Summer Rain

By JJJiangx

3.7M 97.1K 13.1K

[Includes Something about Summer & After Rain] Raine Evans had everything. Okay, maybe not. So she avoided he... More

Summer Rain
[1] Dynamite
[2] Young, Wild, and Free
[3] Live While We're Young
[4] Mr. Know It All
[5] Hit the Lights
[6] Tonight, Tonight
[7] Fall to Pieces
[8] We are Young
[9] Starships
[10] Two is Better than One
[11] Good Life
[12] Thunder
[13] Summer Girl
[14] Beat of My Heart
[15] Fireflies
[16] Love Life
[17] Irreplacable
[18] Pocket Full of Sunshine
[19] My Dilemma
[20] Only Fooling Myself
[21] Love Song (Part 1)
[21] Love Song (Part 2)
[22] Some Hearts
[23] Take Me Away
[24] Kiss You Inside Out
[25] Gotta Be You
[26] Anywhere But Here
[27] I Must Be Dreaming
[28] Decode
[29] Airplanes
[30] Alone Again
[31] Break My Heart
After Rain
[1] White Houses
[2] Here We Go Again
[3] Ship in the Dock
[4] I Hate Myself for Losing You
[5] All Too Well
[6] I Can't Breathe
[7] Catch My Breath
[8] Like We Used To
[9] Impossible
[10] Curiosity
[11] Just Give Me a Reason
[12] If This Was a Movie
[13] That's What You Get
[14] King of Anything
[15] Daylight
[16] Heart Attack
[17] Unwritten
[18] Fall
[19] Sweet Nothing
[20] One More Night
[21] Fallout
[22] Same Mistakes
[24] Kiss Me Slowly
[25] I Need Your Love
[26] Looking Up
[27] Dark Side
[28] Endlessly
[29] Made in the USA
[30] Try
[31] Ever Enough
Extra: Forever and Ever
[18] Kaden's PoV: Secrets
Summer Rain Playlist & FAQ

[23] Alive

36.3K 1.2K 186
By JJJiangx

Picture of Avril on the side --->



Come on make me feel,

Until the pain don't matter.

Every second here,

Makes my heart beat faster,

Finally think I found what I'm chasing after.

~Alive- Krewella

     On Friday, I found out three things.

     One, Kallie liked telling me very big things at the very last minute. Big things, like a three day trip to Los Angeles for her parent's charity party and last minute like three hours before we were scheduled to leave.

     Two, she did this so she could pack my bad. The reason why she wanted to pack my bag is still unknown. I'm a little scared, though...

     And three, time, or fate, seem to hate me. Because an hour and a half before we were supposed to leave, Avril woke up. Don't get me wrong, I was glad she woke up. I had been hoping I would have more than an hour to talk to her, though, given that I hadn't seen her in over five years.

     "Dad?" I said as soon as I heard him pick up. I was on the way to the hospital, to at least see Avril before I left. I also wanted to get Owen, Avril's brother to visit her this weekend. Dad had told me he was planning to, but wasn't sure when. I didn't want Avril spending the weekend along, especially right after she just woke up. Besides, she probably missed him. "Where are you?" I asked, momentarily distracted by the loud voices on his end.

     "Golfing," he replied.

     I blinked. "Golfing?" We had a gold course back home, but dad hated it, he said it was messed up, though I suspect it was more his lack of ability to play gold that made him hate it instead of the course.

     "I'm in LA," he explained. Oh, okay that made sense. He had probably flown to California for the Fleming's company party, same as we were. "What happened?"

     "Avril woke up," I told him as I pulled off the highway. "Can you ask Owen if he can come this weekend? I don't want her to be alone."

     "I can try," he said, sounding a little frustrated. I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly as I pulled into the hospital parking lot. A thud sounded from the other end before he spoke again, this time sounding less distracted "It's a little last minute."

     "I know, I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd wake up so early." I looked up when I heard a knock on my window to see Blake gesturing for me to hurry up with a desperate and somewhat terrified expression on his face. "Dad? I gotta go. Love you, and see you soon," I told him, then hung up. "What's wrong?" I asked Blake getting out of the car.

