The Familiar-(SasuSaku Fanfic)

By MrUchiha54

59.7K 1.9K 311

The dark, mysterious Sasuke Uchiha has been around for a long time. He's a feared prince who comes from a lon... More

Chap 1: Pale Prince
Chap 2: Ghoul School
Chap 3: Transformations and purposes pt.1
Chap 4: Transformations and purposes pt.2
Chap 5: Mission Complete?
Chap 7: Closing In
Chap 8: Shadowed Hearts
Chap 9: Elsa's Spunky Twin
Ch.10: Uneasy Life
Ch.11: Prey
Ch.12: Potion Emotions
Ch.13: the Pure Blood and the Half Breed
Ch.14: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer.
Ch.15: True Power
Ch.16: Pulling Strings
Ch.17: Power of a God
On it's way

Chap 6: Master and Familiar

3.4K 125 14
By MrUchiha54

Sasuke pov

(Before meeting up with Sakura)

I ran after the captain but sad to say the wound that happened to my shoulder was slowing me down. Nevertheless I was catching up, he was in range now. After being shot its safe to say I was pissed, plus I had no ideal who these people were or why they were attacking us. Not that it mattered now since most of them are dead. I reached out and grabbed for him but he turned. In his arm was a little girl, her purple hair flew wildly as he grabbed her. "Go ahead and kill me! You'll have to kill this innocent girl as well." He yelled as tho he had found a way to win. The girl was crying but didn't scream, she stayed perfectly still. "Ill get you out of this." I said to her then I glared at him. From the look in his eyes I figured my eyes must have changed colors. Sometimes my eyes will change color and for my enemies that's not good.

The girl nodded but he only laughed. "You can't save the girl! Get to close and I'll snap her neck." He threatened. That was the last straw, flashing forward I tackled him hard knocking the girl from his grasp. Once she was free I snarled, "You dare hide behind a child! You deserve this! Look away child!" I yelled. Then taking one hand and pulling one way and taking the other and pulling the opposite I tore him in half as he screamed in anguish. I hit my knees and gripped my shoulder, I hated becoming that monster. I never wanted this, to be some hybrid freak in a world of freaks. I wanted to be normal but now I'm something that will never know what its like to be normal. I felt arms wrap around me, looking up the little girl was hugging me. "Its ok. I'm different to." She whispered then tears started rolling down her cheeks. Picking her up I looked around, "If your looking for the pink haired girl she's down there." she said pointing on down the alley.

(With Sakura.)

"Well!?" I yelled at my pink haired teammate. I figured she'd be hesitant to become my Familiar but if she waited any longer we might die, I was trying my best to hold this assassin back but with my shoulder and loss of blood it was becoming difficult. He swung again and again I met his strike full force abduction again it caused me to skid back. Sakura just stood there frowning, "Stop being useless damn it!" I yelled at her. Dodging his next strike I swung myself trying to cut him down but being the expert he is, he blocked then brought up his leg and kicked me right in the face causing me to drop my guard. He raised his knife, "Die!!"
"Sasuke Uchiha! I Sakura Haruno agree to become you Familiar!" I heard Sakura yell. A new power surged threw my veins, I rolled under his attack and swung upward cutting his cheek.

Looking back I could see the girl I brought was holding Sakura's hand. Something else was also different, Sakura had two little pink cat ears poking out the top of her head. She frowned, "Say anything about my appearance and I'll kill you." I smirked. The assassin started to laugh loudly, "Ha! Look at what a pair we have here. A freak and a neko." Sakura looked over at me and I nodded, we both ran forward. We attacked in turn like we had been fighting side by side for years. He swung and I blocked, Sakura would go in for a hit and id block both of his knives and Sakura would hit him so hard that I could hear a few ribs breaking. The assassin flew into a wall and Sakura flew at him fist raised. She yelled and swung but he moved causing her to shatter the wall with her new found strength. He stumbled behind her, his aura arched around him healing all his wounds.

Sakura was back by my side, "If you can keep him still long enough I have a move that may beat him." She said. I nodded and raced toward him determined to put an end to this.

Sakura pov

I watched Sasuke race toward assassin, who just finished healing himself. Sasukes blade started to glow, the assassin laughed and swung at Sasuke. Once their blades touched a wave of power rippled all around it even caused the ground to tremble. Sasuke held the assassins blade. "I've immobalized him. Hit him now Sakura!" Sasuke grunted. Blue orbs of flames filled my palms, "Take this!" I yelled.

When my palms connected the assassin grunted and was thrown threw a building causing it to crumble down around him. "There that should be good enough." I said. Sasuke nodded but winced, he was paler than usual and his entire shoulder was blood stained. He feel to one knee, the little girl came running to his side. The rubble started to rumble until the assassin climbed out of the carnage. He was bleeding and beaten up badly but still he smiled, "You two did better then I expected. Next time we meet I will kill you both." He growled before disappearing with a gust of wind.

My legs gave out and I fell beside Sasuke. We both were breathing heavily, Sasuke handed me his phone. "Call Naruto and ask him to find a way to get us. I'm to tired to move and tell him to hurry." He said while glancing at his arm. I did as he said, "He and Hinata are on their way..." I handed him his phone back. The little girl who said her name was Toshida stayed by Sasukes side. I felt happy and sad at the same time, she'd lost her mother but gained a father figure in Sasuke. According to her, her father died fighting in a war. Her mother had been assassinated. Now all she had was Sasuke and me.

Sasukes breathing became heavier as we waited. "Sasuke if...if you need to please take...take my blood." I said blushing. Id never given vampires a thought since I never thought id see one, and now one is my master. He shook his head but I pushed, "I am your Familiar now which means your problems are mine, you can trust me with anything and everything. Its my job to save you, to help and be there for you. To serve you. So please take some of my blood." I said regally. He gave me a concerned glance which caused me to smile, he finally nodded then took my wrist and lightly bit down. An explosion of pleasure shook my body, I bit my bottom lip to keep from moaning that'd been embarrassing. After what seemed like blissful eternity he let go, "Here I'll heal your wound." He said then his tongue raked over the bite mark causing it to vanish completely.

Breathing heavily I said, "Will you heal?" He nodded.
"It'll take awhile but yes thank you. To heal fully I'll have to get this bullet out which can wait." He said. I stayed silent and played with Toshida's hair, she had fallen asleep in my lap. " I going to become a vampire?" I asked. My question hung in the air for a few seconds before he answered, "No. Only pure blood vamps can turn people, I'm half vamp so I can't turn you." Things were quiet again. For the first time I realized that I should be happy that I had found my life long partner. "Hey!! I found you guys!" Naruto yelled as he came jogging up. When he saw us he almost fainted. "What's with all the dead guys? And why do you two look so beaten up? And who's the little girl!?" He asked firing off question after question. "We'll talk back at our place. First lets drop Hyuga and Sakura off. Could you drive please?" Sasuke asked. He looked from me to Sasuke and nodded. Yeah I think I made a good choice.

To be continued....

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