I Want Her

By Sskcin

19.6K 944 244

A well respected lawyer, Lindsey Buckingham, hires a gorgeous new secretary, Stephanie Nicks. He is determine... More

You're hired
Getting to know you
Not like every other
Good enough?
I like a challenge
Duty calls
Is it just an act?
I still mean it
I'll be waiting
Don't promise me
On one condition
Maybe, someday...
Are you sure?
Your only chance
I can't lose them
I'll do anything
What did you do?
I'm always there for you
It's perfect

Whatever you say

912 44 7
By Sskcin

Stevie grunted, opening her eyes slowly, as they adjusted to the sunlit room. She loved sleeping in on Saturdays and Sundays, but Lindsey was depriving her of that luxury. She was fighting hard his wandering hands and still failed, giving up on any more sleep.

"We have to set some rules, Lindsey."

"Oh wow, okay... that wasn't the kind of topic I thought we'd discuss first thing in the morning."

"Just the one for now; you do not wake me up, before I feel fully rested and wake up on my own."

"I guess we can agree on that. Can I still touch you while you're asleep, though?"


"A bit harsh, gee." He said, yet the tone of his voice was just teasing.

"You can go make me breakfast now."

"Nu-uh, I want cuddles." He got closer, whispering to her.

Stevie sighed, turning around in his arms, as she wrapped hers around his middle and stayed like that for no more than thirty seconds. "We cuddled. Food. Now."

"That's no way to talk to your boss, I could still fire you, you know..."

"I'll just live off you." She grinned to herself, pulling the covers up higher, while literally pushing him out of the bed with her foot.

"You're really mean, you know that?" Lindsey reached for his robe, with the thought of getting back in bed after he made them something to eat.

"And you still love me, so I think we're okay."

"I forgive you, because you have my baby growing inside of you. But that's the only reason why." He emphasized, only making her laugh.

"And because I am carrying your baby and been doing so for the last six months, you will shut up, stop complaining and bring me breakfast!"

He just sighed dramatically, shaking his head and left Stevie smirking in bed.

While Lindsey was in the kitchen, making them omelettes and coffee for himself and tea for Stevie, he couldn't stop himself from thinking about the past two months. He truly had never been happier. His divorce from Bridget wasn't official yet, it was still underway, but he had convinced Stevie fairly quickly about them starting living together. He had agreed to leave the house for his soon to be ex wife, so at the moment they were living at Stevie's, but he promised her that once he was a free man and he was back on his feet, he was going to buy them a new place of her liking.

Lindsey never understood the family life others around him were so anxious to start. That is until he met Stevie. He was all about his work before and now he couldn't wait to come home each night. Stevie would cook him a meal, ask him about his day, since she wasn't working at the firm at the moment, because Lindsey refused to let her do so, even though she was only six months pregnant, and he loved that. He had fallen in love with her so, he worshiped the ground she walked on. Never in his right mind did he think it was possible for any woman to have such an effect on him. But he wasn't complaining, he would do anything for her.

Stevie too could hardly believe how much her life had changed. Her ex fiance was good to her, but he was nothing compared to Lindsey. He kept to his promise, being the caring and loving man he said he would be. She did think she deserved to be treated well and he did just that. She loved welcoming him with open arms after he had finished his work for the day. She finally got the chance to just be the housewife she wanted to be, with her man supporting them. She didn't see anything wrong in that scheme of things.

When Lindsey returned to the bedroom, he found Stevie asleep again and he rolled his eyes, should have known not to leave her here alone.

"Baby, wake up. The food is getting cold." He said softly, brushing her golden locks out of her face.

"I wasn't sleeping." She yawned, rolling onto her back.

"Sure you weren't..."

Stevie sat up, resting against the headboard, as Lindsey placed a plate on her lap and set the cup of tea on her nightstand. "Hm... this actually looks edible."

"Oh God, seriously?" He laughed, getting in beside her. "Do you think I'm that hopeless?"

"No, just teasing you." She smiled sweetly and dug into her breakfast. "I thought we should talk baby names."

"You just opened your eyes, you sure that's a good idea?"


"You're awfully moody in the morning."

"I was planning on us making sweet love after we ate, but now you can go fuck yourself."

Lindsey bit on his lower lip, knowing laughing wasn't the best of his options, nor was his reply. "You're so horny lately, you'll be the one begging me to take you every way we can manage it now."

"Right. Consider us broken up."

"Uh-uh, okay. Whatever you say." He shrugged, taking a gulp of his coffee. "Well then, what do you reckon for a girl?"

"I like Isabella."


"What's wrong with Isabella?"

"It's too long."

"We could shorten it to Bella."

"If you drop the B, Ella sounds nice."

"Oh that's beautiful! I like that."

"You do?"

"Well, yeah..." Stevie frowned. "It was your suggestion."

"No, I know, I'm just used to being overruled all the time."

"Or Maya. I like Maya too."

Lindsey thought for a moment, then shook his head. "No, I prefer Ella."

"Right, okay. And if it's a boy?"

"Well, actually..." He put his empty plate on the floor, before turning to her. "I know how important your grandfather was to you, how you look up to him, so I thought, if we have a boy, we could name him Aaron?"

"You mean that?" Her eyes brimmed with tears instantly.

"Of course I do, I think it's a lovely name." He smiled, bringing his hand up to her face to brush away the lone tear that had escaped.

"That would mean the world to me."

"I know, baby." He took her plate off her lap too and put it away, pulling her closer, as they lay down again. "But I still hope it's a girl, then I'll be able to call the most beautiful woman in the world mine and have the prettiest daughter too."

"Aw, you melt my heart, Linds." She smiled, lifting her head off his chest and resting her chin on it, so they could look each other in the eyes. "I love you."

"And I love you." He bopped the tip of her nose with his finger and she reached up to kiss him, which eventually resulted in that making of sweet love she was talking about earlier.

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