Married to Frost

By tinytoes03

58.3K 1.7K 634

Elsa is your normal smart college girl. Her boyfriend, Hiccup, and her have a strong relationship. Her bestfr... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Fanfiction award

Chapter 10

1.4K 52 9
By tinytoes03

Elsa mom: ok everyone get in the car

Anna: Elsa are you excited

Elsa: no

Anna: but your fiancé is coming

Elsa: *mumble* I don't want him to come

Anna: what was that

Elsa: Nothing

Elsa felt someone wrap there arm around her. She turn to see her fiancé.

Jack: well are we going or not

They got in the car and drove off.

Elsa: Mom are we there yet

Mom: that he first time your eager to go home

Anna: uh duh she wants to go home and have some fun with Jack

Jack: oh really Elsa, I didn't know you have a dirty side

Elsa: I DO NOT

Dad: now Jack I don't want you to do anything dirty with my daughter until your both married

Jack: I know sir but Elsa over here wants "it" now


Elsa POV

The whole car ride was talking about sex. I sat there and ignore all of it. Once we got home the first animal that greet us is marshmallow.

Jack: oh cute

I watch Jack play with marshmallow. Then I walk inside the house. I look for Olaf but couldn't find him.

Jack: if your looking for me I'm right here

Me: not you

Mom: well Jack you can sleep with Elsa tonight

Dad: no dirty things now

Jack: I'm not

Jack and me walk to my room. Once we both got in there I shut he door and was about to when he ask this

Jack: are you still a virgin

Me: why

Jack: cause

Me: go die in a hole

Jack: no thanks

Jack jump on my bed.

Me: Jack your sleeping on the floor.

Jack walk towards me and I panic. He pin me on the wall. My face gets hot, my heart beats fast. WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN AND WHY DO I WANT IT TO HAPPEN

I see Jack leaning closer and I'm standing here like a statue. Our lips were so close when a phone buzz

Jack: hold on its my girlfriend

Jack walk out of my room. I'm standing there thinking on what was happening a few minutes ago. Why did I wish it happen. Am I starting to like Jack. NO NEVER. But on the other hand why do I feel sad when he go talks to his real girlfriend. Stupid stupid

Jack POV

I walk outside of Elsa house and pick up the phone.

Me: hey ba-

Girlfriend: don't hey babe me

Me: aw what's wrong

Girlfriend: what's wrong is that you didn't call me like you promise.

Me: I'm sorry I had an engagement party today and everything was crazy,

Girlfriend: baby can you come over tonight

Me: sure why not

Girlfriend: see you then.

She hung up. I went back inside the house. I though about what just happen between me and Elsa. Why did I pin her? Why do I want to kiss her now? Why do I want to be the person to have sex with her. All these question is giving me a headache

I walk in the room and there I see Elsa wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Her hair in a ponytail. My hearts beats fast really fast. Am I starting to like Elsa.

Normal POV

Jack: so why you change

Elsa: to sleep

Jack: hey Elsa, do you want to meet my girlfriend

Elsa: no

Jack: well she wants to meet you

Elsa: tell her I don't want to meet her

Jack: tomorrow your going to her house

Elsa: whatever

Elsa phone buzz. She look at it and froze.

Jack: hey are you ok

Elsa: I'm fine

Elsa was about to cry again

Elsa in her mind: Elsa come on now, Jack right there stop crying, your being a baby Elsa. Calm down. Breath in and breath out

Jack: hey your about to cry

Elsa look up and saw Jack face 2 inches away from her. She blush.

Jack: the text what is say

Elsa: nothing

Jack lean in closer

Elsa: OK OK!

Elsa show Jack the text.

Jack: who's this hiccup

Elsa: hiccup is my ex

Jack: and he wants you back

Elsa: are you reading the text

Jack: nope

Elsa: it's say, Elsa I'm really sorry for cheating on you, I didn't mean to. I was just a fool for breaking a beautiful girl heart. Merida and I both agree that if your really mad and sad we would break off. So please tell me if your ok

Jack: he must of really want you back

Elsa was about to cry again

Jack: ugh I'm tired of this girl drama thing

Jack wipe on of Elsa tear and kiss her lips. Jack felt Elsa kissing back

Jack POV

This will probably make her stop crying. But why am I liking this kiss so much.

Elsa POV

I was surprised Jack kiss me and I thought it was an act. Why does this kiss feel like heaven. WHY AM I KISSING BACK? Ugh

Normal POV

Jack push softly away from her.

Elsa: what was that for

Jack: to keep you form not crying.

Elsa: I'm going to bed goodnight.

Elsa walk to her bed and snuggle into the blanket. She felt someone behind her and wrap there arm around her waist.

Elsa: Jack

Jack: hm

Elsa: ....I...nevermind

Jack kiss Elsa head

Jack: night

Elsa felt safe with Jack and Jack was glad he found Elsa

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