Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is...

By xxWhiteRosesxx

2.9K 52 32

Every heart ,a person. Every soul, a star. Every lock, a key. Every dream, a possibility. Every death, a reas... More

Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare.
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 2
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 3
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 4
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 5
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 6
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 7
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 8
Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 9
Your Your Life is a Dream. Mine is a Nightmare- Ch 10
Your LIfe is a Dream. Mine is a NIghtmare.- Chapter 11
Your Life is a Dream. Mine is a Nightmare- Ch 12
Your Life is a Dream. Mine is a Nightmare.-Chapter 13
Chapter 15- Letters To Juliet
Chapter 16- The Lovely Chat & Flying Balls

Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare.- Chapter 14

82 1 1
By xxWhiteRosesxx

Chapter 14

Angered Waves

"Chesa Heart," Sapphire, my homeroom teacher called my name.

"Here," I said clearly. We were taking attendance. I sat in the musty wooden desk with Summer beside me and Claire in front of me. Each day my classes would alternate from dark to light, meaning I'd have to double up on homework and practically everything. Life sucks. Not only that, but whenever someone says my name or sees me, they stare or whisper amongst themselves as if I'm a ghost invisible to the eye. Little do these people know that, well, HELLO I'm standing right there and can hear every word that comes out of their mouth. Right when Sapphire called my name a chaotic twister of whispers rang about.

“Wow, Chesa,” Claire turned towards me, “Ever since this morning you've become a bigger topic than Paris Hilton's sex tape,” She smiled, obviously trying to clear the tension I had. I was definitely not used to being the center of attention.

I played along with Claire, “Oo, I like that shirt you have on. That's hot,” I imitated the celebrity.

“Ahaha!” Claire laughed, “I'm glad to see you're not overly shaken up,”

“Thanks for worrying, but I think I'll be fine,” I smiled. Now if only that were true. Ever since the assembly ended I've been consumed in the gossip buzzing around. “Don't you feel bad for Nicole?”, “I can't believe a newbie like her thinks she can waltz in like she owns the place.”, “I heard Chesa did all of that because she was jealous that Nicole had Chris.”, and “Poor Nicole.”. Everywhere I went rumors were flying, stabbing me in the back. However, there were some good things going around. “Wow, did you see that Chesa chick? She was amazing.”, “It's about time someone yelled at that stuck up girl Nicole.”, “Chesa is feisty. I would never have the guts to do what she did”, and “Can you believe how amazingly talented Chesa is?”. Though it seems like it all could balance out, that was an understatement. All the insults covered me, piling, while the compliments were like the little change a beggar would get for tap dancing without feet.

“Okay, class,” Sapphire finished taking attendance, “There are two homeroom classes in here. Since one of the teachers is out sick at the moment. In second period you guys will all see who'll be in your homeroom all year,”

“Yay,” The classroom said in a monotone voices, obviously not so thrilled. Though it's like a magically wacky school, it still counts as school.

“First things first,” Sapphire began, “we will test what powers you could possibly have. Many of the abilities we have consist of the four elements; water, earth, fire, and air. On the other hand there's also powers that consist of strength, intelligence, building, etc. We will section everyone off in the group or area of what they can do. For those who have a power that doesn't fit into the elemental categories will be placed in the miscellaneous group,”

“Wow this is legit,” Claire turned around and whispered.

“It seems very interesting,” Summer giggled, still thinking childishly like it was a game.

“More like a pain,” I rubbed my head, “All this is drifting too far away from reality,”

“Well its sort of like a magic show,” Summer pointed out, “It might use illusions and sparkles to distract us from our problems.” Claire and Summer both smirked at me. I flinched, slowly inching away from them.

“I have no problems,” I argued.

“Sure, because that explains all the rumors going around about how jealous you are of Nicole Anne Antique,” Claire fired at me.

“No way in hell would I be jealous of someone like her,” I crossed my arms and turned away from them.

“Well say whatever you want,” Claire backed off slightly, “It's written all over you're face that someone has met the green monster,”

“Green monster my ass,” I huffed, tilting my chair, balancing it on two legs.

“Jealousss,” Claire stressed and smiled at me, gloating. Claire is such a gossip girl, I knew that from the moment I met her. The problem with gossip girls is that they are really good at telling when you're lying. Strange, but true.

“There is a huge brick wall between being angry at someone and jealous,” I argued.

Claire laughed and said, “Honestly Chesa it's more of a fine thin line that you managed to cut and mingle the two feelings into one. Yet, jealously is the cause of that anger,”

“Blah blah blah,” I shook off her comment.

“Um, guys,” Summer said with a slightly shaky voice.

“What?” Claire and I said in unison. We looked to see Sapphire smiling at us, but not in an angry way. Actually, more of a slightly angry, yet 'I love you guys' kind of face. Both Claire and I completely stopped our conversation, apparently we were going at it for so long that we didn't notice the whole class was watching us practically the entire conversation.

