Happier [l.s one shot] ✔

By ohcuddleharry

4.3K 151 249

Louis Tomlinson, a depressed and wealthy businessman finds his life changing after he meets Harry Styles, a s... More

Part Two.

Part One.

1.7K 52 106
By ohcuddleharry

This is the first part! Hope you like it!

Word Limit: 6.6k

(P.S~ Louis wears glasses!)


Scene 1.

[The Royal Regency Wedding Hall, London, 6:38 pm, Thank you for breaking my heart.]

(Louis enters the hall holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, He goes up to the stage where Eleanor and Brad are standing)

Louis: (offers the bouquet to Eleanor) "This is for you." (fake smiles) "Thank you for breaking my heart."(turns to Brad) "I wish you both a very happy married life."

(He turns around, removes his glasses , deep breathes, wipes his slight tears, his phone starts ringing as he makes his way out of the hall)

Louis: (picks up the phone) "Yes Zayn?"

Zayn: (worried) "Louis where have you been? Why didn't you come to the office today?! You know the company's situation!"(frantic) "The shares are falling, workers are leaving, the condition is worsening! People are saying that your Dad shouldn't have passed the company to you and your mother-"

Louis: (interjects, calm) "Don't call that woman my mother Zayn. She is the reason for my father's death. Don't ever call her my mother."

Zayn: "But Lou-"

Louis: (huffs) "I'm leaving."(ends the call before Zayn can respond)

(He walks towards his car, his Butler opens the door for him, Louis shakes his head and closes the door, he takes off his suit and hands it to him, he keeps his watch and phone on the roof of the car and starts walking away)

Scene 2.

[Caledonian Sleeper, London Euston Station, 10:30pm, What is your problem?]

(Harry is moving in the train towards his seat dragging seven bags behind him, his one hand is holding all the bags and his other hand is holding a large sized framed photograph of himself)

Harry: (sees that everyone is staring at him, amused) "All of you can stop looking at me now. After all, I'm not that beautiful."(everyone laughs)

(Finally Harry reaches his seat, but finds that a man is already sitting there, he goes and stands infront of him to double check his seat number)

Harry: "Um. Excuse me, this is my seat."(Louis doesn't look up) "Excuse me?"

(Louis looks up, his eyes are red and filled with tears, Harry gets slightly worried looking at him, he sees that the opposite seat is empty so he settles his luggage and sits there)

Harry: (observes Louis for few minutes) "Are you alright?"(Louis keeps staring ahead) "Is everything okay? Are you hurt or something?"(Louis stares out of the window, Harry speaks softly) "Are you deaf?"

Waitress: (to Harry) "Would you like something to drink Sir?"

Harry: (smiles politely) "Water, please."(she gives him a bottle of water)

Waitress: (to Louis) "Would you like something to drink Sir?"

Harry: (whispers) "Actually he's deaf. Wait, I'll ask him."(speaks slowy, drags his words) "Do you want water?"(picks up his water bottle and points towards it, Louis blinks at him)

Louis: (to waitress) "I don't need anything. Thank you."

(The waitress gives a weird look to Harry and walks away)

Harry: (happily) "So, you're not deaf?! Thank god!"(crosses his legs and sits back comfortably) "So, where are you going? Scotland? Are you a university student? I'm in Middlesex."

(Louis stays silent and keeps looking outside, Harry keeps talking non stop)

Harry: "I'm studying Economics. It's my last semester, actually. I live in a hostel. Are you British? I'm British. I'm going back to Edinburgh to meet my family. I have a really big family, you know."(grins) "I have a boyfriend also. His name is Nick. He lives in Brighton. I'll get married to him."(sighs dreamily) "Getting married is my childhood dream."

(Louis is annoyed, he pinches the bridge of his nose and removes his glasses)

Harry: "All my friends tell me their problems and I solve them. Do you know, I'm that kind of a guy, like an agony aunt whose articles come in the magazines. I'm just like that."(laughs) "Tell me. What's the matter? Tell me what is your problem?"(provoking) "Tell me. What is your problem? Don't feel shy. Tell me."

Louis: (frustrated, yells) "You are my problem! You are talking non stop! Don't you understand that I'm not interested in talking to you?! I don't care if you live in a hostel or a brothel! I am not interested in your stupid love life so please, please leave me alone!"
(Harry stares at him with wide eyes, Louis pinches the bridge of his nose) "Look, I-I didn't mean to say all of that."(huffs, closes his eyes) "I'm sorry."
Harry: (cocks up his eyebrow) "The brothel thing wasn't right, angry young man."(sits back, grins) "But its okay. I'm not mad. Actually, nowadays I'm not mad about anything. Now, you ask me why!"(Louis keeps his expression blank, Harry huffs dramatically) "It's because I'm getting married you idiot!"

(Louis rolls his eyes)

Harry: (thinking) "You know what I just realised? That I don't know the difference between a hill and mountain!"

(Louis groans and slaps his forehead)

Scene 3.

[York Railway Station, 1:03 am, I missed my train!]

