BABY property of Dean Winches...

By captainarrow

3.5K 140 24

Dean winchester's Impala is his baby,everyone knows that. You don't mess with Dean Winchester's Impala unless... More



475 25 3
By captainarrow

One year later

The engine revved as Baby pressed down on the pedal and kicked the motorcycle into higher gear. Her black leather jacket well worn,with loops and pockets all over each filled with something of mystery,flapped in the aggressive wind created by the speed of the motorcycle.

A sleek black helmet to match bobbed on her small neck and she bumped over the dirt road. She had been riding for hours until finally arriving at a gas station she had seen in the distance and rode towards, well over the given speed limit.

Parking her bike,she stepped off,brushing the tan layer of dust that had clung to her black jeans and kicked the dirt off of her black combat boots. Men from inside the gas-n-sip were staring as the mystical girl removed her helmet and set it on the back of her bike,short ragged punk black hair brushed in all directions practically sticking strait up. They couldn't tell if it was from the helmet or if she styled it that way.

Baby walked up to the doors and opened them,the sounds of metal clinking from the loops and chains on her jacket,boots,and pants. Baby had so many silver and black rings and studs piercings on her ears and face the cashier wondered silently to himself if all the metal weighed her head down.

"Beer?" Baby asked,lip piercings moving with each syllable,flashes of white teeth peeking beneath her small thin lips.

"Sure thing." The cashier smirked turning and grabbing her a beer.

"Nothing cold?" Baby demanded staring him down with a death cold glare. The cashier rolled his eyes and reached back getting a cold glass beer and handing it to her.

"Better?" He asked and she nodded handing him cash and she took it opening it with the edge of the counter and taking a long swig right in his face. Baby walked out towards the door but before leaving yelled.

"Hey,has anyone here  happened to know a Dean?" She had to ask everywhere she went. It had been a year since her real journey had begun and everyday she seemed to get closer but still fall back away. The people in the gas-n-sip just gave her blank looks and she nodded as if it were expected and closed the doors,sitting on the edge of the curb to silently finish her beer.

Pulling out a crumpled map,she crossed off the area by burning it,a set of black matches kept in one of the pockets of her jacket. Flicking the match and stomping it out with the toe of her boot,she folded the map back up and stuck it in her pocket. It was so small now she almost didn't need to fold it. She was running out of places to look,and baby knew soon she would have nowhere to look.

Suddenly a shadow moved over her and the temperature changed as a man sat beside her. She moved and put a hand on the black cargo pocket of her jeans where she held a gun. The man saw this and laughed a cracking laugh.

"Please you won't need that." She kept her hand on the pocket not daring to turn to look at him.

"Why the hell not." She spat roughly fingering the button on the top of the pocket.

"Because I ain't gonna hurt ya." He laughed and pulled out a gun of his own from and inside pocket dropping it to her in-between her legs. Baby stared at it for a moment then carefully snatched it up holding it as she turned to look.

"Glen?" She asked in disbelief dark eyes wide in surprise. Things didn't normally at her off guard anymore but this did. He chuckled at her and nodded.

"Damn,you join Kiss or soemth'in?"

"What are you doing here?" She wondered darkly knowing she had done some pretty dark things to get closer to finding Dean. Almost everyday now she would have a flashback little clues and fragments of information she would find about Dean that would bring her closer to him.

"I've been tracking you." He said simply and she squinted suspiciously.


"Because,I found someth'in you might want." Glen took her bottle, following with a swig and letting out a refreshed breath.

"What is it?"She responded impatiently it had been over a year since she had seen him and he should have forgotten about her.

"Who is it." He corrected and her heart pumped wildly.


"No,not your beloved Dean. Someone else."

"Who?" She basically shot impatience grinding at her nerves like a gear turned the wrong way.

"Sam Winchester." Baby knew Sam to be deans younger brother and she also had learned form her visions that they were inseparable,if she found Sam Dean would surely be close by. Baby leapt from the ground and jammed the helmet on her head,swinging a leg over her bike and starting it in one motion.

"Where is he?" She demanded,voice muffled through the helmet.

"Wait,I don't think you'll like what you find he's--"

"GLEN!" She said with so much force that even he felt a pang of fear streak through him.

"You'll find him here." Glen said handing her a folded napkin with hastily scribbled directions. Glen had obvious hurt in his eyes. "Hope you find what your looking for." He said sullenly and watched her drive away wondering what had happened to the girl he had found all those months ago. What had happened to her pure innocence,almost like a child. He thought she was an angel but now he knew better because he saw the darkness behind those large  eyes.

The flash backs came more and more since she had left her so called fiancé who had set the cops after her the first few weeks but after them,things died down as he probably guessed she didn't want to be found. At first she felt horrible and enter about going back he was so nice. Yet something changed,after a vision she saw. It was very dark and baby was not the same.

The visions came unpredictably and mostly while was riding her motorcycle. The movement of the bike and the gravel pinking up into as she rode brought waterfalls of memories cascading over the dam of amnesia. Something about the road helped her remember. Yet,she never crashed it was like she was still aware of what was happening and she could be lost in the past. It was an odd feeling,often feeling tired after,what she came to call visions, were finished.

As a vision started,she calmed her breath waiting for it to take over. This one was different though. It didn't have Dean or even Sam. Baby had never had a vision without Dean before and paid closer attention.

"It'll kill you."

"Sammy don't."

"You can't go out there Dean!"

