The Vamp's Girl

By midnightxthunder

82.2K 1.8K 153

April hated everything about her life but now she has the chance to start over in another world - The Vampiri... More

The Vamp's Girl [01]
The Vamp's Girl [02]
The Vamp's Girl [03]
The Vamp's Girl [04]
The Vamp's Girl [05]
The Vamp's Girl [06]
The Vamp's Girl [07]
The Vamp's Girl [08]
The Vamp's Girl [09]
The Vamp's Girl [10]
The Vamp's Girl [11]
The Vamp's Girl [12]
The Vamp's Girl [14]
The Vamp's Girl [15]
The Vamp's Girl [16]
The Vamp's Girl [17]
The Vamp's Girl [18]
The Vamp's Girl [19]
The Vamp's Girl [20]
The Vamp's Girl [21]
The Vamp's Girl 22
The Vamp's Girl [23]
The Vamp's Girl [24]
The Vamp's Girl [25]
The Vamp's Girl 26
The Vamp's Girl [27]
The Vamp's Girl [28]
The Vamp's Girl [29]
The Vamp's Girl [30]
The Vamp's Girl [31]
The Vamp's Girl [32]
The Vamp's Girl [33]

The Vamp's Girl [13]

1.9K 51 3
By midnightxthunder

I skipped easily down the corridor, I was on a mission - okay it wasn’t a mission but it gave me purpose. I saw Johson up ahead he gave me a two finger salute and stop and open his mouth probably to say ‘good sun’ I held my hand up at him and in a quick fluid moment, turned for a moment.

“Can’t talk! On a mission.” I said fluidly turning around and skipping off leaving a curious Johson in the hallway. I hummed Adele - Someone like you softly as I skipped through the castle, I imagined myself to be a top secret spy, undercover deep in a Russian base. I saw Jasa’s door up ahead and I skipped to it, pressing my ear to it I heard silence. Either Jasa was reading a book or she wasn’t in her room. Either way…

I burst into her room rolling across the floor, spy style. I jumped to my feet having turning my hands into a gun and twirled around the room, until I came to see Jasa wasn’t alone in the room. Keilor looked amused as he was sitting next to Jasa at her low coffee table. He smirked at me and I laughed awkwardly.

“God…now that was just really embarrassing.” I mumbled, closing Jasa’s door behind me. Don’t blame me I’d been feeling high since breakfast, maybe it was something I ate…

“Dear sister, what was that?” Jasa asked a little amused I could tell she was hiding the laughter, but I could hear it in her voice.

“Oh nothing. I just thought I’d give myself purpose on my way to talk to you.” I shrugged my shoulders sitting down in the chair until I realised Keilor was also still in the room. I laughed again smally and awkwardly as I realised I had been avoiding him for the past few days. I couldn’t help but get tingles every time he was close to me and I just wanted to jump into his arms sometimes and that smirk of his, the things I could - WOAH. Stopping with those thoughts now.

“So what is it that you seek?” She asked me curiously, my eyes kept flittering from Keilor to her, to Keilor then back to her before I raised my eyebrows but alas she didn’t catch on. I sighed and glaring at Keilor I whispered the reason I was here into Jasa’s ear. She smiled cutely at me and looked so excited, I held a finger to my lips and told her shush. She only continued to give me a delightful smile.

“That is the greatest of news!” She exclaimed, huh? Uh…that wasn’t what I just told her. But she just nodded happily away.

“So tell me, where does my mission take me now?” I asked, it must be the food that was having an effect on me. I was so over the top on a high in the castle. I couldn’t help it though, I was bored and needed entertainment, my eyes flittered back to Keilor. Entertainment ey? Oh, stupid Keilor. I shook my head, no. No. No. Not happening, not happening now. Not happening ever. I’d never let him have the satisfaction of him knowing what I’d been thinking. It was his fault really… But anyways, back on track with my thoughts.

“In the library, I’m sure you can find all you need.” Jasa said, I knew the library was on the next floor and I got to my feet.

“Awesome. Thanks Jasa.” I said skipping out of the room. My mission awaited me there, so I didn’t exactly know where the library was on the next floor so I basically opened every door. Let’s not go into detail about what happened when I opened particular doors, it wasn’t my fault. Honest it wasn’t. Just to tell you it wasn’t pretty sight, I’d need to go and scrub my eyes later.

I pounced into the library and almost collided with Knight D. Okay so maybe I did collide with him, more or less I bounced off his chest to be exact. God what was the man made of? Steel? I rubbed my face as he helped me up.

“In a rush April?” He asked, I got distracted by the books in his hands and raised an eyebrow. He scratched the back of his head and hid the books behind his back. Too late, I’d seen the covers, ‘how to talk to women in the appropriate manner.’ I couldn’t help but snigger. Really? Knight D needed no such thing, he was polite enough and a total gentleman. Why he needed that book I couldn’t see why.

