Freedom (Teen Wolf Season 2)

By NotMyself24

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16 year old TJ had nothing to live for. That is until she met the man who could change everything for her, on... More

1: Waiting for Superman
2: Panic Attacks
3: Noticed
4: Changes
5: Tabitha Jane
7: Wrench
8: Breathe
9: Dangerous
10: Marijuana, Liquor, and Pain
11: Tabby Jane Herself
12: Sweet Bourbon
13: Jackson
14: Mystilyst
15: I Love You, Goodbye

6: School

351 11 0
By NotMyself24

Erica drags Jackson in by his arm as he complains. I cross my arms and jut a hip out raising an eyebrow.

"Wait. Woah, Tabby, you've never looked better." Jackson says using a name that has only came from his mouth. "Well, that's a lie. That one night in eighth grade." He winks. "You looked amazing. That little black dress is a sight I wouldn't mind seeing again."

"Shut it Jackson." I snap.

"Why? I'm just giving you a simple complement. Something I know you don't get often."

"Awe, just like you haven't been getting as much ass." I puff out my bottom lip as Isaac snickers.

"That's enough!" Derek voice booms. He walks in with gloves on. "Jackson, you're a cold hearted snake. And we all know that a snake can't be poisoned be its own venom." Derek picks up a shard of glass and drops a bit of the venom down Jackson's throat. I tense as Jackson falls.

"You're still a snake, Jackson. Just not the one that we're looking for." Derek says walking away. I walk over and crouch by Jackson.

"I need you, to do me a favor." I start. Everyone walks out. "If you do it, you may just get something in return." A smirk slides across his face. "You pull back your statement on both Isaac and me, not only that, but you clear our names. But I have another favor, remember that motorcycle I wanted a few years ago? Get me that too. You have to do the first one, do the second one and I might add more to what you get back."

"So clear your names, and that motorcycle, with something interesting in return? I'll do it, but I have one condition."

"Jackson, sweetie, don't worry nobody's gonna find out."


"After I get that motorcycle and you clear our names."

"So tomorrow?"


I push myself up and leave Jackson laying there, paralyzed. Jackson was my first everything, boyfriend, kiss, hell we took each others virginity! Surprisingly, my parents would let me stay at Jackson's, before the abuse started. His parents, well adoptive parents, loved me. His parents died in an accident the day before his birthday, the original. They we're more than likely murdered. I wouldn't doubt it. I know more than what I should.

"Tabby!" I turn around with a smile. He drops his voice down low. "Do I get a preview?"

"Maybe when you aren't paralyzed." I reply leaving the building.
School went by way too slow. I guess I'm just anxious, Lydia gets tested during chem. Eighth period. Main problem is that's when everyone else has chem. Scott and his clique are going to try to stop us, but it isn't gonna work. Jackson owned up to paid his dues, Isaac and I are clear, and I got my motorcycle. I told him that he should break up with Lydia soon. They did, Jackson is way too desperate. Derek and I got into a huge fight earlier. We decided that we would stop seeing each other. I'm still part of the pack-ish, I'm on my own though.

"What the hell are you trying to do!?! Get killed!?!" He yells.

"It's none of your business what I do Derek!"

"Yes it is! I'M YOUR ALPHA!"




"Really, and where would you be if I hadn't of found you?"

"I would've been better off." A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Don't act like I had nothing to do with you being noticed."

"You're right Derek, you have everything to do with this. I was vulnerable and you took advantage of me. Guess what!?! Not. Any. More."

"Where will you live without me!?! Where will you eat!?! Who's gonna put clothes on your back!?! YOU NEED ME TJ!"

"No, I don't. I can do just fine as an omega. Even if the hunters come after me."

"Einstein once said: "Two thing are infinite, the universe and human stupidity." I'm not sure about the universe, but I've encountered infinite stupidity." Harris begins class. "That's why today you will be working in a series of groups to truly see if two heads are bigger than one. Our in Mr.Stilinski's case, half of one." Stiles Stilinski is a name I would hate to have. "Erica you'll go with-" A bunch of people raise their hands. "I didn't ask for volunteers, put your hormonal little hands down. Mr.McCall you will be partnered with Erica. Ms. Jacobs you will be with Ms.Argent."

I shift in my seat and glance at the hunter. Seriously Harris!?!

"You'll be fine. If she tries anything, kill her before she can kill you." Isaac whispers.

