The Vamp's Girl

By midnightxthunder

82.2K 1.8K 153

April hated everything about her life but now she has the chance to start over in another world - The Vampiri... More

The Vamp's Girl [01]
The Vamp's Girl [02]
The Vamp's Girl [03]
The Vamp's Girl [04]
The Vamp's Girl [05]
The Vamp's Girl [06]
The Vamp's Girl [07]
The Vamp's Girl [08]
The Vamp's Girl [09]
The Vamp's Girl [10]
The Vamp's Girl [12]
The Vamp's Girl [13]
The Vamp's Girl [14]
The Vamp's Girl [15]
The Vamp's Girl [16]
The Vamp's Girl [17]
The Vamp's Girl [18]
The Vamp's Girl [19]
The Vamp's Girl [20]
The Vamp's Girl [21]
The Vamp's Girl 22
The Vamp's Girl [23]
The Vamp's Girl [24]
The Vamp's Girl [25]
The Vamp's Girl 26
The Vamp's Girl [27]
The Vamp's Girl [28]
The Vamp's Girl [29]
The Vamp's Girl [30]
The Vamp's Girl [31]
The Vamp's Girl [32]
The Vamp's Girl [33]

The Vamp's Girl [11]

2.1K 57 2
By midnightxthunder

I grumbled as I petted Anda’s head, he purred contently in my arms, Johson and Karan snickered behind me, fearing to get too close to me. I stalked off alone, still embarrassed from brushing noses with Keilor and having everyone who is a vampire within 100 mile radius being able to hear what I thought about it.

“It’s not my fault April.” Keilor said behind me but I ignored him, feeling my cheeks flush immensely.

“Oh it so is.” I muttered back, I did feel a little bad, I was making him carry all my bags back to the Vampiric Lands and he was earning a lot of stares from people on the street. I could hear people tsking at me and mentioning something about being ‘whipped?’ I chuckled evilly to myself, I just couldn’t help it. I wasn’t angry anymore, just slightly embarrassed and was by far having too much fun being mean. I heard Keilor sigh behind me, but I continued walking forward.

“Oh Lady April. Do we have permission to help Com. Ruher yet? He’s been carrying all the bags since we left the hotel. He’s even carrying mine.” Seth whined like it was a bad thing, so I turned around and coughed to hide my laughter. Yes, he had three bags on each shoulder, and two in each hand.

“No you don’t have permission.” I said with a fast fading angry face.

No?” Keilor questioned, in an instant all the bags were dropped to the floor and he took two quick strides towards me, till we were inches apart.

“No…” I said softly, my heart racing as his gray eyes blazed down at me, the sunlight illuminating his skin slightly.

“I might as well carry you as well then.” He said grabbing me up in one fluid moment. As he did so I screamed dropping Anda only to the floor who growled at Keilor, Seth quickly came and picked him up and he settled happily into his arms. He then took a few steps back to pick up the bags all in one motion flinging them onto his shoulder as he held me bridal style. He smirked at me as I gawked at how easy it looked.

“Put me down!” I whined wanting to get down as people began to smile at us, something about blossoming young love.

“Do I still have to carry the bags in such a humiliating way?” He whispered in my ear, I could see Knight D smirking a little off, he was still scowling at the others who stared at him.

“Yes.” I said stubbornly, looking away. I could feel the blush creep even further onto my face as I became more conscious of myself.

“Then I won’t put you down until you say I can stop.” He chuckled at me knowing my growing discomfort about him carrying me like this.

“Fine.” I growled at him, he smirked finally having his way. He dropped the bags down as easily as he slipped them onto his shoulder.

“You can let me go now Keilor.” I said, waiting for him to put me down.

“I could. But I don’t really want to.” He said as he began walking with me, I pulled a face at him and he chuckled. “That face is not very princess like.” He commented, so I make the face even more. “But it’s quite adorable.” I blushed and looked away from him. He chuckled cockily, knowing he’d won this round, this was only a reminder that I lost.

I looked behind to see Seth, Johson and Karan picking up our bags and energetically running to catch up, even further behind was Knight D, who walked straight back his eyes down cast and hands in the pocket. I noticed he had that kind of lost boy, but I don’t really care kind of look just as he walked. His eyes caught mine when he looked up and I smiled at him, he slowed his pace until I could barely see him in the crowd and I gave up searching for where he was when my eyes began to hurt.

