Undeniable Desires

By ScarlettDaniels

465K 9K 1.2K

"So, you've been on a date with each of us now." Declan said, taking a hold of Emmalee's hand and bringing it... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
I'm sorry.

Chapter Eight

30.5K 744 49
By ScarlettDaniels

Nerves settled in the pit of Emmalee's stomach as Asher lead her into a club she had never even heard of before. They had bypassed the line where at least a hundred people grumbled and complained and walked directly passed them to the security guard who merely nodded his head and let them pass. She let him take her hand as they entered the dark dark corridor, the beat of the music vibrating her already nervous stomach.

"Where are we?" She heard herself yell, unsure if he was even able to hear her even then.

Asher turned to look at her, his signature goofy grin covering his face, and he leaned down pressing his lips close to her ear causing her to blush at their sudden closeness. "This is Declan's before midlife, midlife crisis." He laughed. "Welcome to Déjà Vu."

Her eyes widened as his words sank in. Declan owned this place? "You guys are rock stars and club owners?" She asked incredulously, the shock on her face causing Asher to laugh.

"I'm just a rock star. " He said, winking at her. "I don't have time for all of this. Declan, though, has specific tastes, he expects certain standards to be met." He said with a shrug, lightly taking her by the arm to lead her through the crowd of dancing couples. He released his hold on her once the approached the bar, and pulled out the stool for her.

"Thank you." She said lightly, taking the seat. Glancing around, she took in the sight before her. The club was dimly lit with strobe lights flicking on the dance floor. The Deejay sat in the far right corner, speaking with a couple she assumed was putting in a request. To the left of him was a lounge of sorts, a massive glass table surrounded by a plush white sofa and a matching love seat. Despite the many occupants, the place was immaculate.

"What would you like to drink, Emmalee?" Asher asked, pulling her back to the present.

"Uh, " She said with a nervous smile. "I don't really know. I never really drank before. "

Asher stared at her a moment, completely floored, before chuckling softly. "Ahh," He sighed happily. "Sweet and innocent Emmalee, we're going to have so much fun corrupting you. " He teased.

She couldn't stop the blush the found her cheeks. "What do you mean by that?"

He laughed, merely shaking his head. "Nothing to worry about right now. " He winked. " Would you prefer to go somewhere else? We don't have to drink. "

Emmalee shook her head. "No, it's okay. I want to stay. " She said simply. Going out and drinking had never been on her priority list, simply for the fact that at one point in her life she has always been working, but mostly she never saw the fun in having a drink at a bar alone. "I'll have what you're having. "

A small smirked curled his lips as he stared at her a moment. Turning, he waved over the bar tender and leaned over the counter. "Two shots of tequila, salt, lemon, and a coke. "

She watched as the bartender nodded, and moved to grab to shot glasses. He quickly poured the tequila into each of the glasses before hanging a lemon on the side of each glass before grabbing another glass, filling it with ice and coke. Pushing the three glasses and a salt shaker towards Asher, he smiled. "Are we doing a tab tonight Asher?" He asked.

"You bet." He replied with a goofy grin before turning his attention to Emmalee. Gently, he pushed the coke over I front of her and smiled. "You'll need that. " He said before placing her shot in front of her. "Alright,"He said, taking her hand, running his finger over the skin between her thumb and pointer finger. "Lick here and shake some salt on top of it. " He released her hand and demonstrated on his own, quickly passing the salt.

She nodded, but followed his instructions, feeling slightly odd about it. "Okay?" She asked.

"Now, remove the lemon and place it on the napkin at the side of your glass. " He said as he did so himself. "On the count of three we are going to lick of the salt, take the shot, then bite the lemon. Got it?" He smiled as Emmalee nodded. " One, two, three..."

Asher watched as Emmalee mimicked his movements, lifting her hand to her mouth as he did and the licking away the salt. In the same movement they grabbed for the shot and threw it back. He couldn't stop the laugh that passed his lips at her as her face instantly twisted with disgusted. "The lemon,"He laughed. "Quickly, bite the lemon. "

She quickly grabbed it and sunk her teeth into it, when that did nothing to remove the taste and slight burn she grabbed the ice cold coke and gulped it down. "That was disgusting. " She groaned softly.

