I Want Her

By Sskcin

19.2K 943 244

A well respected lawyer, Lindsey Buckingham, hires a gorgeous new secretary, Stephanie Nicks. He is determine... More

You're hired
Getting to know you
Not like every other
Good enough?
I like a challenge
Duty calls
Is it just an act?
I still mean it
I'll be waiting
Don't promise me
On one condition
Maybe, someday...
Are you sure?
Whatever you say
I can't lose them
I'll do anything
What did you do?
I'm always there for you
It's perfect

Your only chance

863 47 6
By Sskcin

Naturally, Stevie didn't want to have any contact with Lindsey. When the phone rang and after she picked up, she found out it was him, she would hang up instantly. He also came knocking on her door every day, a couple of times, but she didn't let him in either. The only thing he had heard from Stevie was when she said she wasn't going to show up at work for at least a week, during the first of his calls. She said she wasn't feeling well and he knew that she just didn't want to face him, he said it was okay.

But when Stevie was supposed to return, she wasn't at her desk and it was almost 9 in the morning. Lindsey was worried, thinking that maybe something was seriously wrong with the baby. Their baby. He cursed himself every time, remembering how he asked, whether she was sure it was his

He calmed down the second he saw her walking through the door at last. He desperately wanted to talk to her, but something told him, she wouldn't want to reciprocate. But I'm her boss and she's late for work, I have every right to approach her.

"Would you care to explain why you're late for work?" Lindsey asked, crossing his arms, his eyes instantly settling on her bump, that she didn't even try to hide. It wasn't very big yet, but it was obvious she was expecting.

"I'm sorry I failed to inform you about it, I had a doctor's appointment."

"Oh? Is, uh... is everything okay?"

"You don't have to pretend you care." She said angrily and sat down, but Lindsey made her stand up again, as he led the way to his office for some privacy.

"I do care, Stevie. I had some time to think it all over. I know I didn't handle the situation very well, but please, baby, forgive me. I'm so sorry I hurt you. Again..." 

"The way you reacted told me so much, Lindsey. I couldn't stop crying that night!"

"And I hate myself for that." He approached her, risking placing his hands on her shoulders. "You didn't answer my calls, you refused to see me, you got me sick with worry. You said you wouldn't come to work because you weren't feeling well and then I started thinking that it's something with the baby and I couldn't forgive myself if something bad happened because of how stupid I am."

She hadn't brushed his hands away, but she wasn't ready for more physical contact between them, as she looked down, saying. "Why does it matter? You don't even want children."

"I do! Stevie, with you I want as many kids as we can have!"

"Right, maybe, someday..." She repeated his words from a few weeks back.

"That's not true. After the initial shock, I was so happy. I hate it that I couldn't share it with you, because I am excited about becoming a father to our baby. Before, I didn't even realize how much I actually wanted it, but now I do and I'm beginning you to believe me, sweetheart."

She looked up at him, teary eyed and unfolded her arms, putting them around him, hearing him exhale deeply in relief, as he hugged her close. "I had an ultrasound before I arrived here."

"Yeah? How was it?"

"I wish you could have been there with me..." She said barely audibly. "But the baby is fine."

"I'm sorry, Steph, I am. I don't deserve you."

"No, you really don't."

"Bridget and I are over."

Stevie pulled back, her mouth agape. "Seriously?"

"Yes. I would have told you sooner, but you-"

"I refused to speak or see you, I know. How did it go?" 

"Badly, but oh well. She was screaming and throwing things, so I just ran out the door, with a suitcase in hand. When I went to meet her father, he wasn't really surprised about my decision. If anything, he said, he expected that to happen years earlier. He also said, and I quote, "I don't know how you managed to live with that uptight control freak for so long", his words. Turns out it was mostly Bridget, pretending she had this fantastic relationship with her father. It's a completely different story actually. And now I think that I've wasted so many years with her, simply being a coward."

"But it's over now, so you don't have to think about it anymore."

"Exactly, she already signed the papers too, so what's left is just the formalities. And you want to know the best part? Harrison didn't take a dime from me. He signed away everything, the firm is officially mine and I can return all the money to the people I've borrowed it from, that I thought I'd need."

"No way! That is fantastic!"

"I know, it's great, but what's the most important is that I can be with you now. Officially." Lindsey smiled, but then it faded from his face. "If that's what you still want of course."

"Well..." Stevie stepped back, sitting down in one of the leather chairs. "You've completely destroyed the trust I've built for you and you hurt my feelings, but I do love you. Even if I'm still kind of mad at you, I know I'll be a lot happier with you than without you."

"You're an angel. My angel." 

"Don't expect us to move in together tomorrow, but you're off my black list."

"I couldn't ask for more." He half smiled, taking her hand, with the other tilting her chin up, as he leaned in closer, capturing her lips briefly. "I've missed this."

"So have I." She said, parting her legs, so he could stand in between them, his arms going around her. "Do you really honestly want to have this baby with me?"

"Don't even doubt it. I want our child, I want you, to be with you, to love you. To love you both."

"You make it sound so perfect." She sighed. "I'm afraid it won't last long."

"Don't be. I know you hate, and probably don't believe, my promises, but I do, I promise you, things are going to change from now on. I'll be the loyal, trustworthy, caring man to you that you need me to be."

"This is your only chance, Lindsey..."

"And I'm not going to waste it."

They remained in their embrace for a while longer, as he kept making promises and she so desperately wanted to believe every single one of them.

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