Broken Wings ‹‹‹ ziall

By D-E-A-D

274K 9.9K 2.6K

Niall Horan deals with homophobic assholes every day at school, that is until some new douche bag shows up. ... More



7.3K 322 54
By D-E-A-D

"W-why do you need to kill Niall?" Josh asked, the guilt already starting to eat him alive. He just agreed to kill his best friend. He was holding back tears as he looked upon Louis and Harry. "We'll tell you. Eventually." Louis smirked.

"Now, if you want to live you'll so exactly as I say, Niall will be back at school tomorrow and you need to gain his friendship again. He hates you because of what happened with Zayn." Harry explained, saying Zayn's name with distaste.

"O-okay. Do I have to do anything else?" Josh asked, his breath shaky. "Not for now, but you will eventually." Louis said. Josh just nodded his head and stared at the floor. He couldn't believe he was helping people who wanted to kill his best friend.


"Zayn, everyone is staring at his." Niall murmured as they walked into school, hand in hand.

"Who cares." Zayn muttered and smirked at Niall.

"You know people will make fun of us, right?" Niall said, worry lacing his voice.

Zayn stopped and hugged Niall. "Trust me, nobody is going to. They'd have to have a death wish if they did." Zayn smirked.

"You frighten me sometimes." Niall joked as they walked to homeroom. They sat in the back of the class, earning even more stares, especially when they kissed. Josh walked in and sat where him and Niall usually sat.

Eleanor and Danielle were at the front of the class with their new group, Louis and Harry were no where to be found and Liam wasn't here either. "Thank god all those assholes aren't still friends." Niall grumbled. "It's no surprise they aren't here. After what you and Liam did to them." Zayn snickered.

"That was the funniest thing ever!" Niall exclaimed. "I bet he wants to kill you now." Zayn joked. "Maybe him and Styles teamed up?" Niall snickered. "Like that would happen. Harry fucking hates Louis. It was so funny when I was pretending to actually like them. Harry almost strangled him!" Zayn laughed. "Too bad he didn't." By now Niall and Zayn had almost the entire class staring at them.

They were both laughing loudly and Zayn also had his arm around Niall's shoulders. "Will you faggots shut up!" Eleanor shouted at them. Zayn just flicked her off and the two started laughing even more. "Alright class, settle down!" Mr. Bloom said as he walked to the front of the class.

Zayn and Niall calmed down and eventually stopped laughing. Mr. Bloom looked at them like they were from outer space before turning back to the class. Niall and Zayn whispered to each other, ignoring Mr. Bloom.

The bell rang and they stood up before heading to their next class. "Niall!" Josh called out and ran up to them. Niall turned around and frowned at Josh. "What?" Niall asked. "I was wondering if we could still be friends. I feel so fucking bad about what happened, but it looks like everything turned out alright." Josh said and motioned to Zayn's arm around me.

"You're so fucking stupid, Josh. We're still best friends!" Niall said and smiled. "I thought you hated me?" Josh said dumbstruck. "Well, you just stopped talking to me so I didn't talk to you." Niall explained. "Whale then." Josh murmured.

"Did you just say whale then?" Zayn asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Uh yeah. Niall we should hang out after school. I have to get to class." Josh said. "Yeah, just come over to my place." Niall said before they both went to class.


"Is Zayn with him?" Harry snapped. Josh was supposed to be going to Niall's, but Louis and Harry wanted Josh to help them. "I have no idea, probably." Josh shrugged. "Fuck." Louis muttered under his breath.

"I could tell Niall I need to talk to him without Zayn and then I could knock him out." Josh suggested. "Do that. If you fuck this up, it'll be the last thing you ever do. Got it, Devine?" Harry spat. "Y-yes." Josh said. "Good, now get the fuck out of my car." Louis exclaimed.

Josh got out of the car and it sped off. He walked up to Niall's front door and tried to pretend he wasn't about to knock his best friend unconscious so that his bullies could kill him. He knocked loudly and the door swung open.

"What's up, fucker." Niall smirked. "Not much, wanker." Josh retorted. Niall laughed and walked off, Josh following. Josh shut the door and groaned internally as he saw Zayn sitting on the living room couch. "Shit." Josh muttered under his breath.

"So, what're we gonna do?" Josh asked and slumped into a chair. "I have no clue." Niall muttered, cuddling up to Zayn's side on the couch. Josh glared at Zayn, but wiped it away quickly. "Why don't we watch some movies like we used to?" Josh suggested.

"Sure! You pick out the movies I'm gonna get popcorn!" Niall exclaimed and ran into the kitchen. Zayn and Josh made eye contact and Josh flinched back at Zayn's harsh eyes. "I don't trust you." Zayn said, his voice cold.

"Well, I don't trust you either." Josh said, trying to sound brave but his voice came out tiny and weak. Zayn just continued to glare until Niall walked in with a huge bowl of popcorn. "Josh, pick out some movies, you lazy ass. You complained last time I picked out what movies we watched." Niall joked and sat next to Zayn.

Josh stood up and started going through Niall's movies and picked one. He sat back down, still feeling Zayn's eyes on him. He tried to ignore the feeling and the guilt but with the way Zayn was glaring he couldn't help but feel bad.

Zayn eventually turned his attention to Niall or the movie and then fell asleep. "Aw, he's so cute when he sleeps." Niall cooed and pinched Zayn's cheeks. "I need some more popcorn." Josh muttered and stood up before walking into the kitchen.

Niall followed him into the kitchen and hopped up onto the counter. "So, anything new?" Niall asked. Josh just continued making the popcorn, knowing that if he opened his mouth he would tell Niall everything.

"Okay then..." Niall said awkwardly. Just do it, Josh. Just knock him out then call Harry and Louis. Josh thought before turning to Niall. Josh swallowed hard before tackling Niall and using the pressure points Louis had showed him.

"JOSH WHAT THE FUCK!" Niall shouted before going unconscious. "Sorry, Niall." Josh murmured tears in his eyes. "I knew you were trouble." Zayn growled, standing in the door way, his eyes like fire.


oops, I had to quote Taylor Swift.

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