Thug Life

By She_KeyGotti

75.3K 1K 85

Here is a story, a thug life story dealing with guns, love , hate , drugs and money ! The people in the story... More

Thug Life ( Intro )
Thug Life ( Chapter 1 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 1 Part 1 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 1 Part 2 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 1 Part 3 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 2 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 2 Part 1 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 2 Part 2 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 2 Part 3 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 3 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 3 Part 2 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 3 Part 3 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 4 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 4 Part 1 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 4 Part 2 )
Thug Life ( Chapter 4 Part 3 )

Thug Life ( Chapter 3 Part 1 )

1.9K 40 12
By She_KeyGotti

* BOOM *

I crashed my car right into a tree. Somebody acrossed the street saw my black two seater foreign car that cost $6,000.00! The old lady dialed 911.

The Old Lady's Pov ...

Oh my! let me get my phone out and call 911.

Operator: 911, whats your emergency?

Old Lady: Ahhh, Somebody crashed their car coming down a hill.

Operator: Okay, mam stay calm ambulance are on the way.


As im rushed to the hospital, the doctors called my sister.

Doc's Pov ...

Calling Danni

Danni: Hello?

Doc:Um, hello is this Danielle?

Danni: Yes... may I ask who im speaking to?

Doc:Yes, this is the hospital calling for Kiyah, she has been in a really bad car accident

danni starst to cry on the phone

Danni: Omg!!! I'll be there.


Shamir comes in and sees Danni crying, she tells him what just happend. We needa let the rest know about this he said. While the doctors cleaning me and everything, they took me to my room where I was sound asleep. Shamir started calling Keith and Toya, Nikki and Durk. Danni decided to call Reese over to say it face to face. He came to the house so fast as soon as he got off the the phone with Danni. She told him what happend and he started to get mad, because he knew it was his falut.

Tavares Pov ....

Fuck man! If she would've just let me explain she would'nt be in this position. I ain't never meant to hurt her, I was high as fuck and besides I was thinking bout her when I kissed that girl. All I just want is my baby back!

They all arrived at the hospital, asking the nurse wheres kiyah? She replied saying down in room 312, but right now only two can go in at a time. So Keith and Toya came in first....

Keith and Toya's Pov ...

Keith: Damn man, this girl is like a fuckin' sister to me. I cant do this!

Toya: Kiyah, I know you sleeping right now but I just wanna say I love you, dont go no where please! I cant lose you. * tears rolling down her face and she kissed me on my forehead*

After them it was Durk and Nikki.

Durk and Nikki's Pov ...

Durk: Lord, please dont take my lil sis away! Please.

Nikki: * starts crying *

Then Shamir and Danni .

Shamir and Danni's Pov ...

Shamir: Sis inlaw, you gon make it, I know you will * kisses my cheek *

Danni: * holds on to Shamir * I cant see my sister like this!!!!

After they went in to see me, Tavares wanted his alone time with me even though im in a real deep sleep ...

Tavares Pov ...

right now he's sitting by my bed holding my hand.

Tavares:Kiyah, this is all my falut! If I would've never did what I did in Atlanta, you would'nt have been so angry at me and you would'nt been in here. I just want you to know, I love you and it ain't no other like you. *kisses my lip*

When his lips touched mines, my heart rate monitor went off. He got so scared he called they guys in and the girls... Toya got the nurse, she told them to get out the room immediately. I was rushed into the emergency room and Nikki water ended up breaking, she went into the delivery room and went straight into labor, Nikki delivered a cute baby boy and named him Angelo "Lolo" Banks which will be Baby Durk. But everyone was still questioning " Is Kiyah gonna make it? " " What if she died ? " Toya said " noooo we cant lose her, not today or ever I want my bestfriend back! ".

What yall think ? Did I die ? or Im still alive ?

comment ^_^

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