Eenie Meenie Miney Mo! [A Fre...

By bluewolfgirl01

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Brooke Kelly is a fun loving witch. She loves pranks but is a very clever student. When she plays a prank tha... More

Chapter 1 - First Day
Chapter 2 - Potions
Chapter 3 - Date Night
Chapter 5 - The Burrow
Chapter 6 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 7 - Weird Day
Chapter 8 - Christmas (Snape's P.O.V)
Chapter 9 - Not So Average Day
Chapter 10 - Break Ups...
Chapter 11 - ...And Make Ups
Chapter 12 - Fight and Flight
Chapter 13 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Chapter 14 - Revenge. Best Served Wet
Chapter 15 - The Worst Day Ever
Chapter 16 - Sorry, This Is The Worst Day Ever
Chapter 17 - What A Day
Chapter 18 - Bye, Bye
Chapter 19 - Therapy With... Snape?
Chapter 20 - Draco The Doofus
Chapter 21 - Plan Night
Chapter 22 - And So You're Back From Outerspace
Chapter 23 - Boo!
Chapter 24 - Malfoy the Little Weasle
Chapter 25 - Secrets Unfold
Chapter 26 - Crappy Chappy
Chapter 27 - Final Chapter of Year 5
Story Updates
The sequel has been uploaded!

Chapter 4 - Shreiking Shack

9.5K 209 164
By bluewolfgirl01

someone asked me the other day becuase i wastalking about harry potter, was there any spoilers for the last Harry Potter film. i looked at her and went yes there is. its called THE BLOODY HARRY POTTER BOOK SERIES!!!!!!! stupid people! anyway sory for the late update but please enjoy it! please read the note at the bottom =)


Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning groggily. "Ow!" I groaned and stretched and my fist collided with something hard.

            "Ow shit!" Someone moaned. My eyes shot open and I looked around where I was lying. I was lying on the sofa in the common room with some knitted blanket on me, then I remember dropping off to stroking Fred's hair, but I don't know how I ended up like this. I looked over the edge of the sofa and saw Fred clutching his nose.

            "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

            "Well you fell asleep then I woke up and was going to carry you to your room, but I forgot that the stairs go into a slope if you aren’t a girl so I put you on the sofa and was going to head to bed when you grabbed by shirt and told me not to leave you in your sleep, so I went off to my room and put my blanket on you." He looked red towards the end of his explanation and I realised how close we were and judging by his face he did to so I sat up quickly and he went red and looked away. I shuffled along the sofa so he could sit down and I wrapped the blanket around us because it was quite cold outside. The blanket wasn't very big so we were sitting very close to one another.

            "What time is it?" I asked.

            "Half past six. I think we were planning on going at twelve. George won't be up for another couple of hours, he can sleep like a log." Fred said chuckling.

            "What about you?" I asked.

            "What about me what?" He asked.

            "Do you like a lie in or no?" I asked.

            "Why are you asking?" He said winking at me cheekily and I rolled my eyes at him. "No I get up early. I can't sleep for long."

            "Same. I was wondering because I would feel mean waking you up by punching you in the face." I said and he chuckled and gave me an awkward one armed hug.

            "Well, I have had better wake ups. I suppose you could kiss it better." He said smiling innocently and I shook my head and giggled. "Aw, why not? Don't you want me baby?" He started singing and I giggled more. "Don't you want me, oh ooh?!" He sung a little louder grinning at me and I laughed and covered my ears.

            "Stop it! My ears are bleeding!" I giggled and he pulled them away laughing.

            "No you love it really!" He laughed and I squirmed out of his grasp.

            "No I don't! A fire toad could sing better than you!" He pretended to be offended.

            "Well if that's so I will… I will… I will just take the entire blanket!" He said finally coming to a conclusion after looking around the room for a minute ad whipping the blanket from around me and wrapping himself up in it.

            "That's not fair! It's cold and all I have on is my top and jeans!" I whined and lunged for the blanket but he kept on moving away laughing at me.

            "Well you said a fire toad could sing better than me and that's not fair!" He said laughing and moving away from me.

