Dark Paradise

By delxrious_

26.2K 3.8K 5.1K

The heavily inquired question arises in thousands of curiosity consumed beings; what would the outcome be onc... More

New School New People
The Name's Ryder
Kill Myself For a Guy?
Soup and Coke Situation
I'm a Whore Too?
Little White Lie
I Promise
The insulting Marathon
Say Yes To The Dress
Smile For The Camera Kitten!
Adios Morgan
Don't Say Adios Yet
The Scandalous Deal
Let The Games Begin
Murderous Laces & Superiority
Devil's Late Night Crisis
A Kitten in a Cat Fight
Two Boys & a Pen
When Ron Met Kim
Cooper the Party Pooper
The Art of Ramen Noodles
French Fries with a Side of Charlie

The Terrors of the Night

792 118 100
By delxrious_

The Terrors of the Night 

Adriana's P.O.V.

"Stop," I begged and pleaded for his merciless and cold-blooded figure to release me from my misery. The pain that shot throughout every inch of my scars ridden body felt utterly unbearable. Blood oozed out from my heavily bruised, delicate skin. It escaped from my veins in areas I never knew the human body was capable of bleeding from. But every single time I pleaded for him to gain his sanity and end the fearsome torture, his anger increased immensely and his hits only became harder by the second. All the energy I once occupied was drained out, resulting in me falling to my knees. My hands rode up, concealing my stinging face as the salt ridden tears began to stream like a flowing river. The excessively thick red colored liquid and my transparent salty tears were mixed together, settling on my fabric covered thighs. He did nothing but continue using his knee to erupt pain in my back and I did nothing but sob from the burning sensation playing within me. I mysteriously gained a single ounce of courage and enforced my limbs to cooperate and stand up, in order to attempt to make a run for it. As expected, I managed to fail. Since I did, I was yanked by my brown locks, resulting in me landing on my back with a loud thud. A groan escaped my bruised lips and one more plead managed to leave too.

Paying no attention whatsoever to my cries, I spotted him strolling to the kitchen. It was indeed an opportunity for my being to escape the horrendous scenario I've been placed in, but I knew better than to get myself killed. I, however, took that as an opportunity to carefully wipe my blood concealed face with the hem of my shredded sweater. My ears perked up as they heard his heavy footsteps marching back to my location. Once he placed himself in front of my hopeless being, my eyes spotted a deadly weapon secured in his firm grip. Utter horror consumed my being and my sobs only increased, getting louder and louder. I initiated yelling at the top of my
lungs, desperately, for my life.

"Help, help," I resumed screaming, not attempting to ever stop. His large, hands harshly grabbed a handful of my hair then yanked my head backwards, placing the knife on the skin of my neck. My breathing immediately quickened and heart race's acceleration increased. My heart was beating as quick as lightning and I feared it would pop out of my chest at any moment. My blurry vision focused on the sleek blade of the knife, as I gulped in dread.

"D-don't do this, p-pl-please. That's not who you are, that's not the dad I know. Please don't kill me." I ever so slowly whispered the last part as I watched my tears fall into the blade. He turned into my biggest nightmare. Never have I ever expected my nightmare to turn out to be from my own flesh and blood.

"Well, I guess you don't know me at all." those were the last words that escaped his lips before I began yelling and fighting for my life. The knife-

I jerked up from my squeaky mattress and by instinct, I began examining my surroundings. My heart race was accelerating by the second which was verified as unhealthy. Every single inch of my shaking physique was soaked in dripping sweat. My wet, chocolatey locks stuck to my oily forehead like it depended on it. My body was consumed with an excessive amount of fear that I was afraid of moving an inch of my dread filled figure. 'It was just a dream.' I initiated chanting those words inside that thick skull of mine over and over, and a sigh of relief escaped my lips at the realization.

Ever since I was a young child, I've had horrible nightmares about him haunting me once darkness consumed my being, but never have I ever dreamt about him ending my existence. I began recalling how his face emerged in my unconscious state, appearing so determined and evil, as if he wanted to murder me more than anything in this world. It was just a dream.

In my quivering state, I removed the covers that concealed my damp body and took slow and easy steps towards the bathroom. My trembling fingers found there way to the faucet, opening it and splashing my heavily sweaty face with pure water countless times.

'Would he ever do that to me?' the blood curdling question was yet to be answered. Any being was capable of murder. I shook my head frantically, attempting to shove those thoughts away, but it was utterly useless. The devastating thoughts remained fresh and clear in my mind.

