Explosive || Teen Wolf [3]

Af Ashlinized

376K 12.8K 6.7K

"Devils don't come from hell beneath us, they come from the sky." -Lex Luthor (Book 3) (Season 3a) (Cover by... Mere

Summary/ Disclaimer
1. Here
2. Jumpman
3. Drunk and Hot Girls
4. Why I Love You
6. Hotline Bling
7. Back to Back
8. Revolution
9. Right Hand
10. Move That Dope
11. Demons
12. When I'm Gone
13. Clique
14. Like Toy Soldiers
15. You're nobody (till sombody kills you)
16. 90210
17. Otis
18. 100
19. Diamonds Dancing
20. Collard Greens
21. White Iverson
22. Stand By Me
23. Commas
24. My Love

5. Who Gon Stop Me

14.1K 499 249
Af Ashlinized

"I fucking hate the woods. I. FUCKING. HATE. THE. WOODS!" I growled, stomping over various amounts of twigs.

"Remind me again why you decided to come with me," Scott questions, casually strolling behind me.

"Because if I went with Isaac he would try to flirt with me, Derek would annoy me with his brooding, and if someone even commented Peter to me I would go batshit. So you're my only option, plus it's nice to know you'll eventually get tired of me tripping and just carry me," I commented with a smile at Scott

"Sure," he says with a roll of his eyes, "any particular reason you've brought a gun."

I look down at Lola who is currently being held by my right palm, shrugging I look at him with a smirk. "I don't particularly feel like fighting a damn werewolf."


Whatever Scott says to me is lost because in that moment I hear the most ear splitting scream I've ever heard, so loud it make me drop to the ground and clutch my ears.

"SCOTT!" I yell, clutching my ears and hoping hat the noise gets blocked out but it doesn't. It's inside my head and what worse is that the voice is extremely familiar.

Scott lifts me back up, shaking me gently," hey! Imelda! Mel! It's okay!"

He places his hands over my own, gently displaying my ears as I whimper and shake. The scream had come and gone but it's after effects left me with a shaking frame.

"What happened?" He asks, wide eyed and concerned.

"Lydia," I mumble, looking back to where my car was,"I need to go get Lydia."

"Okay," Scott sighs," just go fine her. Make sure she stays indoors. I can handle this."

"BILLY! RUN! RUN!" Some little girl screams loud, her voice sounding through the woods.

I look at Scott to see if he had heard that and when he's looking in the direction the noise is coming from I sigh.

"Shit," I comment, grabbing his arm and tugging him in the direction," come on!"

We both run, my gun in my hand as we see 2 little kids run in through the woods and Boyd's smell not far behind.

"Shit!" I mumble, hiding the gun in the small of my back and throwing my jacket over it.

"What do we do?" Scott quietly asks.

"Keep them alive," I mumble, running after them.

Scott doesn't waste a second, running right next to me, we round the corner and catch the kids.

They scream, startled to see us.

"Hey, it's okay," I whisper to them," what's going on?"

The little boy clutches me, wrapping his small limbs around my waist as his sister grabs my arm tightly and looks between Scott and I.

"Somethings following us, it looks like a guy but his eyes glow!" She whispers, looking around scared.

"Okay— it's gonna be okay," Scott reassures her.

Boyd's loud growl makes both little kids jump as Scott and I look at one another, he's close.

"Come on," I mumble, grabbing them both and taking off. A small steel cabin isn't far from us, Scott opens the door wide enough for us to get in and locks it behind him. The girl and her younger brother hide into my side, both grabbing onto each other's hands as Scott stands in front of me.

"Imelda, you have to run with them," Scott tells me.

I grab his arm, "Scott don't let them kill you."

He nods once, just as we hear Boyd approach us. The little kids start to panic, huffing heavily. I looked at the both of them, lifting my finger so they would grow silent.

"He's gonna get inside," The little boy realized, watching as Boyd moved around the steel cabin.

A loud rumble was emitted from him and then he was pushing the bottom of cabin up, lifting it as if it weighed nothing and throwing it over us all. Scott began turning, realizing that now was the time to fight. Boyd's growled, eyes burning a bright gold and rage reeking off him.

Grabbing both kids I prepared to run with them in my arms when suddenly the glass canister the little boy caries dropped from his arms and out floes dozens of fireflies. They blocked Boyd, forgiving him to fling his arms around at them.