            "Yeah well you do but please let me in the blanket!" I whined and dived on top of him and he fell off the sofa and nearly crushed me when he landed on me. "Ow! Get off me fatty!"

            "No! Not until you apologize!" He said sitting on me.

            "I can't apologize if you crush the air out of me!" I protested.

            "Well hurry up then smart ass!" He chuckled.

            "Sorry! Ok? Sorry! Now get off me fatty!" I squealed.

            "Apologize for that comment!" I shook my head. "I won't let you go." He said raising his eyebrow challengingly. "Ok. I'll sit here until you apologize."

            "Ok I won't say anything then." I said and crossed my arms across my chest (with great difficulty).

            "I'm sure I can make you talk to me again." I shook my head. "Do you like Quidditch?" I just looked at him not saying anything. "Do you know how to play Quidditch?" I carried on staring at him and saw him get slightly frustrated so he kept on asking me questions for about five minutes and I didn't answer him and I just stared at him. He was quiet for a moment before a grin grew on his face and an anxious not grew in my stomach. "Looking scared now aren't you? Well I'll give you one more shot to talk, so here it is. If you apologize I won't kiss you." My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and he laughed at me. "So will you apologize?" I shook my head defiantly and he leaned closer and my eyes grew bigger and he chuckled at my face. We were inches apart when he smirked at me. "Last chance."

            "Imsorry!" I said quickly and he smirked.

            "What was that?" He asked grinning.

            "I'm sorry. Please don't make me say it again." I begged him.

            "Fine." He said and I made a move to get up. "But I'm still going to kiss you." He said and he kissed me softly and I was too shocked to respond before he pulled away, grinning at me. "It was going to go my way either way." He said chuckling and helping me up with him. As I got up I punched him in the chest and took his blanket and slumped on the sofa wrapping myself in it. Fred sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Can I have some blanket please?"

            "No, you didn't give me any." I said stubbornly.

            "Yeah because you were being mean to me!" He said dramatically.

            "And? I've got it now. I don't care if you freeze to death." I shrugged nonchalantly. He was quiet and I got worried so I looked over to him and he was looking at me with the cutest puppy dog expression ever. I felt like I was literally melting. His big brown eyes were looking into mine and he was pouting slightly at me with a sad expression on my face and I couldn't help but give him a hug and give him some blanket back. He laughed at me.

            "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me, but you didn't even last a minute. That is quite sad." I gave him a shut up look. "Ok, ok don't take my blanket away from me." He said putting his hands up in mock defence.

            "Then shut up. It's nice the blanket. And warm –" I began before he interrupted me.

            "I think the only reason why you're warm is because I'm so hot, heat is radiating off me." He said in a cheeky voice and I rolled my eyes at him. "Sorry, sorry." He muttered.

            "I was wondering where did you get it?" I asked him.

            "My Mum knitted it. She always knits things. For example she makes me, George, Ron, Percy, Charlie, Bill, Dad, Ginny, Harry and Hermione a jumper every Christmas with our first initial on it. Well the first jumper she knits us she puts something that we like on it so she wants ideas for yours." He said.

            "Oh? I don't want anything though!" I said shocked. Their Mum sounded really nice and kind to do that for everyone every year.

            "You're going to have to." He said matter of factly.

            "Why?" I asked.

            "Well, she's letting you stay over Christmas, in her own home, out of the pureness of her kind and warm heart. And I think it's quite mean of you to not let her knit you something. She loves to do it and if you let her down she will be very upset. It may break her heart." He said in a dramatic voice.

            "Oh shut up." I said but I did feel kind of mean.

            "I see you cracking." He said grinning at me before being serious for once. "Please just tell me what you like so I can give her an idea of what she can knit you. What about your favourite colour, food, animal, sport, person." He said wagging his eyebrows at me.

            "Fine, my favourite colour is sky blue, I like pumpkin pasties, hippogriffs, Quidditch," He chuckled when I said that. "And as for person," I gave him a side look and he looked at me smiling charmingly. "Snape." His face fell and he frowned at me.

            "No! It can't be Snape! Anyone else but Snape!"

            "Filch?" I said smiling innocently at him.

            "Try again."