(Harry wakes up from his sleep when the train is stopped at York Railway Station, he looks down to see that Louis is not sleeping on his seat, he gets down, wears his slippers and looks around for him but doesn't find him, he gets out of the train and sees that Louis is slowly walking towards to the exit)

Harry: (calls, loud) "Hello, the train will be leaving soon!"(Louis doesn't turn around, Harry runs after him) "Hello, Angry young man, you will miss your train!"(finally he catches up to him) "Hey!"

Louis: (turns around, annoyed) "Why are you following me?"

Harry: (panting, grabs Louis' arm, pulls him towards the train) "The train will leave soon! Let's go!"

Louis: (pulls away, irritated) "I don't want to go. Leave me alone!"

Harry: (frowns, loud) "Are you mad?! I came all the way here to call you!"

Louis: "Who told you come after me? Go away."(the train starts moving slowly) "And run if you don't want to miss your train."

Harry: (looks at the train, yells) "Oh shit! Fuck you!"(runs, the train gains its speed, shouts) "Stop! Somebody stop the train!"(runs after the train for a few minutes but he misses it)

(Harry stops, breathes heavily, looks around to see that the station is almost deserted, he wipes the sweat off his forehead and sits on a bench)

Louis: "You missed it?"

Harry: (looks up with angry eyes, yells) "You fucking idiot, it's all your fault!"

Louis: "How is it my fault? I didn't tell you come after me!"

Harry: "It's all your fault! It's your fault that I missed my train and it's your fault that I'm standing here in my night clothes wearing fucking slippers! I don't have any money with me and my luggage is the train!"(shouts) "It's all your fault!"

Louis: "It's not my fa-"

Harry: (points his finger towards him) "The next stop is Northumberland and now it's your fucking responsibility to get me there in one hour."

Louis: "Hello, Mister, it's not my responsibility to get you anywhere. It's your fault that you missed your train!"

Harry: "Yes, because of you!"(grabs his arm and drags him out of the station) "And I'm not going to let you go before I get to Northumberland!"

(Ten minutes later, both of them are sitting in a taxi and the taxi driver is driving awfully slow)

Harry: (to the taxi driver) "Can you drive a little faster, please. I have to catch a train."

Taxi Driver: "I can't overspeed, Sir. I will drive like this only."

Louis: "You're fucking driving at the speed of twenty!"

(After ten more minutes, Louis is beyond annoyed by the taxi driver)

Louis: "Stop the car."(the driver stops the taxi and Louis gets out of the car, he opens the door of the driver seat) "Get out."

Taxi Driver: "Excuse me?"

Louis: "Get out before I fucking punch your face."(the man gets out and Louis sits on the driver's seat) "Sit on the passenger's seat."

(The drivers looks at him with his mouth open in shock but moves to the passenger's seat, Louis starts driving the car at full speed)

Taxi Driver: (shouts, panicked) "You're going to kill us! My car is going to get crashed!"

Harry: (thrilled, grinning) "Shut up. Let him drive!"(cheers Louis) "You go!"

(After fifty minutes of maniacally driving, they reach the Northumberland Railway Station, Louis and Harry sprint out of the car and run inside, the taxi driver yells profanities and runs after them)

Louis: (sees that the train is stopped, breathes in a sign of relief, to Harry) "Go, get in."

Harry: "Yeah."(panting) "Can you give me money for a bottle of water? I'll return it to you in the train."

(Louis takes out the money from his wallet and gives it to Harry, Harry walks away, the taxi driver grabs a hold of Louis' arm)

Taxi Driver: "My money! Give me my money! You can't get awa-"

Louis: (huffs) "Chill, I'm giving you your money. Shut up, yeah?"(gives money to him, the man counts it and then walks away grumbling)

Scene 4.

[ Northumberland Railway Station, 2:34 am, Not again.]

(Harry walks towards a small food stall)

Harry: (to the owner) "A bottle of water."

Owner: (eyes Harry, gives him the water bottle, Harry opens it and starts drinking) "£1 for the bottle."

Harry: (removes the bottle from his mouth, squints his eyes) "It's written £0.94 here. Do you think that I'm stupid?"

Owner: (ashamed) "There's barely a difference between £ 0.94 and £1."

(The train starts moving, Harry doesn't notice it)

Harry: (slams his hand on the counter) "There is a big difference! Do you know that charging extra is a crime?!"

Owner: (quickly hands him back the change) "Here. Is it okay, now? You're creating a fuss for just £0.06!"

Harry: (takes the money back, smiles, starts drinking again, sighs in relief) "Water is life."

(Suddenly Harry notices the sound of train moving. Realisation hits him like a truck)

Harry: (turns around, watches the train moving) "Fuck!"(throws his water bottle on the floor, starts running, yells) "Stop the train! Stop! Somebody fucking stop the train."

(Soon the train is out of Harry's sight, he slumps down on the bench and pulls at his hair, after ten minutes he walks outside the station towards the road, he spots their taxi)

Harry: (shouts) "Hey! Taxi!"(the taxi driver looks at him with a horrified expression and quickly drives away) "What the fuck?! Stop!"

