Another Cliché Love Story

By stori99

48.8K 1.4K 1.1K

Hi, I'm Eliza. Looking back I probably should have left him alone. We went to school together all our lives... More

The Beginning of The End
His House
His Apology
The Project
Painful Flashbacks
Back at His House (Hopefully he won't shove alcohol down my throat)
Oh My God, Why My Life
That Fucking Barbarian
My Plan For Get Back At That Mother Fucking Jerk
Remembering Daddy
We Have to Fuck
Our Kind Of Date
Pot Brownies
Girlz Day
Cozy With Elijah
Baby Problems
Calling Bullshit On Love?
Everybody Knows
Getting Deep and Taking It Slow
The Morning After
Sometimes You Gotta Slap A Friend To Help A Friend
Hell? Pfft That's a Paradise Compared To My Life
Aunty Winona
Back in School Fucking Awesome
Back on His Feet
Sleep over
The Family
The Family part 2
The Dinner
Winter Break
The Runway
The Date
Elijah's Plan and Jealousy
No Days Off
Special Type of Date
Baby It's Cold Outside
The Christmas Party
Normal Life
The Baby
The Funeral
The End of the Beginning

Elizabeth Moves In

1.2K 41 32
By stori99

This is how I picture Ryan. He's cute, don't you just hate how cute guys act like asses!!

After the game it's cold outside. I have a short-sleeve shirt on with some pants, but I'm usually in the house by this time it's past ten.

Elijah and I start walking to the parking lot, since the guys ditched me when the game was over.

"What did you think of the game?"

"It was great!" I tell him.

I really did enjoy it. Elijah only struck out once. He swings like his life depends on it.

"You swing, like-"

"My life depends on it." He chuckles. "I've heard that before."

Beatrice pulls up and hands me Deja. Beatrice however doesn't look alright.

"Is everything alright?" Elijah asks.

Beatrice looks at him blankly for a few more seconds then turns to me. "I'm inviting Ryan over for breakfast tomorrow."

I open my mouth, but then she gives me the most hurtful glare.

"I know what I'm doing. Just take Deja home. I need to go do some things."

I nod and she drives off.

"Do you have your car?" I ask.

He nods and guides us to it.

We get in and he takes off.


"Yes?" I answer, knowing this must be serious if he's using my first name.

"Why did you let her dump her kid on you?"

"Because she's my friend." I answer.

He nods. "I get that. But don't let her walk all over you, Eliza. You're too beautiful to be a sidekick."

I blush widely. "Thanks Elijah."

He smirks. "You're cute when you blush."

"How does your girlfriend feel about you being so nice to me and giving me these compliments."

"What girlfriend?" He scoffs.

"You was making out with a whore against Beatrice's car, remember? The girl was all over your lap when I saw you in class."

"Veronica, is just a girl. Nothing special." He assures.

A weird feeling washes over me. I feel more relaxed now and yet disgusted. If she wasn't special then why was he entertaining her. I roll my eyes. I refuse to try to break down his actions and find Logic.

"Can we swing by the hospital?"


"Elizabeth. She should be able to come home now."

"You don't think that'll be weird?"

"I'm hoping it will."

Elijah smirks and heads towards the hospital. "It's sexy when you try to be evil."

I swat his arm and laugh.

He turns on the radio and my fucking song comes on.

"Oh shit! Princess, is rapping to Drake!" Elijah announces shocked.

I smile and continue rap to the beat of the song.

"My ghetto princess."

I blush and we pull up to the hospital.

Elijah comes in with me. Even though, I encouraged him not to.

The doctors roll Elizabeth out in a wheelchair. The nurse gives me a thankful nod. I guess she was giving them a hard time.

I take notice to the cast on her arm. The nurse hands me medicine and then walks away.

"Elijah." Elizabeth greets.

"Hi." He answers coldly.

I roll my eyes and start pushing her wheelchair.

We get to his car and she stands up slowly.

"I'll go take the wheelchair back." Elijah offers.

Suddenly Elizabeth grabs my shirt and snatches me to her.

"He is mine! Stay away from him."

"I think you're letting your feelings get in the way of this."

"Shut up he's mine, so don't even try!"

We hear footsteps approach and she lets go of me.

I get in the front seat with Elijah and replay the events in my mind. Shock comes over me.

Elizabeth will get her heart broken.

I sit back and smile as anger and revenge settle in me. I know I'm not being nice. She can rot in hell as long as I make heaven and I don't think I'll make it after what I'm thinking of doing.

I put my hand on top of Elijah's and give it a little squeeze. "Thanks for the ride Elijah."

He turns and smiles at me. "No problem, Princess."

"Princess?" Elizabeth asks.

"Anyway though, we should probably start on the project. I'm not sure about you coming over to Beatrice's place, because it's kinda crowded now." I hint, looking back at Elizabeth.