            "Hmm he's ok. Better than the other two. But what about me?" He whined.

            "I suppose you're on my list." I said ruffling his hair and he scoffed. "But getting back on the subject, I don't really have a lot of favourite things to be honest. There's nothing interesting about me." I shrugged.

            "Sure there is!" He said like he was giving me a pep talk or something, "Tell me something about yourself."

            "I don't know what though!"

            "What about your old school? Why did you get kicked out?" So I told him about me blowing up the head teacher's office in as much detail as possible and by the end of it he was howling with laughter. "Miss Kelly! I am so shocked! I didn't know you where bad! Just cheeky! I like this." He said laughing.

            "Thank you!" I said laughing along with him then a yawn escaped me.

            "Are you tired?" He asked.

            "I didn't get to sleep till midnight last night, then I woke up at half six so I didn't get much sleep." I said yawning and stretching again.

            "Well why don't you go to sleep? It's only half seven." He said.

            "I'll feel mean leaving you alone though."

            "Well you can do what I did. Put your head on my lap and I'll stroke your hair." I looked at him funny, "I'll let you have the blanket." He said in a sing song voice.

            "Oh goody!" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and pulled my shoulders down so my head was on his lap and he wouldn't let me up so I wriggled into a comfier position. I felt him laugh and I looked up at him with a questioning look.

            "Your feet are just about touching the arm of the sofa!" I hit his stomach and he laughed and gently stroked my hair. His hands are actually quite soft and I felt my eyelids getting heavy and was soon fast asleep.


I woke up and was blinded by the sun so I rolled over to the dark side and snuggled in.

            "Morning again sunshine." Fred said stroking my hair. I just grunted in return and he chuckled like usual. "You were happier the first time you woke up today."

            "Yeah but I had more sleep so I get grumpier when I wake up."

            "That's not normal."

            "Shut up." I said and rolled onto my back and cracked my eyes open a little and saw him smile down at me. "What's the time?" I asked.

            "Half eleven. I'm going to wake George up in a bit so we can go is that ok?" I nodded then stretched and yawned. I heard his stomach rumble and I laughed. "Hey don't laugh at me. I haven't had anything to eat yet!" He said poking my stomach and I giggled and hit his hand away.

            "Why not?" I asked.

            "Well I was chatting to you first, then you fell asleep on me and I was stroking your hair, so between all the rush I didn't get anything to eat." He said sighing dramatically.

            "I feel bad now. Why didn't you get something to eat though?" I asked him.

            "Well because I felt mean leaving you. I tried the Accio spell but I think Dumbledore has rigged the kitchens so no one can steal food that way from the kitchens." We were quiet for a bit and he was still stroking my hair and looking out of the window in a daydream, but I think he didn't know he was doing it so I played with the bottom of his shirt just twisting it round my finger and letting go and started to think about things. I thought about how I never had a friend that I considered family, now I consider all my friends to be family, especially Fred and George. I always wanted an older brother now I have two. I smiled to myself.

            "What are you smiling at?" He asked and I didn't realise he was watching me.

            "Nothing really." I said and he poked me in the stomach again.

            "Tell me." He said and poked me again and I giggled.

            "I was just thinking, I did have a family, but it was just mum and dad and I never really saw them, now I feel like a have a huge family here. I don't care if that sounds cheesy."

            "Well everyone here does eventually feel like family here. It's nice." He said being serious again and smiling at me. "Well it's more family and the Slytherins, but who cares?" He asked cheekily and there was the normal Fred I know, always cracking jokes, even if they are bad.

            "Do you think we should get up now and wake George up?" I asked.

            "Good idea. Hurry up and we'll grab some toast or something before we leave." So I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed a shower, but before that I looked in the mirror and saw a girl with really bad hair. And I mean bad. It looked like a bird nest that had been through a wind tunnel then dragged backwards through a hedge (yeah, that bad). I stared at in shock and wondered how Fred could've looked at me without outright laughing. I quickly grabbed a shower and threw some jeans and a t-shirt on, grabbed some money and ran downstairs. Fred wasn't waiting for me for once so I sat on the sofa for a while and waited for him. A minute later I heard feet hitting the stairs and saw Fred and George run over to me. Well Fred was running over to me, George was running after him with a shoe in his hands in a threatening manner.

