
Oleh ValkyrieJade19

22.8K 1.3K 908

Valkyrie Cain has just gotten back after five years of being away from Skulduggery. But something's different... Lebih Banyak

1. Not Just A Facade...
2. He Wasn't Stupid...
3. Curse His Bloody Big Ego...
4. Wedding Bells?!
5. You Can't Destruct The Indestructible...
6. We're Together...
7. There's Tomato Sauce On Your Chin...
8. Not Until We're Seventy...
9. You Think I'm Going To Rape You?
10. You're Grumpy...
11. They Don't Even Blink...
12. Dusk Is In My House...
13. And The Ceiling Walking Woman Too!
14. You've Fried Your Sister's Brain...
15. Valkyrie Almost Saw Her Lunch Again...
16. Why Do I Have A Good Feeling About This?
17. Something Is Really Bad...
18. She Stabbed Him You Idiots!
19. I Stink Like Puke...
20. Tanith Squealed Like An Overexcited Fangirl...
21. Maybe I Need A Nokia Phone...
22. Fuck The Boss' Orders!
23. Someone Kidnapped Me...
24. I Don't Think He'll Ever Forgive Me...
25. The Wedding's Off!
26. I Will Hit You...
27. I'll Kill All Three Of You!
28. Death Thought I Was Too Sexy To Die...
29. Been Eating A Lot Eh?
31. He Knocked You Up...
32. Well No Shit Sherlock...
33. Too Busy Drooling Over Me?
34. She Lied To Him...
35. I Will Pour Boiling Hot Water In Your Eyes...
36. Whispers From Where?
37. You'll Be Dead In The Next Ten Seconds...
38. It's Been An Ugly Day...
39. I'd Like To Resort To A Lot More Than Just Violence...
40. Skulduggery Was Shot...
41. They Didn't Speak For Years...
42. Oh, The Bromance...
43. I'll Kill Him If You Scream...
44. Let's Go Tell Your Parents I Fucked You...
45. You Look Really Pale...
46. Wait, You're Leaving Now?
47. It's A Secret Though...
48. You're Leaving It All Up To Common Knowledge?
49. That Came Out Of My Penis...
50. God, Give Me A Break...
51. A Mandatory Pep Talk...
52. I Trust You With My Life...
53. Hello Sophie...
54. Just Remember That We're Still Watching You...
55. Still With The Small Talk...
56. Especially About Anal Sex...
57. Killing For A Living...

30. A Deadly Combination...

411 24 31
Oleh ValkyrieJade19

Valkyrie swayed from side to side with her head resting on Skulduggery's shoulder. All around them, people danced and sang. By now, Saracen and Dexter were drunk, and were chatting up some of the young girls who were catering. It was funny to watch them, and Valkyrie smiled to herself. Alice was being kept away from most of the alcohol, although Valkyrie had seen Tanith sneak her a few sips here and there.

Valkyrie caught sight of her parents dancing with each other, and she smiled again. Tonight was so much fun. She was awoken from her thoughts when Skulduggery spoke.

"We're doing speeches soon."

Valkyrie sighed, and looked up at him.
"Are you going to wing it? Or have you got something planned Detective Pleasant?" She grinned.

"Secret," he grinned back.

She blinked, stomach lurching. "Speaking of secrets... Where are you taking me for our honeymoon?"

Skulduggery smiled. "You'll soon find out."

Valkyrie scowled.
"You know I don't like surprises."

"You'll like this one."

Valkyrie couldn't help it, she had to smile. A grin spread across her face.

"You know," Skulduggery said. "There's over seven billion smiles in this world, and yours is my favourite."

She felt his hands on her waist and she pressed her lips to his.


Soon, it was time for the speeches. Valkyrie was glad that neither of her parents had gotten drunk, that would've been a disaster. The people she was not letting speak under any circumstances, were Saracen and Dexter.

