Absent Heart

By angelfly95

287K 3.3K 234

I don't believe in miracles. Or in magic or fate. Or even that everyone has a soul mate out there. I believe... More

Absent Heart
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

7.4K 85 10
By angelfly95

The next time I awoke it was to the feeling of water being splashed in my face. I abruptly shot up. I looked up and saw Luna.

“Get up, we have to get you ready for the wedding.” I rose and walked into the bathroom. I felt so empty, almost like a ghost. I have no more energy to argue or protest.  When I got out there were a ton of people in the room. They all stared at, me. I didn’t even give them a second glance as I absently put on the gown.

It was a strapless, long, almost too long white wedding dress. It had a purple ribbon across my abdominal area.  I looked at myself up and down. Every-one thought it was the most beautiful dress they’ve ever seen. Even Luna commented.

I, on the other hand thought it was hideous. But I kept my thoughts to myself. The only thing I had on that was mine, was the stupid necklace that old woman gave me. Oddly enough it didn’t clash with the dress.

“Ok every leave the room.” Luna said pushing every-one out. Once they left, I dropped in the bed. Tears ran from my eyes.

“You shouldn’t cry. Your makeup will run.” I just stared at the ceiling. How dare she tell me NOT to cry? I was in some shit hole, about to marry some shit prince. They are going to have to pry open my mouth before I saw ‘I do’.

Before I go into silent mode, I had to ask her one thing.

“Why did you join forces with such an evil person.” I looked her straight in the eyes.

She got silent.

“He promised a better life for me. He promised me a family.”

“Does your family order you around? Or tell you to kill people?” she went silent again. Of course they don’t. She’s been clouded. I walked out the room, and headed down the direction to the ceremony.

Once I reached the doors, someone stopped me and gave me a bouquet of dead Roses. I cringed. The person said “When the music sounds, Luna will escort you down the aisle.” I completely ignored the guy.

I wasn’t marrying James. I’m going to have to make a quick escape plan. I scanned the area. The wedding was outside, so I couldn’t possibly escape once I reached out there. They would catch me in the blink of an eye. My instincts were tell me to transport out of the place, but I remembered I had no powers. I sighed, feeling even more drained than before.

Fortunately for me when I looked up I noticed a window. It was a bit small, but I’ll take what I got.

I started to take a step back, when a hand pushed me forward.

Someone leaned in and whispered in my ear. “I hope you’re not trying to escape. There are two vampires outside that window, and if you were even to touch the railings they would be on you like white is on rice.”

I knew that voice. It was Luna.

I closed my eyes in defeat. I heard the music play. That was my cue to walk out. Luna started pushing me to the door.

“No!”I yelled.

She gave one big shove and I was out the door. Heads turned, as I stumbled out. I quickly composed myself. Luna looped her hands around mine, and we began our descend.  I decided if I was going to marry him, might as well make it as long as possible.

I took the tiniest step man could ever take. The person playing the song had to slow down the music to my pace. I laughed internally. From the alter, I could see James getting angry. Good! Luna didn’t dare push me to go faster, because if I did she knew I would trip and fall. Then James would get upset with her.

She’s always trying to please him, so I knew she wouldn’t try it.

From where I stood I could see the muscles in James’s face tense up. I cracked a smile. I saw his eyes widen. I think he realized that I was doing it on purpose because he took two large strides grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to the altar.

He looked at the reverend (if there is such a thing as a vampire reverend) and said “Skip the rest, and get to the I do’s!” So much for my slowing down things.

“Will you take Rose to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do.” He said watching me. I looked away.

“Now Rose will you take James to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I…I …” I stuttered.

“Say ‘I Do!’” he whispered slash yelled. He was compelling me to say yes.

“I…” I grabbed the necklace I was wearing. My eyes began to flutter and I saw flashes of the old woman. She was blurring in and out but I heard one crucial thing…

“No one can ever take away your powers.”

My eyes focused and I was looking at James. I smiled.

“No!” at the same time the crowd drew back in a scream. I looked to see right before my eyes was Christian, Jace and… and an army?!” He brought an army for me!

“I will never give up on you Rose!” he yelled to me.

 I took a step forward ready to jump into his arms when James brought me to his chest, and held a knife to my neck. I heard Christian let out a snarl.