            "Brooke, save me!" Fred shouted and ducked down behind the sofa.

            "What's going on?" I shouted and a few first years in the corner jumped nervously.

            "Fred threw ice water over me to wake me up! Then when I grabbed a shower he turned the water into practically ice!" It was then that I noticed all George had on was a towel round his waist. He looked at me weird when I went red and looked away and Fred was howling with laughter. He must've looked down because he was cussing under his breath then ran upstairs again.

            "That was mean Fred." I said and he jumped over the back of the sofa and sat down next to me.

            "Yeah well that's what brothers do." He said brightly then we heard George run back down the stairs, looking murderously at Fred, so we left the common room and headed over to the Main Entrance. Filch was standing there shouting at a Ravenclaw first year when we got there.

            "No Mr Diego, you can't go to Hogsmeade, you have to be a third year or older to leave the school premises." The kid looked like he was going to answer back so Filch carried on, "I don't care if you look older than you are, you are not leaving the school end of!" The kid gave up and headed back inside, when he walked past us George said, "Better luck next time kid."

            "Yeah, maybe in a few years time, when old Filch isn't around." Fred said, patting his head and we headed over to Filch.

            "You! Miss Kelly! You can't leave the school grounds either. I haven't got your slip!" He snarled at me.

            "Actually my parents sent the letter to Dumbledore before I came here so I can go actually." I said smartly.

            "Well until I see it you can't leave." He said smirking at me.

            "Well it's a good thing I'm here Filch." Dumbledore said striding over to us. "Good morning, Mr Weasley's, Miss Kelly." He said smiling kindly at us. "Here are the slips that were in my office. Miss Kelly's is at the top."

            "So it is. I see I can't keep you here then." He said and I walked out after thanking Dumbledore. "You two!" He barked at the twins, "Don't get into any trouble."

            "We won't." They chorused angelically and we walked out into the cold morning air. The cool breeze nipped at our exposed skin and goose bumps spread across my body where the material wasn't as thick. I pulled my coat tighter around me and linked Fred and George, trying to steal a little bit of their body heat.

            "So where are we heading first?" I asked them.

            "Honeydukes for sweets –" George said.

            "Then Zonko's Joke shop –" Fred carried on.

            "Then the Hog's Head for a butter beer to keep us warm –"

            "And spy on teachers –"

            "Then maybe –"

            "If you're brave enough that is –"

            "We can head to the shrieking shack." George concluded.

            "What's the shrieking shack?" I asked them.

            "It's the most haunted building in Britain. We can go and explore it and see if it's true." Fred said.

            "I would've imagined you would've explored it already." I pointed out.

            "We have, but we want to show you around. It's the best place to find ghosts and things, but it's a bit tricky to get to. So are you in?" Fred asked.

            "Hell yeah! Sounds fun!" I excitedly.


After a couple of hours we were heading over to the Shrieking Shack when the blonde girl George went out with the night before came up to us. Well him.

            "Hey George!" She said timidly.

            "Oh hey Claudia didn't see you there." He said smiling back at her and she blushed. "What's up?"

            "Me and some friends were wondering do you want to come with us to the Hogs Head for a drink?"

            "Er well…" George said awkwardly looking at us.

            "Sure he'd love to. We weren't doing anything important." I said smiling at her and she grinned back at me excitedly.

            "Are you sure? I thought you were heading back to the castle that's why I asked but if you have something planned…" She said trailing off.

            "No!" George said quickly, and then he cleared his throat and tried not to sound too desperate. "I mean no. It's ok I'm sure they won't mind." They looked at us and Fred and I shook our heads no. "See. Bye guys!" He said waving at us and linked 'Claudia' and walked away with her waving at us and we waved back.

            "Well it's just us again." Fred said linking me.

            "Ever get the feeling we get abandoned a lot lately?" I asked him and pulled my coat around me tighter.

            "Yeah, but ah well. We get to spend some quality bonding time together don't we Miss Kelly." He said in a silly voice.

            "Yes we do Mr Weasley." I said in the same voice laughing.