     "She hates me," he told me flatly.

     I raised an eyebrow. "What did you do?"

     "What makes you think I did something?" he asked, sounding offended. I shrugged and locked Bells' car. "She thinks I'm lying to her about knowing you."

     I laughed as I walked into the hospital. "Sounds like Avril." it was true, Avril didn't trust people, especially strangers, very easily. "Avril McKenzie-Evans?" I asked the woman at the front desk.

     She typed into the computer for a moment, then examined me from above her glasses."Are you family?"

     I nodded. 'She's my cousin."

     "Room 102," the lady told me.

     "Thank you."

     "You're cousin's really blunt," Blake told me as we walked down the hallway. I laughed, stopping at the door labelled 102. I resisted the urge to gasp as I walked in. Half a dozen machines were positioned around Avril’s hospital bed, though most of them had been shut off. A cast was wrapped around one of her arms, an IV hooked to the other one. Purple and yellow bruises lined almost every inch of her exposed skin. A bandage covered her ankle, and I could just barely see another bandage around her ribs under the thin hospital gown. Her eyes widened as I walked in, then narrowed at someone -Blake- standing behind me.

     “Hey, Raine,” she said softly, giving me a small smile. “You grew up.”

     “Yeah, that’s usually what happens over time,” Blake replied from behind me.

     “And your brought the boyfriend,” Avril said, glaring at him.

     I looked between them, then turned to stare at Blake. “You told her you were her boyfriend?”

     He held his hands up. “It was supposed to be just family for visiting. Playing the worried boyfriend card was the only way I could get in,” he told me. He turned to Avril. “Don’t worry, babe, we can stage a fake break up.” She just rolled her eyes in response. I grinned, an idea forming in my head, it kind of made me feel a little like Kallie. “Raine, don’t smile like that, it’s creepy,” Blake said. He looked between Avril and I. “I’ll go now, hospital dinners are gross.” Then he gave a quick wave and walked out of the room.

     “You have weird friends,” Avril said, watching Blake walk out of the room. “I was starting to think he was a stalker. Does he like you or something?” she asked, eyes bright.

     I rolled my eyes. “No, Av, not all the guys I talk to like me.”

     “He was here every day for you, so you know, it’s not that weird of a guess,” she said, widening her eyes to fake innocence.

     I grinned. Other than her being in a hospital bed, and both of us being older, it almost felt like she had never left. “You were out for three days,” I told her quietly, changing the subject. I walked forward to give her a hug, then remember she had a broken arm, bruised ribs, a sprained ankle and probably still a bit of a concussion.

     “I’m not made of glass,” she said, reading the expression on my face. I chuckled and gave her a slight hug, being careful of the cast on her arm. “What day is it?” she asked suddenly, pulling away.

     “August first. Why?”

     “Just wanted to make sure I didn’t lose my memory or something. I mean, I went from-” she froze and shook her head. “Never mind.”

     That only made me more curious. I had always been the type of person who couldn’t stand it when someone stopped in the middle a sentence. “Av?” She turned to look at me. “What happened? After you left?” How had she ended up at the party, bruised and bloodied almost to the point of death?

     Avril just shook her head again. “I don’t want to talk about it. Please.” She fell silent for a moment, then brightened. “Let’s talk about you. Come here for a sec.” I slowly walked forward, unsure of what to expect. She reached forward slightly with the arm that wasn’t in the cast and tugged out the purity ring. “You still have it?” she asked with a grin. She let the chain go and grabbed my left hand. “And no chance of losing it yet.”

     I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, Avril?”

     “Anyone special?” she teased.

     For a moment, Kaden flickered through my mind. I immediately shoved that thought back out and shook my head. “No.” It felt stupid, discussing my non-existent love life and petty problems while she was strapped to a hospital bed with countless injuries.