"It gets better once you get used to it. " He said simply.

"Who would want to get used to that?"

He merely shrugged, smiling. "I didn't like it at first either. " He spoke honestly. "Now it's my go to."

She started at him a moment in disbelief before shaking her head. "You honestly like this...this crap?" She asked motion to her now empty shot glass.

He laughed again. "I do. " He stated as he leaned towards her. "Perhaps I should have started you off on something different. " He pondered before turning back to the bar tender. When the man returned in front of him he smiled, sitting up straight. "Two lemon drops please. "

"I don't know Asher," Emmalee began.

Asher pressed a single finger to her lip to silence her. "This one is better. I promise. "

Flushing slightly Emmalee nodded and took a deep breath.

"Okay,"He smiled, pushing the shot in front of her. "This one is the same way as before. Sugar,"He said, holding out a packet for her to take. "Instead of salt. "

She reached out and took the sugar packet. "Alright, let's do this. "

Flashing her a toothy grin, he licked the same spot on his hand and poured the sugar. "Cheers," He said, holding the small glass out to her after she had caught up.

"Cheers,"She replied, lightly tapping her glass against his. She then quickly licked the sugar away before downing the new liquid, cringing at the burning sensation it causes on the way down her throat. "Yuck," She groaned, shuttering, as she reached for the lemon. "Okay," Emmalee looked up at Asher as he laughed at her once again. "That wasn't as bad as the first one, but it still wasn't good. "

"We have time to figure out what you like. " He said moving closer to her. "Do you want to dance?"

Emmalee shook her head no, not being much of a dancer. Rhythm was one of the many things she wasn't graced with but it never really bothered her. She was content sitting her watching the people around them also enjoying themselves, and obviously Asher's company. She wanted, no, needed to know more about him, and now seemed like the perfect opportunity. She had already gotten to know a little about Declan, but this was the first time her and Asher had been alone together.

"Do you want to try something else then?"

Her eyes widened. "No, thank you, I'm good for right now. "

He laughed. "Okay, I can respect that. What do you want to do?"

She pressed her lips together, contemplating how to ask the next question without seeming like she was prying, even though that was probably what she was doing, but something about earlier still bothered her. "Early today when we were at the loft," She started, keeping her gaze on him. "Why did you get so upset when-"

"Two shots of tequila!" Asher yelled to the bar tender, cutting her off. Emmalee pressed her lips together, unsure of what to say. She knew the way he cut her off it wasn't something he wanted to talk about. The shots were placed I front of him and he quickly threw them back, one after the other before turning back to her.

"Sorry. "She murmured simply.

He shook his head and took a deep breath. "I was married for ten years to my high school sweetheart. We had been through everything together from the start of the band to when we got big, quick. "He began, running his fingers through his hair. "She was chasing her dreams to be a model while we were working on our music. My having come into money helped her with that. Then Corrine became pregnant. " He smiled softly at the memory before looking down at the empty glasses in front of him. "When she was 16 weeks pregnant we found out it was a little girl..."He trailed off as his voice cracked.

Emmalee reached out and placed a gentle hand on his arm. "It's okay. I don't need to know. We can talk about something else. "

Asher shook his head again and took a deep breath. "We went on tour for a month in Europe and I called her everyday to see how she was doing. Everything was progressing fine or so she had told me, but when I got back the baby was gone. "He lifted his hands, and covered his face, rubbing away the burn from threatening tears from his eyes. "She had gone to Mexico and paid for a late term abortion because the pregnancy was destroying her figure and she didn't want to miss her chance at being a world famous model. "

She stared at him in utter disbelief. Never in her life had heard something so vile and disgusting as someone destroying an innocent life to preserve their figure. It was something she could have probably gotten back so easily with dieting and exercise, and it was probably a routine she was already in as a model in the first place. "Two more shots of tequila!" She called out to the bar tender.

After a few more shots, the mood had mellowed out evenly between them. Asher was now drinking a beer as Emmalee nursed a fruity cocktail as they embraced themselves in small talk and good laughs. "So, tell me about your family. " Emmalee eventually asked, a soft giggle passing her lips.

He gave her a knowing grin and open his mouth to speak when someone else spoke for him.