(He spots a group of skimpily dressed girls and boys standing on the side, he walks closer to them for safety, a guy on a motorcycle comes towards the group)

Girl #1: (to the motorcycle guy) "Hey, darling. Looking for company?"

Girl #2: "Hundred for an hour, handsome."

Boy #1: "Fancy a threesome?"

(The guy ignores them and stops infront of Harry, Harry frowns)

Motorcycle Guy: (to Harry) "Come on."

Harry: "What?"

Motorcycle Guy: "C'mon, get behind me."

Harry: (realises, chuckles awkwardly) "I..I'm not..that."(the guy frowns, Harry whispers) "I'm not a...prostitute."(he starts walking away quickly)

Motorcycle Guy: (follows Harry with his motorcycle) "Why are you being difficult, huh? You want money, I'm giving you money. Two hundred? Three hundred?"

(Harry spots a figure walking on the road, realises that it's Louis)

Harry: (runs towards Louis, hugs him from behind, breathes in a sign of relief) "Thank you Jesus! God knows what would have happened with me!"

Louis: (turns around, blinks, shocked) "You missed your train... again?!"(looks at the guy on the motorcycle) "And who's this joker?"(the motorcycle guy drives away)

Harry: (stands in front of Louis, shakes his hand, Louis is confused) "I'm Harry. Harry Styles."

Louis: "Louis Tomlinson."

Harry: (nods) "Louis Tomlinson...I have never regretted meeting someone in my life as much as you!"

Louis: "Excuse me?"

Harry: "Because of you I missed my train! I'm standing here in the middle of the night in fucking Northumberland and I have no idea what to do!"

Louis: (frowns) "You missed your train the second time...how is that my fault?"

Harry: (crosses his arms) "Now you have to take me to Edinburgh."

Louis: (laughs) "Who the fuck do you think you are? I'm not going anywhere with you."

Harry: "If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't have gotten out of that blood train in the first place!"(doesn't give Louis a chance to speak) "And as I have seen, you have money. Lots of it, actually. So, you are getting me back to my home. Safely."(Louis keeps staring at him) "So Mister, are you convinced or should I try more?"

Louis: (groans) "I don't even know you!"

Harry: (starts walking, Louis follows him) "You know, whenever I used to travel back home, I would look out of the train's windows and I would be so fascinated by the dark streets of Northumberland."(smiles) "And look where I am today."

Louis: "Do you ever stop talking?"

Harry: (rolls his eyes) "No."(turns to him) "What do you do for a living?"

Louis: "I own the-...I um..I'm a singer."

Harry: "You're a singer?! That's amazing! Sing for me!"

Louis: "I don't sing for strangers who wear donald duck tshirts and miss their trains."

Harry: (snorts, looks at his tshirt) "This is fashion."(sees a hotel) "Hotel Decent."

Louis: (looks the hotel) "This looks really cheap Harry. Let's find another one."

Harry: "We just need a place to rest for a bit. It will be alright. C'mon!"(drags Louis inside)

Louis: (looks around, huffs, takes out his wallet, to Manager) "Do you accept credit cards?"

Manager: "No credit, only cash."

Louis: (rolls his eyes) "What's the tariff?"

Manager: "Tar- what?"

Louis: (huffs) "How much for one day?"

Manager: (looks at Harry and then at Louis, smirks) "Do you need the room for the whole night or on hourly basis?"

Louis: (understands what he's trying to say) "Just answer the fucking question. How much for one day?"

Harry: (thinking) "Actually Louis, we don't need the room for the whole night. We'll be done in two hours, right?"(Louis raises his eyebrow) "Okay, three hours. That's more that enough!"

Louis: "Harry you're not understanding what he's trying to say. Let me talk, please."

Harry: "No you understand Louis, why are you wasting your money? We'll be done in three hours."

Louis: (shakes his head at Harry's stupidness, to the manager, amused) "Three hours."

Manager: (smirks) "Okay."

(As the manager gives Louis their room keys and all, Harry moves to the side and starts playing with the paperweight)

Louis: (sees that Harry is busy in himself, smirks, cocks his eyebrow towards Harry, to the manager, whispers) "He's fit, isn't he?"

Manager: (smirks, leans in, whispers) "Very fit."

Louis: (chuckles, walks towards Harry) "C'mon Harry, let's go."

(After ten minutes, Louis and Harry are in their room, Harry is standing in front of the mirror and Louis is sitting on the bed)

Harry: (crosses his arms) "I know karate."

Louis: (looks up) "So?"

Harry: "I'm just telling you. I have a brown belt."

Louis: (amused) "Okay?"

Harry: "Don't try anything with me. I am in a relationship with Nick."

Louis: (chuckles) " I don't want to do anything with you."

Harry: "You can't even if you want to.

Louis: (laughs) "I said I don't want to!"

Harry: (smiles, running fingers through his hair, groans) "I need to brush my hair."(looks at Louis) "This is all happening because of you!"

(Louis doesn't respond, he is staring ahead with slight tears in his eyes, Harry notices that something is wrong and moves to sit beside him)

Harry: "Hey, angry young man, is everything alright?"

