You Still Have All of Me (Slo...

By Jaz_azure

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Andrea Sun - The girl that gets along with pretty much everyone around her, thanks to her personality, good r... More

- Warning -
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6

148 0 0
By Jaz_azure

We were walking along the sidewalk when Seth abruptly stops, "Hey, do you mind if we take a quick rest at the park nearby?"

"No, it's fine. Are you feeling alright?"

"Worried about me?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Never mind. Let's go sit down at that bench in front of the fountain then; the one with the plump naked woman sculpture." I pointed. He held in a laugh and nodded.

I felt that the atmosphere got a bit gloomy after we sat down; I turned to face him. He looks very handsome when he's lost in thought.

He rose his eyes to me, "Sorry what?"

"What do you mean by what?" I blurted out.

"You said something. I didn't quite hear you."

Someone please tell me that I did not just say that he looked handsome out loud.

"Nothing...what's on your mind?" Right now I just might be the strangest creature he has ever talked to.

"Well, I used to bring my younger brother here when he was little; last time we came together he was 13, just throwing rocks at the pond back there, like the idiots we were."

"Oh, so how old is he now?" I asked.

"Henry was 14, he died almost two years ago." he said with eyes full of rage.

"I'm very sorry about your loss, I'm no good when it comes to talking about these things, but I'm truly sorry." I fidgeted.

"Thanks, and don't worry it's fine."

I intertwine my fingers facing the ground, "What happened to him?"

"I don't think this is the right moment... but for now, I can only tell you that he was murdered."

I nodded and stood quiet. I was stunned to death. His brother was murdered, he didn't die in an accident, nor he commit suicide. No, he was murdered.

I refrain from asking any more questions; typical ones like, who did it? How? Why?

"I don't want you to feel awkward Andrea... let's change topic alright? Here, let's exchange our numbers, I'll call you tonight." He said hastily.

"Um, Sure. Call me, for what?" I blushed.

He raised an eyebrow, "We need to discuss on ruining Reece. Do you need for me to be dramatic about it?"

"Gosh, you change your attitude so quickly!" We exchanged numbers and went back to walking to my house.


*On the phone with Seth*

Seth: "So don't dress too slutty or they'll eat you alive, got it?"

Me: "Geez I'm not some kind of bimbo you pick on the streets. You don't need to tell me that."

Seth: "I'm just making sure you don't dress that provocative. Let me remind you that you will act like one soon, pretty face."

Me: "Yeah, yeah. When will we do this? I mean, when will 'I' do this? I feel like I'm doing this on my own, Seth."

Seth: "Saturday night. And don't worry, I'll be close to you the entire time."

Me: "Whoa there, I have a party to attend that night."

Seth: "So do I, but we can go afterwards. I don't plan on us taking that long at the backstreet."

Me: "Okay...bye then."

Joshua knocks on my door, "Andy, I thought I told you and your butt to come help me with dinner!"

"Sorry I was on the phone, I'll be there in a minute. Hey, don't you sass at my butt!" I realize that Seth hasn't hung up and starts to burst into laughter.

"Why haven't you hung up?!" I growled.

"I was about to, but I had the honor of listening to your conversation before I could do anything." He said in between pauses. "See you tomorrow Andrea." The jerk was still laughing, he ended the call soon after.

Somehow, I'm starting to believe that making a deal with him wasn't much of a good idea.


Days pass by and it's finally Friday. I get my bag and car keys so I'm ready to go to Kickboxing practice.

"You sure you don't want me to drop you off?" Says Joshua. I'm pretty damn sure he wants to go out somewhere in my car.

"Nope, I'm good. Didn't you buy a motorcycle yesterday?" I inquire.

He rolls his eyes, "No Andy, I guess it just appeared out of nowhere. I wanted to take Megan to buy some ice cream." His sarcastic ways are sometimes annoying.

"Oh really? With who, your girlfriend that suffers of narcissism?"

