Piercing the Blackened Rose

By Envyxthexplague

1.8K 88 24


Piercing the Blackened Rose
Maybe a cure?
Shadow Fall University of The Gifted
Hope... maybe
Someone actually cares
Chapter 2

Crush Under Way

160 12 2
By Envyxthexplague

I finally got to sit down as I was a bit ashamed to look at Xavier, yes I loved his real name more than the name Corpse, though the thought of What did he think of me now ran through my mind? All of a sudden I felt someone gently touch my hand from underneath the table. I frowned to myself as I glanced up at Xavier as he smiles down at me as I saw his arm over his chair and went right under the table. Nyx had started her lessons as Xavier whispers to me in a caring tone

"I do not think of you any less, you impress me."

Xavier grinned his toothy grin and turns around in his desk leaving my hand alone in the cold room. I bit my lip as I could feel my cheeks burning again, what was up with this guy its as if he even glances at me I go off in a blushing madness. I then felt a piece of paper tap the side of my hand making me jump a bit at the sudden contact. No one had noticed thankfully as I pulled the letter up trying to hear a bit of Nyx's lesson, she was talking about unknowns, they were creatures that had multiple creatures in them. I then read

"Massacre, Corpse is the biggest hottie of the school! He never is the first one to talk to you... He really never talks to girls."

I grinned to myself as I read the letter from Kandii as I wrote back

"Kandii... I think I really like him."

Kandii giggled next to me as Nyx turned around with an amused smile on her face as Kandii tried to hide the note. Nyx then says

"Really girls, pay attention please and put that darn note away you have all next period to talk."

I blushed again as I felt his gorgeous stare on my face, I wanted to know why he was affecting me so much.

School finally ended as I was a bit bummed that I only had Corpse in a few of my classes but every single one he would either sit next to me or in front of me. I wanted too run my hands through his gorgeous long black hair... braid it just for fun. I smiled to myself at that thought as Kandii grabbed my shoulders shaking me. I looked at her as she says a bit scared

"You started to shake again Massacre... you know how dangerous your feelings are getting."

Kandii was right, I had to get a hold of these emotions or at least get in control of my blood lust so I don't hurt Corpse. I nodded my head in agreement, it was hard pushing him out of my mind just his body... hair... face those damn endless black eyes. I gasped as I shook myself out of the day dream. This had to be fixed soon... real soon, I hope my uncle has figured something out. We got home as Kandii got out of my lap, Cassius decided to take his truck out with his whore somewhere to be 'alone' for awhile... ass. Once I walked into the house I heard some one running down the hall as a voice soon followed yelling

"I've got it!!! Massacre I have figured out a cure till you get bonded to your one!"

My uncle grabs my arm and starts dragging me to the back room where there was a weird machine and some items that looked like a tattoo gun. I frown as I said skeptical

"Uncle... A tattoo inst going to help my cravings."

My uncle laughs to himself as he sat me down and said

"Of course a real tattoo wouldn't help you with jack but ink from a mix of werewolf's blood and demon blood would make you immortal and help with the cravings of bloodshed."

I bit my lip as my uncle stares at me waiting for my response as he then says softly

"Your options are this, Cassius or being mortal"

I sighed heavily as I says

"Then let's get this over with Uncle... where will this be?"

"Across your chest, not your breasts do not worry, its easier for the werewolf and demon blood to get to your heart and change you quicker. I have to knock you out in the time being so you wont really feel the pain or any of the changes, are you ready Massacre?"

"Yes uncle lets do this"

I woke up with a pounding head ache as I slowly push myself up, I then soon realized Kandii was in my face as Collyn was leaning against the wall of my room. Kandii smiles and says

"Yay, you woke up just in time to make to school you already missed one day."

I groaned as I rubbed my head as her words sunk into my head as I then say

"I missed school already!"

"Yeah, Dark told them why you were absent and I let Corpse know why you weren't here, he was a bit worried about you."

Collyn humped and mumbled out

"Yeah, a little is an understatement, I thought he was about to kill someone if he didn't find out... I think you guys might have a connection bond going, I mean why else would he go so crazy of someone?"

I frowned a bit as I raised my hand to run it through my hair but found out that my arms were deathly pale. My eyes widen as I ran to my bathroom to look at the new me. My. God.... I was absolutely gorgeous! My hair was still black but it was in perfect waves and was full with life and volume. I could actually see out of both eyes which were now a gorgeous ice blue. My complexion and appearance was perfect, I mean absolutely stunning. Then there was my gorgeous chest tattoo that looked absolutely amazing!!! {pic on the side guys--->}  It was to gorgeous for words. Kandii came in as she giggled and said

"Hurry up Massacre, we don't want to be late for school."

I nodded my head kind of listening to her, I couldn't believe this was me... I loved it. I quickly change into a corset dress with no sleeves and left it as is my hair was perfect as well as my makeup that seemed tattooed on now. I couldn't be happier... wait a minute, I'm extremely happy and I don't need blood as much!! I smiled to myself as I ran down stairs just to run into Cassius at the bottom of the stairs.Cassius growl lowly as he started to hiss out

"Watch were the fuck yo..."

I smirked at the asshole as I got up dusting myself off and said to Collyn

"Can we go?"

