Life of Tony Perry's sister

By XIdobelieveinfairies

74.2K 1.5K 223

My life hasn't been perfect, I tend to tell my stories to fans that think that my brother along with his band... More

Life of Tony Perry's sister
chapter 2
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chaper 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
sneak peak :3
Chapter 13
Capter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
looking for two new characters
Closed for new characters
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not A Update :/
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

Chapter three

4.3K 88 18
By XIdobelieveinfairies


I woke in my room, ‘how did I get here?’ I thought as I got up, I walked down stairs to see Stephanie and Tony on the couch. “Morning Tone.” I grumbled as I walk into the kitchen, “Hey sis, what are your plans for today?” “uh…” is all I said as I grabbed a monster, going back into the Living room, “I don’t know I just got up? When did I get home?” he chuckled as Stephanie scoffed, “Last night, you feel asleep while I was holding you.” I nodded, “Why are the boys wanting to do something today?” he nodded, “They want to go to the beach!” I jumped up spilling my monster all over my phone. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed my phone wouldn’t turn on, “After we get myself a new phone.” I whimpered as I looked at it.

Tony picked me up throwing me over his shoulder making me squeal, he chuckled, “Go get dressed,” I nodded as he let me go I bolted up stairs as I ran to my room I tripped over one of stephanie’s shoes. I screamed as I did an idiotic thing I tried to catch my fall. I heard footsteps running up the stairs as I saw Tony and Stephanie, I threw stephanie’s shoe at her as I cried and whimpered. “Come on sis, let’s get you to the hospital.” I nodded going in my room first I got changed into Suicide Silence shirt, with my skinny Jeans, my snap back, I slipped on my TOMS and grabbed my Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie, grabbing my make-up bag. I saw Tony cleaning up Stephanie’s mess, “No Tone, Stephanie is going to stay here and clean up her own damned mess.”

He looked at me nodding slowly, we rushed out to his truck he helped me in the truck, I looked at Tony, “Call the guys when we get to the hospital.” He nodded again as he backed out of our drive way and drove to the hospital. I sat in the chair waiting with Tony as he called the guys, all I caught was, “get her an IPhone…yeah Black…okay…” I saw a nurse look at me, “Andrea Perry?” I stood up I kissed Tony’s cheek and walked with her. “Is that your husband?” I shook my head, “Nope my brother. I tripped over his girlfriend’s many shoes’ in the hallway.” She nodded as she looked at me, “We might need to take X-rays, we will see what the doctor says.” I nodded following her, she took my height 5’7” my weight.

She asked me questions as I answered them now I’m just sitting in the room waiting, I groaned because I couldn’t text anyone. When the doctor finally came in she smiled at me, “Now tell me what happen?” I smiled nodding, “I tripped over one of my brother’s girlfriend’s shoes I tried stopping myself by putting my arms in front of me but my right arm hurts extremely bad.” She nodded, “Let’s go get an X-ray done.” I nodded walking with her she handed me this gown as I got done changing she poked her head in as I smiled at her, she put my things in the room with her so the metal doesn’t interfere with the machine.  When we got done I got changed quick and waited in the waiting room till she called me again. I walked out to the waiting room seeing the guys with Tony; “Hey guys.” I said as I walked over to them. “So what’s the news?” I shrugged, “I donno I had to get X-rays done.”

Vic, Mike, Jamie and Tony all engulfed me in a hug when my name was called again. I walked back into the doctors office, “You just have a sprang just wear an arm brace for a week or two. You can buy one at wal*mart.” I nodded, “Thanks!” she smiled softly at me as I walked out of the room and into the waiting room again, “I need to wear a brace for about a week or two, than I go back in to whatever hospital in whatever city we are in.” They all laughed as Tony handed me my new phone. I smiled at them than looked at the cover ‘I like to party’ an Asking Alexandria cover. I giggled at it than we left, we went to wal*mart got the arm brace than went home to get Stephanie. I walked upstairs to see it was still a shoe filled hallway. I screamed as Stephanie came out she looked at me wide eyed, “Clean it NOW!” I screamed at her as she scrambled to clean it. I didn’t budge until it was clean, I heard tony downstairs say, “You might not want to go up there right now…she is in her boot camp mood.” I chuckled a little when I am on my meds and I get angry they call it the Boot Camp mood. When it was clean I went in my room putting my make up on, than going back downstairs.

Stephanie was crying in my brothers arms, everyone looked at me, “Is she really crying because she had to clean for once in her pitiful life?” Tony glared at me, as I glared back, “Tony do something.” Stephanie whimpered as I raised my eyebrow, as he ignored me, “That’s right do exactly what you did that got me like I was.” Is all I said grabbing my skateboarded, my phone; slipping my TOMS on and going outside. I skated back to the tattoo shop, “hey Charles!” he looked at me smiling, “I finally got that other tattoo drawing done.” I squealed as I sat in the chair, he laughed, “Where do you want it?” I lifted my shirt showing him my rib area. He nodded as he put the trace down I looked in the mirror happy with it. OH! Your probably wondering what I’m getting it’s a baby cartoon panda playing with Vic’s, Jamie’s, Mike’s and Tony’s soul animals.

“Is it coincidence you come in when I finish or did something happen.” He motioned to my arm, so I told him the story, he shook his head, “I new something like that would happen, you need to get your own apartment, girl, I would let you apprentice here and live upstairs.” I looked up at him, “Well could I after this tour?” I asked shyly as he smiled. “Of course.” I smiled as I grabbed my phone which had blown up with texts from Jamie, Vic, and Mike. I did a quick text back to all three of them as I laid on the table waiting for my tattoo to get finished, “DO you have lotion here for my other tats?” He chuckled nodding.

