Best Friends With Benefits

By Ritiou

229K 2.2K 812

They're best friends. But also sex friends. Yeah, they're best friends with benefits. But it's a little more... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

22.1K 257 128
By Ritiou

Wow, I know, I'm actually uploading, I can't believe either! Haha, I'm so soooooorry guys! It's been crazy, my exams and... Well that's basically it!

Anyhoo, it was my birthday yesterady, and your vote and your comment would be the BEST PRESENT in the world!

Oh, and I'm dedicating this chapter to Kerri, she's kind of my Wattpad bestie, and you should totally check out what she does, it's awesome :D Thanks baby cakes for editing this chapter and coping with my message flooding! And thank you for the wonderful birthday messages on FB, I love you for that <3

Please feel free to check out her AMAZING story... It's called "Only Hope", just click on her picture above, it's really worth it :) 

It's amazing really, and so much better than what you're about to read! Go check it out NOW hahaha :)

And... there you go!

 Oh, and I would love for you guys to check out my other story "Late Bloomers", I'd be so grateful :D

PS : Picture of Aiden on the side... YUM YUM YUM :D

PPS : The song of this chapter is Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me... But the Glee version! I just love Emma's voice, and the video is just TOO funny (Mr Shue is SERIOUSLY HOT), plus I think it fits this story pretty well, right?


But first I think we all need a recap haha !


I smacked his forehead and began to walk away, head up proudly. He laughed behind me and grabbed my arm and turned me around to kiss me, in the middle of the hallways. I kissed him back instantly, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pulled away when I heard wolf-whistles and 'oh yeah's. Boys in the corridor were looking at us and laughing. Aiden chuckled slightly and I let my hair fall on my face to hide my embarrassment and moved away from Aiden. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a pair of eyes glaring at Aiden and me on the other end of the hallway.


"Do you think Ben could be a stalker?" I asked Aiden.

He pushed his eyebrows together. "What? Why?"

I motioned him my chin an angry looking Ben at the other side of the hallway. I gulped when I saw Aiden clench his fists.I didn't care about Ben being beaten up, but I was more concerned about Aiden being in trouble. Call me selfish, but that's my best friend we're talking about. 

"What's with that mothe-" Aiden growled quietly, glaring back at Ben menacingly.

He was pissed. Shoot. I yanked on his arm in an attempt to drag him out of here but he didn't budge. And his left eye twitched; it was never a good sign when his left eye twitched. 

Tension was thick like a thunderstorm in the air. I needed to get Aiden out of here.

"Aiden, please, we'll take care of him later ok? Let's just go to our date," I suggested, tugging on his fist again. Aiden didn't budge; too busy having a glaring contest with Ben. 


No response.


Not even a glance.

"Ok, be like that, I'll just go home and put the very slutty dress I found for tonight back in my wardrobe." I said a lame attempt at trying to be seductive.

His lips twitched. Ah, there we go.

"And… I didn't plan on having underwear on," I murmured in his ear.

He took my hand and led me towards the school entrance, making me giggle. Once we arrived home, I quickly kissed Aiden goodbye, eager to put on my dress. I raced up the stairs to my room and opened my wardrobe gloriously. Ahh, there it was, in all its silky magnificence. I got it out and lay it on the bed to admire it, touching its smooth material. Aiden was going to go crazy when he saw me in it. It was strapless, stopping at mid-thigh and beautifully simple; just a plain indigo blue silk dress. I matched it with silver stiletto heels and a silver clutch purse that went with it and laid the outfit on the bed. Yes, perfect! Now I could take a shower and match my makeup.

I put the final touch of lipstick on at the exact same moment Aiden honked his horn outside. I blew myself a kiss and headed to the door. I opened it, revealing Aiden in all his dressed up glory. A simple deep blue shirt and clear pants on, he was holding a bunch of lilacs, my favorites. He held them out to me awkwardly, making me laugh. I took his hand, threw the lilacs inside making sure they hadn’t been too ruined and led him to his car.

“Hey, that’s not a way to treat my gifts!” He cried out, outraged.

“They’re dead now that you’ve cut them, and I’m hungry” I stated.

He got in the car pouting and we drove to the restaurant.

“You know, I reeaally like your dress,” He smiled at me suggestively.

“Oh yeah? What is it that you like about it?” I scoffed.

His eyes raked down my body, “The shape, mainly…”

I laughed, “Oh yeah? You couldn’t even name the color of it,” I teased.