Once I was done with all the morning necessities, I hesitantly wrapped my fingers around the knob and pulled the door towards me. I peaked my head out, my eyes roaming the surroundings. Once I was reassured that the coast was clear, I allowed myself to step out. I clutched the school bag to my chest with an immoderate amount of force, like my life depended on it and began descending the stairs. Satisfaction overflowed throughout my being because I was in the front door territory, but my limbs halted once his raspy and slurring voice enveloped my eardrums. As soon as I was welcomed by his voice, my whole body froze, resembling an ice-cube and my eyes widened, fear lacing my blue sparkles.

"And, where do you think you're going?" he slurred, signaling he was once again in his drunken state. I cringed at the thought that never escaped my mind.

"School." I softly answered as my heels swiveled. My face was directed towards the chipped dark wooden floor, not being able to face him after the horrid nightmare I experienced.

I was suddenly welcomed by his barking laughter. His guffaw seemed inhumane and dripped with evil and bitterness.

"School? Why do you go to school? Do you think you'll ever make it far in life?" he resumed his laughing session and my eyes remained ogling the ground.

I almost forgot how supportive and fatherly he can be.

"Clean this house. At least we'll get something from that." he demanded of me, as if I were a slave working for his majesty. His tone, surprisingly, had a serious edge to it, considering his not so sober condition.

"I can't," I couldn't afford missing a class but then realization consumed me, I was doomed. His mind immediately comprehended and processed my utter mistake, and I found him marching to where I was located. He fixated himself in front of my face by approximately two or three inches. A chill ran through my back, forcing me to shiver in angst.

"What did you say? Repeat." he ordered me to do so in a deadly tone of voice. My gaze was still fixated to the floor, and my vocal cords never daring to give me permission to mutter a word.

"I said repeat." his tone increased this time, sounding like a growl. I almost jumped from the sound, but I immediately lifted my gaze. As soon as my head rose, his rough palm came in contact with my cheek. My head involuntarily titled towards the left from his actions and my fingers rode upwards, slightly touching the area he slapped me. The stinging sensation intensified drastically once I touched it, but it was nothing I wasn't aquatinted by.

"What another?" he mockingly inquired with a playful smile etched to his features. My head shook in a frantic manner and the sick smile transformed into a cunning smirk that dared to creep into his features

"Oh, come one, what if I wanna give another?" I remained silent, not knowing what to exclaim. He aggressively brought the bottle that he was grasping in his hands to his face and drank like the maniac he was. Poisonous liquid began spilling everywhere as he gulped from the bottle. Once he finished successfully emptying the bottle, he unexpectedly threw the glass to the floor and I watched it shatter into a million pieces, similar to my heart.

"Clean it up. Now." he demanded once again and stumbled his way back into the other room. I dropped my bag and did as I was told. When all the glass vanished, I picked up my bag and examined the time. My eyes almost fell out of their sockets once I saw what time it was. I was eight minutes late!

I sprinted out of the door, suddenly becoming an Olympic medalist. My feet impatiently and incessantly tapped the concrete ground, waiting for the bus. Seven minutes have passed and there was no sign of it. Running was the only option remaining in the plate. I began sprinting like my life depended on it.

Thirty minutes later, my exceptionally damped and heavily panting figure stood in front of Biology class. I sharply inhaled and knocked on the door. My eyes immediately locked with Morgan's and he flashed me his signature smirked. I averted my gaze and focused on the teacher.

"Miss Lancaster, thank you for gracing us with your presence. Mind telling me why you're late?" Mr. Peterson spoke in his deep English accent.

"I'm sorry, sir. But the bus was late so I had to walk. Won't happen again." he eventually nodded and I walked to my desk, ignoring the stares I received from students. Whispers erupted in the room, striking a nerve within me.

'Since when have they been together?'

'How could he chose her of all people?'

'She rides the bus?'

'From actresses and models to her'

Her will snap your head off if you didn't mind your own business.

I settled down in my usual seat and pulled out the class essentials. Pulling out my pen, I started jotting down notes based on the teacher's words. I was disturbed by a pair of eyes intensely carving holes in the midst of my back. I disregarded it but after a while, it became utterly bothersome. I dropped my pen in aggravation and turned my head towards the cause of my irritation. My attention then adjusted on the dark haired, dark eyed devil I despised. His infamous smirk was plastered on his features and I shook my head. I continued writing down notes until I heard him hiss, signaling for me to turn once again.

Not happening, buddy.