     She rolled her eyes. “Fine, we can watch TV until you want to talk.” She pressed a button on the remote beside her and the small flat screen on the opposite wall turned on. And it was just my luck that what appeared on the screen was a picture of me and Kaden, kissing. Raine Evans and Kaden- the classically blond and beautiful Hollywood gossip reporter started. Before she could finish I grabbed the remote and switched off the TV.

     “How about we don’t watch celebrity gossip shows?” I suggested.

     Avril shot me a flat look. “Nice try. Who’s Kaden?”

     “Just a co-worker I’m fake dating.”

     “Just a co-worker I’m fake dating?” she asked doubtfully.

     I nodded vigorously, hoping she would let it drop.

     She didn’t. “You might be a good actress, Raine, but you’re also really easy to read.”

     I sighed. “He should be just a co-worker I’m fake dating,” I admitted.

     “But he’s not,” she stated. I shook my head. She raised an eyebrow and leaned back. “So what’s the story?” I sighed and gave up, knowing she wouldn’t let it go. It took me half an hour or so to explain everything. Kaden and I… We couldn’t exactly be explained in simple words. She let out a low whistle once I finished. “You guys are one messed up couple.”

     I shrugged. “Yeah, we were.”

     “And Raine, you’re an idiot,” she said.

     I shot her a confused look. “For ending it so late?”

     She sighed. “If I didn’t have a cast on one arm and an IV connected to the other, I would slap you right now.” Okay, now I’m even more confused. And I also feel a stupid. Avril has that effect on me. “It’s actually the opposite, Raine, you shouldn’t have ended it.”

     “You yourself said we were a messed up couple,” I pointed out.

     “Yeah, but you guys messed-up-ness worked. I don’t know how, but it did,” she told me.

     “You haven’t seen us together!”

     “I can tell by the way you talk about it. I’m not an expert on love, but a stranger could tell you the same,” she said, giving me a flat look. She opened her mouth to continue, but before she could, a nurse entered the room, holding a tray with Avril’s dinner.

     “Visiting hours are over in ten minutes,” the nurse told me, carefully setting the tray on Avril’s lap and unplugging the IV. She pushed a button to raise Avril to a sitting position and adjusted the pillows on the bed, before leaving.

     I grabbed my stuff. “I should go,” I gave Avril a half hug, avoiding the food on her lap and broken arm. “Owen will probably visit you this weekend,” I said, hoping to distract her from what we had been talking about before the nurse had interrupted.

     It didn’t work. “Raine, he’s happy with you and he loves you.”

     “You don’t know that,” I replied quietly, not meeting her eyes.

     She shook her head. “Maybe not, but the fact that he hasn’t given up on you says something.”


"I’m bored,” Kallie announced.

     Kaden sighed and shot her a flat look from his spot beside me. “There’s an hour left, Kal, just distract yourself.”

     Kallie let out an exaggerated sigh and walked into the back room where all of our bags were. Moments later, she returned with a bottle. “We’re playing Dare or Dare.” The only sound that echoed through the room for a couple seconds was the thud of Kaden’s head hitting his Law textbook. “Damn, you’re grouchy today,” Kallie remarked, taking a seat on the floor of the jet. “Come on, it’ll be fun,” she coaxed when no one made a move to join her. There were a couple more beat of silence, then Brett got up and sat down beside her. Then Bells and Clark. Then they all turned to stare at me and Kaden.

     “I’m scared,” I muttered, giving up and dropping to sit beside Bells. I was never good at resisting peer pressure. Another thud sounded through the room, then Kaden appeared next to me.

     "Kade, you probably shouldn’t do that, I don’t think you have enough brain cells to spare,” Kallie teased. He just shot her a flat look and half-hearted glare. ‘Why are you in such a mood today?” she asked, watching at him curiously.

     “Just tired,” Kaden replied with a sigh, rubbing his eyes. He gave Kallie a look I couldn’t quite read, but it must’ve meant something, because Kallie’s eyes widened and her grin vanished. I was debating whether I should ask what was up, but before I could, Brett cleared his throat and Kallie’s serious expression disappeared faster than it came.