"You do realize that's why we couldn't come to school right? They thought we killed our parents." I retort.

"Well, just kick her ass if she gets cocky."

Mr.Harris finished assigning lab groups and the torture begins. Allison sits down beside me and smiles. I roll my eyes and glare at her.

"Looky here princess. You do not want to piss me off. If you do, I'll break you, in half." I sneer.

"Did Derek tell you to act tough, or are you doing this for yourself?"

"Watch it."

"Call it off."

The bell goes off and Allison leaves. Stiles slides into next to me.

"Woah. Okay one question, that probably be followed up with multiple more. How the hell are you alive?" He rambles.

"I don't know."

He looks back and forth before asking the next question.

"Were you the first to get bitten?"

"No. It was Jackson."

"But he's not a werewolf, or anything?"

"Derek doesn't know what's going on with him."

"Next." The bell rings again.

Really wishing that Erica or Isaac slide into the seat by my. My eyes avert to none other than Scott McCall himself.

"You're not a werewolf are you?" He asks.

"I don't know."

"You don't want to be a part of this either."

"In a way."

"You're gauging toward becoming an omega."

"Not an omega, just a different pack."

"You broke up didn't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"I heard it."

"I'm sorry about what's gonna happen to Lydia."

"What do you mean?"

"Derek knows that it has to be her, he's gonna kill her either way, or at least try."

"Okay, I'll help you if you do something for me?"

"What am I doing for you?"

"Stick with Derek for a while and try to stop him. If not, tell me his plans."

"I'll think about it."

"Lydia!" Scott yells.

"What?" She snaps.


She's immune, but I was so sure that it's Jackson.

"I'm so sorry. Meet me soon, in a few days. I'll fill you in on as much as possible." I whisper before running out of the room.

"Ms. Jacobs!?!" Harris yells at me.

I keep running and stop when I reach the end of the hallway.

"They're going to kill you. An omega never survives on its own." Derek sneers.

"You don't even know what I am. So how can they?"

"They know that you were bitten, to them, that's enough to kill you."

"So what if they do? Not like I'm important to anything anyways!"

"Then leave."


I grab my things and drag them outside. I kick the wall repeatedly wishing that this would all be over. Tears start down my face as I plop onto the ground. I grab my phone and stare at the screen.

"Ms. Jacobs, are you alright?" Mr. Harris asks easily. I squeeze my eyes closed and plop onto the floor. I bring my knees to my chest and bury my face. "Tabitha?"

"TJ?" Another voice floats through ny ears.

"JUST GO AWAY!" I scream causing people to flinch.

"TJ, what exactly happened between you and Derek?" Scott.



"Mr. McCall, try to talk to her, and get her out of the hallway for her own good."

"Yes sir."

Scott scoops me up in his arms and takes me to the boy's locker room.

"What happened between you and Derek last night?"

"Nothing, okay!"


"Nothing- Nothing happened!"

"You're lying, try to remember that I can hear your heartbeat."

"He-he-he kicked me out. The Sheriff said that he was thinking about putting me in foster, but what happens when I shift in front of them. Derek was right, I have nothing without him, it's all his fault too. If he hadn't of bit me, I'd probably be fine with foster, but no, I turn into a fucking wild animal every damn full moon!"

"Hey, look, I can help you."

"I highly doubt you can teach me control by the end of this month."

"Do you have anywhere to stay?"

"Jackson's, but I know that it won't last long. I mean, I could always go back to my house, but sheriff said I at least need someone as a legal guardian to do that. Right now all my stuff is in my house again, Jackson just has me sleep at his place."

"My door is always open."

"I-I couldn't do that Scott. I-I barely even know you, I-I can manage on my own."

"I don't care. If you need anything- ever, I'll be there."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because, no one else will. You had a choice to be bitten, I didn't. I don't see why you accepted."

"It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Just remember, I'll always be there if you need me. Just howl, or show up at my door. I'll be there in a heartbeat."

"Thanks Scott."

He wraps his arms around me pulling me to him. I hesitantly wrap my arms around him.

"You're welcome TJ."

Not the longest chapter, but it had a lot to it. That little thing at the end is going to lead into something serious hint hint. TJ and Derek got into it.


TJ is now an omega-ish, Scott has accepted her though. So if she does leave Derek she has Scotty Boy. Lol.

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