They passed Tanith and Ghastly on the way to sit down and Valkyrie broke away from Skulduggery. She took Ghastly to the side.

"Hey," she whispered, while Tanith and Skulduggery looked confused. "I need to ask you a massive favour."

"Anything Val."

"Okay, I want you to keep Saracen and Dexter from making speeches. Can you do that?"

Ghastly smiled. "Sure. Although, that won't be very hard."

Valkyrie frowned.

"They're snogging each other under the tree behind us."

Valkyrie's jaw dropped and it took all her control not to turn around.

"Wow, okay um... When they're done, um... If they come over here can you just maybe hold them back?"

"It's no problem Valkyrie. And Skulduggery's waiting for you."

"Thanks Ghastly," she said, and jogged back to Skulduggery, who took her hand and they walked to the chairs together.

"What was that about?" Skulduggery asked. Valkyrie grinned.

"Just asking Ghastly to make sure Saracen and Dexter don't make speeches. They're too preoccupied anyway."

Skulduggery nodded.
"I could see that."

Valkyrie laughed, and they sat down in the front. She could feel everyone's eyes on her, and she snuggled closer to Skulduggery. The first person to get up was Desmond.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as father of the bride, it's my privilege to make the first speech, and I'd like to start by saying what a pleasure it is to welcome you all to Valkyrie and Skulduggery's wedding reception.
Please make sure you have your glasses charged in anticipation for a toast or two...
I would like to welcome all the relatives and friends of both families, and to thank you all for coming, especially those of you who have travelled great distances to be here today, of which I believe there are quite a few. It's really great to see you all!
To those absentees who couldn't make it here today, we send our commiserations, along with our regards, and we acknowledge all those who contributed time and effort working behind the scenes to make this day possible!
I'm going to leave it up to Skulduggery and Valkyrie to personally show their appreciation toward you by naming and shaming you all in their upcoming speeches."

The guests all laughed and Desmond continued.

"In the meantime - Here's to all absentees, travellers & helpers!
I must admit that I am the proudest Dad in the world to have accompanied Valkyrie today. I think that you will all agree that she looks absolutely stunning."

Everyone nodded their heads and Valkyrie blushed.

"Valkyrie has been a source of pride to me and her mother for all her life, always impressing us with her positive attitude toward life, her personal integrity and her indomitable spirit.
Anybody who knows Valkyrie knows her resolute determination manifests itself in everything she decides to achieve. Valkyrie has always set the bar high for herself and pursued her goals with determination and vigour. Even though she has moved her own goal posts a few times, when she changes course she still carries on pursuing her dreams until she achieves her next goal.
One memory which I've shared before and which Valkyrie and I both still share is when she was only four or five years old - a memory which she probably doesn't want to remember at all.
I took her to the zoo one weekend..."

Valkyrie covered her face with her hands. Not this story. She should've known he'd tell everyone this. Skulduggery grinned at her, but she didn't see.

"And Valkyrie being the little adventurer she was, decided she wanted to run off, so I carried her most of the way. Then we got to the penguins..."

Obviously most people had heard this story before, and Tanith was already giggling.

"She was a squirmer was Valkyrie, and so, she made her journey down into the penguin enclosure."

The guests howled with drunken laughter and Valkyrie blushed beetroot red. Desmond kept himself calm and Skulduggery was trying his hardest not to laugh. If he did, she would kill him afterwards.

"And she has been afraid of penguins ever since."

Valkyrie fumed. How embarrassing. Even Crystal was laughing. She wanted to glare at her cousin, but she controlled herself while her father continued.

"From a very early age, Valkyrie tried to model herself off her Dad. From the age of three she wanted to pee standing up like her Dad..."

More laughter, and Valkyrie had turned crimson red now.