"He's got a younger sister. His father died when he was three and his mother never remarried. He's close to his family. "

They both turned their heads as the woman spoke, Asher instantly pressing his lips into a thin line. By the look of Asher's look of complete distaste, Emmalee assumed it couldn't only be one person. "Speak of the Devil and she shall come. " He spat vehemently.

"Ash, don't be like that. " Corrine sighed. "I came here to speak with you, not fight. It was hard enough getting through the doors. "

"See, the problem is that you should have never made it through the doors." He said with an uncaring shrug. "And I really have no interest in speaking with you. "

She took hold of his arm, waking something in the pit of Emmalee's stomach that she didn't quite understand. She found herself jumping to her feet, placing her hand on Corrine's shoulder. "Excuse me, he expressed that he has no desire speaking to you, so if you wouldn't mind I'd like to get back to my date. "

Corrine looked over her shoulder, giving Emmalee a look of pure disgust before shrugging her hand off. "Honey, it's not a date. He's trying to get laid. I know my husband and your really not his type. "

Emmale scoffed, pulling her hand off Asher's arm as he sat forward and bellowed,"Ex-husband." And got to his feet.

She could stop the smirk that came to her lips as she pushed Corrine aside, grabbing a fistful of Asher's shirt and pulling him down to where their lips were mere centimeters apart. Where all this courage was coming from, she didn't know, but part of her knew that she was probably going to regret it later. "If I'm not his type, why is it that he's in my bed every night." Her lips then crashed to his, Asher's response was immediate, taking her by surprise. One arm wrapped around her, pulling her close, as she felt the fingers of the other tangle in her hair. His tongue lightly nudged her lips apart, causing her to gasp in surprise. To say this was all new to her was an understatement. She mimicked his motions her tongue lightly thrusting against his own, earning a soft moan rumbling from his chest.

Breathless, Emmalee slowly pulled away, her hand still holding on to his shirt trembling slightly as the other lay wrapped around his neck. "Ready to go to bed?" She asked, her voice trembling with desire.

Asher gave her a goofy grin, before turning back to Corrine. "Sorry, got to go. Wait, no I'm not." He took Emmalee by the hand, once again leading her through the crowd.


Asher pressed Emmalee back against her front door, his lips crashing back to hers. He knew he was moving far fast for her, but the soft little moans that passed her lips didn't do anything to motivate his desire to stop. Her hands clutched as his hair and his shoulder as her mouth moved against his. His arms moved around her her waist, pulling her close, his hips lightly grinding his erection into her core.

Emmalee gasped, pulling away from the kiss and tightening her hold on his hair at the electric sparks surging in her core and at the pit of her stomach. "Oh!"

Asher's mouth moved to her neck, a light smirk gracing his lips as he repeated the motion earning a throaty moan. "Please. "She begged breathlessly. As she moved to perch her leg over his hip, the door flew open behind them causing them both to fall back.

Declan moved ,startled, to catch them, but ended up being taken down with them. Emmalee lay on Declan's lap giggling softly as Asher nuzzles his face in her chest, laughing softly himself. "Are you kidding me?"Declan groaned. "You two are completely pissed. "He sat forward and examined the pink tinge to Emmalee's cheeks before pushing Asher off her. "Get up. "

Confused, Emmalee took his offered hand and looked up at him. "No one is angry. "She told him matter-of-fact causing both the men to chuckle.

Asher leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "He means we're drunk sweetheart."

"Oh, God, are we?" She giggled. "I've never been drunk before. " She said pondering on it.

Declan looked at Asher, "Never?" Asher smiled and shook his head causing him to sigh. "Don't look so proud of yourself Ash. She's going to hate you in the morning. "He leaned down and pressed a light kiss to his lovers forehead before moving to Emmalee, placing his hand on her lower back. "Let's get you to bed love. I have a feeling your morning isn't going to be that great. "

Hey lovelies! So how was chapter eight? Got to see a little bit of Asher's past and see a side of Emmalee we've never seen before. Things are steadily picking up. I hope you guys are still enjoying UD. Please tell me what you think. Comments, votes, and shares are motivational. Thank you all for your support. See you guys next time!

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