Never Ending || luke hemmings

By bedtimeluke

11K 497 74

in which a complicated girl meets a boy who turns her world upside down More

• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Eleven •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
• Twenty Two •
• Twenty Three •
• Twenty Four •
• Twenty Five •
• Twenty Six •
• Twenty Seven •
• Twenty Eight •
• Twenty Nine •
• Thirty •
• Thirty One •
•Thirty Two•
• Thirty Four •
other stories

• Thirty Three •

82 4 0
By bedtimeluke

From : Luke

Can we talk?

I woke up to a text from Luke. I looked around at the other 3 boys that were still sound asleep.

To : Luke

Of course. Do you want to meet up?

From : Luke

That'd be great! Park?

I agreed to meet him at the park in 10 minutes.

Quietly getting up from my spot on the couch, I stepped over Michael on the floor and headed upstairs. I didn't bother changing, so I just brushed my hair and teeth. After swiping on some deodorant, I threw on a jumper because it was quite chilly this morning.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my skateboard that I haven't used in forever. I walked out my door and skated my way down the street. I watched as the sun shined brightly and I could hear a few birds chirping. Smiling at the beautiful scenery, I finally arrived at the park.

I spotted the blonde haired boy on one of the swings, kicking his feet at the mulch. "Hey there, stranger." I kicked up my board, taking a seat on the swing next to him.

"Hi there." He looked up at me, smiling. I noticed a little black dot under his lip.

"Did you get your lip pierced?" I glanced at the small stud, then back to him. He nodded.

"Yeah." He brought his hand up to the back of his neck, rubbing it.

"Well it looks good on you" I smiled. I yanked up my sleeve, revealing my tattoo. Luke looked at it with wide eyes.

"You got a tattoo?" He gawked. I laughed, " Yeah, a while ago actually."

"Well it looks good on you." He mocked me with a grin. I pushed him, making him swing back. "So, I have been thinking about you. Us." He then said.

I looked at him, not saying anything. I didn't really know what to say for that matter. He took my hand, but I pulled away.

"Mackenzie..." He trailed off. "Look I know what I did was stupid, but can you please forgive me?"

I continued to be silent. My gaze went from his icy blue eyes, to my jet black shoes.

"Look, Luke." I finally spoke up. "I know what we had was special.."

Looking back up to him, I continued on. "I love you and I always will. You were my first love, my first time and there's nothing more special than that. I just, don't think it would be the right choice for me if we got back together. At least not now." I stood up off the swing, taking my skateboard in my hand.

"Wait." Luke grabbed my hand, spinning me around. "I'm sorry."

"I know." I gave him warm hand a tight squeeze before letting go and turning in the opposite direction.

Rolling the board on the concrete, I took off down the road back to my house full of 3 sleeping idiots.

I walked in to find that they had woken up, but weren't in the living room. Trailing into the kitchen, I found Ashton cooking some food and Michael reading the newspaper.

I blinked a few times, taking in the scene before me. "What the heck."

"Oh good morning!" Ashton cheered as he waved the spatula around before flipping a pancake.

"Michael, I have never seen you read a newspaper in your life." I looked at him with wide eyes. He looked up at me laughing.

"I'm not reading the news, silly! I'm reading the comics!"

I laughed, making sense of it. "That sounds more like it. Wait, where's Calum?"

"Upstairs taking a shower, so beware of a naked boy." Ash giggled.

I shook my head, taking a seat next to Michael at the table. I grabbed one of Ashton's freshly made pancakes off the plate and began devouring it. "Hey! Wait until they're all done." Ashton scoffed.

"I'm taste testing!" I teased. "I give you a 10/10!"

"See and you all laughed at me for taking that culinary class in year 9."

"Well I'm sorry for that. It really paid off though." I gave him a big smile full of pancakes.

"Gross, Kenz." He said disgusted and I laughed.

Down came Calum with soaking wet hair, wrapped in a towel. "Um Cal?"

"Yeah I know. I probably should have grabbed clean clothes before I got in. Mackenzie, could you run over and get me some? I would but.." He looked down at the blue towel tightly wrapped around his torso.

"I gotcha, Mate." I stood up and walked out my front door. I soon stood in front of Calum's, giving it a couple knocks.

Joy opened the door with a smile. "Ah hello Mackenzie! It's so nice to see you."

"Hello Mrs. Hood! Could I come in? Calum took a shower over at mine and asked if I could grab some clothes for him."

"Of course dear!" She stood aside, welcoming me in. "You know where his room is." She point up the stairs, before walking into the kitchen.

I jumped up the steps, skipping every other one. Making my way into Calum's room, it looked just how he left it a couple months ago, it was a mess.

I sighed, finding my way over to his dresser and pulling out a red shirt. I picked up a pair of black skinnies his mom had neatly folded on his bed, along with a pair of boxers and some socks.

I rushed down the stairs, yelling good bye to Joy. I barged through my own door seconds later and handed Calum his clothes. "Thank you, thank you." He took them from me and went to go get changed.

The boys soon left after they ate. I know Calum and Ashton went over to Cal's, but I had a funny feeling Michael went to hang out with Sydney. I wish they would just date already.

