The Rose That Never Withered...

By datnekokid

28.5K 1.2K 95

(COMPLETED) "The Rose that never withered, a lovely Rose indeed, like love encompassing even time itself." Ex... More

Author's Note: Important
‡Chapter 1 - Celebrations ‡
‡Chapter 2 - Encounter‡
‡Chapter 3 - Young Master ‡
‡Chapter 4 - Curiosity Kills the Cat‡
‡Chapter 5 - Summer Guests‡
‡Chapter 6 - Pleasantly Annoying Acquaintance‡
‡Chapter 7 - Frey' Monstratosei‡
‡Chapter 8 - Call Me Eulon Springs ‡
‡Chapter 9 - That Little Weasel ‡
‡Chapter 10 - Late Night Guest ‡
‡Chapter 11 - Worth The Kiss‡
‡Chapter 12 - Rose for a Lover‡
‡Chapter 13 - Being The Master's Mistress ‡
‡Chapter 14 - Shades Of Julianne Vilgrain‡
‡Chapter 16 - A Different Side of Him‡
‡Chapter 17 - Save Me From This Heart‡
‡Chapter 18- The Truth I Seek‡
‡Chapter 19 - More than a Mate's Attraction‡
-Centuries After: The Present-
Thank You ♡♡♡

‡Chapter 15 - Trust Me‡

650 39 3
By datnekokid

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate" - C.G. Jung

Picture above is Eli's dream :) ^^^^^

The next morning, I woke up with a startle when I found Julliane lying beside me. I almost screamed but I covered my mouth instantly when I remembered what had happened yesterday.

More importantly last night.

He greeted me with a warm smile and took my hand to lead downstairs. I felt embarrassed but nonetheless followed obediently. It feels like something out of a fairytale, my prince charming sweeping me off my feet.

I still wasn't use to his touch.

Once we arrived at the entrance, Julianne had faced me with his spring orbs, instructing me to close my eyes. He whispered it close to my ear, his face mere inches from mine. I immediately obeyed and let my eyes flutter close, ignoring the soft tingles his voce brought over my body.

I can feel his soft breath on my face with our close proximity. His left hand held mine firmly while I tried to walk, his other hand went behind the small of my back, guiding me. We started walking, taking small careful steps towards our destination while I kept my eyes closed.

"Trust me" he had whispered.

After a few steps I felt him stop, keeping me in place as well.

I was struggling to keep my eyes close from curiosity. All this excitement was not good for my heart.

"Open your eyes Rose" he said softly.

I slowly opened my eyes taking in my surroundings.

To say I was astonished was an understatement. My knees felt like jelly and I feel as if I was near to fainting. The room was filled with the most dazzling jewelries I had ever seen. They were laid out on several elongated tables, dazzling like those beautiful stars I often see at a cloudless night.

I have never seen one so up close, so close I could almost touch them. A sudden thought had crossed my head bringing my hand directly to my mouth.

It couldn't be for me right? It simply was insane!

The thought simply boggled my mind. It was too good to be true!

"They are all for you, Rose" he said, answering my earlier question. I switched my gaze to him, my eyes wide in questioning. I was silently asking if I heard right, if it was all truly for me. Julianne had just nodded in response.

"Julianne, I- I don't know what to say..... I couldn't. This is too much" I declined. "I couldn't"

"Is it not to your liking?" his face held curiosity and something else I couldn't recognize. Mischief? "I should replace them first thing in the morning."

"No, it is not that" I quickly answered "They are too much. I- I don't deserve such extravagance."

His mouth tugged upwards to form a smile, followed by a light chuckle. "You're right Rose, you don't. You deserve more. Much, much more" he said in between "I'm afraid it will be put to waste since no one will use it?"

Oh god up above, what to do? I don't want him to squander his riches on me. I would look like I only wanted Julianne for his riches. I can't really say it didn't add to Julianne's already perfect image. In this case, declining these jewelries would mean... I'm afraid I would be taken as an ingrate.

There was no harm in accepting these, right?

After moments of debating, I decided to accept his gifts. It simply was happiness on his part, and mind shattering for mine. A win-win situation for both of us, I guess? I would gladly accept a pinch or two if ever I am dreaming. The experience was simply unbelievable!

"I will use them" I had finally said.

He smiled a warm smile "I am glad to hear that"

I quickly embraced his large frame in my arms, basking in the warmth that he radiated. I was overwhelmed with so much gratitude. He looked taken back, but responded after a while, wrapping his arms around me in an embrace.

"Thank you Julianne" I whispered "They're beautiful" My face was buried in his chest, making it a bit muffled. He had an earthy smell to him, a fusion of vanilla and cinnamon.

It was intoxicating, addicting even.

"Not as half the beauty you behold my Rosabelle" he seemed to be sniffing my hair casually, closing his eyes in content "Not as even half" he mumbled mindlessly.

I debated whether to repeat my earlier statement, doubting if he might have heard it or not.

"I am very, truly, grateful. For everything" I said.

