The Defined (Draft)

By Zahraiel

900 37 1

Connor Hunter's life was as normal as everything was. He attended school regularly with his two best friends... More

Chapter 01- "Definition"
Chapter 02- "Blink"
Chapter 04- "Teleporter"
Chapter 05- "Planewalker"
Chapter 06- "Anarchist"
Chapter 07-"Out Cold"
Chapter 08- "Find the Defined"
Chapter 09- "Training"
Chapter 10- "On the loose"
Chapter 11- "Future Friend"
Chapter 12- "The Storm"
Chapter 13- "Anarchy"
Chapter 14- "Alone in a room"
Chapter 15- "The Facility"
Chapter 16- "The Plan"
Chapter 17- "Day X"
Chapter 18- "Limitless"
Chapter 19- "Welcome to Sweden"
Chapter 20- "The First Day"
Chapter 21- "The One Who Withstood Pain"
Chapter 22- "The New World"
Chapter 23: Till This Day We Run
Chapter 24: Final Stand
Chapter 25- And So It Ends, From There It Begins

Chapter 03- "The Defined"

55 1 0
By Zahraiel


After awhile, I went outside of the hospital and started to walk around the premise when I saw a person on the roof of the hospital.

I went towards it to get a closer look, and I realized it was the same girl I bumped earlier, she was still wearing that hood making it easy for me to recognize her.

"Hey, what are you doing up there!?" I shouted

"What you think I'm doing" She shouted back

She isn't thinking about, committing suicide is she?

"Look lets talk about this, alright?!"

"I'm done talking! Im done!"

"Woah, woah wait!"

suddenly she jumped off, I closed my eyes and wished for her to be okay when I opened it.

In a split second I felt a cold chill from the breeze of the wind, I opened my eyes and saw that I was on the roof carrying her with both hands

She looks at me surprised

"You are one too?!"

What ever she could've meant I wasn't listening to it, I was more focused on figuring out how I got on the roof but one thing is for sure.

It all happened in a blink of an eye


Connor's POV

"I'm one too?" I looked at the hooded girl confusingly "I'm what?, what am I exactly?" I added, I needed answers even if it meant that I was starting to become delusional.

"You're like me?!" I could see a tear start to swell up in her eye "Im not alone after all." she added.

"Look, I don't know what you are talking about, I need answers, NOW"

"I cant explain it in words" maybe I am just crazy and this girl isn't here after all "Come with me, I'll show you something."

"Alright?" I replied still confused and looking for answers

she then stepped on the edge of the hospital, immediately I thought 'she isn't thinking about killing herself again is she?'

"Hey, hey you've done this once before don't do it again!"

For a second she turned towards me, 'what the hell is she-', my thoughts were cut off by seeing her fall off the edge of the roof.

"WAIT!" I shouted

Then I heard a loud 'splat' followed by the sound of cracking bones, I looked over the edge only to see a dilapidated body laid flat on the floor, blood spilled everywhere.

"Jesus fucking christ!" 'what the hell was she thinking!' I thought to myself

I slowly walked downstairs cautiously, I looked around and checked if there was any people walking around; I didn't want anyone to see me walking towards a dead body.

When I got there, her body wasn't there anymore, her blood wasn't smeared across the floor either. It was just like she didn't jump down. It was either I was going crazy or I'm sick, not just any sickness too.

"Hey, you coming or what?" I looked behind me and I saw her standing there like nothing had happened.

"How did- But yo-" I was shocked to see her standing, even more so seeing her alive. "What the hell is happening to me!?" I shouted

"Calm down, I know its a bit much for anyone to take in, specially you since you thought I was dead"

"You think?" deep inside I was happy to see whoever she was standing, and well alive, but it didn't affect the overwhelming feeling of confusion that I was experiencing.

She gestured for me to follow her, and I did, what I was going through would be easily explained in two very specific words:

Absolute Nonsense

I followed her through some dense shruberry, she was leading me to some abandoned factory by the coast. When we got there we were greeted by two armed men, which quickly let us by the moment they saw the hooded girl, in which case I still don't know her name.

"Hey,um-" my stuttering made her look towards me as I continued "I- uh- My name is Connor, Connor Hunter"

"Not really a good time for introductions is it?" We kept walking towards one of the old factory houses which looked rusted and patched up "We'll do that later, don't worry we'll have a formal introduction later"

We entered the factory house, from the outside everything was rusted and broken as hell , but when we got in everything was covered by high-tech machinery making me open my mouth in awe.

"When did you have time to do this? And what's with the military men outside?" I kept looking about the highend technology scattered around the place.

"I guess its time for formalities" she sighed "Hi there, I'm Rory Travince"

Travince,hm, Travince the name sounded familiar, must be some big shot across town? I'm not really sure, at least I'm getting some form of answers around here.

"Alright so explain to me how you are still alive?"

"You poor little thing, you still don't understand anything at all?" She sighed and looked up at me

"Let me tell you this, I built this place to understand what is happening to people" she continued "You and me, were not normal you see, how can you explain that thing you did on the roof?"

She was right, I could put explain it even if I tried, I guess I just have to roll with what ever she spits out of her self righteous mouth.

"I hired my very own scientists, to study me" that sounds like some weird plot of a Sci Fi movie, you know with experimentations and all that.

"They've only figured out this much, that what we have is a form of bacteria, which manifests under certain symptoms which you may have experienced" she then started enumerating each one

"Headaches, Paralyzation, Temporary Blindness, Sudden temperature increase or decrease and many more" she continued " I could go on and on but to shorten things we have 'powers'"

"Woah woah woah, powers? As in metal claws, total control of metal, telekinesis and such, Those powers?"
I ask feeling a bit dumbfounded and ignorant.

"Yes exactly those, but we'll I haven't found anyone other than you, so the powers we have on the table is instant regeneration and teleportation."

"Teleportation? Is that what I have?"

"Duh, spatial distortion, otherwise known as teleportation; the ability to move around any location in space and time."

"Hold up, I can do that?!"

"Oh my god, don't tell me you just realized that now"

"Alright I won't."

"Dear lord save me" she sighed heavily "Well then, your training starts today!"

"Training?!" I shouted

I got some answers from her like why we have these and what these are, but one thing stuck to my mind, the words she spoke

"We have powers not like any other normal human being, we are able to destroy and create from nothing, yet we are undefined, we do not know of our origin or out of the billions of people in the world why we were chosen for these powers"

I liked that word, it made me feel safe, and like I had some kind of purpose so I'm going to start calling those with powers.

The Defined


Another chapter out of the way, this is starting to look good in my side considering the fact that I don't stick out well with stories

Yaaay a 4th chapter for a book I write, raritynat its finest :D
I'll see you all soon enough with another chapter in hand
Questions, comments, concerns
Leave it below or anywhere :D


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