
By Feline_Fan

39.9K 2.4K 170

Side Story of Where He Belongs Dawson has overcome emotional mountains in his childhood and by chance, or wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [Mini-Chapter Finale]

Chapter 3

3.1K 203 31
By Feline_Fan

A/N: So I finally got around to finishing this chapter because I woke up at like seven because I was nervous about starting my new job. I don't go in until 10 .-.

So here it is. I hope you like it. Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FOLLOW ME.



I was in the middle of making dinner when Austin came home.

It took me a moment to see that he'd only brought home a few things that I'd asked for. He had a gallon of milk and bathroom tissue. "Oh Austin," I said softly as he sat the items on the table. "What about the eggs and coffee? How am I supposed to make breakfast?"

"Quit bitching," snapped Austin, kicking off his boots. "Unlike you I don't sit on my ass all day."

Frustrating but unwilling to anger him any further, I nodded my head. "I'm sorry. Thank you for getting us what you did."

"About time you showed a little appreciation," grumbled Austin. He sat at the table, looking at me expectantly. I reached for the coffee machine before remembering we were all out.

"Should I make you some tea?" I tried feebly.

Austin rolled his eyes, getting to his feet. "Do I look like some wimpy little omega to you? No I don't want fucking tea. Bring me a beer."

He stomped into the living room and I tilted my aching head back, hating myself. Leave it to me to do something as stupid as that! I heard the TV flick on and before long, whistles of a sports game and cries of an audience met my ears. I let out a small sigh of exhaustion, putting away the milk and bringing the bathroom tissue to the bathroom. I checked the chicken in the oven and then brought Austin a beer. He took it with a small grunt, grabbing my wrist as I started to walk away. "Did you have someone here today? I smelled another dominate wolf when I walked in."

"Oh, er, Chase-Chase stopped by...looking for you."

Austin's brow furrowed. "So he's Chase now, hm? And what did he have to say?"

"Nothing," I stammered, knowing he was referring to the marks on my face. "Just to tell you he stopped by."

"You better hope he did," grumbled Austin letting go of my arm. "I don't like you having other men here when I'm not. You can answer the door but that's it. Understand?"

I nodded my head feeling guilt twist my stomach. I knew that when I had talked to him. Not only that but I'd just lied to Austin's face. It was no wonder he got so upset with me.

The evening went smoothly and before long I was sliding into bed, Austin following behind me.

"How is it?"

Austin glanced at my arm as he pulled his sweatpants. I cast a glance at the throbbing limb on the bed beside me. I still couldn't move my fingers at all. "Better," I decided carefully.

"Would it help if I...refreshed your Mark?"

"You want to?" I asked, unable to mask the eagerness in my tone.

Austin rolled his eyes. "Stop sounding so fucking desperate," he snapped in return.

Embarrassed, I looked down. It was the sex I wanted, it was his attention. I wanted to feel like he liked me...that he loved me. And sex was the only time when he was passionate and gentle. That was what I craved really--feeling the hand that hurt also heal. But it only happened once in a blue moon. "Look at me."

I looked up and Austin caught my mouth in a kiss. I felt warmth blossom in my chest as he moved to stradle my body, his erection pressing into my stomach. I felt loved suddenly--I was making him hard, I was turning him on. He kissed my neck gently, trailing gentle kisses against my collarbone. His other hand slid down my body reaching my hip before he gave my bottom a firm squeeze. I moaned against his shoulder. His hand slid to my crotch next, rubbing my own excitement with the pad of his thumb through the denim. A mewl of pleasure fell from my lips and Austin chuckled. "Does that feel good, love?" he asked, tongue sliding against my ear lobe.

A shiver ran down my spine. "Yes...yes, thank you," I murmured. I tried to be respectful all the time. I didn't want to make Austin angrily when he was being so nice.

"You're very welcome. Now, lets get these pants off, yes?"

After the pants came off, the usual followed. Some grinding, some humping, then came my favorite part. It wasn't the orgasm I wanted but the bite. I knew as he got closer and closer to his own sexual peak his teeth would clamp onto my shoulder. And then, oh, the sweet relief that would follow. Not cumming, however nice that was, but rather the pain my arm would almost disappear for the next day or two. It'd go back to it's normal pain of course but I'd cherish each moment without the bothersome agony.

And I was so lucky to have a mate who was willing to grant me such a gift.


The next morning I made him toast and a some oatmeal.

