*10. Harry 2.0

6.9K 443 217

Written 3/22/15

"You should just go." Louis whinned, throwing a pillow at Niall's head. Niall and Louis were laying across the bed with their legs on top of each other when Niall told Louis about the nonstop text he gets from Harry.

"No, he's a man baby perv." Niall pouted and picked up the pillow to throw it back at Louis who was now sitting on the red computer chair in Niall's room, spinning around in it. He came to a halt when the pillow hit his body, "Just go. He's been into you since like last year." The pillow hit Niall in the head.

Niall huffed and leaned his back against the wall, "Exactly! I was 14, he was 17. Isn't that just a little bit weird to you?"

"No. Just image the sex, I'm pretty sure he has a daddy kink, oh lord!"

"He does!"

"Even goddamn better! He's hot, older, and has a daddy kink. Just go on a date with him. What's the worst that can happen?"

"Ugh!" Niall threw himself forward in the most uncomfortable position. "I guess I'll go..." Niall trailed off, picking his phone up and writing a text.

Louis squealed and jumped on the bed, reading over Niall's shoulder, "Send it, send it, send it!" He chanted into Niall's ear. Niall pushed him off the bed and sent the text.

"Has he responded?"


"What about now?"

"No, Louis."


"I swear to God."

"Okay but has Harry responded yet?"


"Well damn, I just wanted to know if my little Niall was gonna get dick. Sheesh."

A few minutes later Niall's phone dinged, signaling he got a text. Louis' eyes widened as he dived for Niall's phone, unlocking it and opening the message app.

Message from: harry
Sent: 9:17 PM

"Fuck yeah princess, daddy will take you on that date ;)"

"Oh my god, he does have a daddy kink. I accept of this budding relationship! I will be the godmother of the narry love child!"


"Yeah, duh."

Niall snatched his phone away from Louis hands, reading over the text himself. "Ugh, I hate him so bad. I want to punch his face."

"More like you want to sit on his face, am I right ladies? Am I right?"

"I will sit on your face and suffocate you with my thighs."

"Kinky." Louis winked.

"You better not be turning into a Harry 2.0 or I swear to god I will throw you to the pits of hell."

"Damn." Louis pulled Niall up from the bed, towards his closet, "Tell him to pick you up at 7:30 tomorrow. I'll pick something for you to wear." Louis explained pulling out articles of clothes and tossing them onto the bed.

"I can't believe I'm doing this bullshit."

Message to: harry
Sent: 9:29 PM

"Pick me up at 7:30 tomorrow. Arrive any earlier and I will cut your balls off."

Message from: harry
Sent: 9:32 PM

"And then what aha ;)"



## whoop whoop I'm on a roll with updates. Anywayys I would do a double update today but it's Sunday aka daryl dixon If u know who I'm talking about ur fab##

--you guys are so fabulous. This book is so shitty yet you guys vote ily :*

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