            "I do hope you are not up to anything silly." Came an oily voice behind us. We spun round and saw Snape walking towards us. "Where are you two going hmm?" He asked us.

            "For a walk." I said shortly.

            "Where are you going for your walk?"


            "Around where?" He asked.

            "What's with the Spanish Inquisition?!" I asked him in a slightly shouting voice.

            "I do not appreciate being shouted at like that. And the reason I am asking is because I do not trust you two together and where is the third one?" He asked looking round after clicking on that George wasn't with us.

            "With someone." Fred said.

            "Well, he should be in less trouble there with whomever it is." Snape said bitterly.

            "Well if there's nothing else you want goodbye." I said and walked off with a chuckling Fred. I checked over my shoulder to see where Snape was and he was nowhere in sight. "So where is the shrieking shack?" I asked Fred.

            "There." He said and pointed out a tall, leaning and crumbling old building in the distance. It looked easy enough to get to. I pointed that out and Fred made me look at the path it took to get there. There where brambles everywhere, ice on nearly all the flat surfaces, fallen tree trunks, huge boulders that you needed to climb over and it was all down a steep hill.



It was half an hour to get there, with all the climbing and jumping over things I was hoping it would be worth it. Because I would not be doing it again. I felt a bit mean on Fred because he had done it so many times he was quite quick but I hadn't done it before so I was slow and he stayed by my side and helped me when I needed it. I was just grateful that I had good balance so I didn't fall over.

            "This had better be worth it." I said through grinding teeth as we neared the building, all we had to do now was walk in a straight line up to the door and voila we would be in.

            "Oh it is." He said taking my hand and leading me up to the front door. "Ladies first." He said and I gingerly opened the door. A big gust of wind came out and I jumped back into Fred and a shiver ran through me. "Scared?" He teased and I gritted my teeth.

            "No." But I continued to walk in gingerly anyway. The floor boards creaked, mice, rats and bats ran (or flew in the bats case) around the shack. "Er do you want to show me where it is we go?" I asked Fred trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

            "Sure wimp." He teased and took my small hand in his great big one and took my slowly round it. We couldn't really see at first because even the door was open and right behind us, it wouldn't shed much light inside. "Lumos." He muttered and then the door slammed shut. I jumped and spun round and Fred did too.

            "Wimp." I teased him and he just looked slightly off colour and didn't answer back, so I got slightly worried. He took me to the bottom of the stairs and he began to climb them but stopped when I didn't follow. "You want me to go up there?" I asked him.


            "The stairs look like they could fall at any minute!" I protested.

            "You're a smart witch. I'm sure you can save yourself." He said.

            "Yeah I'm worried about the dumb dumb who's trying to take me up them!" I said.

            "Look they are perfectly safe look." He said and bounced on one testing it.

            "Fred don't you'll fall." I said.

            "No! Me and George have done it a hundred times before. One more time isn't going to make any –" He yelled in surprised as the stairs buckled under his weight and he crashed to the floor.

            "Fred!" I shouted and looked down.

            "I'm ok!" He coughed. "I'm ok. Just give me a hand getting up will you?" I managed to make a ladder from the broken stairs around me and passed it down the Fred who climbed up quickly.

            "You ok?" I asked checking him over. He looked ok. Just a few bruises and scrapes but that was it.

            "Yeah. Tell you what go. I'm not going up those stairs. Why didn't you tell me they were so dangerous?!" I looked at him with my mouth gaping open.

            "I did!" I shouted and he laughed. I hit him in the arm and he just hugged me. "You are filthy! There's so much rubble and dust on you!" I said patting him down.

            "You're just like a Mother looking after their kid you know that?" He asked me. I wasn't sure whether or not he was joking, I think he was.

            "Well someone has to look after you. You are an idiot." I said. "Look are you going to show me around?" I asked him.

            "Sure." He took my hand and we walked around the eerie, creaking building. For something so desolate, it made a lot of noise. Every step, breath and movement we made it would creak and moan and I would jump slightly at everything. Much to Fred's amusement. There was a tight corridor leading to a flight of steps at one end of a long room and Fred said we had to head up them to get to the very top. I refused, but somehow I found myself halfway up the stairs and dreading it. "We're near the top now just a few more steps to go." I looked up and saw a rectangle with a slight glow around the outside of it and assumed that was a door. Or a really creepy wall. When we got to the top I tried looking for a handle but couldn't find it.

