
By Feline_Fan

39.9K 2.4K 170

Side Story of Where He Belongs Dawson has overcome emotional mountains in his childhood and by chance, or wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [Mini-Chapter Finale]

Chapter 2

2.9K 191 22
By Feline_Fan

A/N: Chapter Two is officially finished. And just about 2000 words so not too long but not too short either. So enjoy. And please comment. I would love it! And VOTE and FOLLOW please.



I put the kitchen back into order after I finished cleaning up.

My body hurt terribly. Each movement felt like torture. But it was my fault. I had been acting like a whore, looking at another male when my mate was right there-- No, I shouldn't have been looking regardless. And yet I was so surprised when Austin acted as though he couldn't stomach me... Hell, I couldn't even stomach myself!

He was in the living room, 'cooling down' as he liked to say. I slowly lifted his belt from the floor. Lately he seemed to favor it when he beat me. I shuddered a bit as I placed the thick leather on the table. Each lash from it gave me flashbacks of that last, terrible night in my house. But I didn't complain. I deserved it.

Tonight, at least. Some nights...I wasn't so sure.

"Are you almost finished in here?"

I didn't even have the energy to jump as Austin appeared soundless behind me. I nodded meekly, righting the last chair. I slowly turned to look at him. Being beaten a second time was rare...but not unheard of. Especially when it came down to something as serious as cheating. "Yes. I'm finished."

Austin reached down, lifting his belt.

Each lash mark on my back burned as I stared at the black leather. It was just a blur when he was angry... "Do you know why I use this, Dawson?"

I slowly looked in his eyes. The pierced mine frighteningly. I didn't want to know the answer but I still whispered, "No."

"Because it reminds you."

I had opened up to Austin about my childhood but he I didn't think he'd really cared or listened. I wrapped my arms around myself as unwanted memories began to assault me over and over again. "Oh."

"If this keeps you line," Austin stated picking up the belt, waving it knowingly. "Then that's what's needed. You don't want the belt? Don't piss me off."

It felt like I was being scorned by my father again. "I'm sorry," I muttered.

He nodded his head coldly. "You should be. It hurts me having to hurt you, Dawson. Do you like making me feel bad?"

My eyes went wide. "No!" I gasped instantly. "I'm sorry Austin. I don't mean to make you--"

"It's alright," cut in Austin. "Now. How about we get into bed, hmm?"

"Okay," I said quietly inching my way past him.

He cracked the belt against his hand making me jump and whimper. I cranked my head back, seeing him wink. "Just keep it in mind," he said in a teasing tone.


Upstairs I changed and slid under the covers.

Going to bed at the same time with Austin was weird. I never knew what to expect. Normally I'd be kicked away from him but sometimes he'd want to have sex. Who knew. Austin came in next, hanging the belt on the wall like a scary black snake. He pulled off his shirt. Ever since his new job he'd been getting stronger and stronger. His muscle mass had nearly doubled... But unfortunately, so had his strength. He dropped his pants, exposing his much endowed lower half.

I looked down at the sheets. Austin hated catching me looking at him. He said it made me look desperate. "Here."

I turned my head to find a cock stuck in my face. I wheeled back some, shocked. "Don't act like that," he snapped. "You seemed to want some cock earlier didn't you? Well, I'm letting you suck mine. Be grateful. It's not everyday I let a little whore like you slobber on it."

Hurt, I recoiled further. His lack in me sexually had always hurt my feelings some but he'd never stated it so bluntly. "I don't--"

"You don't what?" snapped Austin, kneeling on the bed. He grabbed my hair roughly, angling my face up toward him. "You wanted his cock--admit it."

"No," I said, trying to shake my head. "That wasn't it... That wasn't it at all! I was just--"

He slapped me then and I grit my teeth as I tried to fight the cry of pain that still escaped my mouth. He grabbed my bad arm, lifting me up. I let out a cry that no doubt woke the neighbors and Austin's eyes flashed. "You want to get the belt again, you bitch?" he snarled.

He yanked me off the bed. My tailbone struck the floor with a small thud and pain sparked through my body. "Austin, don't, please!" I screamed, reaching up to grab him. "Not that arm. Please."

"I'll do as I damn please!"

His strong fingers dug into the painful tissue left on my hurt arm. The sounds leaving my mouth were loud and uncontrollable. The pain was horrifying. I didn't want to make him angrier. He dropped my body to the floor beside the closet where I knew the belt was hanging. I couldn't think straight. The pain my arm was too great. Tears poured from eyes as I began to wish he'd just severed my arm. At least then the terrible pain in my arm would be gone...

"Is this what you wanted?" shouted Austin, waving the belt in front of my face. "Are you happy now?"

He grabbed the back of my shirt, giving it hard pull. I could feel the fabric tearing. The strap marks seared as the fabric rubbed abrasively against it. I let out a shriek he began to belt me again. "Stop, stop, stop," I begged, sobbing.

The pain was so too much... Far too much... I could see black spots dancing in my vision. I could feel myself sinking deeper in unconsciousness...

