*21. trade nudes

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Written 4/30/15

It's Tuesday almost a whole week since my date with Harry and just two days since I told him I like him.

I've developed a small cold from the many times I refused to take a jacket or sweater with me when my mom told me to. I covered my face with my sweater paws, sneezing. Louis walked beside me, his hand on my back as we walked to a fast food restaurant across our school.

Louis always refused to eat school food so we would always walk across the road to the fast food place and order a couple things off the breakfast menu. The bells chimed once we entered. I was relieved that we had finally entered a place with a good heating system. It was October 21, a few days until Halloween, so many decorations where out. Louis went off to order some breakfast burritos while I sat in the corner of the restaurant, under the heater.

Louis apparently wasn't just only ordering a few burritos, but the while goddamn menu because it took him a shit load of time. In that time, the bells chimed, signaling that someone had entered the restaurant. My head snapped up to the door where Harry and his friend, Liam, stood. I quickly looked back down when Harry looked over my way, playing with my phone, pretending to text someone. I took a small glance up to see Harry taking quick steps towards the table I was sat at. And well goddamn, I'm so damn screwed. There goes my plans in avoiding him until I die.

"Niall," His rough voice spoke. He pulled out a chair and sat across from me, his hands resting on the table. Liam seemed to be making conversation with Louis while I had to face hell by myself.

"Hi," I squeaked sheeplishly. I looked so damn bad, I might just stab myself. I was in my lazy day clothing and my hair looked like a lions mane while Harry felt the need to look like Adonis.

My gaze was set on table, looking anywhere but at Harry. "Niall, please." Harry sighed, running a hand through his long hair, "You can't just tell someone you like them and then not talk to them for like a week."

"I actually said I think I like you, not that I like you and it's been only two days. Get with the program, Harry," I corrected him, looking up to him. He had a satisfied look on his face. He chuckled lightly, reaching over and placing his hand over mine. His warm hand gave warmth to my freezing cold hand, so I refrained from slapping it away.

"C'mon princess, at least give us a try, yeah?"

"I don't know." I said lowly.

"Be my boyfriend."


It was lunch and Louis and I sat in a back table in the corner, trying to be as far from humanity as we possibly could. Louis was flipping back and forth through his math notes.

"The math test is in two days and I haven't even seen you study at all!"

"I don't like studying. It makes me cry." Louis rolled his eyes.

"You need to study."

"Ugh, I'll study when they pass out the test." Louis shook his head and kept flipping pages in his textbook, writting things down.

"Harry asked me to be his boyfriend," I said quickly. Louis gasped and looked up, slamming the math textbook closed.

"You better have said yes or god so fucking help me."

"I told him I'd think about it."

"What is there to think about?" Louis exasperated, "He's hot and smells good."

"I know! I just freaked out and didn't know what to day, leave me alone you whore!"

"Well, here comes your future boyfriend." I turned around to find Harry walking over to our table. I squeaked and turned back around, acting like I didn't see him.

"Hello, Sunshine." Harry sat next to me, pulling me under his arm, "Did you think about it?"

"Yes! The answer is motherfucking yes!" Louis yelled before I could answer. I shot a glare at his stupid face before worming my way out from under Harry's arm and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, Harry. Just - I'll give you an answer tomorrow for sure." Harry sighed and nodded his head.

"You have all the time in the world, princess."

Harry got up from the bench and walked back to his group of friends. Louis looked at me with a straight face, "You should just say yes you absolute fuck face! You guys could be trading nudes."


##I don't know if yoU COulD tell but I had zero motivation to write this chapter. my mind is just fuckin blocked rn. I have major writers block..##

--I probably will rewrite boxers but change a few things.


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