“Am I starting to get heavy yet?” I asked turning to ask Keilor.

“I am a vampire. What do you think?” He whispered in my ear, I blushed. It was too easy being around them, they were nothing like the books. Nothing like anything any human could have imagine. I fitted in with them so well that I forgot the simple details like what they were. Even if I was completely conscious of it, it didn’t bother me. I simply just liked being with all of them, they were like my family.

I leaned on Keilor’s shoulder as he walked feeling so comfortable and safe in his arms, I played with his loose hair, twirling it with my finger.

“Where is that clip you usually wear?” I asked him, his hair was soft and shiny.

“It broke when I was fighting with Nath.” He said slowly, I felt my body become tense at his name, I felt like a hand was running up and down my spine giving my chills. As much as I could try to forget the memories still remained. I remembered the drugs, the painful feeling it running through my veins, when I had refused to sing he would hit me and I flinched just thinking about it.

I snapped back to reality and looked up, Seth, Johson and Karan had stop messing around behind us and all had serious looks on their faces. They couldn’t possibly have seen what I was just thinking…I was conscious of always keeping my thoughts hidden around them…especially after what happened this morning. I even saw Knight D reappear far behind us. Keilor stopped walking and put me down, he gently touched my cheek and brushed away a fallen tear that I didn’t realize had fallen.

“What?” I asked, my invisible mask slipped back on and a smile came to my face.

“Sometimes painful memories cannot hide.” Seth said smally, so they had all seen it. They had seen what had happened to me when in Nath’s cold, evil hands. I began to shake involuntarily, I didn’t want to remember it. Everything was all better now. I tried to smile but failed miserably. Seth came to me, he placed a hand behind my head and another on my back pulling me into a close embrace, his hug was warm. I bit my lip and refused, I would not cry, it was over.

“It’s okay.” Seth whispered in my ears and there it was. The words that made me break open, I could see inside my heart, the glass that cracked and shattered to the ground. All the emotions over a lifetime came loose like a great tsunami and I began to cry. It was soft at first, until I started screaming as the tears felt, for all the times I had held it in and all the times I told myself to be strong. Right where everyone was watching I let myself be free, setting free all the emotion that I had been ignoring and pretending everything was okay. I felt Karan and Johson joining in the hug as well, I felt the warmth of their presence.

“We are here.” They said in sync as I let it all out, not fearing who’d see my vulnerability, I remembered the times that I was so close to losing myself, forgetting myself and who I was. What would I have become without someone to pull me out of the darkness?

After I had finished, I felt exhausted letting out all the emotions. Keilor came and continued to carry me, I was grateful for it. Grateful to have let go of all the pain, as we stepped back into the Vampiric Lands I said a silent goodbye to my world knowing that I’d never go back, I welcomed the new life that awaited me in the Vampiric Lands. I snuggled into Keilor’s chest and let myself sleep in safe arms.





I closed April’s door softly, she was tired, so worn out. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair wondering what I should do. I begun humming to myself as I headed upstairs towards Marath’s room. I knocked softly once and then opened the door, he sat at the desk with his feet up on the table. Jasa was with him, I nodded my head at Jasa as I gave a salute to Marath.

“Was the journey well?” He asked, stretching his arms. I sat down in the chair near Jasa.

“It was well.” I said, Jasa raised her eyebrow while Marath nodded not really paying attention. “I wish to find Nath.” I said out of the blue, it was now Marath’s turn to raise an eyebrow.

“After your last encounter I say it is by far too dangerous.”

I sighed and stared at the ceiling for a moment. “He hurt April.” I muttered, Jasa only smiled at Marath, they talked with their eyes for a moment.

“Dear Ruher, are you letting your feelings get the better of you?” Jasa asked touching my arm, I didn’t meet her eyes as I scratched my head for a moment.

“I wish to make her safe.” I finally said, I could not deny my feelings for her. The moment she ran to me I wanted her, I want her so badly. She was brave and kind hearted, unlike the Ledetts of this land, she never openly showed she wanted me like I craved for her.

“Tell me about the journey.” Jasa said, she leaned casually back in her chair.

“It was a different experience. April said goodbye to those who sleep in the ground, a boy named Adam.” I said recalling the events while I rubbed my temples.

“Adam? A past love?”

“Yes. It seemed very difficult for her to let go of someone who was not there. In the next day we travelled to something called a ‘mall’, it is like an indoor market gathering.” I smiled a little, remembering the happiness.