     "I’ll start,” she announced, reaching forward to spin the bottle. Please don’t land on me, please don’t land on me, please don’t- It landed on me. Her grin widened to the point where I almost got scared it would swallow her face. “One sec,” she said. Then like before, she got up and walked into the back room. Except when she returned this time, she was holding a lollipop. Oh no. We stared at each other for a moment, me glaring, her eyes twinkling with pure evilness. “I think you know what my dare it.” She tossed the lollipop to Kaden.

     “Do I get a choice?” Kaden asked.

     “Can I chicken?” I demanded at the same time.

     “Brr, I don’t know how you guys pull off the happy couple shit, ‘cause I’m not feeling the love here,” Brett teased.

     “Nope. To both of you,” Kallie replied, ignoring her boyfriend.

     For a split second, a pained look flickered across Kaden’s face. It was gone before I could really examine it, and before anyone else saw it. It was enough to make me wonder what it meant, though. Maybe he had talked to Jillian, or even the girl who had sent him the picture, and was planning on asking one of them out after the fake dating thing, and this made things more complicated. I guess it did put a dent in the whole ‘moving-on-and-forgetting’ thing. For some stupid, stupid reason, the thought hurt more than it really should have.

     “Come on, it’s not that big of a deal. You guys are pretty much ripping each other’s clothes off whenever there’s a camera around!” Kallie exclaimed, pulling me out of my thoughts.

     Kaden sighed and unwrapped the lollipop, then put it in his mouth. I gulped and scooted over so I was sitting in front of him. Well this is really awkward, I thought as I leaned in, pushed the stick to the side and lightly pressed my lips to his. If I was truly skilled, I would’ve been able to take the stick and just toss the lollipop into the air, then catch it, but I wasn’t. As much as I wish I could’ve done that to avoid the awkwardness, if I tried, the lollipop would’ve probably fallen on the ground, and then I would have to do it again, except with two lollipops. Which would be even more awkward, if that was possible.

     I guess a good thing was that since Kaden and I had already been dared to do this, he knew how I did lollipop, sort of. I at least didn’t have to do the really awkward shove-tongue-against-lips-please-open-thing. Artificial cherries and mint was the first thing I tasted as I tried to flip the lollipop on to my tongue. It was a bit of a weird combination, but not unbearable. Kaden pushed the lollipop towards me with his tongue in an effort to get it over with. Technically, that was against the rules, the other person was supposed to stay still, but if anyone noticed, they didn’t say anything.

     Although I hadn’t played the game in a while, I still remembered some tricks to make it go faster, so luckily, between Kaden’s help and my sort of experience, it didn’t take too long. I think it was the fastest I’ve ever done it, actually. I shoved the lollipop to the side of my mouth, and leaned back.  

     “That was quick,” Kallie said, raising an eyebrow.

     I rolled my eyes and spun the bottle, wanting it to stop at Kallie or Brett so I could get revenge. But the odds were against me and it stopped at Clark. Hmm, I knew a good amount of dares, but not really any that could be done on an airplane. Brett, seeing my lack of ideas leaned over. “Dare him to let Bells brush his teeth with ketchup,” he whispered.

     I grinned. That actually was a pretty good idea. Except Bells wasn’t cruel, so she would do it carefully which would kind of ruin how amusing it would be. Then I got an interesting, and possibly very evil idea. “Clark, I dare you to let Bells brush your teeth with ketchup, blindfolded.” Clark’s eyes widened to the point where it was almost comical.

     “Well,” Kallie said, being the first to break the silence. “It’s nice to know you haven’t lost your touch.” Then she got up and walked into the back room again. She returned with a toothbrush and a piece of cloth. She walked over to the fridge in the corner and pulled out a bottle of ketchup. “This is going to be fun.” She handed the ketchup and toothbrush to Bells, then tied the cloth around her eyes.

     “Brett, I hate you,” Clark said, looking absolutely terrified.

     “Open up, Clark,” Kallie said, opening the ketchup bottle and helping Bells dunk the toothbrush in it.

