
By lovelydear89

133K 5.3K 1.3K

Rosalina Aldaine has worked nonstop for her entire life. Currently a student at University of Chicago, she ho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

17.9K 841 168
By lovelydear89

A/N: Thank you for all of your support on this story!! I'm sorry the updates are slow--as I've stated in my bio, Night is my main project, but I will be working on this as well, depending on how well it does. So remember, if you like this story, please vote/comment/share/add it to your lists!!
Also, just so you know, during this chapter I was literally DYING to just get right into the exciting parts but then I had to just keep reminding myself, character development and whatnot so yeah, it might feel a little slow. <3


I was sitting at a fancy desk right outside of Mr. Salvatore's office. He had previously listed off a ridiculous amount of mundane tasks, like filing and phone calls. Though I was still furious over what had happened earlier, he wasn't worth my anger. Besides, I had come to the realization that I was still working at one of the most esteemed companies in the world. I would build up my resume and do the best with what I had.

After a few hours of excruciatingly boring paperwork, it was finally my lunch break. I noticed that Mr. Salvatore had left his office about an hour ago, not even sparing me a glance as he passed me by.

Nate had texted me earlier in the day to ask if I wanted to grab dinner later. Of course I agreed which meant I made it my goal to finish all of my work as early as possible so we could meet by 5:30. Mr. Salvatore had explained that on most nights I would be done by 5:30, which was a half hour later than I had been previously working. But as long as I finished everything just a half hour early, I should've been fine.

I opened my blue cloth bag sitting beside the desk and pulled out a sandwich bag with a cheese sandwich inside. I also had a small bag of crackers as well as a water bottle.
As I munched on my sandwich and began typing on the computer in front of me, I heard the ding of the elevator signifying that Mr. Salvatore had returned. Secretly, I had hoped something big had come up so that he would be gone all day. But I was shocked when upon glancing up for a second, I realized that he was not alone.

Following him as he left the elevator was a woman with beautiful almond colored hair and dark eyes. She held an air of prestige as she walked; her dainty hand was resting in the crook of Mr. Salvatore's arm and her shapely brows gave her an intimidating, aristocratic look. She was tall, probably standing around 5'10", and if I had known more about fashion, I probably would've recognized her from a catalogue or a billboard. She was carrying a few bags, all of which were advertising names of stores which I neither recognized nor knew how to pronounce.

Her eyes fell upon me immediately. "Jason, who is this?" She asked, her tone poised and conversational. Though it seemed silly, it was difficult to picture him having a first name. He was so cruel and horrible that I hadn't even thought about what his first name might be.

"My new assistant," he told her, guiding her toward me and toward his office which was behind me.

"Isn't she a bit young?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in humor.

"She's well-qualified," was all he said. Yeah, over-qualified, I thought.

"What's your name, darling?" She asked, and I tried not to let onto how surprised I was by the fact that she'd spoken to me.

"It's Lina," I told her softly, setting down my sandwich and standing up to shake her hand. But she just looked at my outstretched hand, moving her gaze up and down my body. I blushed, humiliated, and dropped my hand back down to my side.

"What's that you're wearing?" She asked, her voice sounding interested. But I could hear the condescension from a mile away. By the looks of it, this woman was a clothing connoisseur, and I most certainly was not. 

"I got this dress at Old Navy," I answered. Seeing her tan leather jacket I complimented, "your jacket is beautiful. 

"Thank you, dear," she smiled, and then let out a polite laugh. "You know, a friend of mine once did a commercial for Old Navy. She likes to do charity work, it's very sweet." I couldn't help the heat that was coming to my face as a result of her words. 

"That's great," I said, attempting to smile. "It's my favorite store." 

"And you even do your own hair! I really admire self-reliant women in the working class; so willing to make the best out of what little you have. And I would imagine having to improvise all the time probably makes you especially creative." She was smiling, but I could sense the ice behind her dark eyes. My face flushed again, and I looked down, no longer able to meet her gaze. I was already embarrassed that I couldn't afford to look as nice as everyone who worked here. 

"Y-yeah," I cleared my throat, attempting to hide my discomfort. I didn't know what else to say. I found myself wishing Nate were here—he always knew what to say. I looked up at Mr. Salvatore and was surprised to see his intense gaze directed at me. I looked back at the woman who was opening her mouth to speak once again, when she was cut off by Mr. Salvatore.

"Come, Evelyn. We don't have time for you to stand here and antagonize my worker," he said casually, in a tone that was the complete opposite of how he was looking at me just a second ago, as he led her away from my desk. She laughed flirtatiously. I couldn't help but think that the two were perfect together.

"I was not antagonizing," she said playfully, laughing lowly again. And that was the last I heard before the sound of his office door shutting.

That was when I noticed that my eyes were growing wet and I cringed at my own sensitivity. Wiping furiously, I tried to divert my attention back to the screen in front of me. When that didn't work, I thought of Nate and how excited I was to see him later. Feeling slightly more calm, I turned back to my lunch and picked up my sandwich. But suddenly, I wasn't very hungry. Swallowing the last of the tears that were trying to fall, I trashed the rest of my lunch and started back to work, still hoping I would be able to finish soon enough to leave early.


When it got to be around 5, I had already finished everything that had been assigned to me. If I could leave now, I would have plenty of time to make it to dinner. After arranging everything into neat pile and shutting down the desktop, I approached Mr. Salvatore's office and knocked on the door lightly.

"Come in," he spoke curtly from the other side. I opened the door and tried to ignore the intimidation I felt at being the center of his intimidating gaze.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but I've finished everything you've assigned. Is it okay if I go now?"