"I don't get why you don't want her near Meg." He shrugs.

"She's a whiny, selfish, rude, inconsiderate b*tch." I retort.

"Fine, fine. If Meg being with her annoys you, I'll go out with Sandra when you come back home. Just let me borrow your car, I'll drop you off."

"Of course I'll let you take my car, I'd go crazy if Meg were to ride that motorcycle with you. But don't drop me off, instead..." I trail off, giving a gaze to the glossy deep blue motorized machine standing in the garage.

Joshua scratches the back of his head, "I guess that would be fair."


I park Joshua's motorbike in front of the studio, untie my bag from the back and head through the glass doors.

"Yo, Andrea! I've been waiting for you for over 5 minutes!" Cries Thomas. Meet Thomas, my gay kick box trainee partner. We practice in pairs on Fridays, while on Sundays we're on our own with the heavy bag.

"Session begins in 12 minutes, dude!" I laugh watching him pout.

"You got me, I just wanted to see you. Now go get changed girl!" He says, pushing me towards the locker room.

I exit the lobby and enter the women's locker room. I put on my head gear, footwear and keep my gloves in the bag just in case we need to use them today. I leave and enter the gym to find Mr. impatient (aka Thomas) already stretching out.

Our trainer, Mr. Clyde, enters the gym area as the class starts to warm up.

"Twelve...thirteen aand fourteen. I see that every one is here. Now let's get started class, today we are going to be doing some drills that involve roundhouse kicks and spinning back fists. Now get with your partners."


After practice, I went to the studio's shower room and man the water was colder than usual! I change into some dark blue jeans and some velvet shirt saying 'Don't Lose Your Underwear' in white bold letters. Where the hell did I get this thing?

As I head into the lobby, Thomas spots me and snickers, "Nice shirt."

"Very funny. Since you like it, would you like to have it?" I beg.

"Sure, take it off!" He says, with a little too much enthusiasm.

"Gosh, no! You're supposed to be gay dude!" I stare back in horror.

"You're right, sorry. Where are we going to dinner today?"

"Usual place, at Honey's Diner. Oh today I have another ride with me. You're not scared of motorcycles are you?" I inquire.

"Not if you let me hold on tight to you." he smirks.

I slow down as we get closer to the diner. Honey's Diner is a nice, cozy place where Thomas and I like to eat after practice. And on top of that, we are now special customers of the place.

Thomas, being the impatient young man he is, runs off into the building (to pick a nice spot) as I park the motorbike. I find him sitting in the corner already ordering our usual meal to Lindsey, Honey's granddaughter (obviously the owner of the establishment).

Our orders are ready after a few minutes and Lindsey winks at Thomas before she leaves, but he just friendly smiles back.

"She's really pretty, Tom. Are you sure you have never felt attraction towards any girl?" I reluctantly ask.

"No. I-I mean yes. Ugh, truth be told, I don't really know Andy. Sometimes I feel strange when I'm with a certain girl, but then I just see them attractive. That's all, I think." I made him uneasy, great.

"Sorry for asking. I should've thought that it's not that easy for you to tell others how you feel. I'm such an idiot." I lower my head and feel a pat on my head.

"It's not your fault. And your not an idiot. Now, let's get munching!" he smiles widely.

As I start to 'munch' as Thomas likes to call it, I hear a girl giggling, "Oh Sethy, you're saying that you need a favor from me? What kind of favor would that be babe?" she cooes.

I immediately recognize her voice. It's Rebecca. it has to be her.

I turn to see hoping to find out who she's with. Not because she said 'Sethy' alright? Okay.

And there he was, Seth the idiot.

What the hell are they doing together? What kind of 'favor' could he actually need from a bimbo like her?! Oh, sh*t.

I started to choke on my food and fell on the floor. Tom quickly sits me up and starts giving me blows between the shoulder blades of my back.

As I lay dying, Seth turns around, spots me and rushes towards me.

Don't you dare come closer, idiot.

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