What The Heart Wants (BWWM)

By ElleSpeares

413K 22.3K 4.5K

Justin and Skylar are two confused young people, too afraid to let love happen. They have big dreams and lots... More

Author's Note
One: New beginnings
Two: Hidden attraction
Three: Denial
Four: The gatecrashers
Five: The house party
Six: The loser
Seven: Rich boys and their emotions
Eight: Broke girls and their wishes
Nine: Nothing's as it seems
Ten: This thing called coincidence
Eleven: The closed book
Twelve: "Yeah, walk away. Save yourself"
Thirteen: Damaged hearts and childish therapy
Fourteen: Friends?
Fifteen: Cupid's mess
Sixteen: Friends
Seventeen: "You're a bad ass bitch and deserve better"
Eighteen: The art gallery
Nineteen: What the heart wants
Twenty: Trying to be good enough
Twenty One: First dates
Twenty Two: Romeo
Twenty Three: The (overprotective, inquisitive) "cool" mom
Twenty Four: When the temperature rises
Twenty Five: Picture perfect moments
Twenty Six: Messed up perfection
Twenty Seven: Happy memories to heal troubled souls
Twenty Eight: Bad boy, Bieber
Twenty Nine: Because words cut the deepest
Thirty: The broken bad boy
Thirty One: Tattoos
Thirty Two: What happiness is
Thirty Three: Stitching things up
Thirty Four: Sweet revenge
Thirty Five: The get together
Thirty Six: Two half hearts make one
Thirty Seven: Guilt
Thirty Eight: Family
Thirty Nine: Rebellion
Forty: Decisions and the problem with love
Forty One: Boyfriend
Forty Two: "Don't overthink it"
Forty Three: Beautiful simplicity
Forty Four: Play no games
Forty Five: In the '50s
Forty Six: Under the night sky
Forty Seven: Mustang
Forty Eight: Conflict
Forty Nine: Out of work
Fifty: In his arms
Fifty One: PYD
Fifty Two: Awkward
Fifty Three: The song book
Fifty Five: "I want to help you"
Fifty Six: Bicycles
Fifty Seven: Fun and games
Fifty Eight: What nobody gets
Fifty Nine: Dinner
Sixty: Negotiation
Sixty One: Shopping
Sixty Two: Happy birthday
Sixty three: Dear Skylar...
Sixty four: This is the end
Sixty Five: "I hate my life"
Sixty Six: "What choice do I have?"
Sixty Seven: Fixing what's broken
Sixty Eight: "I'm your fairy godmother, that's who I am"
Sixty Nine: Damage control
Seventy: "This is for us"
Seventy One: Emptiness
Seventy Two: Pain
10 Facts about me
Seventy Three: Clubbing
Seventy Four: Surprise
Seventy Five: 'Do what you love/ follow your heart'
Seventy Six: The last hangout
Seventy Seven: Confrontation
Seventy Eight: 'A burnt child is afraid of fire'
Seventy Nine: Departure

Fifty Four: Close call

4.2K 237 44
By ElleSpeares

×× Justin ××

After his classes were over for the day, Justin ran off to the parking lot to wait for Skylar. He had finally thought about where he wanted to take her on a date and he was excited about it.

"Are you trying to steal my car, mister?" Skylar walked up to the Mustang with a smile on her face.

Justin could never get tired of seeing that face and that smile. Skylar's hair was up in its natural, super curly form, and he loved it. She was dressed casually in a denim dress shirt with a thin brown figure belt and a cute pair of brown cowboy boots.

"What are you staring at?" She cocked her head to the side.

"You are just so damn beautiful." He smiled at his girl and opened his arms to embrace her in a hug.

Skylar smiled as they hugged then she kissed him gently on the lips.

"Hello." She said.

"Hi." Justin stroked her cheek.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I have a crazy idea."

"Oh boy." Skylar shook her head.

"No, it's fun and crazy. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Let me hear it."

"Okay, it's an idea for a date."

"Ooh! Go on." Skylar's face lit up.

Justin leaned against the car and tucked his hands in his pockets.

"How would you feel..." he began, "if I suggested that we go out for dinner... at a skate park?"

"At a skate park? Really, Justin?"

"Yeah. A picnic. It'll be cool."

"A picnic at a skate park... what's so cool and fun about that? Won't there be people skating there and stuff? Justin, that's not romantic." Skylar slapped his arm lightly.

"Hear me out."

"Okay. But so far, this skate park date is a hell of a step down from our amusement park date."

"That was a great date."


Justin smiled.

"To answer your question, my dear, there won't be anyone skating there except for us, if you want." He said.

"You're paying everyone else to stay out?"

Justin placed his hand on his chest to fake hurt.

"I am not that rich." He said calmly.

"You sure?"