"I don't have a choice." They had the same names of Dean and Sam but instead of the depressed and often drunk brothers sat two children. One had freckles sprayed thick across the bridge of his nose and the other had long brown hair that needed to be badly cut,ends often brushing into his eyes.

"Tell him you can't."

"Sam." The boy with Dean's name sighed reaching over the seat of the car and resting a hand on the small long haired boy's shoulder. "Dad knows what he's doing,if he told me I can handle it. I can handle it,okay?"

The long haired boy with Sam's name nodded slowly,an ashen color falling over his face.

"You kick that demon in the butt for me okay Dean? I want my brother back." Sam said, Baby realizing now it was Dean and Sam just much much younger. Dean nodded a brave expression in his face.

"Be right back,little brother." He smiled ruffling Sam's hair and disappearing under the seat,Sam craning his neck to see the door open and close. Sam sat with Baby alone in silence for a while then there was a bang of metal,making the car rock and Baby actually felt a twinge of pain in her side as a blonde head cracked against the window of the car,leaving a bloody streak.

Sam recognized it instantly.

"Dean!" He screamed with tears already racing down his cheek and lunging for the door.

Baby faded from her daze as if she were coming out of a long sleep. What did it mean? She had never seen Dean and Sam so young before normally they were chronologically getting older or so she gathered.

She was still riding and focused in on the road,pulling out the paper Glen had given her and checking it,one hand on the handle bar.

3695 E. Pollywood Way,Kansas 82621-S.W.

The address to Sam, Dean's inseparable younger sibling. Baby was certain if she found Sam she would find Dean. So much in fact that she had ignored Glen's hesitation he had tried to warn her about something but she charged on ahead. Somehow something always brought her back to Kansas.

By the time she had pulled into the neighborhood,baby was sure she had made a mistake. It was an expensive neighborhood with caged trees and neatly trimmed vast lawns. The houses were larger than some business baby had seen in her time.

The house looked even more wrong as it was almost the largest in the block,towering Windows covered by long velvet curtains on the inside,light glowing from Behind the house steam rolling off a hot tub,rainbow lights glittering from a pool. Checking the address three more times she cut the engine,climbing off her bike stretching her stiff legs and walking uncertainly to the front gate.

Tugging on the handles they slid open easily and she passed through,walking down another path to the front door and staring up at the rising ten foot dark wood and knocking hard,metal loops on the arms of her jacket tinkling.

At first no one came. She knocked again then waited. After waiting well past her patience,she turned on her worn black boot heel to leave when the heavy door swung open so large that it created its own small gust of wind.

Baby turned and almost choked an old man maybe sixty five or so,dressed in a tuxedo with combed hair smiled at her.

"Miss? Can I help you?" He glanced over baby with judgmental eyes. From her ripped black jeans to worn leather jacket she could tell he wasn't impressed in the least this man was used to "upper class" she could tell.

Baby pursed her small thin lips and crossed her arms in anger. She was right this was a stuck up old mans house not the younger Winchester's.

"You are not Sam."

"Excuse me?"

"No you cannot help me because I am looking for Sam Winchester! Not some old fart." She demandef losing her temper shortly and about to leave when she heard a voice boom behind the old man. It was a deep voice like Glen's that seemed to rattle the ground.

"Victor,it's all right,I'll take this."

The old man scowled at Baby and turned away nodding at the man behind him and dispersing around the corner mumbling something about "youngsters these days".

Hip out,arms crossed baby stared ahead unimpressed. A man stepped forward,body glistening as if it were wet,long brown hair neatly trimmed wetted to his face and also dripping at the tips. She took a small intake of breath as she glanced at his figure. Sporting swim trunks,on top of a deeply chiseled body,each muscle moving as he did. He was impossibly tall probably at least six foot five she thought in awe.

Despite his stunning looks,she recognized him. To see him in person was almost eerie as if he were a ghost. He combed a hand through his wet hair as he walked up barefoot,bicep bulging at the move. Baby could not believe her eyes.

"Excuse me,I was in the back,is there something I can get for you."

"You're Sammy."Baby said in awe unable to tear her eyes away form his green eyes that looked so much like her Dean's. He chuckled and rested his arms behind his head revealing dark underarm hair in the pocket of muscle connecting his arm to shoulder.

"Nobody calls me that,please,call me Sam,so is there something?" His face looked at her confused then broke into a grin. "Did Clint send you? That sonofabitch." He grinned and motioned for her to shut the door and come forward.

Baby did but couldn't drag her eyes away. A woman walked in from a hallway behind Sam,in a dripping red bikini,long dark brown locks falling past her shoulders even darker large eyes locking on baby as she neared Sam.

"Babe? Who's this?" She wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her lips in a lingering peck and wrapped a wet arm over her shoulder.

"Where's Dean?" Baby blurted unable to control herself any longer. Sam chuckled in confusion again and glanced longingly down at his woman.

"Excuse me?"

"Dean. Your brother,where is he?" Baby demanded losing even more patience eyes burning last memory of his and Sam's bond lingering in her mind. Ever since their youth they were so close how could he stare at her so blankly. Almost as if he didn't know Dean.

"Dean? I'm sorry,I don't know who your looking for." He spoke and baby's heart sunk what cruel trick was this. This was Sam she knew it she had seen a hundred visions heard his voice knew his face by heart this was Sam. So why did he claim to not know Dean? Something was off.

Baby growled and pulled the gun from her hidden pocket, flicking at the safety in quick practiced motion,pointing it at Sam's head.

"Where is Dean Winchester?"

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