“As I was saying,” Sapphire went back into teacher mode, “I have a tray in my hands, which carries the four elements upon it. The cup of water, obviously representing the calm yet fierce element of water. A rock and a couple pebbles to represent the tough element of earth. Matches to symbolize the dangerous element of fire. A bag of wind to symbolize the strong element of air,” A couple students laughed at the last . one.

Sapphire sighed, “Yes my students, it's hard to believe, but this is a bag of wind,” Everyone stared at her like she was completely insane. “Okay who here has seen the cartoon Spongebob?” The majority of the class had risen their hand. “Well it's kinda the same concept. If you don't believe me than let's have a volunteer who already knows they have the element air come up and demonstrate,”

One rather big hand volunteered. A boy, about 6'0”, maybe a year or two older than us, stood up. He had golden olive skin, brown not shaggy nor oily hair that was the right length, not too long like Justin Bieber's flippy hair, but not too short like a buzz cut.

“Thank you Tyler,” Sapphire nodded her head to him,“Everyone this is Tyler Adams,” He smiled at everyone. Not an arrogant one, but a rather innocent, relaxed, and shy kind of smirk. His eyes stayed on one person for quite a while though. I looked around curious to see what girl caught his attention. Summer. At fisrt she was dozing off, but snapped back into reality soon enough. When she caught Tyler's stare Summer flustered, but she decided on just looking shyly down at her lap, trying to cover up her embarrassment. Tyler's smile got bigger as he chuckled softly to himself.

“You ready Tyler?” Sapphire asked. He had his hands in his pockets and nodded his head. “Okay,” Sapphire pulled the red string on the bag. Right when she yanked it off a gust of wind blew throughout the classroom like a tornado. Some of the girls screamed for it was “messing up their hair”. Suddenly Tyler whipped out his arm, collecting the gust of wind into a spinning ball, then using the swirling air as a basketball as he shot it back into the brown sack. Sapphire closed it quickly.

“See class, the wind in a bag exists,” Half the class laughed at her “joke”. “It takes time to learn how to control your power,”

Creaakk went the door as everyone turned to see who had finally arrived. Flames went throughout my body, rage consuming me. It was Nicole Anne Antique and Chris Knight, standing hand in hand.

“Sorry Ms.S,” Nicole tried to look apologetic, but trust me it didn't work what-so-ever. “We lost track of time,” She looked at Chris.

“Since you two are the president and vice-prez I could let it slide,” Sapphire said reluctantly.

“Thanks!” Nicole jumped with joy and went to their spot with Chris following like a helpless puppy. To make matters worse their seats were the table next to ours. Nicole tried to stare me down, but honestly I wasn't in the mood for it at all.

“Okay,” Sapphire began, “Who would like to start off first,” A couple people snickered others sunk deeper into their seat. “How about you Chesa?”

I stared at her with shock, “Um, me?” I asked. Sadly, she nodded her head. Nicole softly cackled her wicked laugh. Maturely, I just stood up, ignoring her, and walked towards the trey which would “decide my fate”. Sapphire hovered over my observing carefully like the strict yet outgoing type of teacher she was.

“Okay dear, I want you to just concentrate,” She whispered, “Think of the strongest memory, most memorable moment,” I softly nodded my head and automatically thought of my mom, her smile, her joy, her brilliance, her aura. I concentrated on the tray and suddenly water arose from the cup and shaped the form of a heart. Thinking of my mom made my mind drift on however. The dreadful and gloomy day of her death began to flash through my mind as vivid as the time it actually happened, a 3-D movie replaying through my mind. The heart became solid ice.

“My dear, you are definitely part of the water elements,” Sapphire stated. “And you're pretty strong so far, as shown here and at the assembly,” She seemed pleased.

“Um, Ms.S,” Nicole arose, “That gifted person you're talking about is definitely special, but I think all that is going to her head. She's still a new person and honestly a motherless girl who doesn't know her place doesn't need our praise,” The word of my mother made me snap.

“How the hell do you know about my mother?” I said through gritted teeth.

“Chris hear tells me everything,” Nicole squeezed his arm, pressing her chest against him, “I don't know how he knows stuff like this, but it's worth hearing,” I balled my hands into fists, “She must have been weak, just like her daughter,”

I felt quick rage flow throughout my body, like the angered waves of the ocean. Suddenly a blue symbol which resembled waves began glowing on my right thigh.

“You know nothing about me!” my voice was stern and strangely not like mine what-so-ever. Instead it was a tad lower, a tad scarier, and yet graceful and gentle, sort of like my mom's voice. Before I knew it water pipes broke through the walls and the floor, creating waves of water surrounding all the students.

“Chesa stop!” Claire screamed. It was too late for the waves grew larger and larger as they too began to glow like the strange tattoo thing. I turned them into ice shards as they went straight for Nicole.

“Remember who you are!” Summer screamed. Suddenly the ice shards stopped directly in front of her cowardly face. Before I knew it I blacked out....

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