From Darkness To Light~ Jack...

By Nikole_9894

722 41 9

It's been ten years since The Guardians saved the children of the world from Pitch Black plunging everything... More

Chapter 2~ Do you love me?
Chapter 3~ Dream, and Shadows.
Chapter 4~ Despair

Chapter 1~ Arguments

211 13 3
By Nikole_9894

"What do you mean there's no such thing as Santa Clause?!" Sophie shouted, not wanting to believe for a second that her parents were being honest.

"Sophie, lower your voice." Mr. Burrell chided.

"You're how old, Sophia?"

Her mother asked, to which Sophie rolled her eyes and muttered, "Fourteen."

"Exactly, you need to start acting like it. You're too old to continue believing in this... This nonsense!" she continued.

"You're the one who told me to take pride in what I believe in!"

Sophie countered, throwing her hands up in the air for emphasis.

"Well, I also told you that there is a time where you need to grow up."

Mrs. Burrell had begun to raise her voice-especially on those last two words. Sophie's stomach churned at the thought.

"Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I actually enjoy believing in them, mother... Why can't you just be okay with that?!"

"Because you need to stop pretending and start to see the real world!"

"Well that world is full of nothing but the mundane selfishness of people willing to kick you down in order to get what they want! I don't see why you would rather see life like that instead of trying- like I do- to see the magic in everything. I have friends, I have good grades. Why, or where exactly is there a problem?!"

Sophie spat back. She mentally shot arrows at her father for always sitting there, allowing the women of the family to go at it.

"Its time for you to stop behaving like a child and start acting your own age!"

Sophie grit her teeth; preventing the flow of profanities that threatened to flow  without thought. Little did the Burrell's realize, a certain white-haired immortal listened both curious and concerned from outside.

"How could you say that?! It's not like my believing in them is causing problems!"

Sophie's voice cracked, her green eyes tearing up out of anger and hurt. Jack's heart clenched  as he searched for a way to let her know he was there without alerting her parents- Not that they would see him anyway. A way only she would notice... His eyes landed on the window, his reflection in the glass taking Sophie and her parents out of focus. The light from their fireplace and various other dimly lit lights showed in his face, giving him a sort of rosy complexion. His eyes reflected the light, appearing to have gold in them. With a smirk, he tapped the window frame, swirls of delicate and intricate frost designs appearing along the outer rims of the frame. Hearing the small tap, Sophie shifted her gaze from her mother's face to the window. Seeing the sudden change in the glass, her heart skipped a beat.

'He's back already? It's only the beginning of November.'

She thought. And sure enough, there he was. Snow white hair slightly mussed and sticking out from the dark blue hoodie she'd given him last Christmas. He made eye contact with her, sending a chill down her back. Giving her an encouraging smile, Jack looked up, causing the air to fill with snowflakes. Sophie felt slightly comforted, knowing that, (as per usual) Jack would be there for her.

"That's not my point. My point is I can't have my fifteen year old prancing around, believing in fairies and leprechauns and whatnot."

Her mother yanked Sophie's attention once again. She bit her tongue, glaring at her mother, stringing a sentence together not containing profanities.

"Well mother, since you know everything, explain a few things to me."

"Like what?!"

Her mother snapped, irritation oozing from her words. Her father paid attention now, uneasy about what his daughter was going to say.

"Explain Easter. I highly doubt you could hide the eggs in different places every year."

Jack smiled; he knew where this was going. Sophie's mother grew silent, trying to come up with a scientifically correct answer, but came up blank.

"What about Christmas? Last year I didn't tell you guys anything that I'd really wanted. How would you like to explain how I received just about everything that I could have asked for, when you and I hadn't spoken since you went on your 'business trip'."

Her mother remained silent, growing angrier as Sophie continued,

"How about the sudden cold weather? In July? That whole 'Global Warming' thing is bull so that does not count as an answer."

Sophie mentally frowned, moving her gaze to the window, silently asking Jack for help to which he pointed to his teeth.

"Tooth fairy? Oh, I do suppose you have all my baby teeth, mother." Sophie laughed in spite of her statement as her father's unease grew with her mother's temper.

"How about dreams, or better yet nightmares or even fear?! Or, no! The time Jaime went on that whole sled escapade! Everyone in town saw it- That ice was not there before Jaime went on that ride."

Sophie shifted her gaze to both of her parents for answers. Both were silent as a pair of stones.

"Exactly. So when you can explain all of those, then I will listen. But until then, let me believe what I want and leave me alone about it!"

And with that, Sophie stormed out of the living room, making sure to stomp up the stairs as loud and obnoxiously as she could. Sophie was about to slam her bedroom door behind her when she heard her parents yelling her name from downstairs.

"This discussion is not over."

Her mother shouted. Sophie angrily shoved her door and stormed to the edge of the staircase, spitting back,

"Well I'm done talking, so don't bother calling me down for dinner."

Turning on her heels, she slammed her bedroom door behind her, ignoring her parent's objections to the sound. Sophie fell onto her bed, screaming her anger and various other frustrations into a pillow. Angry tears streamed down her cheeks as she waited for the familiar breeze announcing Jack's arrival. She felt cold along her neck but remained relatively still. Her window clicked and the side of her bed shifted. Jack's familiar peppermint-Pine tree scent wafted towards her. He placed his staff on the table next to them and lay down beside her. Sophie shifted and buried her face in Jack's shoulder. Her tears wet his neck, giving him goose bumps.

"It's sort of ironic how you're Jack Frost and you get goose bumps."

She laughed hoarsely, distracting herself. Jack smiled and replied,

"I'm more human than you think."

Before sitting them both up. Jack sat cross-legged in the center of her queen bed, allowing Sophie to crawl into his lap and hold him tight. He squeezed her back, resting his cheek on her head.

"I'm back, sunshine." He whispered.

"It's good to have you back." Sophie replied, curling into her best friend.

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