I lay my head down on his chest he snickers.

"I knew you'd come around, Princess."

I try not to scoff. He thought! "I couldn't resist you for long." I snicker.

He chuckles. "No one can, but anyway, just be at my place around noon."

He wraps his arm around me and it feels great. It so warm and safe. Just like when my dad did it. I look up at Elijah.

Oh my God, he looks so flawless. His beautiful skin is so smooth. I move my hand on his strong chest. Whoa, I'm starting to get carried away. I really want to kiss him. Is that bad? That I want to kiss his beautiful neck.

"Eliza!" Elizabeth snarls. "What are you doing to my boyfriend?"

"You're what?" Elijah asks.

I grip Elijah's hand. He glanced at my face and my eyes silently beg for him but to tell her right now.

He sighs and turns back to the road. He turns on the radio and Earned it by Chief Keef.

Elijah and I say the words to the song.

Elizabeth scoffs.

We soon pull up to the house.

We get out and Elijah walks us to the door.

"Thanks Barbarian." I tell him.

"Don't call him a Barbarian! He is anything but! You will not disrespect my boyfriend." Elizabeth exclaims.

"That's enough!" Elijah demands. "We aren't together, and never will be. Yeah we fucked, so?"

Elizabeth gasps. "So?"

"Yeah, so. You knew you weren't the first." He shrugs then turns to me. "I'll see you later Eliza."

Tears cloud in her eyes as he walks away and I open the door and walk in.

Beatrice comes downstairs and I see no emotion in her face. She comes and takes Deja then turns to Elizabeth.

"There's only one rule here and that's not getting on my nerves. You sadly are ready broke it so just don't fucking touch my child and don't get in my way." Beatrice snarls.

"Whatever." Elizabeth scoffs.

I get a text.

Elijah: sorry I had to tell ur sister off like that but shit had to happen

Me: yea I get it

Elijah: Princess you was kinda bogus for flirting in front of her face. Maybe I was wrong about you

Me: what did you think of me before?

Elijah: I thought you were this do gooder but now I see ur just as evil as the rest of us

Me: I can't deny, but as long as you kno it was all fake

Elijah: is that why you kept biting ur lips probably wanting to kiss me.

How could he have known that?

Me: no I umm was just biting them

Elijah: you're a horrible liar.

Me: it's a godly trait

Elijah: plz princess, your evil deep down inside and I can't wait until you let it out.

"Eliza!" Beatrice calls.

I look up from the screen.

"Ryan will be here in the morning, I'm not sure you want to be here."

I nod and head upstairs to my room.

Elijah: you feel like going to a party?

Me: you really don't take breaks. You kno I just got home and comfortable.

Elijah: you not comfortable until my face is between ur legs

I almost choke.

Me: I kno you didn't just say that to me!

Elijah: It's true.

I shake my head and yawn.

Me: whatever Barbarian I'm going to bed!

Elijah: so early?

Me: yep

I turn my phone off and go to sleep.

I wake up the next morning to the sound of the doorbell.

I stretch and roll out of bed. I open the door and walk out. I walk downstairs and see something out of the ordinary.

Beatrice cooked breakfast.

I look around and see a lot of food and Beatrice is opening the door and Ryan walks in. He sends me a glare and so does she.

"You were supposed to be gone by now." She snarls.

I shrug. "Sorry."

She ushers Ryan to the table and he sits as if he can't tell anything is wrong. Beatrice doesn't cook like this. This breakfast could feed a clan.

I take a seat on the couch but still keep my eyes on them.

"Ryan, I'm sorry I kicked you out like that." Beatrice apologizes.

What?! Does she know what she's saying?!

He smiles at her.

"Now that we're done with that problem, let's talk about something else." Beatrice advises, pouring some orange juice into a glass.

"Like what?" He asks.

"I'm pregnant!" she tells him, smashing the glass in his face.

He screams in pain. She jumps across the table and grabs the back of his neck.

"And I have the Clap!" She shouts, putting him in a choke hold.


"I promise to God, that you will never know this child! I promise to God that Deja will forget you! If I ever see you again, and we'll fight and I won't stop until you stop moving."

"I'll go to court!" Ryan counters.

"Go then and lose!" She demands, and kicks him out the house.

She slams the door and turns to me.

"I want to be alone right now. Get out." She tells me calmly.

I nod and grab my slippers and leave. I climb on my motorcycle and drive.

Another baby?

How? We're barely surviving with one!

The Clap?! That's serious! I wouldn't even know how to deal with that.

I drive to Elijah's house and ring the doorbell.

He opens it moments later, in nothing more than a T-shirt and pajama pants.

He smirks at me and I realize I'm wearing booty shorts and a T-shirt. I silently thank God I slept in my bra last night.

"I wasn't expecting you until later." He smirks. "And I certainly wasn't expecting you to come dressed like this."