"Yeah, here!"

Collyn hands me something as I looked at my hand to see the blood balls. There had to be at least ten of them in the medium baggy. I frowned at Collyn as he says

"You will get hungry during the day, its a snack till lunch."

I smiled as I popped on in my mouth as the taste was absolutely amazing this time. We all got into Dark's car so we could fit together with out me having to get into Cassius's truck with him. Once we got to the school I kind of was on the look out for my hottie. I didnt see him though, damn. All of a sudden I hear her wretched voices say as I walked up to my class without Kandii.

"Hey you are you new here or do you like to stand in front of peoples class rooms?"

So I guess that Dark's solution wasn't 100% affect because all I could see was red as I looked at Elizabeth. I grinned evilly as I said

"Hm, I don't know right now I'm enjoying ticking you off. Why are you in such a hurry into the class anyways, I mean the away you look says your not a classroom person."

I crossed my arms as I looked her straight in the eyes as she glared heavily at me and hissed out lowly

"Well I heard this pathetic mortal girl Massacre is back from being changed into an immortal and I wanted to see if anything could fix her hideous fucking face. What's your name anyways?"

I grinned crookedly as I said in amused tone

"Don't worry bout my name, it seems that its not that great of importance to you."

I walked into the classroom as I sat in a desk by myself, Kandii wanted to have some time with Collyn before class and I respect that I mean I would want my space if I have a eternal lover or mate. I sighed as I ran my fingers in my hair as I looked over the packet that we were going to do. I then heard someone sit next to me as a deep voice said

"You know Massacre... I like it when your feisty to Elizabeth."

I looked up to stare right into his gorgeous endless black eyes, I smiled as I replied

"Well someone has to put her in her place."

"Are you doing it because you like Cassius?"

I frowned as I looked over to where Cassius and Elizabeth sat, Elizabeth was to busy making her snide remarks about how I'm going to still be hideous to even listen to Cassius tell her that I was Massacre. I then looked at Corpse and replied

"No, I use to have a friend just like her... I just don't want to go down that path again and I am sure not going to take her crap."

Corpse grins at me looking down as I blushed deeply, I wondered why in the world was he even giving me the time of day. The thing was I liked the attention though, it made me feel wanted for once. Corpse then looks over to Cassius as I glanced over to see so much hate in Cassius's eyes as the two stared at each other. I wondered why they hated each other? Nyx walked into the classroom as I felt the atmosphere get lighter but my mood stayed the same. You had to be there to see the reaction of Elizabeth's face when she finally shut up and found out that I was Massacre, it was absolutely priceless.

Months went by as Cassius never spoke to me and completely ignored me at all costs. I had been dating Corpse for a month now as I was now regretting my decision. At first he was amazing, the best person I had ever met. He was sweet, caring and loving and we never had any secrets, except mine for killing Cassius. I really didnt want any one to know of that secret, it was mine and no one else. Then all of a sudden Corpse changed into an abusive, hateful guy. In public we were fine and the perfect couple but away from everyone's eyes he would hit me and beat me for small things. I had to stay the weight of 116 and wear what he told me to wear. He made me wear the most girly and slutty clothes that he could find. I had to color my hair blond and keep it straight or he would hurt me mentally and physically. No one noticed so far and I doubt no one cared. I was sitting on the couch at Corpse's house as I barely moved afraid if I made the wrong move I would get hit. Corpse was sitting next to me watching his show as I decided to try and cuddle into him more. Corpse let out a low growl as he hissed out

"What the fuck do you think your doing?"

I bit my lip as I lowered my head and said in a soft voice

"I... I wanted to cuddle closer to you. I'm sorry Corpse I should have asked."

All of a sudden I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh as a stinging pain formed on my face and a force making me fall to the floor in front of Corpse. I dared not to get up, he loved the fact that I was so weak and I cowered and getting up was challenging him. I gulped lowly as I held my tears as he yelled

"Damn fucking right you should have asked, you worthless piece of shit! Go get me a beer!"

I quickly scrambled to my feet and grabbed a beer for Corpse as I quickly got back to him as I got on my knees in front of him  and handed him the beer. Corpse grabbed it and drank it all as I almost started to get up to sit on the couch but I was sent flying back as I looked at Corpse shocked. Corpse had a drunken stare while he watched me, he had been drinking all day today for some odd reason. Corpse growls lowly as he stood up and stalked over to me and kissed me roughly. I tried to break away just to get my head slammed on the floor making me go light headed as Corpse started to roam my body. Panic was welling up inside me as I started to try and fight him off, I wasn't ready for this I was saving it for my mate! Corpse suddenly punched me in the eye making my body go in shock as my face felt numb with blistering pain. He had never punched me in the face before he made sure that the cuts and bruises were easily hidden. Corpse then hisses out hatefully

"Don't you fucking dare fight this you fucking slut! Look at you, your pathetic, if I don't do what I want no one will love you, your mate is going to reject you either way, your nothing Massacre! Why cant you be like Elizabeth, at least she pleases me."

My eyes widen with hurt and pain as I looked him in the eye, he.... he was cheating on me... with her? I let my body go numb as I looked away, was he right? Was I nothing to any one? I just let my fate fall into his hands and lost myself in the process.

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