princess >> n.s

By anonships

237K 13.9K 5.5K

"Are you medusa bc ur making me stone hard" "Leave" or the one where harry is constantly horny and niall is t... More

1. mum knows how naughty her little boy is
2. Let's get frick frackling, sunshine
3. Shower sex is the way to go
4. I rlly want ur cock
5. l'll stop myself in ur ass ayye ;)
*6. Oh so you're into sugar daddies?
7. them nudes
8. crusty with cum
9. 2010 justin bieber is my aesthetic
*10. Harry 2.0
*11. I wouldn't ride you but thanks
*12. throw your eggs at me, Styles
*13. Boyfriend material
14. Where's Zayn?
15. give me head
*16. Mondays
17. Harry motherfuckin Styles
*18. high voltage
*19. This is so ugly
*20. last night's events
*21. trade nudes
22. bad grades
*23. Daycare
*24. for Daddy
25. 206
*26. Embrace my body, tell me I'm yours
Characters Ask
27. baby boy
28. I won't mind
29. feeling myself
Characters Answer
*30. those 6 words
31. Message 2109
Bromance Awards

*32. Third degree

4K 219 278
By anonships

Written 3/10/15

It's been almost a little over a month.

A month since I broke up with Harry with no explanation. A month since I last talked to him, seen him, touched him, kissed him...

I wanted Harry and I to at least still communicate after the break up, but Harry has been avoiding me like I was some sort of disease. I get where he's coming from, though. If Harry had broken up with me without explaining, I would have ignored him like the plague.

I wasn't heartbroken, to be completely honest. I could still function, I wouldn't burst into tears at the mention of his name. Mine and Harry's relationship only lasted a little over a month, so it didn't feel like a huge loss. It didn't hurt as bad if had been a three year relationship.

While I wasn't having a full blown break down over the break up, I was still hurt just a tiny, small bit. How could I not be? Harry had been my first boyfriend. Harry had been my first for a lot of things. Harry was very affectionate, when he wasn't horny, which was a rare occurrence, and was very gentle. He made me feel good and not just in bed, but in general. He made these weird tingles run through me everytime he said something stupid.

I don't love Harry.

Love doesn't exist.

I just like Harry.

Neither Harry or I seemed like we took the break up hard, which surely confused our class mates and more importantly, Louis. Louis was very confused. I'm pretty sure he cried more than I did. I cried once and only once. It was late at night an I was very nostalgic.

As soon as I told Louis about the break up, he came over with his Mean Girls DVD, which I thought was completely pointless because it's on Netflix, and some left over donuts. While I enjoyed the donuts and the movie, I felt like it was pointless. I was fine, I felt fine. Sure I had gone through a break up, but I felt like it wasn't a bad one. Ok, maybe it was a bad one, but I didn't feel anything. It's hard to explain in words how I feel.

I knew it wouldn't last over a year, our relationship. He couldn't have thought that our relationship would last more than a year, right? It couldn't have. This was his last year in high school, while I would barely be moving on to 10th grade. He would be a college student an I would be a tiny high schooler. Those relationships just don't work out.

When I say that neither of us took it bad, I could only really speak for myself. I only knew what I saw from Harry at school for seven hours every week day. Outside of school is a complete different story. Harry could be torn up over this absolutely shattered an I wouldn't know. I didn't know how Harry was doing, as I said, he refused to talk to me.

At home, my mom still had me on a tight leash. I have to be home before 7, I can't close or lock my door, and I can't have a lock on my phone. She had told me that she wanted the passwords and usernames for all my social media accounts, but I told her that I had deleted those a while back. While I was lying, I couldn't have her look through my Tumblr. That's no place for a mother who just found out her son, who wasnt legal, was sending nudes and having sex with his legal boyfriend.

It was the next day when Louis picked me up from my house and we walked together to school. It was September already so it was getting quite cold. I loved it.

He had a coffee in his hands which we passed around between the both of us to keep us warm. Usually Harry would pick me up, but I guess that's out of the picture and mine and Louis' mom's both leave for work early so we're stuck walking, no matter the weather conditions, at least until one of us gets their license an a car.

When we got into the school building, the first bell rang just minutes later. We both went our separate ways to our first period classes. I sat through class, bored, scribbling doodles and writing down story plots that I know I will never write. Yes, I do enjoy English it's my favorite subject, it's just the teacher that I can't stand. It sucks when you get a crappy teacher for a subject you like. Hopefully we don't loop. I don't ever want to see her again after this school year ends.

I didn't see Louis until lunch. Unfortunately, I had this lunch period with Harry. He never paid any attention to me, but I still felt like I had to not look stupid at all times just in case he looked my way. I could sometimes feel his gaze on me so I'd act extra happy and make sure I looked adorable as fűck. But I'm always adorable so that task wasn't hard.

Louis huffed and sat down across from me, a sandwich in his hand. "Lunch is so gross. Zayn Malik turns me on."

"I - those two sentences don't even go together, but I agree with both." I sighed and rested my head on the table. "Zayn is so pretty, honestly. Zayn is a pretty flower. He's like a dandelion. Sometimes I just want to hop on his -"

"Niall." Louis nudged me with his elbow. "Niall!" He nudged me harder when I didn't respond.

"What." I groaned picking my head up to look at him.