Louis: (shakes his head, fake smiles) "Everything is alright."

Harry: (after a minute) "What is your problem? Work? Family? Girlfriend? Boyfriend? Sex?"(squints his eyes) "You're not married, right?"

Louis: (chuckles) "I'm not married."(after a minute, takes out his wallet, smiles and gives it to Harry)

Harry: (confused, opens it, sees that there is a photo of a girl inside it) "She's so pretty! Is she your girlfriend?"

Louis: (leans back on the bed) "Ex fiancée."

Harry: (forms his mouth in an o shape) "Okay, so this is your problem."(stands up, loud) "Why is there still a photo of her in your wallet?!"

Louis: (shrugs) "I've always kept it."

Harry: "Well, don't keep it now. She ditched you for god's sake!"

Louis: "Don't...don't say it like that."

Harry: (rolls his eyes) "You're in too deep."(holds up the photo) "You need to burn this. Do you have a lighter?"

Louis: (sits up) "I'm not a teenage girl Harry. I'm not going to do such a thing and no, I don't have a lighter."

Harry: (huffs, pulls Louis up, keeps the photo in Louis' hand) "Go and flush it."

Louis: "Are you crazy! This is so stupid!"

Harry: "Trust me, it works. Give it a try, atleast!"(pushes him in the bathroom)

(Louis reluctantly stands infront of the toilet seat and looks at the photo, he takes a deep breath and throws the photo inside, he finds himself smiling when he flushes it)

Harry: (sees Louis coming back, grins, wiggles his eyebrows) "How does it feel?"

Louis: (smiling) "Surprisingly, it does actually feel good."

Harry: (falls back on the bed, grins) "I told you! I'm the best!"(smiling) "And you'll someone much better than her. You're quite handsome if I say so. Rugged and manly."(Louis chuckles) "If I wasn't with Nick, even I would've hit on you. Just Imagine."

Louis: (smiles) "You really love yourself, don't you?"

Harry: "I love myself very much."(hugs himself) "I'm my favourite!"

Louis: (removes his glasses and keeps it on the bed) "Tired?"

Harry: (sits up, chirps) "No!"(after a minute, turns to him) "I have a younger sister, Jane."

Louis: "Okay?"

Harry: "You have to marry her!"

Louis: (caught off guard, laughs) "What?"

Harry: (puts on Louis' glasses, stands up, twirls) "Okay, tell me, do you like me? Do you think that I'm attractive?"

Louis: (amused) "Yea, you're alright."

Harry: (sits back) "Then you will like my sister too! She is just like me!"

Louis: (smirks) "But I like only you!"

Harry: "Look, I'm going to marry Nick. You should marry Jane and then we'll live together in Paris! It will be so much fun!"

Louis: (amused) "How about I marry you instead? We can live in Paris too."

Harry: (huffs loudly) "No. You have to marry Jane."(Louis scrunches up his nose) "If you marry Jane, you get to be in my company as well."(wiggles his eyebrows) "Bonus, right?"

Louis: "Oh, so this is a bargain offer?"

Harry: "Yes! Buy one get half free!"

Louis: "But, I don't want half of you! See, if I marry you, then I get half Jane. Better offer, right?"

Harry: (removes his glasses in frustration) "I'm trying to set you up with my sister and here you are continuously flirting with me!"

Louis: (laughs loudly) "Do you always talk this much or is today special?"

Harry: (smiles, relaxes back) "No, no, I always talk this much."

Scene 5.

[Cab, Northumberland to Edinburgh Highway, 7:37am, Home.]

Harry: (yawns, keeps his head on Louis' shoulder) "I'm so tired, Lou."

Louis: "Are we on nick name basis, now?"

Harry: "Yes. You can call me Curly. Lima calls me Curly."

Louis: (snorts) "Who names their child Lima?"

Harry: (giggles) "It's Liam, actually. He's my elder brother. I call him lima bean."(looks up) "Do you have any siblings?"

Louis: "No, I'm a single child."

Harry: (yawns) "Lucky Bugger."(snuggles into Louis) "Wake me up when we reach a breakfast point or something."

(One and a half hour later, Louis and Harry are sitting at the edge of a lake, Harry is eating a pear)

Louis: "We'll reach there in maximum forty five minutes."

Harry: (nods) "I can't wait to meet my family."(takes a bite of his pear) "Just know that I have a really big family. And since I'm going home after almost an year, around twenty people are going to be there."

Louis: (gasps) "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Harry: (laughs, after a minute, throws the rest of the pear in the lake, his face lights up) "Lou? The water is really nice, no?"

Louis: (raises his eyebrow) "Yeah?"(Harry grins, Louis understands) "No, no, no. Don't even think about it Harry! Absolutely no! God knows what's in there!"

Harry: "But the water is so clean! C'mon Louis, don't be a party pooper!"

Louis: (tries to get up, Harry holds him down) "Harry, we're getting in the cab this second! We're not swimming in that and we don't even have clothes with is-"(Harry jumps in the lake and pulls Louis with him)

Louis: (comes up to the surface of water, gasps, shakes his head) "Harry, you stupid idiot!"