I hopped into the shower, cleaning up. After getting changed and realizing I had nothing to really do, I called up Dylan.

"Hey there, do you wanna hang out?" I asked him.

"I always want to hang out with you? I'll swing by and pick you up?" His deep voice asked.

"Sounds good!" I agreed and hung up.

I waited around for a good 10 minutes before I heard a car horn outside.

I locked my doors and hopped into his jeep, giving him a small kiss. "Hello beautiful." He smiled.

He drove us back to his place and we decided to just watch some movies and cuddle.

As we were in the middle of watching a movie, he started to leave small kisses on my neck. I smiled, since they tickled, but tried to ignore them.

His sloppy kisses soon made their way up to my own lips. I moved along with him, kissing him back.

He trailed his hands down the my waist as my roamed his hair. I felt as he tried to tug my shirt off, but I didn't let him.

Since I denied my shirt, he went for my pants. Trying to pull them off, I stopped him as well.

I pulled away from him. "What are you doing?"

"I want you to be mine." He said, trying to pull my pants down again.

"I'm already yours."

"But I want to show you that you're mine." He gripped on tightly to my wrists, pulling them above my head.

I didn't know what to do, so I pulled my knees up and kicked him in the stomach, making him let me go.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to have sex with you." I told him, getting up off the bed.

He stood up, rushing over to me. "What do you mean you don't want to?" He scoffed.

"I'm sorry but I don't love you." I admitted, but soon felt a sharp pain on my cheek.

I fell to the floor, tears in my eyes. "Bitch." He yelled.

I stood back up. "You know what, fuck you. There's two weeks of school left and I can't wait until I don't have to see your face again. We're done."

I quickly ran out of his house before he could do anything else. I kept running, not really seeing anything familiar since he lived in a different part of Sydney.

I heard him behind me, so I kept running, hiding behind one of their neighbor's bushes.

I watched as he ran past, yelling profanities. He came back around seconds later and walked back in the direction of his house.

When he was out of sight, I pulled out my phone. In tears, I called Calum. He was the only person I wanted to talk to.

"Hello?" He answered.

"C-Calum." I stuttered, trying to catch my breath.

"Mackenzie? What's happened?" He asked, worried.

"I-I was at D-Dylan's and.."

"Did he hurt you? Mackenzie, did he hurt you?" He kept asking over and over.

I didn't answer his question. "Can you please come and get me?" I just asked. He agreed, so I gave him the street names and he was on his way.

I watched as he pulled up and rushed out to me. "Oh my god, he fucking hit you. That son of a bitch." He placed a gentle touch on the red handprint left on my cheek. I winced at the contact, it still being extremely sore.

"I should have listened to you." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"It wasn't your fault." He comforted me.

"He t-tried to get me to h-have sex with him and I told him no." I bawled and Calum pulled me into his chest.

"What a bastard." He spat and helped me into his car. We drove back to mine and I asked him if I could just be alone for a while. He respected my want for privacy. "I'll just be next door if you need me." He assured and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead before disappearing.

I screamed as soon as he left. It was like all the anger I've been keeping inside me was let out.

I brought my hand up to my face, feeling the soreness. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some frozen vegetables from the freezer and placed them on my face. Not exactly sure how bad it looked, I walked into the bathroom to see for myself.

"Wow." I gasped. There was a huge handprint on my face. It was still bright red and already started to bruise. I placed the bag back on my face and went to go check the mail.

Looking out my window, I made sure that no one was outside before I walked to my mailbox. Without looking at it, I grabbed the big wad of envelopes and headed back inside.

I got myself a glass of water to drink as I sorted through everything. Bill after bill came, until I saw an envelope with my name on it. My eyes went wide, looking at the return address.

Oxford University

I let out a muffled scream and ripped open the letter. Before unfolding it, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst.

Dear Ms. Lockwood,

It is my pleasure, on behalf of Oxford University, to offer you a place for admission in the 2015 school year.

A wide smile broke out on my face, completely forgetting about the earlier events. I let out a loud scream, dancing around my kitchen.

"I got in!" I celebrated.

I immediately whipped out my phone, calling Sydney.

"Hello?" She picked up.

"I got it!" I yelled in the phone.

"What? That's amazing! Mackenzie, I'm so proud! Wait- which school." She asked, not exactly sure as to which I got in.

"Oxford!" I screamed, still not believing it myself. This was amazing. I got into the school of my dreams, I never thought this would happen.

"Holy shit! That's incredible! Guess what?"

"What?" I asked.

"I wanted to wait until you hear from Oxford, but now that you have..." She began. "I applied to Cranfield Uni and got in! That's in Swindon, Kenz!" She announced, just as excited as me.

"Sydney, this is just unbelievable! I can't believe we're both going to colleges in England and to top it off, we're only like a half hour away! We could get a place together even!" I optioned, already thinking about where to get a place.

"I was so worried about not being able to see you, but yes! We need to move in together. I'll come over tomorrow after school and we can start looking."

Maybe everything will finally fall into place. I can only hope...

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