“What were they like?” Jasa asked, her eyes curious.

“Many humans are like the Ledetts, they want what they see. They seemed oddly attracted to us, openly expressing their interest.” I made Jasa chuckle at this. “One in particular seemed very interested in me, she even had a group of female followers. She is much like Ledett Lauriel. I proposed to April, she said yes.” Jasa got up in surprise but I held up a hand and she sat back down. “However, I believe she did not understand and thought it was fake. The female that was interested in me spoke smart remarks and April lost her temper. They began to fight.”

“Sister dear in a fight?” Jasa said in disbelief, I also thought it was strange but seeing it for myself it was quite real.

“Yes, I believe she broke the female’s nose and concussed her head without realising.” I noted, remembering how angry April had been. She was quick, acting faster than any of us tackling her to the ground. “Then they began to verbally attack each other after I restrained her. They fought over the one who sleeps in the ground, Adam. After a while April won the verbal fight and the female walked away in defeat. We went to watch something called a ‘movie’ afterwards, it was beyond words.” I heard Marath chuckle.

“Movies are such splendid things.” I nodded in agreement smiling with him.

“After the movie, April revealed more to us about Adam and we went to sleep. She snuck out with Seth to attend to some matters. When April was asleep we confronted those who followed us.” I said my eyes turning a slight red thinking about their leader.

“Whom Ruher?”

“The Kiarians.” I muttered. “They claim April belongs with them.”

“That’s absurd! She belongs with us and she likes it here.” Jasa said getting slightly angry, Marath calmed her quickly and she blinked away the slight blood red colour in her eyes.

“I am sure they will attack again. Their leader believes April is his princess.” I growled slightly. Marath had a calculating look on his face and said nothing.

“What shall we do Marath?” I asked, I was ready to attack, I was willing to risk my life for April.

“Get some sleep Ruher.” He said finally, I stared at him in shock. “You are tired. Rest.” He said his eyes demanded I complied saluting I walked slowly to my own room, I came and stopped by April’s door, I put my hand on it and listened to her heartbeat sound slightly. I sighed and walked away, sleep was on the horizon of my mind.

“Going to sleep Com. Ruher?” I looked up as Seth leaned against the wall. How long had he been standing there?

“Yes. You should as well.” I said, Seth shrugged his shoulders, I brushed past him too tired to make conversation with a good comrade.

“About her…” He said lowly. I turned around, Seth’s purple eyes glowed, his face was serious. Seth had such an energetic personality but when he was dead serious his face was more stern and he looked like a strong and unmatchable warrior. “I won’t back down. Not even if you are my opponent.” His eyes met mine, I saw the vicious feeling in his eyes. I’d seen Seth in real battle, to say he could murder was an understatement. You would never expect it from someone like him. We stood there staring at each other in a stiff silence.

“I wouldn’t expect any less from you Seth.” I smiled at him. “I won’t go easy on you.” I said walking down the corridor. I knew I’d have competition for April but I never thought it would be my comrades.

“The kid’s got guts.” I found Domak standing outside my door, tossing an apple up and down. I smiled at him, what was it? Confront Keilor night?

“I wouldn’t suppose you’ve come to tell me that you wish to have Lady April’s eye?” I asked chuckling slightly but Domak’s silence made me quiet.

“I have actually come to say that.” He said turning to look at me, the apple in his hand. My face was serious, Domak was my blood brother and my most trusted ally.

“Do you believe you stand a chance with her?” I questioned him harshly.

“Perhaps. I may not have the chance to accustom myself to her as you have. But she gives me the feeling of hope.” He chuckled and I knew he was serious. Domak had never said anything of that sort before. “Look out dear friend. The competition awaits us.” He strode past me, placing a quick reassuring hand on my shoulder before retreating to his own room. I sighed rubbing my temples again, this only made me want April even more. I opened the door to my room and laid on my bed, I could still smell her sweet scent linger around my sheets from the time she slept here. I closed my eyes breathing her sweet scent in, no I wasn’t going to give her up. I smiled to myself, it would be interesting to provoke her, with devious thoughts in my mind I let myself drift into a sweet slumber.


Oh it seems like Keilor's got something in mind. I wonder what it is! Hehe, find out in the next chapter. It's a little suggestive. Just warning you alll ;)

So enjoy a nice day today and...comment, vote ect. xoxo

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