Harry: (grins, splashes water on Louis) "Live a little, Lou!"

Louis: (walks towards Harry, splashes a large amount of water on him, smirks) "You're on."

(Ten minutes later, Harry and Louis are trying to dry their clothes)

Harry: (squeezes his shirt to get rid of the water) "It was fun, right?"

Louis: (removes his shirt, squeezes it) "Yeah, but now I'm all wet. Because of you!"

Harry: (turns around, amused) "Do you know how dirty that sounds?"

Louis: (groans loudly) "Harry!"(Harry laughs, Louis speaks after a minute) "Have you heard of Ken Tomlinson?"

Harry: "Yeah? The millionaire entrepreneur, right?"

Louis: (nods, puts on his shirt) "I'm his son."

Harry: (stills, turns to Louis with his mouth wide open) "You are the son of Ken Tomlinson?"(gasps) "You are The Louis Tomlinson? The owner of Tomlinson Enterprises?"

Louis: (chuckles) "Yup."

Harry: "So it was your mother who ran away with-"(realises, stops, Louis is staring blankly at him) "I-I'm sorry Louis. I...I'm so stupid. Actually, I heard all the news and the media really made it big...I-I'm really sorry-"

Louis: "It's alright Harry. I deserve to hear this. It's my mother who has done such a thing."(shrugs) "I am ashamed to call her my mother."

Harry: (frowns) "Don't talk like that about her."

Louis: "I have every right to talk shit about her! My father went into depression because of her! She is the reason for my father's death."(loud) "After fifty years of marriage, she figures out that she never loved my father!"

Harry: "It's...It's alright Louis. She was in love. Everything's fair in love."

Louis: (mock chuckles) "Love doesn't make everything alright Harry."

Harry: "It does Louis. It does."(after a minute, grins) "You're so rich Louis! Please marry my sister!"(Louis laughs)

Scene 6.

[The Styles Residency, Edinburgh, 8:25 am, All I need is one glance.]

(The cab stops infront of Harry's house, Harry is sleeping with his head on Louis' shoulder and arm linked with him)

Louis: (whispers) "Harry."(Harry buries his nose in Louis' neck, Louis softly tucks a strand of his hair behind his ear) "Harry wake up."

Harry: (grumbles, doesn't open his eyes) "Tired."

Louis: (smiles, rubs his thumb on Harry's cheek) "But look, we're home. Don't you want to meet your family? They're all waiting for you."

Harry: (sits up, rubs his eyes, smiles) "I'm home!"(gets out of the cab and stretches)

(Louis is paying to the cab driver, Harry's seven year old nephew, August, comes running out of the house)

Harry: (sees August, smiles) "August My hero!"

August: (runs towards Harry and jumps in his arms) "Uncle Harry!"(Harry kisses the top of his forehead and puts him down)

August: (runs inside, shouting) "Uncle Harry is home! Uncle Harry is home!"

(In a minute, Harry's whole family gathers outside)

Harry: (looks at Louis' shocked expression) "Welcome to my humble abode."(walks towards them) "Mom, Dad, Liam!"(hugs them all) "I missed you so much!"(hugs Jane) "Hi Monster."

Liam: (sees Louis, smiles) "Is he your friend Harry?"

Harry: (chuckles) "Yes. He brought me here, actually."(Liam frowns) "I missed my train at York so helped me get to Northumberland but then again I missed my train. So, Louis, being the amazing person that he is, brought me here."(pulls Louis in a side hug)

Liam: (shakes Louis' hand, Louis smiles awkwardly) "Thank you for bringing my stupid baby brother back home."

Anne: (pulls Louis in a motherly hug) "Oh Louis darling, we owe you so much. Thank you."

Louis: (slightly flattered by the affection, smiles) "It was nothing."

Jane: "Harry go meet Gramps. He's waiting for you."

Harry: "Yeah."(walks inside, calls) "Gramps!"

Liam: "C'mon Louis, feel at home."(takes him inside)

(Harry's grandfather is sitting on his recliner, he goes and stands infront of him)

Harry: "Hello Grandpa!"

Will: "Hello Harry."(sees Harry's slightly wet clothes) "What have you done to your clothes?"

Harry: (looks down) "I went for a swim."

(Liam, Louis, Anne and Harry's Dad all join Harry in his Grandfather's bedroom)

Liam: (sees that his grandfather is looking at Louis, whispers to Louis) "Go greet him."

Louis: (walks to him, scared, bends down to shake his hand) "Hello-"

Will: (grabs him by his arm, squints his eyes) "Who are you?"

Louis: (scared, gulps) "I'm Harry's friend."

Will: "What is your name?"

Louis: "Louis To...um Louis Scott."

Liam: "He brought Harry here Gramps. Harry missed his train at York so Louis brought him back home."

Will: (looks at Louis then at Harry, brings Louis closer) "At my age, all I need is one glance to tell what is going on between two people. Do you understand that?"

Louis: (nods) "Ye-Yes Sir."

Harry: (interjects) "He is just my friend Gramps!"