"Okay, I may be but, I'd rather ask the skaters to kindly excuse us than pay them. I'd rather use all of that money to buy some stuff for you." He smiled.

Skylar blushed.

"Stop flattering me and properly explain to me this great date idea." She said.

"I'd rather show you."


"Tonight. I'll pick you up at 8."

"I have classes tomorrow--"

Justin kissed Skylar to keep her quiet.

"8pm." He said. "And... wear sneakers."

Skylar furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" She said.

"I love you." Justin smiled and walked off to his car.

× × × ×

At 8pm exactly, Justin pulled up at Skylar's house and walked up the path to go knock on the door. Just as he was about to, Skylar opened the door and smiled at him.

"Hey." She said, slowly closing the door behind her.

"You and your mom arguing?" Justin whispered, a smile on his face.

Skylar nodded then rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't want me out late." She muttered, leading the way to Justin's car. "Can't wait til I can move out."

"You can always come stay with me."

"And be your and Alfredo's personal chef? No thank you."

Justin smiled and opened the passenger door of his car for her.

"You must admit, staying with us would be awesome: you'd get to see me every day, cuddle every night..."

"Cook every meal..."

"We're not that bad, baby."

"You think so."

"I'd help you cook."

"No, Justin." Skylar got into the car and put on her seat belt.

Justin went to get in too and he started driving as soon as he'd buckled up too.

Skylar turned on the CD player and, in it was Beyoncé's latest album.

She giggled and looked at Justin.

"What? I was in my element." He defended himself.

"With which song? 'Flawless'?"

"Yes, actually. It's a good confidence booster."

"Why would you need a confidence boost?"

"In case I ran into your mom."

Skylar laughed.

"Speaking of your mom," Justin said, "What time do I have to have you home?"

"Whenever." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Justin glanced at her as he drove.

"You're really trying to make your mom come for me." He said.

"My classes start after 10 tomorrow anyway. I checked so... no big deal."

"Oh. Okay." Justin nodded.

They pulled up at a skate park that Skylar had never seen before. It was fenced and well lit with lots of different types of ramps.

Skylar slowly got out of the car after Justin did and she looked around while he got some things out of the boot.

"This is... nice." She said.

"We're probably one of the first people to ever set foot in it." Justin smiled.

Skylar looked at him in disbelief.

"Wait, so it hasn't been opened yet?" She asked.

"Nope." Justin popped the 'p'.

"Justin Bieber, are you crazy? We could get arrested for trespassing!"

"We won't. That's why I asked you to wear your sneakers. And that's why we drove here in my BMW. Speed, baby. Speed." He said.

Skylar shook her head.

"I want to slap you so hard right now." She said.

"A kiss would be better?" Justin winked.

"Justin... this is serious. Do you know how much crap we could get in for this?"

"If we got caught. Have you ever done anything crazy before, Sky? Something that made your blood rush?"

"Yeah. I gate crashed your house party that one time."

"Your blood wasn't rushing then, baby girl. I saw you dancing. You weren't even nervous."

Skylar blushed.

"Well, I don't fancy turning 21 in a prison cell for trespassing, thank you very much. Being someone's bitch isn't on my bucket list." She said.

"You won't. I promise. Come." Justin lead the way to an opening in the fence. "By the way, I'm throwing you a birthday party."

"If it's anything like this, I ain't showing up."

Justin laughed lightly and went to set up their picnic spot in the middle of a skating pit that wasn't so deep.

"Relax, baby girl." He said once they'd sat down.

Skylar kept checking the coast as Justin opened a packet of chips.

"I'd like to be on guard."

"Suit yourself." He shrugged. "After eating, do you wanna skate? I've got my board in my backpack."

"You skate?"

"Yeah. It's fun. Don't you?"

Skylar gave Justin a look.

"Do you cycle, at least?" He asked.

"That, I can do."

"We should cycle together one afternoon and go wherever." Justin smiled.

"We can run away or something." Skylar smiled too.

Justin liked the idea of running away with Skylar. It would be perfect. Sure, they'd probably struggle at first, but it would be worth it in the end. Both he and Skylar would be happy together, no doubt.

"Where would you want to run off to?" Justin asked.

"Anywhere." She said. "As long as my mom's not there to lecture me all the time and your dad isn't there to breathe down your neck either. As... as long as I'm with you."

Justin smiled.

"We could change our names and everything." He said.

Skylar giggled.

"Damn, you'd really go hard if we ran away, huh?" She said. "You've got it all figured out."

"Yup. I'd go by the name Tupac."

Skylar laughed.

"And I'd be Beyoncé." She said.

"See? Sounds good already."

Skylar shook her head and reached for a can of soda.

"On a serious note, after... things changed in your life, did you ever consider it?" She looked at Justin.

His smile slowly faded and he bit his lip.

