This can't be real... {Markip...

By HazzardHannah

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I would like to say a huge thank you to @cakeiplier for helping with progressing the story This story contain... More

Chapter 1: Look at the random man- OMG ITS MARKIPLIER
Chapter 2: Teddy bear leg
Chapter 3: I'm so holy!
Chapter 5: Ahhhhh... FRICK ME
Chapter 6: Sexy and I know it
Chapter 7: Yawn......yawwn....yaaawww- SHUT UP!
Chapter 8: Cuddles
Chapter 9: Awkward Lap Dance
Chapter 11: The fuck?
Chapter 12: Rude!
Chapter 13: Kewl band brah
Chapter 14: Dark sides.
Chapter 15: Finding something we shouldn't...
Chapter 16: (Warning: Sexual scenes)
Changer 18: JACK???
Chapter 19: Ow...
Chapter 20: "Like you..."
Chapter 21: Freddy...
Chapter 22: You're my heroes...
Chapter 23: WHY CHICA? WHYY?!?!?
Chapter 24: OH MY LORDY LORD
Chapter 25: Fight...Fight...Fight...
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28: Nude... ALMOST
Chapter 29: Sheeeshhhh...
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32: Dark?
Chapter 33: M-Mark?
Chapter 34: Night 7
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:

Chapter 10: Grinding

90 1 3
By HazzardHannah

Mark soothingly strokes my hair as I huddle myself for warmth.

"Mark, Truth or Dare?" Nellie asks Mark.

"Dare?" He asks a little worried, I have my eyes shut but I still listen while Mark is holding my hand and rubbing in circles.

"I dare you to stick a hand up Hannah's shirt." Nellie responds and he freezes; he stops stroking my hair and hand.

"W-What?" He sounds a little scared and my heart beat has rapidly sped up.

"You heard me, she's asleep. She won't even notice." She convinces him but he doesn't say anything.

"I'm not some sort of pedo.." He trails off and I open my eyes slightly to see him looking at my face, but not wide enough for him to see.

"Come on dude." Wade cheers him on and I feel a hand creeping up my shirt, I fidget in my 'sleep' so my head in on his crotch and my face is facing his tummy. I have brought my arms across my torso to stop access to certain things that shouldn't be accessed by Marks, well not yet anyway. So smooth... ;)

"Something else? Please?" Mark pleads and everyone goes silent, Mark has kept his hand resting on my stomach under my shirt.

"How about-" I stop Nellie in mid sentence.

"How about you guys stop talking about molesting my 'sleeping' body?" I sit up and cross my arms.

"You have been awake this whole time?" Mark asks as a blush is set on his cheeks, I just nod in response. We decide to end the game of Truth or Dare after that.


I feel a little creeped out after watching 'The Conjuring.' It wasn't really scary but it sure had a lot of jumpscares. I quickly check the time to see it's 2am. I don't want to go to bed, I wanna stay up all night. (And party like porn stars). By now we have all had a couple of drinks so we are a bit woozy.

I crawled out from the den of pillows and blankets to take the CD out of the CD player, I carefully place it back into its case. I then return to the warm den.

"What now?" Mark asks us all and we all think for a moment. What can we do?

"We could always, you know sleep?" Bob suggests as he snuggles into Wade, I then walk over to the stereo to turn some music on.

'Freak of the week' begins to play and I can't help but start to dance a little bit. Nellie then hops up and begins to dance with me, we begin to grind on each other like most girls do in the club. Mark then stands up too and grinds on me from behind, I hear a faint sound of cameras but I choose to go along with it and pose.

Nellie has ran off to go to the toilet so I bend down to shake what my mama gave me on Mark's crotch. He grabs my sides as we continue to get well into the music, after a minute I stand back up to be greeted with a Mark nibbling on my neck from behind.

"Woowoo! Be safe on the dance floor kids." Nellie shouts as she walks back into the room. She drags Wade up and begins to grind on him too, for a split second I think about Molly but Mark begins to nibble on my sweet spot which makes me let out a small moan.

Everyone is a laughing and giggling mess, but I notice that Nellie is a far distance from Wade so I guess it's fine. Marks hands have started to roam my body as he leaves a trail of kisses there.

Bob stands up and begins dance too, so Mark quickly pulls me under the den and throws me onto the pillows. He lays next to me and we laugh at all the silliness, I snort a couple of times and I don't even care. Everyone is a blabbering and giggling mess. I turn to Mark who leaves a small kiss on my nose.

This is the best night of my life.


I accidentally wrote 'This is the best high of my life' at first. That would've gone in a completely different direction.


I slowly open my eyes to see a Mark on top of me. His head is crammed into my neck and his body acts as a human blanket. I feel his breath hit my skin and I feel tingles down my spine.

I stand up after carefully pushing him off, holding my head a little. Bob is passed out on the couch while Nellie and Wade sleep either side of him.

I take some paracetamol and pop out 4 extra pills and some glasses of water, I take a glass of water and a paracetamol over to Mark. I set down the glass and pill near by.

"Hey, Markimoo. Wake up dear." I slightly shake him and he just moans something along the lines of 'I don't wanna'. I continue to shake him and he eventually sits up, I hand him the glass and paracetamol. He gulps down the whole glass and burps loudly after. I just laugh.

"What's the time?" He asks and I check to see it's 3:12pm.

"Quarter past three." I rub my eyes.

"I guess I'll have to do some more videos. Last night was fun, huh." He looks at my neck and smirks. "Guess I left my 'Mark' on you."

I rub a tender spot on my neck which has probably turned to a hickey by now. I smirk when last nights events come to mind.

"That was the best night of my life, like seriously. That couldn't of gone better. Is it always this fun to hang around you guys?" I giggle slightly. "To think I've only known you two days, and we're already so close."

"Yeah, it's so strange how quickly we connected." He looks deep into my eyes and I feel my heart warm up. "I don't want to leave..."

"Well, you don't really have too. I mean it's fun having you around." I begin to draw shapes onto Mark's hand while avoiding his eye contact a little.

"Well, I might have to go to my house to collect a few things. I guess I'll stay with you for a bit, if that's okay." He looks into my eyes and I get lost into his dark chocolate eyes... I want chocolate now. I hug him while whispering 'Bring back chocolate, otherwise you can't come in' into his ear. He giggles and I giggle back. I brush a hand through my hair and fringe to move the birds nest of hair from my eyes.

I stand up and walk over to the trio sleeping on the sofa, I wake them all up at the same time. Nellie stands up with only a top on.

"Nellie? Why are you only in a t-shirt..." I trail off and spot a condom wrapper lying near by. I cover my mouth in shock and horror with no words, I turn to see Mark with the same shocked expression. Bob and Wade both stop laughing and I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Got you. We had an amazing plan to prank you.... ow..." She covers her forehead with her hand, probably from her sudden hand over head ache.

"Just... go put some underwear or something on." I give Wade and Bob some paracetamol and a glass of water, Nellie finds hers in the kitchen after putting some leggings on. I think back to last night, I was grinding on my best friend like it was nothing. God, it was fun. I need to let my drunk and silly side out more often.

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