"Psssttt," he whispered. I hardened my grip on my pencil, but nonetheless resumed writing. He remained whispering for a good five seconds, but then I felt a crumbled piece of paper hit that back of my head. I managed to successfully locate my inner peace and remained overlooking the situation. After five papers came in contact with my hair, I lost all the patience I never knew I had.

I quickly aimed for his head and threw the only pencil I had. The newly sharpened pencil stroke him right in the forehead and I smiled contently. He glared venomously then picked up the weapon and positioned each of his hands on both opposite ends of it. Effortlessly, he broke the object and it split into two halves. The cracking sound echoed in the room and the teacher immediately turned around, eyeing Ryder.

"What was that?" he questioned him, clearly annoyed by him disturbing the class.

"What was what?" Ryder asked innocently as if he didn't just break my on and only pencil.

"Mr. Morgan, what on Earth has possessed you to break a pencil?" the English man inquired, annoyance evident in his features.

"Well you see, Ms. Lancaster here," he nodded his head towards me and my mouth parted. "Grabbed her deadly weapon that some call a pencil and aimed it at my precious face. Her actions could've caused very severe medical problems such as skin cancer, blindness, excessive bleeding and much more. As you can see, what she had caused was way out of line and is punishable by either death or expulsion. Your call." as soon as he was done, guys snickered and girls gasped dramatically. I, on the other hand, didn't know if I should have laughed or glared. He made it sound as if I planted a bullet within him.

Girls directed nasty looks towards me and Ryder relaxed back in his seat. I breathed in, facing the teacher.

"Sir, he's over exaggerating. All that pencil could've done was poke his eye, and I would've actually worshipped an object if it did." confused expressions masked everyone's faces, wondering why his girlfriend would say such a thing.

"You two," he pointed at both of us. "Out. Now." never have I ever been kicked out of class, and here I was leaving one because of that skunk. I angrily swung the bag over my shoulder and exited the room with Ryder imitating my actions. Once the door clicked closed, I faced him whilst gripping my bag.

"What is your problem? Can't you just leave me alone? That's all I'm asking for." I threw my hands in the air, a sign of clear exhaustion.

"No, Lancaster, I'm afraid I can't do that." his eyes bored into mine.

"Why? I said no to that stupid deal of yours so just get away." I shooed him with my hands and he sent me a weirded out look. His face then changed into a serious look.

"Listen, the hatred's mutual but I need this. So stop acting like a child. Do you honestly think I want to be seen with someone whom purposely spilt Coke on me, has insulted me and mind I remind you, no one has ever done that, has flipped me off, and acts like a moody pregnant woman 24/7? I would do anything to get out of this, but I can't. Now shut that trap of yours and say yes." a brow of mine rose at his words.

"Oh, I see. We're being honest right now, huh? Well as you said, I despise you more than any creature the lord has created. You know why? You're aggravating, conceited, arrogant, plain and downright idiotic. So excuse me for not wanting to be by your side for three deadly months."

"You dare say that to me?" he tested in ire. Anger oozed out of him like he was ready to murder whatever was near. We both involuntarily inched closer to one another, glaring daggers. It was a battle that neither one of us would step down from.

"What? Can't New York's bad boy take an insult or two?" we both were alerted about our proximity and took a step back simultaneously. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"That mouth of yours is going to cause some serious problems." there was no point in standing and arguing with him, so I just turned around and marched away.

"Oh, how I wish that pencil could've killed you." I said loudly, my intentions were for him to hear.

"Talk with your mouth, not your ass, sugarplum." I clenched my fist and took a left, away from him.

• • • • • • •

Job hunting was a complete and utter failure. I strolled around the city, searching for any place that would accept me, but there was no such luck.

I lifted my head from the coffee table and a heavy sigh escaped my lips. What was I going to do now? I had to find a place that would take me in. I glanced at the clock placed on the wall and it read '8:30'. I still had some time to continue my search. I lifted myself up and exited the coffee shop.

Here we go again.

• • • • • • •

I laid down, staring at the plain ceiling. I lost all the hope I once had. What was I going to do now? College was a must that I could never throw away or forget about. It was my only hope.

There was only one more option laying right in my hands. An option that I would've never considered if I weren't put into such a situation. I had to accept Ryder's offer, it was the only way. I allowed myself to inhale sharply, and shut my eyes really hard. My eyes fluttered open in satisfaction and an evil smile crept into my features. I had an idea, that he probably would never like, but it was worth a shot.