“Of course I can.” He cried out. I raised my eyebrows. “It’s blue.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Hi, I'm Peter and I'll be your waiter tonight," a blond guy with a white shirt and a notepad said in a bored voice. Of course he had to be named Peter, I thought scowling. Aiden gave me a worried look and squeezed my hand on the table. I smiled reassuringly and looked up at him.

"I'll have the salmon in a foil parcel with rice. Oh, and a diet coke please."

He sighed. "We don't have coke here, is Pepsi ok?" he asked flatly.

"Is fucking Monopoly money ok?" I retorted angrily. Pepsi was the most disgusting thing on Earth; its smell sickened me and it had that horrid green tea aftertaste. OK, maybe it was because one day Aiden bought a two liters bottle of Pepsi and dared me to drink it in less than 10 minutes.

He snorted, scowling at me. "Sasha!" Aiden hissed, and then smiled at the waiter "She'll take a Dr Pepper, thanks."

The waiter grinned at Aiden, batting his eyelashes. "What can I do for you?" He flirted outrageously, making Aiden shift uncomfortably in his seat. I was both angry and amused by this scene; the waiter had the nerves to hit on Aiden right before me, but watching Aiden being hit on by a guy was something I sure didn't want to miss. And was it just me that heard the double meaning…?

"Err...” Aiden said slowly, before gazing at me with pleading eyes. I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing and shook my head subtly. "I'll have vegetarian ravioli and a glass of sparkling water," He ordered, looking everywhere but at the waiter.

"Ok, I'm going to get your drinks, I'll be right back," he said and shoot a wink at Aiden before taking off.

I burst out laughing and Aiden glared at me menacingly. "It's not funny. Stop it" He hissed, crossing his arms on his chest, making me laugh even more.

"There you go," The waiter said dryly, putting my drink in front of me. He turned to Aiden, smirking at him, and put down roughly his drink, making some spill on Aiden's pants. I had to put my hand on my mouth to keep myself from laughing.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, let me…" the waiter apologized and took a dish towel out of nowhere. Oh yeah, he definitely planned that one, I thought as he mopped up the spilled water on Aiden's jeans. Weirdly enough, Aiden started to blush and eventually stood up.

"IT'S OK! I've got it now," he snatched the towel from the waiter's hand. He smirked at him and left.

I chuckled before asking him "What was that all about?"

"He felt me up," Aiden replied through gritted teeth, dabbing at the water on his jeans. He was still a little flushed and I would bet anything cleaning his pants was just a reason not to look at me.

I laughed, "Yeah I figured. But what was the last part about?"

Aiden blushed again, put the dishcloth on the table with a resigned look on his face. "Would you believe me if..." I motioned him to continue with my hand "If I told you I enjoyed it when he did?"

I burst out into a fit of giggles, bending over with laughter. People around us stared at me like I was some kind of freak, but I had to admit I was laughing pretty loudly. After a couple of minutes I finally managed to calm down, my breathing heavy and my ribs hurting slightly.

"Are you done?" He asked as I wiped the tears that had formed at the corners of my eyes.

I chuckled lightly just at the thought of it. "Yes, yes I believe I am." He glared at me. "So, do you think you're gay?" I asked, trying to keep my face straight.

He shot daggers at me, but then a worried look reached his eyes. "I don't know, I mean..."

"Do you want me to check if you're gay?" I suggested.

He smirked and nodded his head fervently. I smiled wickedly and scooted my chair closer to his until I was sitting right next to him. I took the handkerchief in my hands and looked up at Aiden. His face was a mixture of eagerness and worry. Why was he worried? I brushed this thought away and began to mop his jeans at the level of his crotch with the handkerchief.

I looked up at Aiden and saw his lips were slightly parted and his eyes were loose on his sides. I rubbed harder, pressing on his groin slightly and he held the wooden table with one hand, moaning quietly. This time I worked with two hands, purposely rubbing hard. "Oh God Sasha" he moaned and kissed me full on the mouth, taking my head between his hands. I smiled on his lips and he used the occasion to slip his tongue in my mouth.

Just when it was getting interesting -his hands had slipped under my dress- someone cleared their throat. I tried to pull away but Aiden bit on my lip, making me squeal, then freed me. He smirked at me and I stuck my tongue out.

"Here is your fish," the waiter said curtly and put the dish on the table, shooting me an annoyed look. He put Aiden's meal in front of him without even looking at him, probably hurt by Aiden’s reaction. I sniggered quietly.

"So?" I asked Aiden when the waiter left. Mm, that fish smelled delicious. I un-wrapped the foil parcel eagerly and stabbed the fish in its tiny heart. Wait, did fish have hearts?

