The Neglected One: Naruto Of...

By Animenin117

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Book 2 Even a well-lit place can hide salvation A map to a one-man maze that never sees the sun Where t... More

2: Devils
3: The Graves
4: Who is he?
5: Devil Fighting
6: The New Aprentice
7: The Exorcist
8: The Rivival
Chapter 9: His First Time...
Chapter 10: Determination

1: Kuoh

13K 149 76
By Animenin117


++ Change POV

--- Small Timeskip

I can see every tear you've cried

like an ocean in your eyes

All the pain and the scars have left you cold

I can see all the fears you face

through a storm that never goes away

Don't believe all the lies that you've been told

I'll be right here now

to hold you when the sky falls down

I will always

be the One who took your place

When the rain falls

I won't let go

I'll be right here

++ *1st POV Naruto* (This is a first XD)

I sat in the seat next to Erza's hospital bed.

"E-Erza..." I croaked out.

"Shh" She whispered as she rubbed her fingers over my hand. No longer were they young and soft, but old and rough. "My time has is up in this world. I don't have much time left. I...I hope you live a better"

Her heart beat was getting slower and slower as tears found its way to my eyes.


The world had stopped as I stared at her hand which had fallen from my grasp. Her heartbeat monitor only showed a zero and a still line. I was frozen. The alarm went off as doctors rushed in, but they couldn't do a thing. She was dead.

"Erza" I choked out as tears fell from my eyes. No longer was I the legendary and heroic 'Shadow Fire' in the books of children. I was reduced to my young self, a crying, weak boy, needing love.

I ran out of the hospital as tears flew behind me before tripping on a root of a tree. I slammed my fist into the ground.

"Damnit...damnit, damnit, damnit, DAMNIT!"

I had learned that 80 years had passed since the Great War. I had not changed, but everyone else. They all had. They were dead. None of them were alive. What was worse, was that they died, thinking that I was dead. The sorrow that they were put through, it was all because of me.

I walked home sorrowfully, dragging my bag along with me. My chakra coils were completely destroyed, so all hopes of becoming a shinobi again were dispelled. The Tailed Beasts...they were gone like my chakra. I was just a regular civilian now. The shinobi and mages were gone. Where? I have no idea, but I will find them. That is a promise.

I will be attending Kuoh Academy, a high school that was once an all girls The school actually had a beautiful campus and was humongous. It was made like a European mansion, well not like I knew, I just guessed. It was pretty and sustained many sports and activities, but...I didn't like it. Not that it had anything to do with the school and how it was designed, but I just wasn't a school kinda person. I hate studying.

Damn, I hate school.

I opened the door and dumped my bag onto the ground before jumping onto by small bed. How I could jump from the door to my bed? Because I live in a tiny studio, that's why. I'm friggin broke. What do you expect from me? The money I have now isn't worth shit. The only thing supporting me is Erza's money that she gave me, but that will run out soon.

I don't even know why I'm not even in a small, self made hermit home.


The alarm beeped, destroying my dreams of ramen. Who the fuck does that? Well apparently my alarm clock does. Prepare for the consequences muther fucker.

I got into the sucky uniform with my sucky bag and my sucky kunai under my sleeve. Apparently, my weapons weren't affected by age so that was good.

I walked through the gate and soon everything was quiet. Not that there wasn't anyone there. EVERYONE was there, but they're just staring at me. See why I think school sucks? People stare at you the second you step foot into the school!

I walked up to a girl, who soon grew red and fainted. Some strange people these are! I walked up to a boy who looked angry at something and asked. "Where is the principal?". Why I asked? Well I need to talk to her about my homeroom and shit.

"Why the hell should I tell you!" He screamed in my face before stalking away with some of his goons. The hell was up with him?

I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked to the door with, may I add, EVERY GIRL STARING AT ME. I kicked open the door, despite it being locked and walked in.

This place is seriously creepy and weird.


I got a detention on the first day of school. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to kick open locked doors. Well then. Time to do it all day, because I am prepared to give that sucky principal, HELL!

Who gives out detention slips on the first day of school?

I sat, staring at the teacher who kept droning on and on about math and things that were boring. How was math going to help in a ninjutsu battle? How would algebra help me in defeating strong enemies? The most it would do, is bore the enemy to death. It wouldn't help me improve my ninjutsu one bit! Not that I could do use ninjutsu anymore, but still.

The bell rang and I raced out of class, bumping into a few red faced girls that were walking towards me with cards and wrapped gifts. Oops. Sorry bout the cards and the presents.