“No, I’m on a mission.” I stated simply, it’s what I’ve been telling everyone. He looked at me curiously and placed a hand on my forehead.

“You’re not with fever. You’re not feeling delirious are you?” I giggled.

“Of course not!” I said brushing his hand away and found him giving me a small smile.

“Then what kind of mission brings you to the library? Missions are fought out there on the field.” He said, nodding his direction towards the window.

“Oh you know so little.” I said with the flick of my hand. Seriously, was it the juice I drank his morning? Perhaps it was the juice…“Not all missions are about fighting.” I simply said twirling past him into the library. He turned to face me placing his books on the table in the corner.

“Do explain.” He carried on, following me as I scanned through the various shelves of books.

“This mission…not only keeps me entertained but serves a good purpose.” I said jumping up to grab a book, I flinched as I pulled more than one down but nothing hit me. When I looked up I saw Knight D had caught the book in his hand skilfully.

“Thanks.” I said picking up the random book, it was written in an odd language so I put it back.

“Well, good luck on your mission.” Knight D said saluting me before collecting his books and walking out and leaving me alone. He knew exactly what I wanted, I didn’t want him to stalk me around the library. This mission was so important to me so I made sure I took measures to whatever awaited me outside the door. I picked out two books from the shelf and smirked to myself.

As I walked out it was just as I expected, Keilor stood there. His eyes caught mine with a raised eyebrow, he stalked over to me and I walked backwards holding a book behind my back.

“You’re so energetic…so full of purpose today…” he said getting closer his hands on the wall beside my face. “So tell me April, what is it that you are up to?” He said leaning in.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked, today was just full of sunshine and rainbows. Yes, I will never in my life drink a green looking juice ever. EVER.

“I’m curious.” I felt his body getting closer to mine, I put one hand up onto his chest again and felt him shudder.

“So you should be.” I countered, I ventured and leaning up onto my toes pressed my forehead against his which must have shocked him a little. I smiled, yes I was getting the hang of this.

“Oh April…” He muttered, his hand reached behind me towards my waist. It moved lower and lower until it disappeared and before I knew it, Keilor was holding the book I was holding behind my back. He pulled away and flicked the cover open and began to read it in question.

“Learning how to court?” He raised his eyes in question as I backed away a little pretending to be embarrassed.

“Well…uh.” I shrugged my shoulders, I turned in a fluid moment and skipped down the hallway.

“You forgot the book…” Keilor said dryly behind.

“Oh I don’t need it. If I was interested in dating someone, I wouldn’t read it from a book. Silly.” I said lifting my shirt to display a simple thin book. I skipped down the hall hearing Keilor’s little chuckle echo after me. That was half of everything, I practically ran the rest of the way back to my room. I got in quickly and locked the door behind me.

“This is going to be perfect.” I whispered jumping onto my bed, where an annoyed Anda growled at me. I ignored him opening the book. ‘Crafting handmade battle clips.’ I read, I flicked the page and began to read on how to make them. It seemed easy enough.

It seemed the crap I bought in the market came in handy, I had everything I needed. I set to work, it was a good thing I was a lot more skilled in crafting than I was at anything else. I followed the instructions in the book but half the time I diverged and did things my own way to make sure they would last longer and stronger. Yes, when it came to my craftsmanship I was known for having the most durable and the most unique abilities. I sighed after I finished the first three, wiping the sweat off my forehead. This was proving to be a little more challenging than I thought but I didn’t mind. I had to make each of them unique and represent everything I felt. After I struggled the last one I jumped up and down screaming in joy. I finally did it, I did it. Anda was probably annoyed with me and growled yelping at me to stop. I muttered a sorry to him as I continued to read the rest of the book, there was a certain etiquette that was required when presenting a clip. I nodded and read the book finished, when I had done so. I realised it was already dinner.

“Oh, I’m late.” I groaned getting up from the table, I put the finished masterpieces away in a secret drawer and unlocked my door. I walked briskly towards the dining hall, I already saw everyone seated and eating away. As usual it was Jasa and Marath at the top, Seth, Karan, Johson, Knight D and Keilor were all there. I kind of just observed how they always sat at the table to eat with us. I frowned at his observation and should have asked about it earlier, but I more frowned because the only seat left was in front of the ever persistent Keilor. My high had died off a while ago and now I felt awkward to go there but had no choice I was just hungry.

“Sorry we began without you sister dear, we did not know if we should expect your company this evening.” Jasa said delicately wiping her mouth on her napkin.

“No, it’s fine. I got caught up with my mission and everything.” I said and I saw the smile creep onto her face.