"Definitely straight, or maybe I'm bi" he teased and I slapped his arm playfully.

The dinner was great; the food was wonderful and this time I didn't throw up since Aiden had the decency to order a vegetarian meal unlike Peter. We laughed and talked and laughed again and now we had arrived in front of his house.

I captured Aiden’s lips as soon as he stopped the car after parking in the ally. He fell back towards the window, laughing against my lips. He pulled away and looked at me with an amused glint in his eyes.

“Wow, eager much?” He teased, caressing my bare arms with his fingertips.

I nodded and I leaped on him again. Our lips collided, sending ripples of desire through me. Aiden cupped my cheek with one hand as I sneaked mine under his shirt, making him moan in my mouth. I took this as an opportunity to prove my superior kissing skills and slipped my tongue in his mouth. I licked his tongue and massaged it, but instead of moaning like I was expecting, Aiden pulled away, startling me.  He exited the car and ran stupidly to the other side, making me laugh, and opened my door. He jerked me up on my feet and led me to his door. He fought a couple of seconds with the door but eventually opened it.

Once we got in, he kissed me full on the mouth fiercely. I gripped my hands in his hair, making him moan in the back of his throat. He stumbled on the shoes littered on the floor of his hallway and wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me across the landing to the staircase and slammed me on the wall. I caught my breath as he moved down and started kissing down my neck. I unconsciously lifted my head to give him full access, breathing heavily.

“Aiden,” I moaned, literally panting now.

“Mmmh?” he answered, still trailing kisses down my collarbone.

“I don’t want to die in a staircase because you’re too eager to actually wait till we arrive to your room,” I scolded him.

He chuckled and let go of me. We climbed up the stairs and eventually made it to his room.

“What is it about you that makes me feel like this?” He breathed, staring at me in the eyes. He brushed tenderly a loose lock of hair from my eyes and cupped my cheeks. 

“Like what?” I asked softly, heartened by his gesture. He kissed me as a reply, softly, almost brushing my lips.

"I really like that dress," he murmured between kisses. He went down my neck and I unconsciously allowed him more room by tipping my head down. "But I think I like it better on the floor."

While trailing kisses from my collarbone to my shoulder, he unzipped it and slowly slipped it off me, caressing my body in the process. Once it fell on the floor, he took a step back and looked at me. "Oh yeah, it definitely suits the floor better,"

I grabbed his shirt and turned him around, making him fall on the bed. "My turn now,"

He smirked and leaned back on the bed. I crawled on top of him and sit comfortably on him. I unbuttoned his shirt slowly, kissing his chest after taking off a button. When I arrived to the last button, I put a kiss under his belly button; he gasped, probably anticipating what was next.

"Nuh-uh, it won't be that easy Lover boy,"

He pouted, making me laugh, and I kissed his lips. I pulled away after two seconds but he pulled me back by my bra and kissed me.

You:  Hey! Hey! Hey!

Me: What? What is it?

You: We don’t want graphic details! Stop that right away!

Me: Really? But how could I know? You guys never tell me! :( Ok, up to the next scene now…


I lay down the bed, rather exhausted after our ‘session of coitus.’ Aiden snuggled up to me, his head and one hand on my chest close to my heart.

"You're listening to my heart?" I asked softly, heartened.

"No, I'm touching your boobs," Aiden answered as quietly.

I stiffed a laugh and pushed him off of me, getting off the bed. "Perv!"

He just laughed and watched me button his shirt. I flipped him off, twisted on my heels around and went down the stairs to get a glass of water.

A shimmering light from the living-room caught my eyes on the way for the kitchen. Who could it be? Aiden told me his mom and dad was away for their 20 years marriage anniversary. I opened the door and noticed blonde hair poking out at the top of the couch. Did Aiden have a brother I didn't about? Or thieves now liked to watch television at their victim's house nowadays?  I grabbed an umbrella and tiptoed to the sofa, controlling my breathing.

When I was close enough, I hit him with all I had on the head, receiving an ‘Ouch’ loudly. I struck him again, but he ducked it, jumping aside. He then grabbed a cushion to protect himself.  He eventually started to hit me as well... With the cushion.

"What kind of thief punches their victim with a cushion?" I cried out.

"What? There’s a thief? Where..?" he said and hid behind cushion, scanning the room with a terrified look on his face.

I burst out into a fit of giggles, literally shaking with laughter.  He threw the cushion on the sofa and put his hands on his hips in response to my laughter.

I arched an eyebrow. "You do know you look gay when you do that, right?" I taunted.

