True Love #wattys2015

By sunshinee94

350 20 7

This Story Story is about 4 teenage boys decided to form a band together. They record and then post cover mus... More

Part 1 - Forming a Band
Part 2 - Brad had an idea
Part 3 - Connor loves to eat
Part 4 - Upload it onto YouTube
Part 5 - Naming the Band
Part 6 - Mashup Music Video Cover
Part 7 - Received an inbox message
Part 8 - Composing a new song at Cool Studio
Part 9 - The Vamps meet Cecilia
Part 10 - Daniel decides to make their song into a Single
Part 11 - Photoshoot for the Single cover
Part 12 - Connor & Cecilia eats breakfast together
Part 13 - The Live Show
Part 14 - Decisions
Part 16 - Connor braved up
Part 17 - Tristan apologized to Connor
Part 18 - Timetable
Part 19 - Practicing
Part 20 - Preparing for the Concert
Part 21 - The Concert
Part 22 - Sticky Notes

Part 15 - Jealous

8 1 0
By sunshinee94

"yes Daniel, we agree" simultaneously. Daniel said, "great! you may sign the documents now" The Vamps and Cecilia sign the documents. Daniel said, "okay guys..I can't wait to tell Ethan about this good news" Brad said, "I can't wait to tell my family about this good news too" Tristan said, "yeah me too" James said, "me three" Connor said, "yeah..I'm sure my family will be happy like I am" Cecilia said, "I'm excited to tell my family about this and can't wait to move to the new house with you guys" Cecilia smile so do the boys. James said, "speaking of moving..when are we moving by the way?" Daniel replied, "I am not sure yet..I'll tell you when I know the details" James said, "okay!" Brad said, "noww..let's go celebrate!" Tristan said, "yeah..let's go and eat some cakes!" Connor said, "good idea" Cecilia said, "I love cakes" James said, "let's go" they all then arrive at the cake store. They approach the counter displaying cakes without reserving a seat. While Brad, James and Tristan busy looking and choosing the cakes. Connor make a move, he ask Cecilia, "um Cecilia" Cecilia replied, "yes Connor?" Connor said, "how about we take a seat..let them choose first" Cecilia said, "yeah okay" they both smile to each other. Connor pull out the chair for Cecilia then he sit beside Cecilia. Brad noticed Cecilia and Connor were busy talking..Brad pats Tristan's shoulder who is still choosing the cake. Brad said, "hey Tris..look at them" Tristan turn and look at Cecilia and Connor. Cecilia and Connor were busy talking, Cecilia said, "hey Connor..remember the other day, when we were at the are about to say something but Brad interrupted you?" Connor said, "yeah I remember, why?" Cecilia said, "what are you about to say..?" Connor said, "umm.." meanwhile.... Tristan finally chooses which cake he like..but not one..he bought two cakes. After paying, Tristan sit beside Cecilia and said, "hey Cecilia..I bought two chocolate cake for me and the other cake is for you" Cecilia look at Connor and smile..then continue to focus on Tristan. Connor was interrupted again. Cecilia said, "oh really? how do you know I like rainbow cake?" Tristan replied, "well I was looking at the cakes just now..and I saw this rainbow cake..I was guessing maybe you like it..turns out you do" Cecilia said, "yes, thanks Tris" Tristan replied, "no problem.." Connor said, "actually Cecilia my favourite cake.... Tristan interrupted Connor..again. Tristan said, "come let's eat up" Tristan look at Connor with that evil smile of his. James were looking at Tristan, Connor and Cecilia and notices that Connor was a bit down and upset so James called Connor.."hey Connor! come here..choose which cake you like" Connor gets up, looking at the cakes..but Tristan's and Cecilia's laughs make him turn and look at them. Connor lost interest on choosing the cake. Connor said to James, "I don't know which cake I like..choose for me James..?" James replied, "okay Connor.." Connor sit down but not beside Cecilia..Connor sit at a different table..alone. James come to Connor's table to send him the cake he chooses for Connor. James said, "here this vanilla cake with rainbow sprinkles" Connor said, "how did you know this is my favourite cake?" James said, "I was just guessing" Connor said, "oh, thanks..." James said, "your up okay" Connor smile lightly to James. James then head to the table which..Brad, Tristan and Cecilia were sitting eating their cake. Brad feel bad so he decided to accompany Connor. Brad said, "hey Connor..mind if I sit here?" Connor said, "yes..have a seat" Brad notice that Cecilia's rainbow cake is kinda similar to Connor's vanilla cake with rainbow, Brad ask Connor, "um..I notice that....Connor said, "my favourite cake is kinda similar to Cecilia's favourite cake..? yes I know that..I was about to tell Cecilia but Tristan interrupted me" Brad said, "oh really..poor you..let me speak to Tristan.." when Brad was about to get up from the chair, Connor stopped Brad and said, "it's okay Brad..I'm fine" after eating the cakes..they all decided to go home....

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