            "Alohamora!" I tried and failed.

            "Let me try." He said and there was a very tight squeeze as he tried to get past me with out knocking me down the stairs. He hmm'd and ahh'd for a bit before he kicked the door open. It flew open and nearly came off the hinges as it hit bounced back on it's self.

            "What the hell?!" I shouted.

            "There's no door handle to open it with, there's no lock to be unlocked. So brute force is the only way it can be opened. See it's only logical." He said in a sarcastic tone and leading me outside. I didn't realise that it was actually kind of warm inside so when we came out the wind stung my cheeks and made my eyes water. It was getting dark now as it neared five o'clock. I looked around and I had to admit. The view was really pretty. I could see mountains in the distance, the long trek that we took didn't seem so long from here. An owl flew on over head and I ducked to keep out of it's way. I leaned into Fred and put my arm around his waist as he put his arm around my shoulders.

            "Wow. It's really nice up here." I said admiringly and he just nodded. We looked around for a while longer taking in the burnt orange sky as the sun went down, and the fields around us looked golden under the sun. I breathed it all in and smiled slightly. "Should we head back now?" I asked him.

            "Sure." When we turned to go in the door slammed shut from an invisible gust of wind. "Ok that was creepy." He said and tried kicking the door but it didn't move. We tried prising it open without much luck and a variety of other things but it wouldn't open.

            "Great! We're stuck up here!" I kicked the door for extra measure and sat down on the cold concrete floor and Fred sat beside me. "What are we going to do?"

            "Dunno. Think of another way to open it?" I looked at him flatly.

            "Oh well done! Why didn't I think of that?!" I swear the amount of sarcasm coming out then was enough to kill a person. But obviously Fred didn't because he carried on talking.

            "Ok then. What do you suggest?" I looked over the edge of the building. There was a good hundred drop, so jumping was out of the question as was using a rope or something to climb down the side.

            "You could always tell the truth and not sneak off to climb an old and out of bounds building." I jumped when I heard a voice behind us. I turned round and saw Snape standing there. Seriously what the hell was with this guy? Was he stalking us? Keeping tags on us? What?! He smirked at our shocked faces. "Where you planning on skipping out on my detention?"

            "No. We just wanted to look around the building –" I began but Snape interrupted me.

            "Why? To buy your first home?" He said sarcastically. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment and anger. I was about to retort before Fred covered my mouth with his hand.

            "No. I was showing her round! Anyway what's it to you?" He snapped.

            "You do not speak to a teacher that way." He snapped.

            "We're off school property and it's past school hours so you're not a teacher. You're a regular person."

            "Fine then you need to treat me like you would a regular person. With respect!" He spat the last bit at him and walked dangerously close to him and glared at him but Fred never flinched.

            "I will when you've earned it." He said in a low voice. There was a glaring competition for a couple of moments before Snape blinked and turned to me.

            "You need to find better friends Miss Kelly or you could end up like him."

            "I would rather be him than you." I said snarling slightly.

            "Get down those stairs now and get to my room. You will start your detention early." As we walked down the stairs there was a tension so thick you could cut it with a spork. Me and Fred where nearing the bottom when we heard a humungous crack behind us, a high pitched yelp and then a thud. We ran up the stairs quickly to where there was a dust cloud and peered over the edge of it. Lying sprawled out on the floor was Snape.

            "You ok?" I shouted down not really caring about the answer I was too busy trying not to laugh. He didn't say anything.

            "I'll get the chalk." Fred mumbled and I laughed.

            "Hey Professor are you ok?!" I shouted again and this time I heard him moan.

            "Damn stairs." I heard him grumble.

            "It's not the stairs fault you're heavy!" Fred shouted down to him.

            "Fred don't, he might give you another detention and I can't be bothered with him." I said and Snape got up slowly holding his head. He managed to climb out by himself; neither Fred or me offered him a hand. Why would we? He's evil.