I knew he didn't like it but thankfully he didn't complain. After all, how could he? He had forgotten the groceries. "I'll take you to the store this afternoon. I'm not planning on spending the whole day out," Austin said, pushing away half the bowl of oatmeal and the toast crusts. "So have the house picked up by then, okay?"

"Of course," I said, nodding my head.

He was being so sweet this morning... No comments on my dressing or weight. No snide remarks about being 'desperate'. It was all so perfect. He went off to work about twenty minutes later and I began to clean. I loved going out. It was a wonderful escape from the feeling of confinement this house gave me.

And the mating last night had sped up my healing process beautifully. My face was yellowing, as were the strap marks on my back, thighs, shoulders, and bottom. The marks on my arms were gone, leaving my normal pale creamy skin in its place. And sunglasses would cover the worse of the marks... I was humming happily under my breath as I mopped the kitchen floor when there was a knock at the door. I all but skipped over to the door, pulling it open. Chase was standing there...and he wasn't wearing a shirt.

His chest glistened with sheen of sweat. His muscular, tanned torso looked extra toned in the lighting. His abs tapered down into an V which disappeared into his low hanging jeans. The black band of his underwear situated an inch higher than the waist of the snug, well worn jeans. I let out a small squeak, suddenly away of how I was staring.

Amusement shone in Chase's eyes as he took a step in. I naturally took a step back. "Hey there Dawson," he greeted warmly. "Austin in?"

"No," I said, remembering the conversation we'd had yesterday. "Uhm, you shouldn't be here if he's not..."

"Oh really?" He quirked an eyebrow at me and I mentally face palmed.

Who the hell was I to tell the beta where he could or couldn't be? I was just some lowly omega... "I didn't mean that, sir." I gushed, praying he wouldn't kill me or tell Austin about my rudeness. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking and--"

"Relax Dawson. I'm not about to slit your throat for following your mate's orders--no matter how stupid," added Chase with a roll of his eyes. "Look I have to run to his office and grab some papers. If he has a problem when he comes home have him talk to me, okay?"

I felt my stomach sinking. I wouldn't do it and I was sure Chase knew. But he went inside anyway, tracking his scent with him. Austin would pick up on it immediately and I'd have hell to pay. Right after my bruises went away too... I quietly went back to mopping, all my excitement gone as the reality set in. I was going to be punished for this.

"This is a very nice sweater."

I jumped as Chase appeared beside me. He reached out, running his hands over the fabric covering my chest. It felt like a very intimate touch... I was a bit uncomfortable but also oddly enjoying it. "So soft too..." he commented, pressing his wide, warm palms against my chest.

His fingers left behind little sparks and I didn't like it, scooting back. Besides, he'd just rubbed his scent on my person. Clearly Chase wanted to get me killed. "Did you get what you needed?"

My tone was chipped and I didn't notice, to caught up in my own bleak future. I almost missed the look of hurt that ghosted over his face. "Yes. Thank you. Have a nice day, Dawson."

I was. I thought moodily but forced a smile, pulling the door open for him. "Thank you. And you as well, beta."


When Austin came through the door I froze where I was.

"Who was here?" he asked, sniffing deeply as he moved around the kitchen. "It's so familiar... Was it fucking Chandler?"

Austin spun to glare at me as he made the assumption. I assumed Chandler was Chase's last name and I quickly repeated what he'd told me to say. "I told him he wasn't allowed in but...he came in anyway. He said he had the 'power' to do as he chose."

I waited for the worst. To be hit or at least yelled at. But instead Austin snorted. "He's hardly a fucking royal too... Some half-assed beta that Axel puts up with..."

I realized he was grumbling to himself as he went along, reaching in the cupboard. I assumed it was for alcohol but instead he pulled out a glass, filling it at the tap. "Bet he was pushy about it too?" he finally said, addressing me.

I nodded along, amazed that blame wasn't being turned around to me. "Are you ready to go out?" asked Austin.

I nodded my head, hesitantly telling him clothes were still in the dryer. I didn't want him to think I hadn't completed all the chores. "You can fold them when we come back," replied Austin with a shrug. "The house looks good. Put on your coat--it's chilly."

I was so stunned by the kindness I was recieving I didn't even think as I walked in front of him. "Wait--did he touch you?"

His scent was going to linger on my body for a while. I closed my eyes. "Yes. I...I asked him not to--"

"I'll tear out his fucking throat if he hurt you." Austin gripped my arms hard. I could feel my skin bruising under his fingers. "Did he touch you?"