Will: "We owe you Louis."(smiles) "Be our guest."(to Liam) "Show him his room. Make sure he's comfortable."

Liam: "C'mon Louis."

(Ten minutes later, Harry, Louis and Liam are sitting in the guest room)

Liam: "Why did you even help Harry in the first place?"

Harry: "Shut up Lima!"

Louis: (shrugs) "He forced me to."

Harry: (snorts) "Please.

Liam: "Harry you can't force people to help you!"

Harry: (pulls Liam up, drags him out of the door) "Nobody has asked for your stupid opinion Liam! Get out!"(closes the door)

Louis: (shocked) "Did you just throw him out of the room?"

Harry: (slumps back down, grins) "He deserved it."

Scene 7.

[Dining Room, The Styles' Residency, 8:56 pm, I'm going to explode.]

(Louis is sitting at the Dining table, Harry, Liam and Jane are sitting beside him and everyone else is standing around him)

Louis: (stops Anne who is putting another piece of chicken on his plate) "Please, stop! I can't eat anymore, I'm going to explode!"

Anne: (laughs) "You haven't even eaten anything yet!"

Louis: (burps, embarrassed) "I have never eaten this much in my entire life-"

Harry: (shoves a spoonful of rice in Louis' mouth) "This is my family's way of thanking you Louis. We make you eat lots."(before Louis can speak he shoves another spoon in his mouth, smirks) "More?"

(Fifteen minutes later, Louis is walking back and forth to slightly digest his food, Harry pulls him to a dark corner)

Louis: (startled, Harry is pressed against him due to lack of space) "Harry what the hell are you doing?"

Harry: (puts a hand on his mouth) "Speak slowly!" (harsh whisper) "There is a big problem!"

Louis: (whispers) "What now?!"

Harry: (sees that Jane is coming towards them, huffs, speaks fastly) "There is an old field on the back of my house. Meet me there at six, okay?"

Louis: (gasps) "In the morning?!"

Jane: (calls) "Harry?"

(Harry and Louis both come out the corner, Louis smiles awkwardly at Jane, Jane is looking at them suspiciously)

Harry: "Jane, we were talking about you!"(Louis frowns, Harry walks towards her) "You have to marry Louis, alright?"(Louis chokes on his breath)

Jane: (embarrassed) "Harry, atleast think before you speak!"(Louis is red due to embarrassment) "And what were you doing with Louis there?"

Harry: (smirks) "Oho, possessive? Don't worry, I'm not going to take your man."(whispers in Louis' ear) "Tomorrow at six. Don't forget!"(walks away)

Louis: (to Jane, chuckles awkwardly) "He's mad."(Jane fake smiles) "I'm just going to go back to my room. Good night."(runs up the stairs to his room)

Scene 8.

[Field, Behind Styles' Residency, 6:03 am, Who is this Dan character?]

(Harry is sitting on top of an old tractor, Louis hasn't arrived yet)

Harry: (sees a shirtless Louis running towards him, eyes him) "Woah, handsome, where's your shirt?"

Louis: (stops, panting) "I got up at bloody six and ran here and all you care about is my shirt!"(huffs) "And I tried but I couldn't find it in the dark!"

Harry: (laughs, sits back on tractor) "Have a seat."

Louis: (sits beside him) "Now what is the bloody problem that I had to wake up at fucking six?!"

Harry: (whines) "Dan is coming today!"

Louis: (plucks dried grass) "Who is this Dan character, now?"

Harry: "It's a really long story."

Louis: "I didn't wake up at six to stare at ugly scarecrows now, did I?"

Harry: (chuckles) "Okay, look, I really used to like Dan when I was a kid."(Louis raises his eyebrow, Harry nods) "I always used to be with him. Me, Jane and Dan would play family-family amd I would never let Jane be his wife."(Louis laughs) "But then he shifted to Liverpool and I grew up and started taking this whole incident as a joke. But seems like my parents never grew up! Now Dan is coming to see me...and my parents have some sort of an arranged marriage in their minds!"

Louis: (laughs loudly) "You and arrange marriage?!"(Harry scowls at him) "So, what will you do now?"

Harry: "I am running away!"

Louis: "Woah, woah, Harry are you mad! Running away is never a good option!"(Harry groans) "We'll find a way, Harold. You don't need to run away."

Harry: "But what will we do?! He will come here at one!"

Louis: "Why don't you tell your parents about Nick?"

Harry: "No way in bloody hell! They will never agree to me and then they will emotionally black mail me to consider Dan!"

Louis: "Make him marry Jane."

Harry: "No. He's not Jane's type."

Louis: "Call him and tell him that your family is going for a vacation so he can't come here."

Harry: "You're so shit at giving ideas!"

Louis: "Prove that he's impotent."

Harry: "He is not impotent! God, Louis!"

Louis: "Wait a minute, how do you know that he is not impotent?"

Harry: "I can tell!"

Louis: (smirks) "No, no, no, how can you tell that he's not impotent?"

Harry: (groans) "Louis."

Scene 9.

[Front Lawn, The Styles' Residency, 1:10 pm, There is absolutely nothing going on between us.]