He had, many times, thought of running off. He wanted to be his own person so badly; to be accepted the way he was. Until meeting Skylar, he hadn't felt worthy. Life was such a drag and he found himself doing things just because.

"Yes." He whispered. "Sometimes I still want to."

"I can't imagine. Your dad is really hard on you."

"You don't even know." He chuckled. "He'd do anything to ruin me."

Skylar frowned.

"He still loves you, Justin. Deep, deep down."

"You think so? I don't. He hasn't even spoken about my mom or Jazmyn and Jaxon in ages. All he cares about is his image and Elizabeth."

"You're still his son."

"I'm not. I'm just sticking around so I can get the money my grandpa left me. Then I'll see what the plan is from there."

"Where would you go?"

"Europe maybe... Africa... Antarctica. I don't know. As long as I'm far away."

"Europe sounds good. Africa would be a good place to vacation."

"I guess."

"I've always wanted to go to London."

"Would you go if the opportunity presented itself?"

"I don't know. I was once so set on it."

"And now?"

She shrugged.

Silence took over for a moment and the two decided to just eat. When it became too much for Justin, he offered to teach Skylar how to ride a skateboard.

"Don't let go." She smiled, holding onto his shoulders for support and balance.

"I won't. Trust me." He smiled too.

"No ramps, okay? We're going straight ahead."

"No ramps. I promise."

"Okay." Skylar breathed.



"Okay, use one leg--"

"Oh my gosh! Do you have a helmet or knee guards in your car?"

"Those are for wimps, baby."

"I'm a wimp!"

Justin laughed.

"Just trust me. I'll push you then and you just focus on staying on the board." He said.


Justin slowly pushed Skylar and she squealed.

"You're doing good." He encouraged. "Let go of my one shoulder."

"Are you crazy?!"


"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna break a leg or something."

"Only if you panic."

"I can't help it."

Justin smiled.

"Let go of one of my shoulders and take my hand."


"Yes. Trust me, baby girl."

Skylar nodded and did as she was told. She was shaking and that made Justin want to smile a little more because he remembered when he first learned to skateboard.

She looked into his eyes and let out a deep breath.

"See? You're doing well." Justin said.


"Hey!" A loud voice came from the distance.

"Shit." Justin muttered.

"What?" Skylar's grip on Justin's shoulder and hand got tighter.

"Time to run. Pick up as much as you can and let's run." He helped her off the board and picked it up.

Skylar quickly went to pick up Justin's backpack and a few snacks.

In the distance, dogs barked and flash lights were evident. Justin ran, holding Skylar's hand and they safely made it to the hole in the fence.

"Come on!" Justin had made it out and was just a few feet away from his car.

"I'm stuck!" Skylar called out.

The backpack was caught and so was some of her untamed natural hair.

Justin ran back to her to help free her head.

"Drop the backpack." He said when Skylar's hair was free.

"No. It can--"

"Skylar, they're getting closer."

"They might use the stuff in there to track you." She pulled on the backpack as hard as she could.

Justin helped her as he prayed silently that they make it out safely.

Skylar fell to the ground and the bag landed right on her face.

"Ow!" She pushed it off of her.

The dogs barking became louder.

"Over there!" They heard a voice say.

Justin helped Skylar up and they stumbled to the car.

There was no time for chivalry. Justin went in to start the car and Skylar jumped into the back seat with the backpack.

As Justin sped off, Skylar hugged the bag tightly, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She began to giggle and then it turned into laughter and Justin joined in.

He looked at Skylar through the rear view mirror and caught her wiping away some tears.

"Are you alright?" He asked, worried.

"Yes." She sniffled. "I'm just... I dropped our snacks."

Justin was quiet for a moment then he started laughing again.

"That's really what you're worried about?" He asked.

"Yes! I had plans for those Doritos!" She smiled.

Justin shook his head and slowed down the traffic light.

Skylar climbed over to the front seat and looked at Justin.

His heart was poundung still and he could feel sweat on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" Skylar asked.

He looked at her and nodded.

She used the sleeve of her cardigan to wipe off some of his sweat then she kissed him tenderly on the lips.

He was caught off guard. He'd been expecting Skylar to either be crying or cussing him out and here she was, being loving and all giggles and laughter.

"Drive." She told him, and he realised that the light had gone green.

Skylar turned on the radio.

"Thank you." She said, putting on her seat belt. "That was one memorable date."

"We can do it again next week?" He teased, glancing at her.

"No way!" She giggled. "That was a close call. I'm good."

"Okay. But if you change your mind..."

"I won't."

Justin smiled and focused on the road.

"Are you taking me home?" Skylar asked.

"Do you wanna go home?"

"Not yet."

Justin nodded.

"How about we go get some pizza then watch a movie? My treat." He said.

"Okay." Skylar smiled.

They hoped the night would never end.

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