"I--he just felt my sweater." I insisted, trying hard not to wince. It felt like he was crushing  my arm... Horrible pain throbbed in my bad arm.

"Hm." Austin released me and I tried to rub away the pain discreetly. "Go change. I don't want to smell him all day."

I nodded my head, going upstairs. I hunted through my closet trying to find an equally well fitting sweater. My weight fluctuated a lot so clothes rarely fit me well. This sweater was one of the exceptions. I finally dug out my black sweater and I quickly yanked it on. The pain was back in my arm unfortunately and I missed the feeling it had before. But I'd rather an aching arm than an aching body.

"Took you long enough," muttered Austin.

Afraid his good mood was gone I frowned, apologizing quickly. "It's alright. I like you in black. It's very...thinning."

Unsure of whether or not it was a real compliment or not I thanked him. He just nodded, gesturing for the door. I loved the car. It was exhilarating for an omega like me. The concept of driving however was terrifying. Austin somehow managed to do everything while driving. Eating, drinking, texting, and talking on the phone... He managed to it all. I couldn't even operate the damn thing. I did know where the heat was however. The was one control that Austin let me touch in the car. I was happy to crank it up as soon as we got in the car. "It's no good to do it until the engine's warm," Austin chuckled. "you're just blowing cold air."

I shivered as wind equal to the temperature outside filled the car. I turned it off. "How will I know the engine's warm?" I asked hesitantly.

"I'll let you know." chuckled Austin.


Shopping went as it normally did.

Austin was in the bar while I shopped. I had his credit card in pocket and a two hundred dollar budget in mind. I'd never gone over the given budget, too terrified of what would happen to me. As I shopped, I calculated. I was finished forty minutes later and went to the car where I waited until Austin decided to call the cellphone used solely for shopping for trips. "Finished?" he grunted in the phone.

"Yes. I'm in the car." I answered back.


He was short and too the point on the phone. He emerged minutes later, shrugging into his jacket. He was still a very handsome man, even aging. He carried a certain power that was hard to ignore. He slid into the car, holding his hand out. I placed the phone and the folded receipt in his palm. He put the phone in the glove box and scanned the receipt. "One eighty--cutting it a little close, don't you think?"

I never understood our budgets. Money was never an issue with us. He was paid quite a bit for the job he did. Where the money went, I wasn't sure. But I thought we could afford a bit more than what I was allowed to get. "I'm sorry." I said instantly. "We were just out of a lot of stuff--"

"Mm." he said shortly. "Well, you stayed on budget so I suppose no harm's done."

Again? He'd just let me off so easily... What had gotten into him?


Once the groceries were put away I started in on dinner.

Austin was in the weight room...the room he told me I'd have a pup in one day. But that dream was long gone. It made me sad when I walked by there. I always pictured the most perfect nursery for them too... Panting adorable animals on the walls, filling the corners of the room with stuffed animals... The whole nine yards.

But it was still nice to dream.

Once dinner was on the table, I went to get Austin who waved me off saying he was going to shower first. While the water was running I sneaked a piece of chicken from the pan, eating it quickly. It was nice to have something other than salad sometimes. "What's for dinner?" asked Austin as he walked in, rubbing the towel over his hair before tossing it toward me. I folded the damp towel over my arm as I finished pouring his milk.

"Panko crusted chicken," I replied.


"Breadcumbs...they're usually used in Japanese cooking."

He grunted in reply, cutting into it. I took the wet towel to the washroom where I dumped it into the washer with Austin's clothes. I returned to find Austin eating with the same enthusiasm as when I left. He didn't look angry or disappointed which was very unsual with my cooking. "Is it...okay?"

"It's great babe." he replied shortly. "Sit down. Eat."

My brow furrowed. Since when was I ever 'babe' and when did he actually ask me to eat? What was going on with him? I took my salad and picked through it while Austin all but inhaled the food on the plate in front of him. "Do you want seconds?" I asked, seeing him empty it.

"That'd be great," he said with a nod.

I took the plate, more weirded out than ever.

The night was the same unfortunately. Austin keeping to himself, an arm thrown over his forehead until he embraced me in his sleep.

What was going on with him?


I was halfway through inhaling a sandwich there was a knock on the door. Huffing under my breath I pulled the door open.

Suddenly the bread felt unbelievably dry and my mouth unbelievably crammed. I gulped desperately as I stared at Chase who had a smile on his face. It was a wonder I didn't choke! "Beta," I gasped, wiping my face with a sleeve. I don't know if I'd ever blushed as much as I currently. "I-I'm sorry."