(Dan's family and Harry's family are all sitting on the chairs kept in the front Lawn, Anne is serving the snacks while Jane is serving the drinks, all the kids are running from here to there)

Dan: "So, this year we have started a new fertiliser business."

Harry: (not interested) "That's amazing."

(Harry sees that Louis is walking towards them holding a plate of snacks in his hands)

Harry: (pulls Louis towards himself) "Lou!"

Louis: (startled) "Harry what the hell!"(sees Dan, awkward) "Oh, Hi Dan."

Harry: "Dan, this is Lou. Oh sorry, Louis. I just like to call him Lou."

Dan: (frowns but smiles) "Hello, Louis."

(Harry smiles at Louis and puts his arm across his shoulder, Louis understands what Harry's trying to do)

Louis: (slips under from Harry's grip, glares at him) "I'll meet you two later."(walks away quickly)

(Fifteen minutes later, Liam pulls Louis in the centre and everyone sits around him, Louis is confused)

Will: "So, Louis, Harry told us that you're a singer."

(Louis glares at Harry, Harry makes pouty kissing face at him)

Louis: "Yeah?"

Will: (smiles) "Well then, sing for us!"

Louis: "N-now? In front of everyone?"

Liam: "Yes!"

(Louis looks at Harry, Harry gives him a thumbs up and grins, Louis smiles, after five minutes of giving himself a prep talk, Louis sings)

Liam: (stands up, claps, smiling) "You were so good Louis! You have such a beautiful voice!"(everyone claps for Louis)

Will: (smiles) "Amazing. Just amazing."

(After hearing praises from everyone for another two minutes, Louis moves to the side to drink a glass of water)

Harry: (takes the glass from Louis' hands, pushes him against the wall) "I didn't know you were so good, I thought you were just bluffing about being a singer."

Louis: "I don't lie."(Harry presses closer to Louis and starts playing with his collar) "Harry what the fuck are you-"(sees that Dan is watching them) "I know what you're trying to do here Harry. Don't drag me into this. Everyone already thinks that something is going on between us!"

Harry: (laughs) "That's the problem Louis. Everyone thinks that something is going on between us."(presses a kiss to his cheek, Louis is shocked) "I need them to be sure about it."(winks and walks away)

Louis: (closes his eyes, tries to bring his breathing back to normal, to himself) "Bloody hell. What even is he?!"

(Thirty minutes later, Louis is playing with August in the backyard)

August: (kicks the football) "Was it good now?"

Louis: (nods, smiling) "That was good. You'll learn in no time."

Harry: (runs towards them) "August, Gramps is looking for you. Go, run."(August waves his hand at Louis and runs)

Louis: (squints his eyes, Harry smirks) "Why did you lie to him?"

Harry: (leans back on the tree, pulls Louis towards him through his collar) "You're smart enough to figure that out, Louis."(sees that Dan can easily see them, runs his hands all over Louis' torso)

Louis: (his breath hitches) "Harry I swear to god, your family will kill me. I'm bloody sure Dan is watching us right now!"

Harry: (touches his cheekbones) "You have such a pretty face."

Louis: (holds Harry's wrist in his hand) "Harry stop! This is not right-"

(Harry kisses him to shut him up, Louis gasps and widens his eyes but Harry deepens the kiss, Louis soon relaxes under his touch and starts kissing him back)

Harry: (pulls away slightly, panting) "Man, you do know how to kiss."

Louis: (pushes him against the tree, starts kissing him again, Harry almost whimpers when Louis pulls away) "You underestimated me Styles?"

Harry: (Dan clears his throat, Harry smirks and acts shocked) "Dan?!"

Louis: (realises, to himself) "Oh shit fuck!"(pulls away from Harry) "Dan, this is not what it looks like."

Harry: (nods innocently) "Yes, Dan. There is absolutely nothing going on between us."

Louis: (glares at Harry, Harry tries to hide his smile) "Dan, seriously, this is not what it looks like. This has never happened before!"(Dan turns around and starts walking away)

Harry: (fist pumps in the air, pecks Louis on the cheek) "You're the best!"

Louis: "I better plan my funeral now."(Harry laughs)

Scene 10.

Two Days Later.

[ The Guest Room, The Styles' Residency, 12:30 am, Running away.]

(Harry enters Louis' room wearing a black hoodie and with a backpack)

Harry: (shakes Louis to wake him up, harsh whisper) "Louis, wake up!"

Louis: (slightly stirs, whispers) "Harry?"

Harry: "Dan is coming back tomorrow, all thanks to you! He believes your non sense 'nothing is going on between us' drama and now he wants to talk to me. In private!" (adjusts his backpack) "I am now running away!"

Louis: "Harry."(sits up, trying to process everything) "Harry, don't ever do that. Okay?"

Harry: "I am doing it. Everything is planned. I've come to say bye to you."

Louis: "You're leaving now?! As in, right now?!"

Harry: "Yes. You stay here for a few days. After that, go back to London, okay?"

Louis: "Hang on, hang on. You are running away and I should stay here?!"

Harry: "So what?"

