Pretty Stranger...Why Are You...

By indianacleary

5.8K 204 9

Nothing ever happened to Emily Reynolds. Nothing. She was always lonely. No one ever really liked her. Most o... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Nine

244 6 0
By indianacleary

"John," I pleaded. "Let me go and find out who did this. I can take care of myself." John gave me a stern look that said 'no' all on its own. "Sherlock?" I asked, turning to Sherlock. He shook his head. "No. You're staying here with Molly and Donovan." He said. They both turned and left the flat. Mrs. Hudson came in with some tea. "Thank you, Mrs. Hudson." I replied, putting on a fake smile. She could see right through it. That was Mrs. Hudson.

"It's alright, dearie. Sherlock will find out who did this." She said, touching my arm gently. "I know he will, but that doesn't change the face that I want to be the one to do it." I stated through gritted teeth. Mrs. Hudson just smiled and sat down with us, watching the telly.

Third Person:

Sherlock and John hurried through the streets of London, trying to figure out where they would attack next. Molly and Emily were safe. They were back at the flat with Donovan and Mrs. Hudson. At least that's what they thought.

Four men walked down the street. Zachary, Johnathan, Kennan, and Gregory Thorn. The Thorn Brothers, as they were commonly known. Robbers. Murderers. They were on their way to two hundred and twenty-one B Baker street. An old woman answered the door. She screamed when she saw them. She had seen them before. Hours before.

She was knocked to the ground. A young woman clambered quickly down the stairs, a gun in hand. "Don't move or I'll shoot!" She shouted at them, her hands trembling. "Please," said Kennan, the youngest of the Thorns. "You wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone four men." They laughed and one shot. The woman dodged, firing a bullet herself. It became a hailstorm of bullets and dry wall.

Emily's p.o.v:

I dialed Sherlock's number, my fingers trembling. Bullets were being fired downstairs. Molly and I were locked in Sherlock's bedroom, hiding in the closet. The phone rang.

"Please pick up, please pick." I whispered, biting my lip nervously. Sherlock didn't answer. "God dammit, Sherlock." I muttered under my breath. I sent Sherlock a text this time.

They're here! They're at 221b! Hurry!

There was a quick response.

Calm down, Emily. John and I are on our way. We're bringing Lestrade.

It read. I sighed with relief. "Are they coming?" Molly asked. "Yes and thank God for that." I said, letting my head fall back. "Good." Molly said. "They're bringing Lestrade." I whispered. "Even better. They might as well bring a whole team." Molly replied, cracking a smile. I laughed quietly. "No kidding." I stated. "We're going to be okay, right?" Molly asked. "Definitely." I replied. "I hope Mrs. Hudson and Donovan are okay." Molly whispered. "Me too, Molly." I sighed, closing my eyes.

I escaped the sound of bullets and shouting. I left, escaping into a world of darkness. It wasn't sleep. It was just silence and darkness. "Emily," Molly said, shaking me slightly. My eyes fluttered open. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I've been asked that question too many times, Molly." I replied. "You didn't answer me, Emily." Molly said sternly. "Oh yes, Molly. I'm just wonderful. I love the sound of bullets flying and people screaming. Thanks for asking." I hissed sarcastically.

"It was just a question, Emily. No need to get so snarky." Molly replied, crossing her arms and sitting back. "I told you, Molly, I've been asked that question too many times. I don't understand why people have to ask it when they can read it off of my face." I sighed, sitting back as well. I closed my eyes again.

I opened my eyes only when I felt light on my face. Sherlock was standing there, along with John and Lestrade. Sherlock held a hand out to me, I took it, and he pulled me up. I fell into his chest and I hugged him tightly. "Thank God you came." I whispered, squeezing him tightly. Sherlock patted my back lightly and I let go. "Second time you saved my life. I've go no idea how to repay you, Sherlock." I said, pointing a finger at him. "It's my job, Emily." Sherlock replied. "Shut up, Sherlock." I laughed.

Third Person:

"And they all lived happily....ever....after...."

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