     It ended up being pretty hilarious. Apparently, Bells didn’t have very good, direction, I guess you could say while being blindfolded, so ketchup ended up all over Clark’s face. He almost looked like he was bleeding. A good amount got in his mouth too, which he was forced to swallow. Then Kallie took mercy on him and told Bells she could stop. Bells tried to find the ground so she could set the toothbrush down, but only ended up getting ketchup all over Clark’s clothes. She finally let it drop and pulled off the blindfold. Then cracked up at sight of Clark covered in ketchup.

     “I hate you all,” Clark muttered, getting up. He left a ketchup trail that almost looked like blood as he made his way to the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, he emerged with a clean face and several wet stains on his shirt where he tried to get the ketchup out. “I don’t think I’ll be able to eat ketchup ever again,” he grumbled, sitting down far, far away from his original spot since there were still several the blobs of ketchup on the ground. He spun the bottle. It landed on me, but since I had already gone, he spun it again. This time it stopped at Bells. He grinned, and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

     She nodded.

     …And slapped Brett.


     Hard enough to leave a red handprint on his cheek.

     “Ow, what the hell?” Brett yelled out, bringing a hand up to his bright red cheek.

     Clark grinned. “That’s for giving Raine the dare idea.”

     “Not fair! You totally went easy on her!” Brett exclaimed. Clark shrugged and gestured for Bells to spin the bottle to continue the game.

     The bottle stopped at Kallie.

     Please give her something evil, please give her something evil. I chanted in my head. It was mean, I know, but Kallie had given us a lot of awkward dares, so it was kind of fair. But it was Bells, so I didn’t really expect much.

     To my, and I think everyone else’s, surprise, Bells grinned wickedly when the bottle stopped. “I’ll be right back,” she said, getting up. She walked into the back room and returned with a tube of lipstick a moment later. “I dare you, to let Brett cover your face in lipstick kisses, and you have to let us take a photo for Kaden to post on his Twitter.”

     Oh. My. God.

     That was as bad as Kallie’s dares. If not, worse. And it had been Bells who had thought of it. I launched myself across the circle and gave her a hug. “Thank you, I love you.”

     Kallie scoffed. “Gee, thanks Raine. I never knew you hated me so much,” she said sarcastically. I just pulled away from Bells and gave her an innocent smile. Bells handed Brett the lipstick, who stared at it as if it were an alien creature.

     “This is feels like wax paint or something,” Brett remarked, twisting off the cap and rubbing a bit off with his finger.

     “I don’t think wax paint exists,” Clark told him, snickering.

     “It kind of is, but for your lips,” Kaden said at the same time. “What?” he asked, holding his hands up defensively when we all turned to stare at him. “They put it on me if I’m doing a TV appearance.”

     "How do you stand this? It feels so… Girlish.” Brett winced as he smeared some of the lipstick on his lips.

     Kaden laughed, clearly enjoying his discomfort. “You get used to it.”

     “I hope I never have to,” Brett replied with a shudder.

     “Okay, I think that’s enough. Now, pucker up,” Clark said, a wide, almost Kallie-like grin on his face. I guess we were all enjoying this just a little too much. Kaden pulled out his phone as Brett scooted closer to Kallie.

     “This is weird,” she muttered as Brett pressed his lips on her forehead. He then did her cheeks, chin, nose, and eyelids. It should’ve probably finished there, but we were having fun getting revenge so we all went around and told Brett to re-do any spots he missed. By the end, Kallie’s face was pretty much compeltely covered in lipstick. But the beauty of it was that you could still tell they were kisses, and not just someone drawing on her face with lipstick.

     “I can see this going with the caption ‘Brett likes to test him lipstick on my baby sister’. What do you think, Kal?” Kaden teased as he took a picture. She simply glowered at him in response and stood up to wash off the lipstick. When she came back, she was grinning.

