What Happen

By timewasted

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What Happen
Chapter 1: Never told a soul
Chapter 2: Back with the memories
Chapter 3: How you know
Chapter 4: Let the games begin
Chapter 5: You made it worst
Chapter 6: It's about to go down
Chapter 7: He's Heeeere
Chapter 9: Are you telling or I'm I?
The End
Happens Now {sequel to What Happens}
Chapter {1}: You need to know
A little note to ya'll
Chapter {2}: Call Me
Chapter {3}: Find the one who's not here
Chapter {4}: Help me, Help you.
Chapter{6}: We All Have To Go
Chapter {7}: Step back
Chapter {8}: Earn what you need
Chapter{9}: Target
Chapter 10: The End

Chapter 8: Wait who?

91 4 1
By timewasted

(Pord POV) 

  I slightly removed my hands from around Roc shoulder and glared back at a still scared Prince, Ha, figures nigga could never stay "Up with the program". I walked into Ray's house eyeing him with intense and serious eyes, his body tensed up right when I looked at him.  My plan was moving on smoothly and nicely, no parents here, only us alone, and nobody here to wittiness these damning scene I'm about to create.

Has I always say revenge is bitter sweet.

  I stopped after taking exactly 5 steps into the house and turned on my heel to face them all. The fear was still on there scared  faces and no one had there eyes on me, except....Roc.

"Ya'll coming or...WHAT." I yelled making Ray and Prince jump in unison, they rush to come in the house bushing pass me and into the living room. I looked back at them and nodded "Finally some people listen to me." But I forgot Roc didn't even finch when I yelled all he did was twitch his left eyebrow and cracked his neck in a  way of saying "Nigga you REALLY don't scary me." 

I was furious at the thought.

"Oh you didn't hear me did you." I said coming closer to him. He starred me in the eye then did something that explained the whole "he still here." "What I can't really hear you." Roc said pulling his hand to has right ear and scrunched up his eyebrow. "But I know what I wantt you to do is back off of me."

"What's wrong with you." I asked. He look at me and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know I can't hear out my right ear and I hear a buzzing in my left, weird right?" Roc asked looking at me with confused eyes. I smiled and turned and left him there half hearing, and half knowing what was truly about to go down. 

Nigga can't hear is even more better....no snitching to worry about.

(Prince POV)

  I'm so scared.......wait.......what's wrong with me. Every since the beginning of this vacation I've been going completely crazy. The crazy dreams the no sleep, and my anxiety has gotten worse....I need help I need to talk to somebody....Y/N...oh man that girl will be the death of me.

"I need to go home." I said getting up but a cold  wind made my teeth shriving When did it get s-s-so cold all of a sudden, and it's the middles of the summer too. I turned and look back at Ray, he was balled up on the floor with his eyes shooting out his head.

"Ray what's wrong." I said slowing moving across the room towards him. But all he did was mumble something that sound like "His back.' I never seen Ray in this state of form before, his mostly up and going with his drawing or out in the streets doing whatever. But now he looks like his.....his lose it and in a matter of minutes his going to just....Snap.

"Ray what are you-" "I see ya'll seem to be chilly." I looked behind me and saw Prod with a smirk on his face and Roc behind him looking lose. I wander why Roc look like that, I looked back at Prod to only see him gritting his teeth at me.....why me what did I do.

" I don't know what's going on but I'm not apart of it anymore." I said getting up and leaving. But a strong arm stopped me in my track and pushed me on the couch making me let out a groan from my mouth and a thumbing in my head began to take place. "NOBODY IS LEAVING GOT THAT." Prod said with gritted teeth and a his eyes darkening.

  I looked behind Prod has I saw Roc helping Ray up and slowing trying to leave the room.....BIG mistake. "And I DAMN sure don't know where ya'll think your going." Prod said still looking me dead in the face. "Sit yo ass down before I make change."

"Wait what." Roc said. His face became more curious then confused....I guess he understood what was going on. I mean No parents, home alone, and we have crazy ass nigga here that wants something we don't even know.

Yeah this is going to  end just fine.

(Roc POV)

  I turned by head in Prod direction then sat Ray in chair at the dining room table. I walked over to Prod and stood face to face with him, blocking off Prince. I turned around to Prince and mouthed "Help Ray upstairs, Ok" , and he replied back with a "Gotcha." He got up and walked over to Ray and began towards the stairs.

"Where the hell you think your going." Prod said. "Let them go I need to talk to to YOU, one on one." I said inching closer to Prod making him back up little. "Fine sit yo ass down. " Prod sat sitting in the arm chair across from the couch I was sitting in.

  It was quiet for a good one minute then the silence turned into more of a stare down then us actually talking to one another. I waited on him to say something but then the buzzing in my left ear stopped and my right ear popped and I heard through out both my ears now. Finally I can hear, but I still was waiting on Prod who still haven't made a move to speak. I guess I have to lead.

"Prod what do you truly want from us.... because this whole game is getting pretty old you know?" I question. The look on his face showed that the question stumbled him a little....I guess this is the first time somebody actually asked him this question before.

"Well to tell you the truth I want something everybody knew....she's a good friend to prince and a home girl to Ray, and you atleast know her." Prod said lowing her head. "But she never gave me the time of day....and that's why I've been hitting ya'll up and basically....getting at ya'll"

My mouth drop at the fact of who's he talking about and/or referring to.......... then it hit me.

"You....you....you want Y/N..don't you." I asked. My body tense up at what was about to come out his mouth.

"Want..ha...I AM GOING TO HAVE Y/N to be mine, and only mine and I be damn if ya'll come between us....particular....Prince." Prod said gritting his teeth in anger. My face fell and I remember my last convo with Y/N and how she said that she had a crush on ours truly.......


This isn't going to be pretty at all.

One more chapter to go....what may happen?

This will all tie up at the end as well. ^-^

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