We took that moment to leave, Scott picked up the girl while I lifted the boy in my arms and we ran. My car was far enough to where it would take Boys awhile to find us so that's where we stopped. I set the little boy down, he was shaking and immediately wrapped his arms around his sister.

Scott stepped near me, pulling out his phone.

"I need to call Derek and tell him we lost Boyd," he tells me, already pulling up the contact.

I nod, catching my breath," I'm gonna calm them down. We need to get them out of here soon."

He nods," alright let me just tell him first."

I walked up to the two kids who were huddled near my car.

"What are your names?" I questioned the kids, crouching to their height.

"I'm Breanne and my brother is Billy," the blonde haired girl spoke after a moment.

I nodded, "I'm Mel."

"What was that? Is it coming back for us?" Breanne asked me, looked fearful.

I shook my head, placing my hand gently on her shoulder," not if we get out of here now. And that's what I need to talk to you guys about okay. You can't tell anyone about it."

"What?" Bully questioned,"why not. It almost killed us."

"Because Billy, no one will believe you and if they do they are not good people. So if someone asks or if your parents ask tell them you got lost and we brought you back," I said calmly, trying to make them understand the severity of the situation.

"What about you two? How did you run so quickly," Breanne asked.

I sighed, searching for the correct words. Scott was the only thing heard for a moment before I finally came up with the right words," you both like superheroes? Batman, superman, and flash?"

They nodded slowly, confused at my words.

"Well we are kind of like them—"

"I don't see a batmobile or cape," Billy called out.

I laughed, attempting to lighten the situation," no, not that type of superhero but we do save and rescue. My friend and I help people like you and keep you away from the bad things like the thing out there. We can't do that though if everyone knows our secret. Right?"

They both nod, slowly coming to an understanding.

"So we need you guys to keep our secret, think of it as a trade. We saved your lives and in turn we ask you too keep this between us," I compromised with the little kids.

"What's your superpower?" Billy asked.

"My what—"

"I want to see your superpower and then I'll be quiet. I want to see you be a superhero," he says.

I laughed, looking at his sister who nodded. Turning my head to see Scott was still on the phone I winked at them and shut my eyes, the silver glow took over them and once they opened back up both kids were amazed.

"You see?" I said to both of them, blinking to make to go away,"secret."

They nodded, satisfied that they wouldn't talk I opened the car door and ushered them into the back of the car. Scott walked right back up.

"Hey," he says," are they okay?"

I nod," yeah and they aren't talking either. Let's go drop them off."

"Are you gonna go see Lydia after?" He questions me.

I nod, grabbing for my keys inside my back pocket," I have to Scott. That— whatever it was didn't seem right."

"What happened?" He questions me," I have never seen you like that except l when you— when you were attacked by the Kanima in the library." He says, dropping his gaze on his last words.

"I honestly don't know what it meant, but it was Lydia screaming. It was her screaming in absolute pain and I have a feeling it wasn't just a warning," I commented, trying to shake the goosebumps that came with that terrible encounter.


"Breanne! Billy!" Their mother sighed in relief, immediately her shoulders relaxed the moment she opened the door. Her arms opened just as both children jumped right into her. Their father right behind and looking between Scott and I.

"Hello," I said with a warm smile.

"Hey," Scott waved, I could sense he really wanted to leave and go find the crazed betas.

"What happened? We were so worried when you bring didn't show up earlier?" Their father said, hugging his daughter.

"We were taking a walk through the woods when we found them lost," I began explaining, the lie flowing easily.

"Apparently some animal began chasing them and they got lost, luckily we know these woods like the back of our hand," Scott went on.

"Thank you so much!" The mom sighed in relief, tears practically running down her face.

"It's nice to know there's sweet young couples out there!" Breanna and Brian's father speaks to both of us.

Scott and I stiffen, looking at one another with reddened cheeks and trying not to see awkward.

"Actually we are just friends," I say with a small laugh.

Oh god, that definitely sounded fake. Fuck... well you can't really tell a couple of parents that you've made out twice and he might have felt your boob but you're still friends. How difficult would that be to explain.

"Oh I'm sorry," he says awkwardly," we just assumed."

"No, no. It's okay," Scott shrugs him off, laughing innocently.

"Alright well, we actually have to meet up with some of our friends. I hope you all have a good night!" I sweetly say, grabbing Scotts wrist and turning us around.