"Anything for you, my dear Rose." he responded "Anything"

The rest of the days went on like this, and eventually, days turned to months. He seemed to have a weird routine of spoiling me and further, yes, spoiling me. He would give me gifts every morning, and I would gratefully, and quite shyly, accept. I was in no place to decline the gifts that he so modestly offered. I even so much as worried that all his riches would be squandered off with all the gifts he was buying for me.

We would later sit in the Manor garden in the morning after a hearty breakfast, and talk for hours, At least until he needs to leave for important matters.

I suppose business is still business.

I would later be left alone to either do some reading or any other activity I can. Gardening, painting, sewing. Anything I can get my hands on inside the manor. Everything inside.

I wasn't allowed to leave the manor for reasons unknown other than my safety. Not that I was planning to leave anyway.

I was afraid I was missing something, but I decided I was just new to all this. Everyone in the manor would either greet me with a small smile or walk hurriedly whenever I approach them, which I found fairly unusual. I wasn't really a social butterfly back when I was a servant. I simply enjoyed solitude.

As the days went on to weeks, and weeks turned into months, I felt a longing feeling inside my heart. I simply blamed it on the out-worldly change and nothing else.

My life turned upside down in a span of months with everything that happened. I was bathed in luxury. The dresses, the jewelries, the endearments.


Even the food! God those dishes tasted like a slice of heaven itself!

They treated me like a queen.

I felt like a queen.

In a span of almost four months, I have experienced more luxury than I have during my eighteen years of existence. It was simply astonishing! And to top it all off, I was soon to be wed to the most perfect man in the world! I don't know what I've done in my past life to deserve such a treatment. I must have saved a whole country with the way I was spoiled! It was all so-


I felt like my past was just a mere shadow of what I am now. In the past, I never even would have imagined myself at this state.

Look at me, I am currently dressed with the most beautiful clothing money can buy, my neck adorned with a priceless emerald, along with my matching earrings hanging blissfully from my ears. I simply was a sight to behold! Oh if Dianne were to see me-


Dianne..... Who... is this Dianne?

Dianne... Dianne?


"Yes Julianne?"

"Does something trouble you?"

We were currently sitting at the dining table, having our dinner together, as always. Even as I sat at the other end of the long stretching, dining table, he had noticed my behavior. I was staring out-mindedly at a fresh bowl of soup in front of me, my hands resting on the table, halfway towards the soup spoon.

He grabbed his napkin and softly dabbed it on his mouth, and proceeded to transfer his attention back to me.

"You haven't touched your food Rose" he had observed. "What's the matter?"

"It is nothing I-" I made a notion to grab the soup spoon on my right hand. "It is nothing of concern" I said dismissively. He, thankfully, did not ask any further.

"If you say so love" he mumbled.

We proceeded to eat dinner, not one of us uttering a single word. It was rather unnerving. I wasn't used to him not speaking at all. He would usually make small talk, and I would humbly reply, asking him about his day and whereabouts.

After dinner, I had excused myself from the table. Julianne had kissed my head as I proceeded to go into my quarters. He said he would check on me after he finishes with some paperwork and lie with me. I just nodded my head in confirmation. Like a good little Rosabelle.

Later that evening, I was preparing to sleep after doing my daily night routine. The past few months went by like a dream to me. But, I can no longer deny the growing void inside my chest. I tried to ignore it, but it was starting to get harder, too great to dismiss. I was not sure what it is, but I just felt like it served of great importance to me. It was something dear and precious.

Like a home.

Moments after, I had drifted off to sleep, trying to sleep off the pain.

12th July,1643

I sat at the fresh, green grass while under the oak tree. The sky is the color of the sea and was decorated with white and puffy clouds. A book was in my hand while I was wearing a peach colored, floral dress. It had lilies patterned throughout the material. I remembered Julianne's door that one faithful night.

It didn't have any lilies in it.

I read the cover of the book I was holding.

Frey' Monstratosei.

I know this book. It was somehow familiar.

I remember now.

It was a book given to me by a dear person on the eve of my eighteenth birthday. It was from Julianne, but it was handed by another.

"Eli" it cooed.

It sounded familiar. Could this be the Dianne I was speaking of?

"Dianne" I whispered.

I remember her. Dianne.

How could I forget the most important person in the world?

Tears suddenly sprung to my eyes as the memories flooded to my mind. I touched my wet cheeks and stared at my hand. It feels all so real I doubted if I was even dreaming.

"Dianne." I wiped my tears with the back of my hand "Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you," I took a breath "but I couldn't find you."

"Eli dear, I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you." Her eyes watered "You are waking up soon Eli. I want you to listen carefully."

"Dianne please. Don't leave me." I was desperate. "Please.."

I was crying like a lost child, without guidance. I was afraid I would never see Dianne's loving face, ever again. I don't want that. It was simply unbearable...

I felt lost without Dianne's essential, motherly guidance.

"Listen Eli, do not believe everything you see nor hear" everything was starting to get blurry. Dianne's figure was getting more and more distant.

She felt so far away but her voice remained loud and clear.

"Stay away from Julianne Vilgrain" 

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