I raced down the stairs and jumped off the last few. Suddenly, some boy decided to "accidently" spill some water on the floor where I was landing. Oh shit. I slipped on the water and flew out the door when....


I slammed right into a red headed girl. Like, super red. Like long, super red, hair. My hands moved to pick myself up, but they got caught on something else. Something big, but soft.

I squeezed once, much to the anger of the boys behind me.

Moans erupted from her mouth. I smirked and squeezed more. More moans. I got into a thinking position.

"Hmm, the Red Hot Habanero(Kushina), The Titania(Erza), and now Super Tits. I wonder who's next?"

The red headed girl finally got out of her ecstasy dream land and glared at me. "W-what do you think you're doing?" She said, blushing.

"Well, I was going to rush home, but it seems I found something better to do" I smirked.

"G-get off me!" She quickly scrambled away as I pouted.

"Aww, you don't like me?"

"N-no! I mean..." She turned even more red by the second. This was fun!

"Welp" I stood up and took my bag. "I gotta go! I'll seeya later super boobs!"

I ran away, leaving the girl behind really quickly. Even if I didn't have chakra, I'm still pretty muscular and athletic so I made it home pretty quickly.

I took out a few apples I stole from the cafeteria and bit into them. Sure they weren't as good as ramen, but they will have to do. It's not like I'm rich. I'm still broke.

I'm still surprised why I'm not in a small, self made hermit home yet.


I just got chewed out by the teacher because I didn't do my stupid homework. Well, I'm sorry that I couldn't find the answer to a complicated question that only Einstein could do! Then came the lecturing. Dear god, I will do anything to stop the lecturing.

School had ended so I walked into the library and went on my favorite fanfiction website, Wattpad and pulled up a story. It was titled "The Neglected One: Naruto Of Fairy Tail" and was written by Animenin117. Funny, because my name is also Naruto.

"Oh, so I see you are here?"

I turned around and saw that red haired girl again.

"Oh hey Tomato Hair Super Tits"

She quickly grew an irk mark. "My name i-isn't Tomato Hair S-Super-"

"Hey! It's that guy who groped Rias-sama with his dirty hands! Get him!"

A crowd of people, mostly boys, charged at me as I jumped up on my chair. "Gotta go! Seeya later Tomato Tits!"

I charged out of the room screaming. "You know what else has dirty hands that groped your Rias-sama? DEEZ NUTS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I think that just made them more angry.


I sighed as two stupid perverts tried to rape me. There was a third, but I'm not sure he wanted to do such a thing, especially with his flimsy ass noodle arms.

"How could you grope Rias-sama!" One of them screamed in my ear.

"I can't believe you did that!" The other one screamed in my other ear.

These three were known as the pervert trio. Known for their open pervertedness, most girls stayed away from them. Wait, correction: every girl.

"Oh for fucks sake" I exclaimed. "I just did it once or twice! It was someone else's fault for making me slip!"

The two slid off me as crocodile tears were streaming from their eyes.

Jeez, these two. The third is okay, I guess. Okay, scratch that. He'st glaring at me. Don't know what pissed him off.

"Hello Naruto" I turned around and looked at Kiba, who was known as the school's pretty boy and was right up there with me on the "I want to be with him" girls list.

The pervert trio glared at us even harder.

"Hello Yuuto. How are you on this fine day?"

"Not very great" Kiba sighed. "With all these girls running around me, it's getting tiring"

I nodded. "Yeah. It really is tiring. See, that's the reason why I always jump out the window. I guarantee one hundred and ten percent that it will work in getting the girls away. Try it one day!"

"I-I'd rather not, but thank you for the suggestion"

I think the pervert trio's glares just turned into lasers. This school sure is strange.


I laid down on a branch as I groaned to the unmistakable sound of perverted giggling. I've heard it way too many times from Ero-sennin to mistake it for something else. The source? No other than Issei, Matsuda, and Motohama, the infamous Pervert Trio.

Ero-sennin would be proud of these three.

As of now, the three were peeping on the kendo club as they changed. I think this is the best time to do something I haven't done in years.

"You havin a good time?"

Issei nodded as his grin widened. "Yeah..."

"It's must be great looking at all that skin, right?"


"Good, because you better enjoy it while it lasts"

Issei's face soon had a confused emotion on it before...


I chuckled as I jumped up with insane skills, landing on a tree branch and watching from the shadows. The Perverted Trio's eyes widened as their super pervy danger senses tingled, and they jumped away...or at least tried to.

"W-what happened!"

"I don't know!"

I chuckled even more as they never noticed the wires binding their feet to the floor.