"Val is a lot like her Dad. I don't mean in looks, that wouldn't be a good thing, but in character. She does take after her Dad in so many ways... which is not such a bad thing really. Really it's not! I think you'll all agree Valkyrie has many positive character traits. Yes? Just like her Dad! For starters - She is intelligent, imaginative and creative. Just like her Dad. She is responsible, respectful and considerate. Just like her Dad! She is ambitious and independent but also loyal and caring. One could also describe Valkyrie as bold and cheerful. All in all she has so many positive attributes and so very few negative ones. Maybe Skulduggery could share a few of those in years to come! As I'm sure Melissa could share a few about me..."

Everyone had tears in their eyes now from laughing so much. Even Valkyrie was giggling.

"One final thought before I direct our attention to Skulduggery... There are two things which we as parents try to give our children, one is roots and the other is wings. Valkyrie you grew your wings, fled the nest and learnt to fly at quite a young age but as you know you will always be loved and are always welcome to return to the nest for nourishment, edification, support, or whatever you need.
Suffice it to say that Melissa and I are very proud of how beautiful she looks today and of the fine young woman she has become and we are delighted that she has found someone equally as strong, determined and committed who she obviously loves and cares for so very much.
In Skulduggery I believe that Valkyrie has met her perfect partner. We have known him for about five years now and both Melissa and I think he is everything one could hope for in a son in law.
Not unlike Valkyrie, Skulduggery has many good qualities as well. We all know how adventurous, fearless, competitive and determined he is, against what appears to us to be such challenging circumstances. Skulduggery has attained such extraordinary accomplishments normally set aside for the elite which are only obtainable through sheer diligence, personal sacrifice, and a great deal of pain.
Skul has no fear. He will blindly go where no sane, visually enabled man would dare.
Anyway Skul, I think you too have a few more good character traits which compliment Valkyrie's very well. It's only fair that I name a few... Meticulous - everything has it's place! Discerning - you're not easily taken advantage of. Actually I think you do quite well in exploiting some people - Discreet - sometimes downright sneaky! Usually when you're preparing a surprise for someone special.
Determined, dedicated and ambitious as hell! As well as all that Skulduggery, I think you're humble, modest, genuine, thoughtful and kind while being both easy going and strong willed at the same time. Maybe sometimes a little over sensitive but very supportive of Valkyrie who incidentally, is now your wife!
After telling you both how wonderful you are and how worthy you are of each other, I had better finish off but before that I would like to offer one or two final thoughts. Marriage is the meeting of two minds, of two hearts and of two souls. It is clear that Valkyrie and Skulduggery are a perfect example of this. May they be blessed with happiness that grows and with love that lasts and an adventurous but peaceful life together.
I wish you both enjoyment for today, the fulfilment of all your hopes and dreams for tomorrow and love and happiness always.
It is now my pleasure to propose a toast to the happy couple. Please be upstanding and raise your glasses as we toast the bride and groom!"

Everyone stood up from their chairs and Valkyrie heard the sound of glass clinking against glass. Her father stepped down from the 'stage' and gave Valkyrie a quick kiss on the cheek. He shook Skulduggery's hand and went back to his seat.

Now it was Tanith's turn. The blonde swordswoman got up from her seat and winked at Valkyrie. Everyone was quiet as she stood up on the 'stage' with a glass of wine in her hand.

"When Valkyrie first told me - note that I was told, not asked! - that I was making a speech, I thought it was her way of getting back at me for anything I had ever done to her in the last few years. Lately I realized that it is actually an honour to be asked to address you. Look to your left. Look to your right. Pause. You are the people Valkyrie and Skulduggery love the most. They've invited you because this day would not be the same without you. And you have made them a priority in your lives by celebrating with them. You have honoured them with your presence and made their day so special and unforgettable. On behalf of my friends, I would like to thank you all for coming. As best friend of the bride, I have an unique view of Valkyrie. She was the little sister I had always wanted. She was a happy, determined child... who's middle name was adventure.
I remember her ability to get into all sorts of trouble. When Valkyrie started dating people, her parents aged about ten years."