"Go now?" He chuckled and I swallowed hard. Did I really think he would be reasonable? "What time did I tell you you could go, Rosalina?"

"5:30. But-"

"And what time is it now?"

"5," I answered hesitantly. "But I finished all of my work."

"Did you now?" He asked curiously. I nodded slowly. "Then I guess you'll need something to do, won't you?"

"Please, Mr. Salvatore. I'll even come in early tomorrow morning. But I'd really like to go to dinner with my friend tonight-I already told him I could." His eyes flashed and I shivered. How foolish, I thought. Did I really just admit that I had assumed I would be allowed to leave early?

"You'll start on tomorrow's work, Rosalina, which I've already e-mailed you, and you won't move until 5:30. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," I nearly mumbled as I all but ran from his office. But he wouldn't spoil my fun just because he didn't know how to act like a human being. Sitting down in my chair, I turned my computer back on and then searched through my bag for my cell phone as it was starting up. When I found it, I quickly dialed Nate's number and he answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Mallow. What's up?"

"Hi Nate. Do you think we could actually meet at 6 tonight? I'm sorry, I got backed up by work and-"

"Relax, Lina," he laughed softly, probably sensing my anxiety through the phone. "Of course we can. Don't stress yourself out."

"You're the best. Thank you."

"I know. I'll see you soon."

"Bye, Nate." I hung up. After the computer had turned on, I was about to click on the internet tab so that I could go to my emails. I jumped in shock when I heard Mr. Salvatore's voice from right behind me.

"Something's come up," he said in a strange tone. "I need these calls made tonight," he said, handing me a spreadsheet where number after number was highlighted. This would take me forever.

"B-But most offices won't even be taking calls at this hour," I reasoned.

"Then leave a message," he ordered harshly. "I need this message to be received by tomorrow. Don't question me, Rosie, just do it."

"It's Lina," I snapped. "And these will take me way longer than a half hour!"

"Well you'll have to stay until you finish them."

"You can't just do that!" I said. It was only the first day and I was already starting to see what a horrible, horrible, situation this was.

"Oh yeah?" He asked mockingly, taking a step closer. "And who's going to stop me?"

Biting my lip to stop myself from saying something I'd regret later, I set the spreadsheet down and angrily picked up the phone to dial the first number. I realized as the line was ringing that I would have to completely cancel our dinner tonight, even though I'd been looking forward to it all day. I was vaguely aware of the sound of Mr. Salvatore's footsteps walking away.


I didn't finish all of the phone calls until 7:30. He has given me so many that I had started to hyperventilate about whether or not I had accidentally skipped over a number. Thankfully, Nate was the most amazing person in the world and said we could postpone dinner as long as I needed. I was absolutely starving.

I packed up all of my things, put on my coat, and then sent Nate a message saying that I was on my way. Since I didn't have a car (I usually took the subway to work), I would walk to the restaurant, since it was only a few blocks away, and then Nate would drop me off back home.

Not wanting to ruin my good mood with the sight of Mr. Salvatore who hadn't left his office since I'd last seen him, I opted not to say goodbye. I pushed the button beside the elevator and tapped my foot softly to a random rhythm as I waited for the doors to open.

"You've finished everything, I presume?" Mr. Salvatore's voice came from behind me. I turned around, simply out of politeness that he didn't even deserve.

"Yes. Goodnight, Mr. Salvatore." With that, I turned back around and got onto the elevator. After I turned around, I could feel his heavy gaze on me until the doors closed.

When I reached the lobby, the lights were dim and everyone was gone. The building had closed over an hour ago. Sighing, I made my way outside into the chilly night air and began my walk to the restaurant where Nate and I were meeting. Peppino's—our favorite restaurant in the city—had the best deep dish pizzas around. It was relatively healthy but cheap, and since we knew the owner like family, he always gave us discounts.

After about a ten minute walk, I had reached the restaurant and I could hear the loud music and cheering before even opening the doors. I smiled to myself and anxiously stepped inside. I was instantly met with the feel of warm, friendly air and the smell of the finest pizzas around.

"Oi, Rosalina!" A deep voice that I would recognize anywhere called from the side of the restaurant. Standing behind the counter was a middle-aged man that I had known since I had started college here. But it felt like much longer.

"Tony!" I called, sending him a big smile. "It's been much too long!"

"It sure has, chica! I thought you disappeared!" He had a slight Italian accent which made him sound all the more endearing.

"Nope, just work," I admitted. I looked around the restaurant to see if I could spot Nate.

"Are you looking for Nate?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, is he here yet?"

"Sure is. Just go right to the back. Did you forget it's game night?" He smirked. My face scrunched in realization. Crap.

Now I loved basketball as much as the next person but watching basketball with Nate and 'his boys' was a whole different story. By the end of the night, I knew I'd be deaf and surrounded by intoxicated men.

"I might as well just leave now," I joked, starting to head back into the room where there were TV's and pool tables. It was also where most of the noise was coming from. Secretly, I loved spending game nights at Peppino's with Tony and Nate.

Tony laughed heartily.

"Good luck, chica! One deep dish coming your way shortly," he winked.

"You're the best, Tony!"

When I got to the back of the restaurant, it was just as crowded as ever, given it was a game night, and I could barely hear myself think with all of the cheers and laughing. After a moment, I finally spotted Nate sipping a Bud Light at a table, laughing and hollering with his friends. His friends were fun and I really did like them, but they had a tendency to be wildly inappropriate, especially while drunk. This was going to be a long night. But then I started to think that maybe, some relaxing with friends would be good for me. I was looking forward to it.

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