"So you're the people who were peeping on us, huh?"

I flinched as screams of pain and the sound of bamboo sticks hitting flesh soon filled the air. Damn, I nearly feel sorry for them. Notice how I said nearly.

Now I know that I can never get caught, pranking the Kendo club. Never said I wasn't gonna do it.


I snickered as the Perverted Trio's screams of pain was still heard throughout the entire school.


As my snickers slowly faded, I felt as if someone was watching me. Me, being a former shinobi, I noticed this easily and turned to where I felt the source of the feelings was coming from. I soon realized that someone was actually watching me. Actually it was two someones. Two girls.

The two were looking through a window and was wearing the standard Kuoh Uniform. One of them was T.T, or Tomato Tits, and the other one was a girl, just as beautiful with long black hair and purple eyes. She had pale skin and her black hair was tied in a ponytail.

I grinned and mouthed the words "Tomato Tits" To the red haired girl as she facepalmed. The black haired one looked at me in amusement before saying something to her.

I decided to give them a small show, so I started to run up a tree and before I fell, I jumped off and grabbed a tree branch nearby. I quickly swung myself up and stood up, not showing a slight bit of fear from the height. I grinned at their awed faces and waved a good bye, before jumping onto a few tree branches and running away.

That looked completely badass on my part, I must say.


Until the bell rang of course.

++ *3rd POV Rias*

"Akeno, who is that?" Rias Gremory asked, as she watched the blonde haired boy jump into the trees. Throughout all this time, she's seen him so many times, but yet she didn't know anything about him.

"That is the new student, Naruto Namikaze" Akeno said, still somewhat amused by the 'Tomato Tits' words from the blonde. "He's in some of the classes with Yuuto, but other then that, not much is known about him. It's been a week since he's been here and a many of the girls here like him" she smiled teasingly. "Why has Buchou-sama become so interested in Kuoh's new student? Is it because you like him as well?"

Rias sputtered. "Him?" She asked incredulously. "I'd rather date a pig than that loudmouthed, dirty lightbulb!"

Its was a split second, but Akeno, swear she saw a smile flit across her face.

"Ara-Ara, you must admit, he does have a handsome face" Akeno said. "And his whiskers look so cute! His blue eyes remind me of the sky and his blonde hair-

"Please be quiet"

"Yes, Buchou-sama"


++ *3rd POV Issei*

Issei always knew he had bad luck with woman, but god must have granted him a miracle because right in front of him, was a beautiful girl who he was currently dating.

Her name was Yuuma and she had come up to him randomly and asked him out. Not only that, but she was hot! How lucky was he?

The two had just finished their first date and it had been incredible...well at least to Issei. He just assumed that she thought it was great. They had done everything Issei imagined a couple would do, eat together, buy things together, anything he imagined.

Now they were in the park and the sun was going down. The beautiful colors surrounded Yuuma, making her more pretty than before.


"Yes Yuuma?" Issei asked, his heart beating quickly.

"There's something i was hoping you would do for me to commemorate our first date. Will you grant me my wish?"

Issei's heart was going faster than Naruto could run and he knew how fast Naruto could run. He was part of the horde who tried to get Naruto after all!

"W-What is it?"

"Will you die for me?"


"Huh?" Issei scratched his cheek, confusion evident on his face. Maybe he didn't hear her correctly. "Uh...could you...repeat that? I don't think I heard you right"

Suddenly Yuuma's smile became sinister, making her once cute face, evil looking.

"Could you please die for me?"

Without warning, wings burst from her back, ripping two holes in her jacket. The wings were large and looked much like angel wings, except the feathers were black instead of white.

She flew up into the sky and floated above the confused and flabbergasted Issei.

"I've had a lot of fun with you these past couple of days" Yuuma said as light seemed gather on her hand, creating a long spear. "Dating a child like you was a nice break for me and I'll always treasure this gift you gave me" She held out the scrunchy that he had bought her on his date. "That's why I'm going to make this as painless as possible"

She threw the spear at the shocked boy. Issei, shocked to the point where he couldn't move as he was still trying to understand what was happening right now, could only watch as the spear flew to him closer and closer.

Fortunately for him, there was someone else in the area who saw what happened. Issei was roughly shoved away as the spear imbedded itself in the pavement right where he once was, before disappearing.

"Who the hell are you!"

Yuuma looked angrily at the person who had just saved Issei's life, and for the first time Issei couldn't have felt more grateful in his life to the person who had just saved him.

"Hello there. I'm Naruto Namikaze and I'm sorry to say, but you can't kill him"

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