"Wait!" The little kids yell, Scott and I turning in the same moment. Two small bodies collided against us, I getting Billy.

"It'll be okay Billy," I say lowering myself to his height.

"Are you gonna go find the monster," he questions me.

"I'm gonna go make sure that ting doesn't come after you again," I reassure him, flickering my eyes to silver for a moment for encouragement.

Scott, who has lowered as well looks at me with a smile of encouragement.

"Yeah, what she said."


"We are gonna find them," Scott says after we get in the car.

"I know you can. I just hope it's before someone else gets attacked," I mumble, looking at him briefly.

"Slow down," he mumbles, taking his seatbelt off.

"Scott, do not die. Do not die or I'll kiss you back to life and then kick your ass." I tell him with a straight voice.

He smiles widely, sensing the warning.

"That might be the first time you kiss me willingly." He says right before jumping out of the car.


"So where are we headed?" I question Lydia, tapping lightly against my steering wheel.

"The pharmacy," she answers me, silently humming to the song on the radio.

"Uh huh," I mumble, thinking that the nearest pharmacy had been passed about 3 miles back. There was something telling me to follow her though, something telling me to shut up for once in my life. I trusted Lydia with my life though, so wherever she was leading me I was going.

"How did you know?" She questioned me, turning her head to me.

I sigh, debating wether to tell her the truth. Might as well, I mean she knew of what I was now and no sense in hiding it.

"I heard you scream. That's it, I heard you scream loudly in my head. Scott had to shake me numerous times to get me back," I answer her seriously.

"You heard me scream? That's impossible," she says, shocked.

I nod my head," I know. And it wasn't just a regular scream. It was a scream of pain Lyds, pure pain. It scared the shit out of me, I came here as fast as I could. Scott kept asking if I was okay afterwards."

"So you were with Scott?" She smirks, acting as if she didn't hear the beginning of my talk.

"Is that really what you picked up on?" I practically shouted.

In response she only smirked evilly at me.

"Yes I was with him. No nothing happened and nothing will happen. We resolved everything last night," I informed her, rolling my eyes.

"What about last night? What happened last night?" She pushed.


My shoulders tense and I refused to look her in the eyes when speaking," I let him know that whatever happened, happened and that was it. No need to dwell."

"Did you kiss him again?" She questioned, leaning closer.



"Dammit Lydia!" I growled, my damn cheeks betraying me and training pink.

"I knew it! So it's not over!" She says with a clap of her hands and a little chirp.

"I'm going to just drive us off a cliff and never look back. That way I won't ever have to do this again," I growl, yanking the key out of the ignition. "We are here."

"Admit it. You like Scott McCall, you like kissing him." She teases, get out of the car.

I go to scoff and probably say fuck off but then I realize where she has actually lead me.

"I thought we were headed to the pharmacy?" I question, lifting a brow.

"We are—" she finally gets good look where we are at.

The public pools were empty, yet strangely still open. I couldn't hear a single breath being taken by anyone, which didn't make me feel any safer.

I pulled out the gun from my back, holding it firmly in my hand. Quickly I step in front of her, her hands gripping at the back of my jacket.

"Stay behind me," I mumbled to Lydia, our heels tapping loudly against the floors.

"Since when do you have a gun?" She whispered harshly.

"Since you decided to become an Angus steak on Formal Night," I whispered, continuing walking forward.

"You're so annoying," she practically growls.

And then suddenly we are both dead silent, and terribly still. There's a body in the water, face down and unmoving.

Lydia walks around me, lowering herself into the ground and speaking slowly, "God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, please don't be dead. Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead, please don't be dead. Oh, my God."

Lydia grabs at it, suddenly sighing in relief when it turns out to be just a plastic dummy, "Are you kidding me?"

A huge breath is caught in my throat when I look over, and dread fills me.

I really fucking wish this was a joke.

"Uhh Lydia," I mumble, dropping the gun," don't sigh in relief just yet."

"What why?" She says looking at me like I'm crazy, and then follows my line of vision.

The scream that's built up inside me releases in the same moment that Lydia's does.


I'm having way too much fun this season, like literally the stuff I have planned has been in the works since season 1. This has to be my favorite season ever tbfh and I've always wanted to write for it.

-Your Watermelon Sundae 🍉
(If you know where that's from we can be best friends tbfh.)

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