Tanith stopped as the guests laughed. Then she continued.

"She was young, fun, pretty and headstrong... a deadly combination. Every guy wanted to date her...and were willing to pull crazy tricks to spend time with her.
To say that trouble began when Valkyrie met Skulduggery is an understatement... but it will make great stories for them to tell their grandkids!
Valkyrie has grown into a beautiful woman. She is no longer my little sister, but a graceful, smart, generous, caring equal. It is an honour to know the person she has become. She has a heart the size of Toronto and an inate sense of good that she is willing to stand behind. She is a great friend as you know - loyal, patient and generous. And she loves a challenge... and this is where Skulduggery comes in.
Skul, you are one lucky guy! Valkyrie you look stunning! So Skulduggery, here's some advice for the future: she is always right, she always needs some new clothes, she never looks fat in anything, if she's right say so, and if she isn't - say nothing!"

More laughter and Valkyrie gave Skulduggery a cheeky grin. He shook his head in amusement.

"So here we are... their wedding. They have made it... years together and stronger every day. Leave it to them to be defiant in the face of anything! Today is a celebration of not only where they are now, but the road that has brought them here. They have built a beautiful life together. I think you all will join me in this wish: Valkyrie. Skulduggery. May you live forever in love, and may love live forever in you."

Tanith raised her glass, and once again, there was the sound of clinking glass. Valkyrie was about to cry, but she had promised herself that she wouldn't.

Tanith hugged Valkyrie and returned to her seat just as Ghastly walked up to the front. Everyone fell silent again.

"Good evening everyone, on behalf of Valkyrie, Skulduggery, the bridesmaids: Tanith Low and Alice Edgley, groomsmen and parents of the Bride I would like to thank you all for coming today, to share in this special occasion.
I would firstly like to congratulate the newlywed couple Valkyrie Cain and Skulduggery Pleasant, what an amazing day it has been so far, and I'm sure everyone here will enjoy the rest of the evening celebrating with them.
A quick word of advice, make sure you drink up tonight. Also I invite everyone here to get up on the dance floor, because there's nothing that would make Valkyrie happier tonight, than to see everyone in the room, up dancing and enjoying themselves.
I must say that it is a real honour to be chosen by Skul to be his best man, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Ghastly, and Skulduggery and I have know each other for a long time..."

He stopped and gave Skulduggery a quick wink. Valkyrie smiled.

"I'll start with a quote as a special request of the bride: 'Marriage is not about finding a person you can live with, it's about finding the person you can't live without.'
They can't live without each other, both complementing one another's life together.
Speaking of compliments, I'm sure you will all agree that Val looks absolutely stunning today, and the bridesmaids, Tanith and Alice, look amazing. Valkyrie and Skulduggery, along with help from friends, have done a great job putting this day together and I'm sure they will be really happy with how it has turned out.
I would also like to thank the bridesmaids for assisting Valkyrie in preparing for her special day. However, I will note that Skulduggery hasn't been too hard to look after in the lead up to the wedding. Valkyrie as expected had everything organised so I don't think he had too much to stress or worry about.
So a little bit about Skulduggery, we have been best friends for only God knows how long. He always stood by me in the tough times and I know for a fact that he'll do the same with Valkyrie. If he doesn't I'll hurt him."

The guests all laughed.

"There was one special night when Valkyrie and Skulduggery met. And I know it is a night neither of them will ever forget.
Unfortunately I wasn't there on this night, but some very reliable sources have told me it was an exciting moment for both of them."

Valkyrie kept her head down and blushed.

"Since their first meeting to now, Valkyrie and Skulduggery have already started building a life together. Skulduggery is also quite a, shall I say 'particular' person as most of you will know, with a few little quirks."

Valkyrie smirked at him. Ego, ego, ego, she thought.