     “Remember, my dear brother, that you haven’t gotten your dare yet,” she said, spinning the bottle. Then, almost as if she had predicted the future, it stopped at Kaden. Bells, Clark and I all shot him a ‘you’re-screwed’ look. Kallie grinned and leaned over so she could open the fridge. She pulled out a small container of chocolate ice cream. “I dare you, to lick chocolate ice cream out of Raine’s belly button.” Holy crap. Not this dare again. This used to be a favourite dare of Bells’ for me, because pretty much everything was ticklish to me, when it came to my stomach. I guess Kallie was using it now.

     I shook my head wildly. “Ice cream is sticky, and cold, and I don’t want it on my stomach,” I said, using my most innocent and childish voice.

     “You don’t have a choice,” she told me, letting out a laugh that sounded so evil it belonged in a Disney movie.

     “How am I her twin?” Kaden asked, pointing at his sister. “She’s like.. Cruella De Vil or something.”

     “I wouldn’t say you’re Bambi or something, Kade,” Kallie replied.

     “I didn’t say I was. I don’t think I’d want to be a deer…” he trailed off, looking like he was actually considering it.

     Kallie rolled her eyes, seeing right through his act. “No stalling,” she said, shoving the ice cream container into his hands. “Down,” she told me. I groaned and reluctantly lied down. “Shirt,” she instructed next. I sighed and pulled up my shirt to expose my stomach. Then someone poked me.

     I yelped. “Hey, that was not part of the plan.”

     “Yeah, she’s still ticklish,” Kallie said, laughing. I felt something cold, and wet drip onto my stomach and shuddered.

     “Don’t move,” Kaden told me, somehow suddenly beside me. “I think she’s targeting us,” he whispered with a weak smile.

     “What was your first clue?” I replied, half-glaring at Kallie out of the corner of my eye. He chuckled, then disappeared from my view. I felt a bit of pressure on my stomach and did my best to hold in a laugh. I don’t think it worked though, because I heard a sigh and a couple seconds later actually felt Kaden’s tongue on the side of my stomach. It felt like forever before he finished, though it had probably only been a couple minutes. “Ew, I’m sticky now,” I said, pulling my shirt down and sitting up.

     “Descent in five minutes,” a voice announced a speaker hidden somewhere along the jet.

     “Okay, Brett, your turn. This’ll be quick. Sort of.” Kaden opened the fridge, switching the container of ice cream for an ice pack. “I dare you to put this down your pants and keep it there until we land.” What? That didn’t sound that bad. Except Clark was wincing despite it not being his dare and Brett looked absolutely petrified. Okay, I guess it’s a guy thing then.

     Brett took the ice pack from Kaden, holding it like it was on fire. “I will never forgive you for this,” he said, then disappeared into the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom, Kallie put away the bottle and we moved back to our seats. When Brett came back, the ice pack was no longer in his hand and a permanent grimace was set on his face. He carefully made it to his seat beside Kallie. “I swear to god you are trying to take away my ability to father children in the future,” Brett grumbled, glaring at Kaden as he shifted in his seat.

     Kaden shrugged. “Good, I never liked the idea of my baby sister pregnant anyway.”

     “Three minutes, Kade, three minutes,” Kallie said as we began descending.

     “When will it end?” Brett muttered, still glaring at Kaden. Immediately after the plane stopped, Brett ran into the bathroom and took out the ice pack, causing us all to laugh.

     It took half an hour to get all our stuff off the plane and loaded into the car Kallie and Kaden had rented for the three days we were here. Then another half hour to get to the hotel. By the time we got up to our room, we were all pretty tired. It was only ten or so in LA, but all of were on New York time, and it was one in the morning there.

     Kallie unlocked the door. “Kaden, you and Raine are sharing a room and bed. This  was the only suite available, sorry,” she said, not really sounding sorry. Great. This is kind of really déjà vu. Except I had the feeling Kallie did it on purpose this time, despite her innocent expression.

     “Pillow barrier?” Kaden suggested teasingly.

     She rolled her eyes. “Or you guys can be mature adults and just keep to your sides of the bed.” She tossed me a duffel bag. “The rest of your stuff is in one of my suitcases. That should have all you need for the night.” Then she retreated to her room with Brett. I walked to the room Kaden and I were supposed to share and set my stuff on the bed, biting my lip. This kind of puts an even bigger dent in the ‘moving-on’ thing.

