Laughing Jack X reader X Jaso...

By chelsiePanda

317K 7.8K 6.5K

Hello, this is the story of (y/n) (y/l/n) and what she's going through, The poor girl is having difficulty wi... More

The jack-in-a-box and a stuffed bunny?
The secret room
Wait a new friend? And that can move?!
A slumber party and a jealous clown
wait, there's another whack job that wants to be my friend?!
A day at L.J's carnival
you cheeeeeeeaaaaaatttteeed~
Where'd you get that knife from?
First authors note
Wait now I have a clown sleeping over
What have I begun
A/n no.2
Answers and apologies...
Jason watched a disney movie?
What actually happened
I'm sorry
Lets go get drunk :D
Slender has a temper
A/n take 3
We need to talk
Please don't burn me at the stake
Something new
Well then
The truth is finally out
Jason (ending)
Jack (ending)
Final authors note

A couple birthday surprises

16.1K 455 995
By chelsiePanda

(Y/n) slowly began waking up, still clutching the small bunny to her chest she stretched out on the couch yawning as she did so. As (y/n) slowly sat up she looked down at the blanket placed over her and smiled, since she knew she hadn't put it there her parents must have. She happily got up and strolled towards her parents room and walked in to say good morning but when she opened the door what she saw shocked her, her parents, they weren't home. She quickly ran back to the phone to call one of them when the door opened. It was her mother but she didn't look as happy as she could, her mum looked like she'd been crying. Her mum looked sad, traumatised and afraid, she was shaking.

The mother sat down slowly on the couch and stared blankly into space. (Y/n) slowly approached her mother and sat beside her wrapping an arm around her.

"M-mum(mom for you Americans) are you ok?" She asked gently leaning for ward to look at her face. Her mother slowly turned her head toward (y/n) before tears began to fall, the woman quickly wiped them away. Her mother turned to her and took the daughters hands.

"We...need to have a talk." The mother said carefully.
(Y/n) nodded for her mum to continue, she didn't have a clue what was going on. Her mother took a deep breath before beginning her story.

"(Y/n), as you know, your father and I went out to a party last night and as you can see he didn't make it home." Before you could question what she meant, your mother continued. "You see, we drank and laughed all night until roughly 3 in the morning then we got in the car to get going and come home. About halfway we saw someone, I swear we did! Your father wasn't paying attention and hit him, he hit the man on the road." Her mother seemed panicked. (Y/n) held her hand gently for comfort as she took another deep breath and continued. "Your father pulled over to the side of the road and we got out and looked for the man, but he wasn't anywhere to be found, all we had as evidence was a dent in the bonnet and a crack in the windscreen. That's when we heard it, sickening laughter, laughter that sounded like a man and a monster mixed, it was deep and rough and seemed to ricochet off everything and echo in my ears." The mother began sniffling but continued her story. "(Dads name) called out to whoever it was to show them self, and apparently he saw him in the distance, your father ran off and as he did I heard the laughing go in the same direction, I couldn't see who he was chasing but he apparently did. The laughing stopped I-I thought your father killed the thing but, but no. After I began chasing after your father I lost sight of the car and him, I got lost (y/n) I was so lost. And all I heard was that horrible laughter, evil, horrible, disgusting laughter and as the sun began to rise, I'd lost the car but instead found y-your fathers..." She sniffled, her voice cracked and more tears began to fall. "Your fathers corpse, it was mangled and lying on the ground with all sorts of candy stuffed into it, his eyes and tongue had been removed his-his stomach torn open and entrails hung on near by posts and trees. He had candy in his eye sockets, candy in his mouth. It-it was everywhere, after throwing up I-I ran and I kept on running...until I came home." Her mother hugged her and started stroking her hair. "I'm so sorry" her mum began to repeat those three words. Eventually she slowly crawled out of her mothers embrace.

"I'm gonna...go to my room" (y/n) said sniffling and retreated to her room.

As she closed the door behind her, tears streaking her face she turned to her bed and saw BonBon sat there his head tilted with...curiosity? in his eyes. He had a small present sat in front of him. She raised a brow before shaking her head, it must have been a birthday present from her parents. (Y/n) pushed the present to the side and hugged BonBon close to her as she cried her eyes out for a few hours.

~Le time skip brought to you by me clearly doing my algebra work in math hahaahahahah...hah...I'm gonna fail my test in two days T^T~

It was now two in the afternoon when (y/n) awoke from her nap. She pulled her sleeve over her hand and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes yawning as she did so. (Y/n) gently placed BonBon on her pillow as she got up and had a shower, then putting on suitable clothes to go out for a walk in the woods behind her house where there was a small park. She passed her crying mother mumbling a quite goodbye and set off. As she reached the park she hadn't realised a figure watching from the shadows in the trees.

"Ohhh (y/n), thank you for letting me out of that DISGUSTING box" the figure chuckled darkly to itself.

(Y/n) was too far away to hear the figure but instead sat on the swings and sang quietly to herself unaware of the two adults beginning to argue in the trees roughly 20 meters away.

"Back off she's mine"
"You're not worthy! You killed her father you clown!"
"Tsk, watch your self, an angry clown is a scary clown"
"I don't give a damn, she's been crying for hours! Back the hell off."
"She's met me at least!"
"Hey she saw me through the door!"
"It's not the same and you know it!"
"Shut up or she'll hear us!"
"Why don't you just go back to hunting kids you dick head"
"You do the exact same! And you have been since the damn 18 hundreds!"

(Y/n) quickly stood up as she heard the leaves begin rustling and groaning/growling almost like two men fighting. Quickly she ran back home through the trees to her house where she was safe and sat on her bed. After catching her breath (y/n) looked at the time...10:00pm...perhaps it's time to go to sleep. She looked over to the small gift from earlier and walked over to it. (Y/n) gently placed it on her legs and examined the tag:

Dear (y/n),
I'm sorry for hearing about what my...friend did to your father, I hope that my little friend here will be able to keep you company and cheer you up when you're upset.
From your best friend, Jason.

The now nineteen year old raised her brow at this, she didn't have any friends....buuut ok? She then froze in place...his friend did something to her father..the murder! But...he said he's her friend, well what was there to lose right? So (y/n) opened the box all she found was a little wind up mouse no bigger then her hand, she liked mice so she liked it. It was all black with glowing red eyes and a small silver key to turn in order to wind it up. She smiled at it and set it on her shelf beside the Jack-in-a-box and left to go put on her pyjamas and go to sleep. What a busy day, and such an unfortunate birthday. As (y/n) drifted off to sleep,she didn't hear the clanging from the toy factory in her deceased siblings room.

~POV change over to current Unknown~

[a/n- didn't see that coming huh? ;)]

"Ugh damn that monochrome misfit!" I yelled as I tossed different materials and items around the crafting room.

"How dare he come near her! I was so close to finally getting my hands on her but he, he interrupted me!" I kicked over a book shelf in rage. The toys were sat still just watching my anger and Mr. Glutton slowly slide into the room. I growled lowly in my throat, "he wants to make it a competition does he? Fine, I'll play he's game and (y/n) will be mine."

~POV change over to the other currently unknown boy~

"Damn that toy maker! Fuck!" I yelled as I kicked the merry-go-round I was stood beside at my carnival.

"That toy making son of a bitch can back the fuck off I met her first she's mine!" I punched the monochrome horse beside me. "I'm gonna kill that toy maker just like I killed (y/n)'s sibling!" I yelled in frustration.

[a/n- oh and guys, if you guys want me to continue this please say so in the comments...cause I don't really know if anyone even likes this]

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