to be over dramatic. I had experience and had proof that it was true. Life was bad for me and things hardly ever went my way.

My chin quivered and I felt my eyes welling up. I've cried in front of Niya only one - and a half - times and it was a horrible event I didn't want to go back to. So, before the first tear drop could fall, I spun around and ran away from her.

I speed walked past Eric and Dylan's table. I tried to keep my head down and not make eye-contact with either one of them. But through my hair, I caught both their expressions. Eric's was a happy one with his usual smile, while Dylan's was a confused one with scrunched up eyebrows and a frown.

I didn't want to know the reason behind his facial expressions and just kept on moving. I walked out of the cafeteria and towards the girl's bathroom. I picked the last stall and locked the door, sliding down to the floor.

This was my usual thinking spot when I was in school and I had a lot of thinking to do that day.

A/N: Ooh, what do you think is gonna happen next??? What do you think Callista is going to do about Eric and Dylan? What do you think Niya is going to do about Dylan? And when do you think I'm going to post the next ch.?

Ahh, just keep on thinking. Maybe the answers will come to you in some form or maybe you'll just have to keep waiting till I post the next chapter.

Happy reading! =)

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