He quickly laid his arms on his sides and glared at me. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sasha. Who are YOU and what are you doing in the middle of the night watching TV in Aiden's living room?" I asked bemused.

"It's not Aiden's living room, it's my aunt's living room," he stated, collapsing on the sofa. “And my name is Austin,”

Aiden's cousin…? WTF?

"You're Aiden's cousin? What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, my sister and I are staying in town for a while," a flashback of a beautiful blonde girl holding my hair while I puked and sitting next to Aiden at a restaurant popped into my mind "She found a modeling job here and my parents are broke right now so they sent me to live with her for a bit," he told me, blushing slightly towards the end.

I felt the strange urge to pat his cheeks and tell him there was no need to be ashamed of being poor and that he could be a model himself. Weird.

The thing was he could be a model. And I’d been dumb not to notice he was from the family; his blonde hair and the strong jaw line gave him away, although his nose had a slight bump and he had a butt-shin that nobody in Aiden’s family have. His hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes, yet he was still watching some soccer game.

“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” I asked and fell down next to him on the sofa.

“It’s the only time when I can catch up British football games.” He answered. After a pause he added “And I couldn’t sleep because of …” He trailed off and blushed.

I bit my lip. Oh damn, Aiden and I woke him up! It’s not my fault I was so loud though… Aiden did wonders with his hands. But why was he blushing? Surely he has been confronted to that situation before, I mean he was hot and he was a guy for Christ’s sake! And heck was he fine; he was half naked, probably sleeping in only his pajama’s pants, and he was well-built for a lad. I noticed a golden cross hanging on his neck… I widened my eyes when realization sank in.

“You believe in God?” I asked out of the blue.

“Jesus is my savior,” He answered simply and kissed his cross. Ok… That clarifies things I guess!

We remained silent for the next minutes; he was watching the game with interest while I simply didn’t understand a thing.

“You like soccer?”  I asked out of boredom. I couldn’t stand being silent like that, and the commentators voice was getting on my nerves. His accent was even horrible and hard to understand, and he liked to talk down Liverpool a lot, which made me, think he was from Manchester.

“I love soccer, but I’m a football player,” he replied, eyes focused on the screen. I took the remote and flicked swiftly through the channels until I hopped on E4. Luckily, Misfits was running and soon enough I was the one with her eyes focused on the screen.

“Hey, put the game back!” Austin cried out, trying to grab the remote.

I held it up out of reach, “No way am I putting that shit back!”

He glared at me and crossed his arms. “Ok, but we are not watching this either. Let’s just turn off the TV,” he suggested.

“OK,” I switched the TV off and threw the remote on the sofa between us. He laughed out loud and grabbed it and put the game on.

“YOU TRAITOR!” I shouted and jumped on him to have the remote back. He laughed and held his arm up, and guess what? Yes, I was too short to reach it. I crawled on top of him and tried to reach it but he was too tall. He laughed at me and I flicked him on the nose, making him laugh harder.

“C’mon Sasha, I was just kidding- Hey what are you two doing?” Aiden’s voice asked.

Oops! I sat back on the sofa, tugging down his shirt nervously. How could I make him forget about it? “Aiden, when were you planning on telling me your cousin was staying at your house?” I accused.

Aiden held out his hands innocently “Sorry, sorry, I forgot about that!” he apologized, and then turned to Austin. “Austin, man it’s been a while since I’ve seen you, where have you been?”

He came by the sofa and sat between us, bumping fists with Austin. “I’ve been staying with Tasha, but you know she has a job now and she doesn’t have time to look after me so I can’t stay with her,” He said sadly. “It’s nice of your parents to let me crash here,” He smiled weakly at Aiden.

“Aw, no problem man, you’re family,” Aiden said laughing, slapping Austin on the back. What was he doing? He was playing all ‘aw man’ and ‘duuuude’ like! Just like every guy in our school, which was the reason I only hung out with Aiden. Because this wasn’t Aiden, this wasn’t the Aiden I knew. “Sasha, Mom told me to show him around town and high school, you mind if he sticks with us for a while?”

I gritted my teeth. First he didn’t tell me about his cousins coming to town, and now he was expecting me to be ok with the fact that ‘his mom wants us to stick with him for a while’? What kind of joke was that? “Yeah, of course,” I answered anyway snarling to myself.


That's pretty much all I think :D Sorry it sucks so bad... But hey, at least I've uploaded :D

And again, your vote and your comment would be the best present ever :D

OH and guys, this chapter was supposed to be funny! So if you laughed, or even smiled slightly, vote or leave a comment... I would like to know if my sense of humor isn't that weird... So please tell me if you found it funny? 

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