The Girl Hiding In The Shadows

By carlysangels_

235K 9.7K 1.2K

Rachel Williams, the shy and quiet friend. Ella Chance, the outgoing and popular friend. Zachary Davis, the h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 12

5.7K 269 14
By carlysangels_

Rachel's POV

Ella, Nicole and even Helen were enraged with what Jane and her chums did to me. Ella wanted to find them and make them apologise to me. You know, me being me, I didn't want to make a big deal out of this. Well, this is a big deal to me. But, I seriously did not want to draw anymore attention to myself. It's not that easy to stop Ella, luckily, Nicole helped me to disuade Ella from doing so.

As I was walking down the hallway to the canteen with the three of them, I could feel the stares filled with jealousy from the students poking through my skin. I did not even notice this until today. Okay, honestly, I was really lucky to be able to befriend Nicole and Helen through Ella. If I didn't know anyone in this school, I might take forever to find one friend.

I guess that's the reason why the girls were unhappy with me. These three girls are really friendly people, yes even Helen. She comforted me when she saw me trying so hard to hold back my tears in Chemistry class. I was grateful to have them as my friends. Sigh, even if it meant to let Zachary go.

Helen's mood improved drastically today. If it wasn't for that incident this morning, I would be happy for her. No wait I was happy for her, it's a pity my current mood wasn't that good.

Everyone began to whisper among themselves once we stepped into the canteen. No surprise, I could hear my name being mentioned as we walked around to find a seat. I bet those students were silently laughing at me and applauded Jane's action. Ha, why should I care? Sadly, the truth is I care very much. I hate how childish the students are. I hope they would stop judging people.

All of a sudden the murmurs increased in volume. I was really hungry and was about to devour my lunch when a group of people gathered in front of my table. I was trying my best not to roll my eyes before taking a look at who interrupted my lunch.

I dropped my fork and spoon on the plate after I saw Jane and her chums. Jane glared at me as if she wanted to strangle me but the next moment she smiled at me sweetly.

"Are.. Are you alright? You don't have to be two-faced with me. All of us know how much you detest me."

Both Helen and Nicole obviously choked on their food and Ella tried so hard to keep a straight face. Jane's smile didn't waver however her lips tightened in a straight line.
"Okay let's cut the crap. Sorry." Jane grumbled curtly.

"Oh.. Oh. Okay." I rubbed my eyes and wondered, am I dreaming? Did Jane just apologised to me?

"Zachary" Jane's voice instantly became sickly sweet as she called Zachary.

"I've done what you asked, don't forget about our date." She emphasises on the last word with a disgusting wink.

Date?!? Zachary's going on a date with Jane? Oh no, is it because of me? Is this some kind of sick joke?

I swiftly turned to look at Zachary to confirm whatever Jane was saying. Zachary just gave me a smile and a thumbs up.

What in the world just happened?

It seemed that, Jane apologising to me became the hottest news in school. It's not everyday the queen of the school apologies to you right. Awesome, more attention was cast to me, just what I (not) love.

I leant my butt against Zachary's car and waited for him. Right now, I didn't really give a damn to the curious stares everyone was giving me when they passed by me. I am grateful and mad at the same time. What was going on in Zachary's mind? Ella's way better than Jane, was he blind? Why did he even do that in the first place?

Frustated at my answerless questions, I kicked the small stone away hardly. "Wow, whoever made you mad should be afraid right?" Zachary's hand was in his pockets as he walked towards me.

"Yeah, so are you afraid?" I challenged him with a tilt of my chin.

Zachary laughed out and said, "No. Get in the car, I'll give you a ride home." He gestured me to get in his car as he unlocked it already.

"Wait! Tell me why you did that first!"

"Rachel, just get in."

"Stop evading my question, Zachary Davis. Didn't you said our conversation isn't over?" My tone was firm and Zachary knew we could stand there all day until he answered my question.

"I didn't want you to be humiliated because of me. Moreover, Jane has a great body, therefore I've got nothing to lose." Zachary came to my side and opened the door while trying to get me in the car.

Jane has a great body. Of course, why would Zachary be any different from the other guys?

Zachary's POV

Shoot. I shouldn't have mentioned that to Rachel. Rachel visibly stiffened after I finished my sentence and obediently went into the car without a word.

The car ride was so awkward and quiet. I stole a glance at Rachel to find her staring straight ahead with a frown. I cleared my throat in an attempt to get her attention. However, Rachel continued keeping quiet and looked down at her hands.

She's mad at me. I was mad at myself for upsetting her. I tried everything to get a reaction from Rachel but she's totally ignoring me. An idea suddenly came to me, I played my favourite song on the car stereo and sang along with it. Whenever I did this to Dylan and Jake, they would immediately switch off the car stereo and tell me to shut up.

As I was singing along, Rachel started to chuckle at my out of tuned singing. I grinned at her change of mood.

"I don't mean to be rude, but you can stop singing already." Rachel raised her voice as I was singing quite loudly.

I laughed aloud and turned off the car stereo. "Ouch. Rachel, that hurts." I jokingly placed my hands on the chest while giving her a sad look.

"Focus on driving!" Rachel said and I could hear the smile in her voice. Well that puts a smile on my face too.

Author's note :
Thanks for reading! Hope you liked this chapter! :)

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