He cocked his head. "For what? Eating? It's lunch time isn't it?"

I could only laugh-- Had Austin walked in on my 'stuffing my face' I would have really gotten it... "Austin's not here." I said instead, looking down.

"Oh I know," Chase said, placing his foot on the threshold. I glanced at him nervously. Forceful males had never panned out well with me. "I thought I might take you up on that coffee offer--it still stands right? Austin won't be back for hours."

I wasn't sure why he added the last bit but it calmed me quite a bit. I glanced at his smooth, chocolate colored irises and nodded my head hesitantly. "Of course. Come in."

I turned, glancing over my shoulder. I was suddenly painfully aware of what I wearing. Funny how that worked out. In the kitchen I ushered him into a chair, pausing a moment to watch him settle down. He reached for my own mug, glancing down at its contents. "Tea, hm?" he commented with a smile turning to glance at me.

I gave him a breathy laugh, fumbling with the coffee maker at my finger tips, nearly forgetting to place the mug under the spout. "I was never a tea person myself," continued Chase. "Warm water with little taste. Ugh."

"It's good for you," I replied quietly. "And the chamomile soothes my arm--"

I cut myself off, feeling stupid.I felt his eyes burning to into the deformed limb. I tried to hide it with my body and Chase looked away. "It hurts you still doesn't it?" His tone was hushed, as if he knew such a question shouldn't have been asked.

"It's fine." I said shortly.

Chase muttered something under his breath that I didn't catch. "What?" I asked but he just shook his head.

"Nothing. I take my coffee with cream and sugar."

I nodded my head, retrieving the items. Once the coffee was finished brewing I made the cup the way he'd asked for it and set it down nervously. Chase took a drink and eyed me still staring. "You think I'm going to freak out and beat you because you put in too much milk?" he asked in a dry tone.

I looked away, his words stinging a bit. "No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't hover."

"You're not hovering." he replied with a shake of his head. "And the coffee's perfect. Just... It was a bad joke."

I knew he was referring to Austin and I wasn't too sure what to say so I just gave him a tight smile. I busied myself with throwing away the rest of my lunch (I couldn't eat in front of people) and washing the dish. "Were you finished with that?" asked Chase surprising me.

"What? Oh yeah. I'm not too hungry..."

"You really should eat more," commented Chase. "You're a twig."

I snorted aloud at that one--I couldn't help it. Me? Thin? Oh please. "I'm a cow," I retorted quietly. "But thanks, I guess."

"You're not fat--who told you that? Oh wait let me guess."

I let out a small sigh in reply and Chase frowned. "I'm upsetting you?"

"You don't even know me," I found myself stating.

Chase's brow furrowed. "Sure I do Dawson. What makes you say that?"

"I don't... You know Austin. I'm just Austin's mate."

Chase looked hard at me and I looked away, ultimately intimidated by his piercing eye contact. "You are so much more than that. Or rather, you can be. I don't know why you stayed with abusive ass--you could have a life, Dawson. A real one."

I felt angry tears spring to my eyes. This was the only life I had. The only one I could have. "You don't understand," I snapped. "This was...this is my only chance. There's no one else to love me."

Chase stood then and I feared he'd hit me for speaking to him the way I had. It was deserved in fact. He stood over me, his thick arms caging me against the counter. His eyes met mine hard.

Then his mouth was pressing against mine.

But I didn't want to fight. In fact I melted into him, lips molding his perfectly... One hand fell against my hip, the other running up my side to tangle in my blonde hair, making a gentle but firm fist. He pulled back and I gasped for air, mind spinning. He didn't give me time to think about much as he began to kiss my neck, finding my sweet spots in moment. Maybe it was the lack of attention I'd received but I found myself grinding against his hip bone, whimpering as the heavy scent of arousal saturated the kitchen.

"Fuck," muttered Chase pulling back as he breathed raggedly. "I shouldn't have--"

Austin. I had just done the unthinkable... Cheating in the werewolf world was taboo. And punishable by death. I slapped a hand over my mouth as I realized that I now reeked of my sin. The smell of Chase's arousal was in my clothes, in the kitchen... Not to mention the love bite he'd left on my neck. "He's going to kill me," I whispered in horror.

"He won't touch you," growled Chase possessively. "I love you Dawson."

Question: What do you think is going on with Austin? How do you think Dawson is going to react to this?

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