I was more than happy to embrace the darkness.


I jolted awake, body screaming in absolute agony.

Austin's body was all but crushing mine. Tears leaked from my eyelids as I struggled to keep my cries of pain inside. "You just had to push me, didn't you?" Austin mumbled sleepily over me. "You made me do this."

Tears ran down my cheeks silently.

Austin was right of course. I should have kept my eyes to myself. I should have been a good mate.

This was all my fault.


The next morning I had to drag myself out from under his body, feeling each muscle ache.

My arm was aching furiously. It throbbed with each heart beat. My arm was hanging uselessly--I couldn't even even move my fingers. I got dressed quietly into dark, loose clothing. I wanted the least contact with the burning mark on my back as possible. There was a dull ache in my tail bone as well. It wasn't as severe as when my father's belt buckle actually broke it but it hurt nonetheless. I let out a quiet moan, hand running over the bone. There was no doubt it was a huge bruise now. I passed the belt, feeling my eyes weld with the tears.

The first time had seemed random. Like he'd just looked for something in the bedroom capable of punishing me for failing to smooth out the top sheet like he'd told me to do again and again. I had assumed the belt had just been convenient. But now... I closed the door quietly, feeling a headache pounding against my temples. I moved numbly through the kitchen, making his coffee, cooking his breakfast...

He came down as he always did, sitting at the kitchen table expectantly. I gave him his coffee, moving past him to get the paper. "I wish you'd try and dress up a bit more." Austin stated with a roll of his eyes. "That sweater makes you look fatter than you already are."

He was doing what he always did: ignoring the elephant in the room. "Would you like for me to change?" I asked, tone meek and quiet. I always felt the day after he went off on me like that. Normally it wasn't this bad though.

"What's the use? You're dressed already." sniffed Austin, opening the paper.

I served him his breakfast and cleaned the kitchen while he rambled on about the new developments. I half-listened, too in-tune with own body's cries of pain with each move. I paused as I assessed our level of paper towels. I spoke to Austin during a pause in his own one-sided conversation. "I need to go shopping."

"What? No. Not until...I'm less busy."

His eyes had fallen on my face and shifted away almost immediately. Like he was almost ashamed of what he'd done. But I knew better. He wasn't ashamed. He didn't care. "Could you bring home paper towels then, please?" I asked looking at him.

"What? Sure. Write me a list..."

I grabbed the pad of paper and glanced around the house, jotting down on the bare necessities. "Jesus, Dawson. Why don't put everything on this fucking list. I'm not shopping. I'm gonna swing by the store and grab a thing or two." snapped Austin, looking over my shoulder.

I took a deep breath as I grew frustrated. "But we need this stuff," I tried. "You need coffee, don't you? And milk? And eggs for breakfast tomorrow? Toilet paper may come in handy too."

His eyes flashed at my tone and I quickly got myself in check. "You better watch your mouth you little slut," he snarled, grabbing the list and shoving it in his pocket. "The house better be fucking perfect when I get back tonight or so help me..."

Despite his lingering threat I felt a spark of warmth spread in my belly. I had won, hadn't I? He had taken the list. It was his fault I couldn't do this on my own. I hadn't chanced a look in the mirror but I knew better than to. I wouldn't like what I saw. So, with a ghost of a smile on my face, I began to clean the house.


I had a visitor around noon.

I assumed it to be a Delta, looking for something Austin had either left or Austin himself. But much to my surprise and humiliation, it was in fact the Beta. The gasp he let out made my face heat up even more and I looked away, ashamed. "Austin's not here." I told him softly.

He applied gentle though deliberate pressure on the door, trying to open it more so he could see me completely. "Jesus H," he muttered, looking me up and down. "He really lost his shit last night, didn't he?"

"No, er... It was my fault."

"What could you have possibly done to make him do this to you?" demanded Chase, his arms crossing over his chest.

I didn't want to say it was me staring at him...that'd make things weird. "It was...the coffee," I lied quietly.

Chase's eyes burned bright and angry. "That son of a bitch," he seethed. "Dawson. Please. You can leave this whole situation. Just give me the word and we'll leave right now--"

"I'm fine," I insisted. "I just...need to learn to stop screwing up so much. He's really busy you know. Doing a lot of work right now... He's stressed."

"And? This isn't how you handle stress."

"It's how he does," I replied quietly. "Did you need anything, beta?"

He bit his lip looking searchingly at me. His eye contact was piercing and made me feel vulnerable. "Chase?" I tried and his eyes snapped to mine.

An expression close to wistfulness clouded his handsome features before it cleared to its normal mask of concern. "I can't force you," he finally sighed. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright Dawson. I'm sorry if...I assisted in any of this? I shouldn't have fought with him--"

"It wasn't you," I said, a bit surprised by the interest he was taking in this. "Honestly. But beta...why do you care so much?"

He opened his mouth, looking ready to speak but then paused and shook his head. "Because someone has to." he finally decided before he turned around left, leaving me confused.

Question: Who's seen/LOVES Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

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