"In all seriousness though, Skulduggery has found someone really amazing to spend the rest of his life with who is a kind, caring and considerate person and from what Tanith Low tells me, has even got Skulduggery well trained in the kitchen, where he is now known to do the dishes when he stays back at home."

More laughter.

"And Skulduggery, following on with some advice for you, I have a few little borrowed words of wisdom that may be beneficial to you throughout your marriage.
I've been told that the best way to remember your wedding anniversary is to forget it once..."

The guests had tears running down their cheeks now and Valkyrie was laughing.

"You should always let Valkyrie have the final word in an argument. Anything you say after this will only be the start of the next argument.
Whenever you're right, say nothing! It's not worth it.
If asked the old classic: ''Do I look fat?'' - Do not hesitate; do not say ''where?'' and under no circumstances say: "stand back so I can get it all in''.
So Skul and Val with or without those words of advice I'm sure you will have a long and happy marriage together. Valkyrie you have found a great partner in Skulduggery that for me has always been a reliable and trusting friend.
Again. on behalf of Valkyrie, Skulduggery and the bridal party I would like to sincerely thank you for sharing in this amazing day that represents the start of another chapter in their lives together.
And on that note I would like to propose a toast.
Here's to a sharing a long lifetime together filled with love and happiness, to Valkyrie and Skulduggery!"

"To Valkyrie and Skulduggery!" The crowd chanted, and again, the sound of clinking glass.

Valkyrie looked at Skulduggery, and she smiled. She had been smiling so much this afternoon her face hurt.

Now, it was Skulduggery's turn for a speech. He gave Valkyrie a quick kiss on the cheek and she watched him walk to the front.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he started. "Distinguished guests, relatives both young and old, friends, freeloaders, hangers on, gypsies, tramps and thieves and any one else who may have wandered in, on behalf of my wife and I... or as I prefer to call her "my most recent ex-girlfriend," welcome to our wedding reception. First of all I must say a big thank you to Desmond for his kind words and for allowing me into his family and to marry his daughter.
Well to start with, both Valkyrie and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone here today. I know a few of you have travelled quite far to get here and again thank you for doing that. I know that this is meant to be our day, but of course it wouldn't be as special a day if it wasn't for all our friends and family being here with to celebrate with us. So once again thank you to all, and a big thank you for all your wonderful cards and gifts. I have known Valkyrie for some time now and I know I am marrying the person I will be with for the rest of my life and if I had to describe my perfect partner in both looks and personality, it definitely without any doubt would be Valkyrie.
So I'd like to take this opportunity to, first of all, tell Valkyrie how beautiful she looks today.. and secondly to thank Valkyrie for all the hard work and time she has put in to make today a success.. and believe me it has been a hell of a lot of time. I'd also like to thank Tanith Low and China Sorrows for prepping Val for the wedding.
Of course I haven't just gained a wife today, but also a family. The Edgley's. Thank you to all of them for making me feel so welcome. Most of all, thank you Melissa and Desmond for bringing such a beautiful person into the world. She has stuck with me through thick and thin for over ten years now, and if it wasn't for Valkyrie, I don't know where I'd be right now. You have saved me from myself, you've brought me to life again.
Valkyrie I couldn't have asked for a better person in my life. You're my whole world.
Melissa, Desmond, I promise to protect and cherish your daughter forever, even when times are tough."

Valkyrie was in tears now. They were running freely down her cheeks. Everyone else was silent, completely captivated by his voice.

"And Desmond, thank you for not taking the shotgun out on me when we told you we were getting married."

The guests laughed again and Valkyrie smiled.

"I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride, and to everyone who has helped with making this evening a success. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your night."

Valkyrie listened to the sound of glass on glass and stood up as Skulduggery approached her. She flung herself into his arms and he spun her in the air, earning wolf whistles and cheers from everyone. She cried into his shoulder and he held her.

The music started playing again, and she calmed herself. He took her hand and they walked back out onto the dance floor.

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