"Harry's coming over here. Oh my god, stay calm. Act like you don't care." Louis freaked. I did too, but I did it like the classy young lady I am. I did it in my head.

Harry stood at the end of the table and started at me for a while before he spoke up. "Niall, I need to talk to you."

My heart leaped out of my stomach and onto the floor, or at least that's how it felt. I felt my heart beat so fast and my stomach drop to sea level.

Holy shīt, Harry wants to talk to me. Alone. Does he want to talk to me alone in a secluded area? Where he can murder me and hide my body without anyone knowing as revenge for me breaking up with him?


I watch too much TV shows that include a lot of ex's killing their ex's.

Harry stood at the end of the table with his eyebrows raised as I just stared at him. Louis hit me with his arms getting me out of my trance. "Right! Yeah, okay." I nodded and slipped out of the table bench. Harry already started walking, leaving me behind. I assumed that I had to follow him, so I so I did. Trying to catch up with his long strides.

Fűcking tall people and their long spider legs.

We walked down the hall that led to the cafeteria and stopped by the entrance door to the school. There where only two people in the hall, considering it was lunch time. Harry leaned back against the wall. We kept such an awkward, silent moment of long eye contact before Harry looked away and spoke up.

"We need to talk about the break up."

I licked my dry lips before choking out a small word. "Ok." I nodded my head, removing my stare to the floor, playing with the collar of my sweater.

Harry sighed, "I just need to know why you broke up with me."

I kept my stare to the floor, not responding to the words he said. Harry seemed to be annoyed by my silence. What he said nexr, shocked me. I never took Harry as someone to do such a thing, but I guess people go to the extreme when they're desperate for information.

"Tell me or I'll leak the pictures."

I just stood there. Staring at him with my mouth agaped.

"You do know that you're in those pictures as well, right? Leaking them won't just hurt me. It'll affect you too." I raised my voice a tiny bit, my fist clenching in anger. I would've hit Harry, trust me I would've, but there's cameras and I'm in enough trouble with my mom as it is.

Harry chuckled and licked his lips, turning his head to the right. "Double standards, princess. Well, you're not a girl, but it's still the same. You'll be seen as a slut for sleeping with me, while I'll be seen as some god for getting it on with you."

I closed my eyes shut in absolute anger. I- I can't even explain how pissed off I am right now. I trusted Harry with those goddamn pictures. I remember taking the pictures and taking literally half an hour, debating if I should send the pictures of not. I trusted Harry and here he is, blackmailing me.

I can easily tell Harry why, I would have, he didn't need to threaten me, though.

"Maybe I broke up with you, Harry, cause you're such an asshole. Have you ever thought about that?" I raised my voice at him. I knew the words I was saying weren't true, Harry was nothing but sweet towards me when we were dating, but I was pissed as shīt and I didn't have a filter at the moment.

"Oh and also, you didn't have to lie to me, you know?"

Harry looked at me confusingly. "What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about Nadine and how you where embarrassed to tell her you were dating me. I know she's not you're cousin. Neither your dad or mom have siblings. You could have just told me that you were embarrassed to be dating me, embarrassed to be dating someone not as attractive as her. You could have just told me that instead of making up some shit excuse lie."

"Niall, I-" Harry said softly and tried to rest his hand on my shoulder, but I shoved him away.

"Dont, Harry." I whispered and shook my head before I turned around and whipped the few fallen tears before retreating back to the cafeteria where Louis was at, waiting for me.

When he saw me, he immediately rushed over to me, a look of concern on his face when he saw my eyes puffy.

"What happen?" He gasped over dramatically.

"Nothing. I - I don't want to talk about it, really."

"Niall." Louis cooed pulling me in a hug. "So I take that narry isn't getting back together?" Louis said sadly.

I chuckled at him and shook my head no. "Nope."


It was a Sunday moring.

The light was shining through the sheer curtains, lighting up the house.

Harry was in just his grey sweats, poring himself a bowl of cereal. After he poured himself some fruity pebbles, he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV to AMC. The Walking Dead was having a marthon leading up to season 6, and he was not going to miss it. His ass could be in jail and he still would make it his mission to not miss this marathon.

Harry groaned and cracked his knuckles before he took a spoonful of his cereal. He turned up the volume to the TV, not caring how loud it was since his mom was out getting her nails done.

Just as Harry got comfortable, a loud knock was at the door. It sounded almost as if they where trying to break down the door.

Apparently Harry took too long to get to the door because they knocked even loudly. Harry felt like screaming I'm frustration. He hated when people did that.

Harry got up from the couch and muted the TV before answering the door. He pulled the door open and was met with two male cops.

"Harry Styles, you're under arrest for third degree rape of a child."


That's the end. That's the ending. Last chapter. The story is over.

Omg guys I gave you guys such a shitty ending. but to be honest I was getting bored with this book and I just wanted to end it.

So that's the end. That's the v v bad ending.

Harry got arrested. Wow what a happy ending.

If youre reading this then that means you actually stayed to finish reading this shītty ass book. Thank you to everyone that read this story and voted and commented. This was my first story and it turned out to be more successful than I thought. I do have other stories an a lot of upcoming stories and maybe some collab oohhh.

once again, thank you for sticking with this story and all of that stuff. If means a lot to me.

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