            "You ok?" I asked flatly.

            "Your sympathy astounds me." He said sarcastically. "And yes I'm fine."

            "Great now we can go back and do your stupid detention."

            "We can tell George about this. And how he screamed like a little girl." Fred laughed.

            "I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this. And I don't scream like a little girl." He said sounding embarrassed.

            "Why shouldn't we? You are awful to anyone who's not a Slytherin and you did scream like a little girl." I said flatly.

            "No I don't and you will not tell anyone about it." He said in a threatening tone.

            "Er yes we will."

            "No you won't."

            "If we don't will you drop the detentions?" I asked.


            "Then everyone is getting told." I said and opened the door so we could leave.

            "No." Snape said defiantly.

            "Then drop the detention." I said smartly. He was quiet for a while.


            "Really?" Me and Fred asked at the same time.

            "But don't expect me to do it again and don't expect me to be any nicer to you two." He snapped.

            "Wouldn't expect it." Fred said bitterly.


We walked into our common room where George was sitting on the sofa.

            "Where have you two been? It's half six! Did you forget out the detention with Snape?" He said jumping up. Fred and I grinned at eachother then him.

            "We don't have it anymore." Fred said grinning from ear to ear.

            "Why not?!" He yelped.

            "Let's just say. What happens in the shrieking shack stays in the shrieking shack." I laughed but George just looked dumbfounded.

            "Oh look, you best hurry up. You don't want to be late!" I said brightly checking my non existing watch teasingly.

            "I will kill you once I get back." He said and stormed out grumbling to himself. Me and Fred were laughing hard and some younger students who were in here were looking kind of scared.

            "Ah, he might kill us, but it was worth it!" I said wiping a tear from my eye.

            "I know."


George came back at eleven o'clock and me and Fred where in the middle of a game of Wizards Chess.

            "How was it?" I asked him.

            "I hate you two! Because you weren't in, he made me do three times the amount of work he would've made me do!" He looked tired, grumpy and really dirty and grubby.

            "What did you have to do?" I asked because Fred was laughing too hard at him.

            "Well he made me build him a new table for the one YOU destroyed! Then he made me clean up his damn storage cupboard, and everything fell on me! Then he made me clean up the mess in the storage cupboard and his entire room including the dirty cauldrons! It was awful! I swear he made more mess for me to clean up!" He sighed dramatically and slumped down in the chair opposite us.

            "Aw poor you! Well you have to do it all again tomorrow!" I said innocently and brightly and the next second a pillow flew over to me and hit me in the face. I threw the pillow back and George got up, grabbed a pillow and tried to hit me in the face but I dodged out the way so he got Fred instead. He stopped laughing pretty quick and hit George round the head with a pillow. Then a massive pillow fight broke out and I dived behind the sofa and watched as Fred and George beat the stuffing out of each other. Eventually they threw the pillows aside and dived at each other and started to wrestle on the floor shouting and swearing and I laughed from the safety of behind the sofa. This lasted for nearly fifteen minutes and by the end of it I couldn't breathe and my stomach killed from laughing so hard and the twins were lying on the floor out of breath and punching each other in the stomach half-heartedly.

            "You two are idiots! I'm off to bed." I said laughing and getting out from my hiding space.

            "We love you too Brooke." Said George sarcastically sitting up.

            "Aw thanks." I said giving them a hug before running up the stairs.

            "Hey Brooke!" They shouted. I spun round and went flying as two pillows collided with me and I heard the boys wet themselves laughing.


Hope you enjoyed it! here are some questions and stuff 1) do you want me to do a bit in a chapter in a different characters POV (not Filch's becuase im planning on doing his same with the twins or Snapes becuase ive done that) 2) theres a picture of Brooke on the side (its hayden panettiere i think shes really pretty in a non gay way) and a video of a band i love and its a song they made up its really funny. its the axis of awesome and the song is called Harry Potter and the Drunk Animals Escaping from Zoos. 3) Thanks for commenting and voting i want to say thanks for everyone you say but i cant becuase my ipod is a pain in my butt so thanks 4) please carry on voting and commenting =D xxx

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