“Every-one back up or I’ll kill her!” How dare he hold a knife to my neck! I felt the anger rising in me. I spun around and with a fist of fire I punched him in the face. He staggered back looking dumbfound. He reached for his face, and looked at me.

“How did you do that? I took your powers away!” he shrieked.

“No you didn’t.” I said in triumph. “You can never take them away!”

“Then how …” I raised my hand again, this time I had called upon the wind. I used the wind power to drop gravity’s force on James like a ton of bricks. In the distance I could hear Christian yell “Go men! We will finally end this war!” All hell broke loose. Every-one was fighting.

I looked at James, as his pathetic body tried to rise. I raised my hand and dropped it down. In response his body was slammed back on the floor. “I’m not finished!” I yelled.

He looked at me with hatred in his eyes and screamed “Luna!”

She was by his side in seconds. His words to her were “Kill her!”

She rose, and walked to me. “You will not move!” she said.

I stood still, while she made her way towards me. She raised her hand so that it was in my face. “I’ll make this quick, just because I like you.”

“Rose!” I heard Christian scream.

I waited... and waited. Luna looked at me, and I could see her wondering why I was still alive. I laughed and smacked her hand out my face.

“You have no power Luna!” I said in her face.

She withdrew her hand, and looked horrified.

“How… why?” she said shrieking. I grabbed her by the neck. “While you tried to take my powers, in the end it was ‘I’ who took yours.”

“But how?” she yelled. I pointed to the necklace.

“A witch’s necklace? How did you get that?” I smiled.

“Simple. She gave it to me.” And with that I made her black out. She fell to the ground.

I didn’t want to kill her. She was just a misguided soul, she wasn’t evil.

I walked over to the barely moving James. I picked him up by the shirt, amazed at my newly found strength. I looked him in the eyes, and without warning I had a vision.

I was at my parent’s house and they were talking to the shaded person.

“Max, Emily! Upstairs NOW!” My mom screamed.

“Why are you here?” My dad asked with a horrified look.

“I’m here to collect.” It said in a scratchy voice.

“She’s not here, and you’ll never get her!” my mom yelled. I took a step closer, and voices started ringing in my ear. ‘Look past the glamour’ ‘Look past the glamour’. I took a closer look at the person and I gasped.

It wasn’t General Claude, It was James!

“James!” I screamed. The figment’s face came out of the shadows and looked at me with black eyes. James!

Without warning I was back in the present staring in the eyes of my family’s killer.

“It was you!” I said. He looked at me and his eyes were pitch black.

He gave a small chuckle. “You caught on, smart puppy you are-” I don’t know what came over me, but I blanked out. The only thing I could remember was setting James on fire, with my bare hands.

As his falling body fell to the ground, suddenly turning into ash I dropped to my knees. I pounded the ashes, until my knuckles started bleeding, and still I kept pounding.

How could he?

 I pounded even harder, until someone had to pull me away screaming. “Let me go! Let me go!”

“Rose it’s me. It’s me Christian.” He spun me around and embraced me in a bear hug. I hit him, so he could let me go, but he never did.

Finally I calmed down and I broke down and cried into his arms.

“Shh...” he said while kissing the top of my head.

When I went dry from crying my eyes out I looked up at him. I opened my mouth the say something, when he put a finger over it.

“You don’t have to say anything.” He gave me long kiss on the lips.

After we separated, he watched me with loving eyes.

“I love you Christian.” I said. He smiled, and before I knew what was happening, he got on one knee, brought out the prettiest ring and said “Will you marry me Rose McHale?” I brought my hands to my mouth.

“Yes!” I yelled. “Yes!” He stood up, grabbed me and started kissing me.

We broke apart when we heard the applause coming from behind us. I looked and saw Jace and his army, all applauding.

The war is finally over, and now Christian and I can be together forever.

 * Okay so the story is coming to an end. There might be a sequel, but I dont know. It depends on how this story hit's off. So as usual vote/comment/ or hell do both. Oh and if you really love this book, go ahead and tell your friends or who ever. I'd love to hear what you all have to say. =)

A/N I'm publishing this book on amazon some time this year, so remember to check that out.

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