Not like every other

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It was before 8 the next morning, when Stevie was on her way to Lindsey's office, to place a stack of files on his desk, consisting of cases that he would decide whether to take on or not. She jerked her head to look over her shoulder, as she felt a hand on her behind, trailing lower to the back of her thigh.

"Excuse me?!"

"Good morning, Stephanie."

"I believe that is sexual harassment in the workplace and there is a case for that!"

"And who do you think will be your lawyer, when they find out your fighting me?"

"I don't have time for this." Stevie tried to push past him, but he grabbed her by the arm. "You're being very unprofessional right now, Mr. Buckingham." The door was closed, so she feared how far he would take this.

"What's your problem, sweetheart? We were getting along just fine last night."

"Yes, when you said you wanted to be my friend and I opened up to you about my failed relationship and more. I realize now that I shouldn't have said those things. You know, I thought you weren't like this after yesterday, clearly the first impression I had of you was the right one."

"Don't be so hostile. We could have so much fun together." Lindsey was way too close for her liking and she was contemplating a kick in his crotch.

"Will your wife be joining us?" Stevie was not the one to back down easily, she didn't care who Lindsey was, she was going to stand up for herself. 

"Now... we don't need her. She's a bore, while I'm sure you are a complete opposite." He gripped her side with his free hand, but she pulled away. "I could fulfill all of your fantasies. However dirty they might be..." 

She felt his hot breath on the flesh of her neck, as she closed her eyes, gritting her teeth. "Is this why you hired me? You hoped I would hop into your bed on my second day here?"

"To be honest, yes. I was sure you were going to be an easy conquest."


"Don't you dare talk to me that way, you hear me? I'm a lot tougher than I might seem to be, and if you disrespect me again, I will cut your balls off with a rusty knife and send them to your wife, so she knows what a fucking dick she married."

Lindsey finally let go of her, showing her the door with his hand. "I will have you on your knees in front of me sooner than you get to use that knife."

She was afraid she might actually make her threat a reality, so without another word, she marched out of his office, with her head held high as if nothing happened and headed to her working place. 

During the lunch break, Stevie couldn't get out fast enough, as she hurried to a cafe across the street, to calm her nerves down with a cup of steaming hot coffee and some kind of sweet pastry. She was glad not many people were inside, as she sat down in a corner. Her head hurt badly and she wanted to just go home. If she didn't need to pay the bills and buy food, she would have left that bloody job the second Lindsey lay a finger on her. Uh, Lindsey... She knew him only for a few days, not even a whole week yet, but she already hated him. He was so arrogant, so full of himself, having no respect for women, which Stevie couldn't stand the most. And he was acting this way towards her, when he had a wife? But... As much as she despised him, something about him... intrigued her as well. After all, he was a very successful man and he was so sexy to her, especially, once that infuriating smirk crossed his face, that she wanted to slap off him. But she couldn't give in, no. If she had, she would be just like the others, she was sure he had slept with probably every secretary he had. She wasn't going to let him win. 

Back at the office, Stevie got to her desk the same time Lindsey was passing it by. He checked his watch and then said to her. "You're late."

"Two minutes."

"Doesn't matter, I told you you had an hour."

She simply ignored him and placed her handbag on the floor, as she sat down. He didn't say anything else either, proceeding to walk wherever he was going before. Or maybe he was just waiting until she got back. 

The day was slow, Stevie got to answer only a couple of phone calls and attend to just one meeting, which she was glad for. She had had enough of Lindsey Buckingham for one day. She was completely zoned out, as she heard someone clear their throat loudly and on purpose. 

"How may I help you?"

"So, you're the new secretary."

"I... am, yes."

"I'm Mrs. Buckingham, nice to meet you." The woman held out her hand and Stevie reluctantly shook it, she didn't like her already. Either... 

"Nice to meet you too. Your husband is free at the moment."

"Thank you." The woman didn't move for a few seconds, staring at Stevie, studying her new competition, so to say... Bridget was well aware of her husband's infidelities. 

Lindsey's wife barged into his office without knocking and he didn't look very amused. "So, have you screwed her already?"

"What? Who?"

"Stephanie, or whatever her name tag says."

"Gee, Bridget. You know I needed someone to fill the position, I didn't hire her to mess around."

"I'm sure you didn't." She rolled her eyes, arms folded. "Anyway. Are you ready to leave? I hope you didn't forget about those dinner reservations."

"I didn't. And yes, we can go." Lindsey put on his jacket and followed Bridget out. 

They couldn't leave the building without passing the front desk. Stevie caught the two coming with the corner of her eye, as she was chatting with Tom. This was a perfect opportunity.

"Of course I'll have a drink with you tonight!" Stevie faked her excitement, placing her hand on Tom's chest, as Lindsey stopped walking and she saw it.

What the fuck, Tom?  Lindsey was seething, as his wife tugged at his hand. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing. I... Nothing." He shook his head. "Keep going."

Once they were out of the building, Stevie looked at her colleague apologetically. "I'm so sorry for that, but you have no idea how much I needed to do that."

"I, uh... okay." Tom shrugged, pretty sure why she did it. "Glad I could help." She smiled gratefully, as he added. "But I think that you really owe me a drink now."

"I'm not sure if it's such a great idea."

"Oh come on. It's just a drink." 

"Well..." Stevie bit on her bottom lip, thinking. "Fine. Just let me get my things."

Tom nodded, smiling brightly, inside he was laughing, she's not as easy as you thought, Buckingham, you fucker, huh? They had been working together for a while and they were good friends too, but Tom was glad Stevie wasn't just like every other girl that had worked for Lindsey. 

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