Louis: "Tomorrow, Dan will spill the beans and these people- who already think that you and I are having an affair will tie me to the fucking buffaloes!"

Harry: "Great. Then you come with me too."

Louis: "If we run away together, their suspicion will be confirmed!"

Harry: "Big deal. What difference does it make to you?"

Louis: (realises) "Correct. What difference does that make to me?"

Harry: "Come on, let's go."

(After twenty minutes, Louis and Harry are walking down the stairs, Harry opens the main door)

Louis: (sees Jane coming out of the kitchen, whispers) "Harry, does Jane know that you're running away?!"

Harry: (shakes his head, sees Jane, scared, grabs Louis' hand) "Run!"

Jane: (runs after them, yells) "Harry?!"(sees their joined hands) "Harry, where are you going?!"

Harry: (stops) "Jane, I'll be back in two to three days. Don't worry. Just don't tell anyone, okay?!"

Jane: (shakes her head in horror, runs inside) "Liam! Dad! Mom!"

Harry: (starts running again) "Oh shit fuck!"

Louis: "Harry, stop!"(panting) "What's the plan?!"

Harry: "We can take a taxi and then go to the railway station or the airport. I'll figure something out!"

Louis: "Are you fucking serious?!"(lights in the house turn on and Liam's shouting voice can be heard, Louis starts running towards the house)

Harry: "I'm not going inside Louis!"

Louis: "Just do as I say! There is a back door that leads to the terrace, right?"(Harry nods) "We'll go up there and wait till all of them are out searching for you and then we'll come down and take a cab, alright?!(Harry's face lights up) "Everyone will look outside but no one will look inside."

Harry: (starts running) "You're a bloody genius!"

(After five minutes, both of them are sitting at the terrace)

Louis: (sees everyone getting in cars and going to the railway station or the airport) "We'll leave in ten minutes."

Harry: "Thank god you decided to come with me! I don't know what would have happened today!"

Louis: "Does Nick know that you're going to Brighton to meet him?"

Harry: (shakes his head) "No."

Louis: "This is really stupid of you Harry! Why don't you think and then do things?"

Harry: "I don't like to take life seriously Louis. I don't want to grow up and have regrets that oh I wish I did that, oh I wish I said that."

Louis: "But it's important to be serious sometimes, Harry."

Harry: "You took your life very seriously, right? What happened? You too got a broken heart."(shrugs) "I don't want to blame someone else for my decisions. Atleast it will be me who will be responsible for my condition."

Louis: (smiles) "You're something else Harry Styles."

Scene 11.

[British Airways Airplane, Edinburgh to London, 6:50 am, What have you done to me?]

(Harry and Louis are sitting on their seats, next to each other)

Harry: "We really didn't need to fly business class Louis."

Louis: (smiles cheekily) "Always the best for you."

Harry: (rolls his eyes fondly) "You're spoiling me."

Louis: "When will you go home now? All of them will be really worried Harry."

Harry: "I'll go back after a week or so. I'll take Nick with me and then I'll beg and try to convince them. They will be angry but it'll be alright."

Louis: (after a minute) "I think you should've atleast given Nick a call. Just let him know that you're coming."

Harry: (shakes his head) "No. I want it to be a surprise."

(One hour later, Harry is sleeping with his arm linked with Louis and face buried in Louis' neck)

Louis: (playing with Harry's fingers, puts his hand against Harry's, sees the size difference) "Not fair."(entwines their hands together, smiles) "What have you done to me?"(kisses his knuckles softly) "Thank you. Thank you so much for coming into my life."(rubs his thumb against his cheek, Harry involuntarily leans against his touch) "You're such a sweetheart."(kisses his forehead) "I owe you my life Harry."

Scene 12.

[Grimshaw Resorts, Brighton, 1:15 pm, This is it?]

(Harry and Louis are standing infront of Nick's Resort)

Louis: "He'll be in there?"

Harry: (grins, nods) "Yes."

Louis: (voice cracks slightly, covers up with a chuckle) "So, this is it? End of Louis and Harry's adventures?"

Harry: (face falls) "Why are you saying this? We will meet again."

Louis: (smiles) "You should go in there. He must be waiting for you."

Harry: "You're not coming in to meet him?"

Louis: (shakes his head) "I'll just be leaving."(takes Harry's hand in his own) "Harry, promise me something."

Harry: "What?"

Louis: "If you need something, anything, you'll not hesitate to call me. I'll be there. I'll always be there for you Harry, no matter what."

Harry: (hugs Louis tightly, sad) "I'll miss you. And I'll call you, alright?"

Louis: (buries his face in his neck, blinks back tears) "I will wait Harry."(kisses him on the forehead, pulls away) "Go now, don't keep him waiting."

Harry: (smiles, starts walking, calls) "Don't forget me Lou!"

Louis: (waves at him as he gets inside, starts backing away, whispers) "I love you."

That's it! This is the end of part one.

Like it? Hate it? Tell me!

Also, any predictions on what's going to happen next?

The next part is going to be a little serious. I'll try to keep it light, though.

Don't forget to vote and comment!xx

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