“Has it been completed?” She asked excitedly taking my hand, I jumped up and down in my seat excited as well.

“Done to the perfection of my own abilities.” I assured her as I smiled happily, Keilor eyed me suspiciously no doubt that it was killing him inside, dying to know what I’d been up to.

“What is it?” Marath asked, Jasa seemed to talk to him with her eyes and he smiled at me, I only gave him a look and he shut his mouth.

“Do tell!” Seth said beside me, he leaned his hand on his elbow waiting for me to elaborate.

“Yes do tell April. You’ve been locked in your room all day.” Keilor said, eyeing me suspiciously, I couldn’t wait to see his face later. I wonder what he’d think.

“No.” I simply said, Seth frowned at me actually looking hurt.

“That’s no fun…” He poked my arm and I poked him back. “Do tell.” He urged again, I could feel his breath on my ear as he slung a playful arm around my shoulders.

“It’s a top secret Seth. Therefore I can’t tell you.” I said pushing him off lightly so I could eat I didn’t realise how starving, Seth shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating. “Oh yeah…” I said snapping back, my thoughts have really been all over the place lately.

“Why is it that you guys always have meals with us?” I asked tapping the fork lightly on my lip looking at all of them. Keilor raised an eyebrow.

“Isn’t is obvious?” He asked, I shook my head at him I had no idea.

“We’re all madly love in love with you.” Knight D said out of the blue, he shoved a piece of meat into his mouth watching me carefully and I laughed, waving my hands in the air. I didn’t really care that no one was laughing.

“What? It’s funny. Good joke. But no, seriously why?” I asked taking a sip of water to wash down the food.

“Well, Ruher is my right hand leading commander…” Marath said taking a bite, I raised my eyebrow. Wow, I was only learning this now. “Knight D is second in command but still a blood brother. Seth is the leader of battle training.” I turned to look at Seth shocked, he only smiled at me.

“What? Don’t look so surprised.” He said, he then tried to flex his muscles for me to see and I just giggled.

“Lastly Johson and Karan are in charge of battle formation and changes.” I nodded taking it in, so basically they were all the top of the top and had the privilege to be able to dine with Marath and Jasa.

“Why did you think we joined you for meals?” Johson asked from the other end of the table, I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t know. You guys enjoyed my company?” I suggested with a smile. Seth threw his arms around my shoulders again.

“I certainly enjoy your company.” He whispered in my ear, I rolled my eyes and him and pretended to gush. He smiled and just laughed along with me, after my questions had been answered I went back to enjoying my meal with a light conversation in the air.


“Another bowl!” I asked, swallowing the last bits of jelly in my mouth. Two more bowls of jelly came out and I dared Karan with my eyes, Karan’s eyes were blazing, everyone watched our unusual game of wits. I challenged Karan to have a jelly eating contest with me. No one could ever eat as much jelly as I could. Karan finished his 4th bowl and I swallowed finishing my 4th as well.

“Ready to surrender?” Karan asked asking for another bowl. I smirked and wiped my mouth also getting another bowl.

“No. Are you?” I asked finishing the bowl quickly. Karan growled and also finished his bowl, round 6 now.

“If you two keep going at this rate I’ll have to make another trip into the market to order more.” Knight D groaned behind me and I waved him off.

“This is a game of skill and concentration.” I said finished the 6th bowl. I could start to feel the sugar burn in my throat and my stomach beginning to protest from the large amounts of jelly I was consuming.

“What skill? You’re just eating jelly.” Keilor muttered shaking his head at me, I swallowed and threw him a mean look, feeling childish. It was the 9th round now. Karan burped a little and I smiled just a little more.

“Okay, I give. I surrender.” Karan said shaking his head and pushing the bowls away. We had just made it to the 12th round. I jumped up in triumph swallowing the last bits of jelly, feeling the sugar run through my blood easily. I’d be so sweet that mosquitoes would die from sugar poisoning.

“I am the queen!” I yelled, so I liked winning. Didn’t everyone? Everyone clapped at my triumph and I laughed, slinging my arms around Karan’s shoulders.

“You didn’t lose on purpose right?” I asked him, he only blushed and smiled up at me.

“No, I do not understand how someone of your frame can consume so much jelly.” He said in disbelief.

“I’m just full of surprises.” I shrugged my shoulders and twirled around a little feeling like I was on top of the world. It wasn’t just that…it was just I had accomplished so much today. My secret little mission was done and all I would have to do was wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow was known as ‘Blessing Day’ a day when you’d give soldiers special hair clips. I couldn’t wait. I bit my lip slightly, to stop myself from smiling too much, Keilor caught my eye and I couldn’t help but give him a devious smile. I bet he couldn’t wait.


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