• • • • • • •

I dashed into the cafeteria in search for none other than the one and only Ryder Morgan. My eyes roamed the room, in search for his irking self but there was no such luck in my hands. I huffed and swiveled, only to have a pair of soft hands squeeze my upper arm, stopping me. I raised my head and my eyes locked into none other than Jessica's green eyes.

"Do you mind?" I questioned, pulling my arm away from her harsh grip. I straightened out my sleeve and focused my gaze on her once again.

"Don't you remember what I told you when you first came here?" she sneered down at me, anger and jealousy evident in her features.

"How can I forget how you oh so desperately wanted me to get away from a guy who only sees you as a bed acquaintance?" a sickeningly sweet smile etched into my features, which only rose her anger level.

"Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to? You—"

"Oh for the love of God, stop beating around the bush and denying the fact everyone knows you're only occupation requires you spreading your limbs. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I attempted to push  past her but her hand found its way back to my arm and her maroon coated nails dug into my flesh.

"It's funny how you're calling me a slut when you're the one screwing Ryder for money." her strawberry pink tinted lips formed a smirk. I restrained a laugh because of her words.

"Oh, is that what you think? It's hilarious yet pathetic. But I mean, it isn't shocking since the assumption came from you."

"Stop denying it. We all know he wouldn't date a girl like you unless there was a bigger thing behind it. Ryder wouldn't ever like a girl like you." she laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"You know Jessica, I've seen people like you before, but I had to pay admission." I stated in a matter-of-fact.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she sneered, placing an arm on her hip. My eyes spotted Ryder leaving the room and I looked back at her and said my final words.

"Google it." I was about to evacuate her presence but then I spoke once more. "Oh, and touch me again, and I'll make sure your pretty nails get stuck up your plastic nose." after that, I gave her no chance to reply because I chased after him. He exited through the cafeteria and turned to the left. I stopped running and called him, using a loud tone.

"Morgan," he stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of my voice and pivoted on his heel. I tucked my hands inside the back pockets of my jeans, warming them up as he strolled towards my location. I inhaled deeply, knowing that I would sorely regret my decision.

"Finally came to your senses, huh?" he crossed his arms over his chest, staring down at my small frame.

"I'm gonna accept your proposal," the bored expression on his face was replaced by an awaken one. The infamous smirk returned. "But," and then it was gone.

I knew that the decision I have made was the wrong one, but college was my only hope, my only escape from the tragedy I've been unintentionally placed in. I had to do this for myself. Many 'what if's' clouded my thoughts, but I made sure determination was the only feeling consuming me, and went for it.

"Here we go," he irritatedly exclaimed.

"As I was saying, I'm gonna do it but under one condition, you let me work for you." I simply stated. If I were going to get money out of this, then I wanted to work for it rather than have it handed to me easily.

"Why the hell would I hire you at my company? You're insane if you think I ever would." he said as if it were a fact. He looked at me as if I were a foreign creature.

"Have it your way then." I simply replied and turned around, walking away.

"Wait," I stopped walking and waited for him to resume speaking.

"Why?" I took a second to form the right words to say. I didn't want to spill anything about college.

"That's for me to know," a confused expression played on his face.


"Is that all you're going to say?"

"Why are you complicating things? Just pick the easy road." he tried persuading but he failed, miserably, might I add.

"So what's it going to be?" I cut to the chase, not wanting to waste my time if he was going to reject my offer.

He ran a hand through his silky dark hair, probably debating on which option to pick. He finally gave a response, shaking his head disapprovingly.


I concealed my head with the hoodie attached to my sweatshirt and swiveled. My footsteps and his heavy ones echoed in the secluded hallway as we parted ways. He can have it his way then.

As the school day came to an end, I began my journey back home. As I strolled, my inner calmness was interrupted by the irking device.

Be here tomorrow first thing in the morning, or say goodbye to your salary.

Oh, would you look at that, his majesty finally made up his mind. A grin crept into my features and I continued my voyage with satisfaction consuming me.

I had it in my way, now.

• • • • • • •

Hello there fellow amazing Wattpad citizens!

I just recently reached 13k and I honestly don't know what to say other than thank you so damn much to all my loyal readers and supporters, you guys mean everything to me like literally.

*virtually hugs all you beautiful people*

The amazing cover to the side was made by the lovely @BonitaRogue , her skills are literally perfect teach me your ways. (http://ineedbookcover.tumblr.com) <<< her tumblr!!!!!

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy and leave a comment or two (:


Gossip girl (;

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