     “I can take the couch if you want,” Kaden said quietly, dropping his bag on the opposite side of the bed.

     I shook my head, feeling guilty already. “No, it’s okay. We can be mature about this. Or if that fails, we’ll go back to the pillow barrier idea.” I managed to give him a weak smile, then turned to the bag Kallie had packed me. The first thing I found when I unzipped the bag was a long gold dress in a plastic bag. I blinked. I hope she doesn’t expect me to sleep in this, because that would be just a bit uncomfortable.

     “That’s for the charity ball,” Kaden said. Oh, okay that makes sense. I nodded and hung it up in the closet. Then walked back to my bag. The next thing I found was a bag with my toiletries. Then I pulled out what she expected me to wear for the night.

     It was black and lacy. Very, very lacy. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was. It kind of looked like shirt, but at the same time not really. Either way, I was definitely not wearing this. I’m pretty sure it showed more skin than it covered. It barely even covered what it needed to.

     So this is why she wanted to pack my bag. I shoved the…thing back into the bag and walked to her room. “Kallie?” I called, knocking on the door. When I didn’t get a reply, I pushed open the door.

     And immediately got scarred for life.

     "Kalysta Caroline Fleming, I hate you," I yelled, shutting the door immediately. I headed back to the room Kaden and I shared, doing my best to banish the disturbing images from my mind.

     Kaden looked up as I stomped over to my bag. "What'd she do now?"

     I picked up the scrap of lace Kallie had packed for me, pinching it between my thumb and index finger like it was dripping acid. It might as well have been, because there was no way I would be sleeping in it. "She gave me this to wear," I told him. Then blushed and dropped it back into my bad when Kaden's eyes widened and I realized that this was Kaden and really awkward. "And I can't get anything else because Kallie and Brett are busy," I continued, hoping to distract him from the garment I had just held up.

     It worked, a little. He frowned and a disgusted expression crept onto his face. "I was hoping the ice thing would save us from hearing that, but I guess not." Then he smiled wryly and reached into his bag. “Seems like Kallie had a plan.” He tossed a shirt onto the bed. I recognized it immediately as his football shirt from high school. “I was wondering how this ended up in my bag. You can use it, if you want, I haven’t worn it for years,” he said hesitantly, watching my expression.

     I didn’t reply, instead just stared at it. I could remember nights when Mom and Dad’s arguing got so unbearable that I would just scribble a note and walk over to the Fleming’s house. Especially after Kaden and I started dating in secret. It became one of the few times I got to see him, alone. Most times, I would stay the night and he would usually lend me a shirt to use. This shirt.

     “You don’t have to,” Kaden said, pulling me out of my memories. He had a pained expression on his face, much like that one that had flashed across his face on the jet. I had a feeling he knew what I was thinking about, or was thinking it himself. “I’m going to go take a shower.” He scooped up a couple of his things and headed into the bathroom, leaving me alone with the shirt to make a decision.

     I didn’t have that many choices.

     I could wait for Kallie and Brett to be done, but I had no idea how long they would take. Not to mention it would be exceptionally awkward.

     I could just sleep in the clothes I was wearing now, except I was in jeans. I’ve slept in jeans before, but these ones had studs on them, and I didn’t want to kill the mattress, or Kaden, if either of us moved in our sleep.

     Or I could just use the shirt. I fingered the edge of Kaden's shirt, then sighed and picked it up.

     Scheming Kallie was back.

     And the worst part was, I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.


*grins* I had fun writing this chapter. It's a lot more like the stuff in SaS. :D

Vote, if you liked Avril.
Comment, if you found the Dare game kind of funny.
Fan, if you're kind of happy Kallie's back to her scheming.

Update: Aiming for Monday. Latest Friday.
Teaser: "I just wanted to tell you, so if you want me to stay away from you, I will."
Question: If you could 'get' one of the guys for Christmas, who would it be? ;3

~JJ :)

PS. Longest chapter. :D

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