Secret Sister » 1D

By fivesuave

807K 18.5K 4.8K

Hi, my name is Delilah Payne. I'm seventeen years old and I'm hidden. Why? Well, you might have guessed by my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note!!

Chapter 15

23.7K 590 123
By fivesuave

Chapter 15

I stared sourly at the television. I was watching "Ghost Adventures", and everything was so fake. But this was the only crap that was on, so I stuck with it.

"Hey, Lily," Liam greeted me, coming into the bedroom part of the hotel room. "What're you watching?"

"The TV," I mumbled in reply.

He rolled his eyes. "I can see that," he said and sat down next to me. "Why didn't you go to rehearsals today?"

I must be crazy. But I can hold grudges like nobody's business, and I was still pissed at Louis for his sudden mood flash yesterday. And I was still trying to figure out why Louis would be jealous of a guy like Aiden. For Pete's sake, man, you're famous! Get a grip!

I shrugged moodily. "I just didn't feel like it," I said.

"I know you, Lily," Liam said lightly. "You would either have to be sick and dying or angry at one of the boys for you not to come. And since you are obviously not sick--"

"How do you know?" I interrupted. "Maybe I am." I let out a series of fake coughs and collapsed on my side.

Liam laughed. "Thanks for the show, but you're a horrible actress," he told me. "So, who are you mad at and why?"

I sighed. It was difficult trying to keep a secret around Liam. That's why I prayed every night that everything would go my way and Liam wouldn't butt in.

"Louis," I said, pausing the television. My favorite parts of the show would have to be when the ghosts "talked" to Zak and his ghost hunter pals.

"Why are you mad at Louis?" Liam asked, frowning. I bet that was the last person on his list.

I sighed again. "According to Harry, he's jealous of--" I stopped myself in time. Liam could not know about Aiden! He would absolutely flip!

"He's jealous of who?" Liam asked.

"Nobody," I said quickly.

"Delilah," he complained. "I can't help you if I don't know what the problem is."

"Do you promise not to flip?" I asked nervously.

He raised his eyebrows, but sighed. "Fine, I solemnly swear," he said.

I grinned. He's not a promise-breaker. He said that himself. "Okay," I began. "I met this guy named Aiden--"

"Wait, what?!" Liam yelped, and I slapped him lightly but indignantly. "You swore that you wouldn't flip," I reminded him. He scowled, but kept a calm composure. Good boy.

"Anyway," I continued. "Aiden and I became friends, and I invited him to come swimming with us: me, Harry, Niall, and Louis."

"How?" Liam interrupted. "How did you invite Aiden?"

"I called him. We exchanged numbers."

Liam groaned, but motioned for me to continue. I smirked slightly. "We played water games," I said. "I was on Niall's and Aiden's team, and Louis and Harry were a team. We had a lot of fun. But then afterwards, when Aiden had to go, Louis acted like Aiden had killed his puppy. It was totally uncalled for!"

Liam looked like he knew where I was going with this, but he didn't say anything. "And when I asked Harry what was wrong with him," I finished. "He said that Louis was jealous. But why the frick would he be jealous?! And of Aiden, of all people!"

Liam's lips quirked up in a half-smile. "I know what's going on," he said, but then his facial expression hardened. He scowled. "I'm going to go talk to Louis right now," he said, more to himself than me, and he rushed out of our hotel room. I frowned. What the heck was that about?

I shrugged and clicked the play button on the remote. "Yer gonna pay...." the voice of the dead farmer whispered over the recorder. Zak was totally flipping out with excitement, while I yawned widely. Why is it that the toy seemed to say the same things over and over again, hmm?

I rolled over and forced myself to get up. I slunk over to the fridge and helped myself to some chocolate pudding. I've decided now that I'm the chocolate monster, not just the Nutella monster.

I was just starting to wonder if I should call Liam and see if he needed backup when there was a knock on the door. Liam must have stupidly left the room key behind. Of course, I've just called myself stupid, but hey, what're you going to do?

I opened the door, and Liam and Louis greeted me. More like, Liam pushed Louis inside and he quickly followed. "Shame on you, Delilah," Liam scolded me. "You didn't see who it was before answering. It could have been a kidnapper!"

I rolled my eyes. "And what are the chances of that happening?" I asked rhetorically.

I turned my glare over to Louis, who was looking around in fascination. "What's he doing here?" I demanded.

"That's no way to talk to your BFFL," Louis chided me. I stomped on his foot and he hopped away.

"He's here to apologize," Liam said, glaring at Louis also. By the way they were looking at each other I think they had a discussion or something that neither of them liked.

"So do it," I told Louis impatiently, tapping my foot. He folded his arms across his chest sassily. "I don't see why I have to," he said.

"We do," I retorted.


"So, do it!"

"That's not a very good reason."

"For Pete's sake, Louis, you're such a baby."

He raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me?" he said loudly. "I think you're the big baby in this case. It was just playful banter."

"Uh huh, yeah, sure," I agreed sarcastically.

"Guys!" Liam yelled. "Just do something about it or I will!"

"How about this?" Louis offered. "Ban Lily from Aiden?"

I scowled at him. "Only my friends call me Lily," I snapped.

"Then what am I?" he asked.

"Definitely not my friend, that's for sure," I huffed.

"Guys," Liam pleaded again. "Just get over it already and make tour life easier for the rest of us! We're not even a week in and we're already hating on each other!"

I looked down. He's right. Tour was supposed to be FUN, not so dramatic.

"Delilah, why do you care so much?" Liam asked, glaring at me suspiciously. "And Louis, why do you care so much? Being jealous of a guy like Aiden is just plain stupidity!"

Louis glared at Liam, but held his tongue. Maybe it was because Liam was right.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling. I have trouble apologizing to people. "Louis, I'm sorry for immediately assuming the worst," I told the ceiling.

"Maybe you should actually look at him when you say it," Liam said, and it sounded like he rolled his eyes. I wouldn't be surprised.

"Fine," I scowled and forced myself to look at Louis. "I'm sorry."

To my surprise, he grinned. "Apology accepted," he said. "And I'm sorry too. It's not fun fighting with friends, especially if it's your supposed BFFL."

I blushed. "I was lying about before," I said quickly.

He chuckled. "Sure, NOW you are," he smirked.

"Finally," Liam sighed. "Now, Delilah, will you please accompany us to our concert on Wednesday? I think we kind of need you there."

He smiled at me, and I grinned back. "I wouldn't miss it for anything," I said.

"Uh huh," Louis muttered under his breath sarcastically, but I heard him. I punched his arm lightly. "Oh, shut up," I joked.

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