As he got done I smiled at it, as he left to go get the wrap and lotion, I took the plastic off my other tattoos as he came back I put lotion on them as he wrapped my ribs. I paid for it than skateboarded to the park. When I got to the park I grabbed my skateboard and sat on the grass by the river; I went on youtube on my phone playing Time-Bomb by All Time Low. I watched the sun set as I felt a hand on my shoulder I jumped seeing Tony. I turned back around and stared at the river, “I’m sorry Andrea, I know you were trying to do the right thing and I got mad when I shouldn’t have.” I nodded, “I’m moving out, I’m moving upstairs of the tattoo shop, than apprenticing Charles.” I felt him hug me, “Do what you think is right Panda, I will miss you living with me.” I turned so I could hug him back. “I will miss you too, If you guys are going to warped I can see if he will let me go.” I whispered. He nodded, “I got your hoodie in the truck I sent Steph home, the guys are worried and I am too let’s go get dinner.”

I nodded, getting up slowly; “Wanna see something cool?” He nodded as I lifted my shirt to show my ribs he chuckled, “This was your other tattoo Charles was talking about?” I nodded at him as he kissed the side of my head. “I think it’s great Panda.” I smiled, “Let’s do this.” I said as we left for dinner, we got to a cute little Mexican restaurant. We sat ate talked about random things, “We could go to the beach tomorrow?” “Can’t manager called saying we are loading tomorrow and going so we have all our things at the house and it’s already…” I nodded, “After this tour I’m moving out and into the little apartment above the tattoo shop and apprenticing Charles, so I want to see each one of you there.” They laughed as we paid and left. 

We went to the nearest Ice Cream parlors, I smiled; “You guys can have some, I don’t need some we don’t want a repeat of last time.” They all chuckled at me as I looked at the girl who was looking at me. I walked over to her, “Hello!” she blushed smiling at me, “HI! I love your shirt.” I giggled, “Thanks, so what’s up?” I saw her blush more as I looked behind me, “Oh hey Hime!” he smiled at the girl, “They guys are getting their ice cream you sure  you don’t want anything tbey have hot chocolate!” I looked at him smiling, “Tell them to put a shot of Carmel in there and I am so there!” I kissed his cheek as he messed up my hair chuckling. “Sorry about him.” She shook her head. “your so lucky!” I looked at her, “I would love to see you try n’ live this life it’s not all fun an games ya know.” She scoffed at me, “Yeah right.” I showed her my scars as she looked at me wide eyed.

I left, walking over to the guys, “what did you do to that poor girl.” I looked at mike, “I showed her that life isn’t all perfect for us too…” Vic looked at me, “You showed her your scars.” I just looked down as Tony handed me my hot chocolate; “Thanks Turtle.” I side hugged him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, “Let’s get home, I wanna watch…” They all looked at me as I giggled getting into the front seat of Tony’s truck. They all groaned as they got in, “Will you tell us?” I shook my head, “Nope.” We left to go back to the house. When we got back to the house I got out running and into the house, I put in UP, I ran upstairs grabbing my blanket going back down stairs I got back to see Vic and Tony on the couch I laid my head on Vic’s lap with my feet in Tony’s lap.

Tony groaned as I put my feet in his lap, “But Andrea!” he said as I giggled. “Please deal turtle, I will switch when he is harassing me.” Vic pouted as Tony and I chuckled at him. “Okay, okay” tony chuckled as I snuggled into the blanket. Vic started playing with my hair as Mike sat on the floor with Jamie, I slowly fell asleep to the movie UP.


I watched how Vic played with my sisters hair as she fell asleep, I looked at my phone texting Stephanie back. I sighed when I saw she texted that she was coming over in a couple, “What’s wrong tone?” “Steph is coming over.” The guys groaned, “I’ll put her in her room.” I heard vic say, “And Tone what ever you do, don’t let steph put her shoes anywhere…I’m sure your room is already a mess with her stuff.” I heard Andrea groan, “Steph is coming?” “Yeah.” Well all chorused, “let her see me I don’t give one shit.” She said as I chuckled, “Well get up than.” She got up wrapping her blanket around her, as the door opened, she saw Andrea as she turned pale.

Andrea waved as Steph just paled some more, “Sis, will you order something to eat.” She giggled, as she pressed in a number; “Yes could I get one hawian pizza, a pepparoni pizza, and a vegetarian pizza, with a liter of MD and Pepsi? Alright see you soon!” she smiled at me, kissing my cheek, “Hehe, I always remember your favorite.” I chuckled as I got up walking over to Steph wrapping my arms around her, “You do know we just ate right?” she said as we all laughed, and nodded, “Well save me some for tomorrow I’m too tired to eat.” I walked over kissing her head again, “Night, love you Panda.” She smiled, “Love you too turtle.” I smiled as the rest of us stayed down talked, ate and went to bed . I told Steph that we were leaving tomorrow she was so pissed that she woke Andrea, which resolved in Andrea yelling at Steph for not putting her stuff away in my room. When all the yelling was over Steph and I went to bed.

I heard someone open my door, I looked up “Hey Vic you okay?” He nodded, “I was wondering if I could sleep in here, it uncomfortable on the floor in the living room.” I giggled and moved over on my bed, “Yeah” I patted the bed as he laid, “Night Victor.” He chuckled, “Good night Andrea.” I laughed as I snuggled into Vic’s side falling asleep slowly

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