I roll my eyes. "Stuff happened at Beatrice's house and I had to hurry and leave."

"And your first thought was to come here, how sweet."

I roll my eyes. "Are you going to let me in?"

He moves so I can get past.

"Son, who was that at the door?" His farther asks. I only know that's is dad, because I'm into vehicles and so of course I know what Mr. And Mrs. Motors look like.

He stops once he sees me then looks at his son judgingly. "Didn't I say no more girls over the house?"

"She's my History partner." He informs.

Mr. Motors looks at me, not really believing it.

Elijah rolls his eyes. "We'll be in my room."

He ushers me past his father and up the stairs to his room. Looking at his bed, I instantly feel tired again.

I go and sit in his soft bed. He soon joins me with worry edged on his face.

"What happened?"

"Beatrice is pregnant and she smashed a glass of orange juice in Ryan's face." I inform him. I don't want to tell him about Beatrice's condition, because I doubt she'd want him to know.

He takes in a sigh. "She is crazy." Elijah declares.

"Duh, but let's start thinking about the project."

"We should start off with how many women he had sex with. Some say it's over twenty."

"Why would we open with that?* I chuckle.

"Because, it's interesting." He counters.

"No, he acted like a man whore."

"Men can't be whores." He counters.

"Well that's what everyone says about you."

"Good, people still talk about me. It really does warm my heart. I'll be advising people to take an abundance of seats while they wait for me to start giving a fuck."

I chuckle. "Such language." I tell him teasingly.

"You know I have a special seat for you." He informs.

"Really where?"

"On my face."

I blush. I couldn't help it! "Oh my God."

He laughs at my reaction. "You're so cute Princess."

I nudge his arm. "Shut up!"

He laughs a bit louder and grabs my wrist for support.

We soon start the poster for our project. Since I have good handwriting, I write information down and he searches.

I gave up listening to him, because he constantly tries to put facts in about how many women King Henry the Eighth slept with.

We get the outline of the poster finished a few hours later.

"It's break time." He informs.

Just then a knock is heard.

"Come in!" He demands.

"Your mother and I are leaving for our trip now."

"Okay bye." Elijah dismisses.

With that they leave and it's just me and Elijah. I don't know why, but it feels weird being here with him. We're alone it's weird.

"You hungry?" He asks.

"Yeah, I didn't eat breakfast."

He nods and calls a pizza place and places an order.

He then hangs up and heads outside. I follow not, wanting to be alone.

Elijah walks into the garage and I find a motorcycle that's in the makings. There's some stuff off about it though. He didn't have the equipment in the right place.

"You making this?" I ask.

"Yea, it'll be the first I ever made."

"Well you have it damn near all wrong."

"Oh Princess, I didn't know you knew much about motorcycles except his to ride them. You are a good rider, I might add."

I roll my eyes. "Just hand me a wrench."

He does and wet both go to work on this piece of crap.

"Princess, I just can't figure you out."

"Why not?" I ask, working on the engine.

"You're sexy. You're funny, you can spit bars like nobody's fucking business and you can ride a motorcycle. Not to mention you're thick at hell."

I smirk at his words and force blush and butterflies down. "Yeah okay."

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?"

I bring my head up from the engine and look at him. He's undeniably sexy. Even covered in oil and dirt, he's beautiful. He's flawless.

"I'm not sure. Not many guys pay attention to me."

"I've been noticing you for a while." He counters, working on the bike.

"Then why haven't you approached me?"

"Because, you were with Beatrice all the damn time. There's even rumors that you two are lovers."


"Yep, not that I would really mind seeing the two of you making out."

I throw my tool at him which he easily catches then handed it back to me, knowing I need it.

"But for real. If you step out of her shadow, you could have anybody."

"I don't even think I'm looking for anybody."

I smile. "You think so?"

"Princess, I know so with as sexy as you are." He tells me walking over to me.

He tilts my chin up so we're making eye contact. "Malik is lucky he got your first kiss."

"The more I think about it the more I think it was a mistake."

He smiles and bites his bottom lip. Oh Jesus! His eyes focus in on my lips and he doesn't leans down to me.

The doorbell rings right as I'm beginning to feel the warmth of his body heat.

He turns and cusses. He ushers me back inside so I can wash up as he gets the door.

I wash my face and hands and meet him back in the living room.

He has the pizza box opened and hands me a plate. We grab a couple slices then he turns on the TV and goes to Netflix.

I chuckle at the situation. Netflix and Chill.

He turns to the movie John Wick.

"I loved this movie." I inform.

"And you like action movies. Princess, it's official, you're the baddest I ever seen."

I smile and watch the movie.

Heyyy guys! What did you think of the chapter? Maybe now Elijah and Eliza can finally find common ground. Beatrice and Ryan though, I don't think he'll survive another baby with her!

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